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Author: loveyabang

bila nak start ambil neurogain?

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Post time 30-8-2009 06:38 PM | Show all posts
pinku so far makan vits dr klinik kerajaan tu je..kalau makan neurogain nie kena tinggalkan vit2 b complex, folic ngan ferum tu ye, makan nie je??

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Post time 30-8-2009 07:39 PM | Show all posts
pinku so far makan vits dr klinik kerajaan tu je..kalau makan neurogain nie kena tinggalkan vit2 b complex, folic ngan ferum tu ye, makan nie je??
pinkunoneko Post at 30-8-2009 18:38

mkn sekali ngan vitamin dr klinik tu.
nuerogain lebih pada perkembangan otak bayi.

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Post time 1-9-2009 10:25 AM | Show all posts
patut lah boleh makan neurogain ni...

farmasi2 kecik kat tepi jalan..bagi diskaun..dapatlah rm48 sebotol....

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Post time 26-11-2009 11:44 AM | Show all posts
ala....pregnant kali ke 2 ni br tau neugain ni...tu pun ada member bgtau smlm
seach kat cari hari ni...ada thread ni..ruginya x mkn dr first ari tu

pasni nak gi beli 5 bulan..sempat lg makan ni..

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Post time 26-11-2009 04:04 PM | Show all posts
thx for da info uolss.
nk start mkn neurogain nila

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Post time 17-12-2009 05:11 PM | Show all posts
sy pon nak makan neurogain gak..hehe..

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Post time 1-1-2010 09:16 PM | Show all posts
tunex mhl kn? dlm 100++.bru td bli neurogain.kt klntn ni sush nk dpt.watson n guardian mmg tkde oder.bli pn kt frmasi kecik jer.dpt la dlm 53.

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Post time 2-1-2010 08:41 PM | Show all posts
tunex mhl kn? dlm 100++.bru td bli neurogain.kt klntn ni sush nk dpt.watson n guardian mmg tkde oder.bli pn kt frmasi kecik jer.dpt la dlm 53.
Radiostar Post at 1-1-2010 21:16

kire murahlah tu rm53.kat kian farmasi ade....itu pun less 20% jer dr retail price rm63.00.

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Post time 4-1-2010 08:46 AM | Show all posts
aku gilir2 mkn.kirenya ahad aku amek bio liquid calcium(sbb tkleh minum susu) n mlmnyer amek obimin.esknye mkn neurogain n mlmnyer mkn asid folic.tkut gak n mkn serentak empat2 tu dlm 1 hr.

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Post time 4-1-2010 02:49 PM | Show all posts
tapi betul tak aku dengar orang kate, kalau dah amik obimin tak payah amik asid folic lagi sebab dalam obimin tuh dah ade asid folic n segala vitamin, aku tengok kat pack die pun mmg ade tulis....

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Post time 4-1-2010 02:57 PM | Show all posts
tapi betul tak aku dengar orang kate, kalau dah amik obimin tak payah amik asid folic lagi sebab dalam obimin tuh dah ade asid folic n segala vitamin, aku tengok kat pack die pun mmg ade tulis....
diya_kasih Post at 4-1-2010 14:49

masa ngandung sulung, intan buat check up kat Klinik Komuniti Bangi...dia ada bagi mcm2 ubat, tapi tak makan..cos asyik sembelit, tak buang air besar dua 3 hari..seksa woo..pastu amik obimin dan neurogain, susu enfamama je...bila gi check up lepas tu, dia tanya ada lagi tak vitamin semua yg dia bagi intan ngaku dah stop tapi amik supplement lain dan sebut apa yg intan amik ...dia tak kesah pun..keheheh...kalau darah tak ok je dia akan bagi suh makan...alhamdulillah..sampai bersalin intan amik tu je..

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Post time 4-1-2010 03:32 PM | Show all posts
aku search yg neurogain nih, ade 2 jenis untuk preggy nih, neurogainS dan neurogainPB... which one better ek ? nak amik yg mane satu nih ?

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Post time 5-1-2010 09:21 AM | Show all posts
aku search yg neurogain nih, ade 2 jenis untuk preggy nih, neurogainS dan neurogainPB... which one better ek ? nak amik yg mane satu nih ?
diya_kasih Post at 4-1-2010 15:32


intan rasa neurogainS ni produk baru mederis agaknya...sbb sebelum ni tak penah pun nampak..intan surfing laman web dia meh kita share..tengok dari chart tu neurogainS paling elok sbb berikut:

                                       NeurogainS  : 1 kapsul=325 mg
                                       NeurogainPB:  1 kapsul= 250 mg


NeuroGain "S" DHA supplement for pregnant and breast-feeding women helps provide you with the daily requirement of DHA that may be lacking in your diet.

DHA is an important nutrient for your baby during pregnancy and while you are breast-feeding. Each NeuroGain "S" vegetable softgel capsule provides 325mg of DHA. By taking one easy to swallow NeuroGain "S" softgel per day, you can meet the recommended level of DHA for pregnancy and breast-feeding. This ensures that your baby will receive the proper amount of DHA in addition to most pre-natal vitamins.


Pregnancy and breastfeeding place tremendous demands on your body and can deplete your own omega 3 fatty acids.
Both Omega 3 and Omega 6 Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are essential but our body requires them in a ratio that is not normally achieved by the typical diet of today’s industralized nation. They must be consumed regularly as our body has limited storage for them”.
Docosahexaenoic Acids (DHA) is an important for pregnant and lactating mothers because it helps to promote proper brain and eye development in fetuses and infants.
“If there is insufficient DHA for the baby, fetal development may be imparied resulting in lower IQ and poor visual acuity.”

Daily requirement of DHA during Pregnancy & Lactation (%)

Health Expert advices 300mg/day of DHA during pregnancy and lactation.
Only ONE (1) capsule of NeuroGain S will help you to achieve 108% of the recommended intake of DHA.

Apart from the DHA differences per capsule, the new NeuroGain"S" is in Pink bottle and made in Japan. NeuroGainPB is in the blue bottle and made in Germany.
Similiarity between both product :
**  come in 30 capsules per bottle, for a month supply.
**  comes in easy to swallow vegetable soft gel capsules (non beef/porcine) to ensure better protection against oxygen sensitif DHA
*   Pregnant and breast-feeding women especially pregnant women with poor/unbalanced diet(omega 6 rich and omega 3 poor); Allergic to fish and eggs.
*   Pregnant women with a history of low birth weight babies, pre-term births.
*   Closely spaced or multiple pregnancies.
1.  Help support your baby’s brain and eye development
2.  Scientifically formulated in line with health experts for pregnant and breast-feeding women.
3.  Highly Concentrated form of DHA (DHA: EPA ratio of 10:1) allows you to receive the full recommendation of DHA withouth the risk of receiving excessive EPA. Conventional fish oil naturally rich in EPA is not suitable during pregnancy and breastfeeding as may lead to increase of blood loss at the time of delivery.

4.  Safe and Effective made possible by molecular distillation and with removal of PCBs and heavy metals to minimise risk of contamination

5.  Made from Pure High Quality “Super –Refined” Natural TG-marine oil ensures better absorption and improved efficacy

6.  Only One Small Easy to Swallow Softgel Vegetable Capsule Per Day give you 100% the daily DHA recommendation.

7.  Unsurpassed Quality with 100% animal free vegetable capsule provides excellent protection against oxygen sensitive ingredients like DHA while gives low odour, taste and aftertaste.
+  Please consult your Doctor and Pharmacist for professional advice. The information provided herewith is general in nature and is not meant to replace proper consultation and follow-up by healthcare professional. Every patient has special needs which require personalized attention.
NeuroGain the trusted brand since 1998.
NeuroGain range of product include NeuroGainPB, Galactis, NeuroGain and now the new NeuroGain"S"

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Post time 5-1-2010 09:57 AM | Show all posts
oleh itu , kengkawan ku..marilah kita makan neurogainS..keheheh

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Post time 5-1-2010 12:12 PM | Show all posts
semalam diya dah pegi kat farmasi, n diya rase kat malaysia nih memang ade jual yang nuerogainPB jek... sebab semalam tanya yg neurogainS tuh, takde plak kat farmasi tuh.. so semalam dah beli, dapatlah harge RM50, tp kat botol tulis RM63.90. minggu depan dah masuk 16w, so ingat nak stat lah makan neurogain nih...

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Post time 5-1-2010 12:26 PM | Show all posts
Takde yek?hmm...takpe..intan cuba cari kat farmasi dulu...diya gi farmasi apa?

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Post time 5-1-2010 12:44 PM | Show all posts
aku breastfedding...mkn yg jenis PB je..
sbb x pernah nampak yg jenis S tu.

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Post time 5-1-2010 01:40 PM | Show all posts

neurogainS baru lagi...

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Post time 5-1-2010 01:49 PM | Show all posts
supplement pun namanya...bukan main source.
i guess PB pun dh ok...utk tambahkan kandungan DHA intake..

S tu utk org yg tak amik mknn yg ada sumber DHA langsung..
mcm susu dan ikan.

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Post time 5-1-2010 03:53 PM | Show all posts
semalam ku tanya pharmacy columbia
dia prescribe obimin plus
dia kata sama jek ngan neurogain nya ingredint
just vendor beza
apa pun semua nak terbaik for anak kan lai2 1st baby
tp dulu ku makan jek apa doc klinik biasa tu bagi
obimin n kalsium
now pi specialist baru bagi ubat mahal sket
apa pun ku rasa yg penting pemakanan harian gak
bkn supp semata2

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