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ada terdengar khabar angin. betulkah Hizbut-Tahrir Malaysia didalangi fahaman wahabi?
[ Last edited by ibnur at 25-5-2008 12:14 AM ] |
Reply #1 adi_iskandar's post
saya ada beberapa orang sahabat yang HT ni,
Mereka ni berbaur wahabi juga.
Sayangnya mereka tidak tahu wahabi dan HT sama sama mengkafirkan masing masing dan saling bermusuhan. |
Originally posted by adi_iskandar at 5-4-2008 03:08 AM
ada terdengar khabar angin. betulkah Hizbut-Tahrir Malaysia didalangi fahaman wahabi?
Hizbut-tahrir adalah jemaah Islamiyah yang bergabung memperjuangkan Islam melalui siasah politik antarabangsa. Antara jemaah yang termasuk dalam hizbut-tahrir ialah Ikhwanul Muslimin Mesir, Jamaat i-Islami Pakistan, pergerakan Hamas Palestin dsbnya. Di Malaysia ini PAS bolehlah digolongkan termasuk dalam jemaah ini.
Jika ada kutu wahabi yang terlibat dalam jemaah ini maka mungkin mereka tersilap masuk ataupun bodoh yang tak tahu bahawa wahabi sendiri memfatwakan bahawa jemaah hizbut-tahrir ini adalah golongan sesat lagi menyesatkan. |
Hizb-ut-Tahrir is a political party whose ideology is Islam. Its objective is to resume the Islamic way of life by establishing an Islamic State that executes the systems of Islam and carries its call to the world. Hizb-ut-Tahrir has prepared a party culture that includes a host of Islamic rules about life's matters. The party calls for Islam in its quality as an intellectual leadership from which emanate the systems that deal with all man's problems, political, economic,cultural and social among others. Hizb-ut-Tahrir is a political party that admits to its membership men and women, and calls all people to Islam and to adopt its concepts and systems. It views people according to the viewpoint of Islam no matter how diverse their nationalities and their schools of thought were. Hizb-ut-Tahrir adopts the interaction with the Ummah in order to reach its objective and it struggles against colonialism in all its forms and attributes in order to liberate the Ummah from its intellectual leadership and to deracinate its cultural, political,military and economic roots from the soil of the Islamic lands. Hizb-ut-Tahrir endeavors to change the erroneous thoughts which colonialism has propagated,such as confining Islam to rituals and morals.
Hence, Hizb-ut-Tahrir was founded in 1952 in Al-Quds in order to resume the Islamic way of life and carry the Islamic call to the world.
As for the resumption of the Islamic way of life, the reality of all the Islamic lands is currently a Kufr household, for Islam is no longer implemented over them; thus Hizb-ut-Tahrir adopted the transformation of this household into a household of Islam. With regard to determining whether a household is Islamic or not, this is not dependant on whether its inhabitants are Muslims or not, but rather in what is implemented in terms of rules and in whether the security of the household is in the hands of the Muslims, not the Kuffar.
These two conditions determine whether the household is a household of Islam, even if most of its inhabitants were non Muslims. The fact that the current existing states in the Islamic world are states of Kufr is evident and does not require explanation, for all of their constitutions do not consider the sins as crimes that entail punishment, and they adopt the systems and the rules of the capitalist democratic system and they effectively implement them in economy, education and all the aspects of life. These constitutions deem the sovereignty to belong to the people, not to Allah (swt), they recognize the international treaties that totally contradict Islam and they do not Islam as a intellectual leadership to the world.
With regard to Hizb-ut-Tahrir being a political party, this is because politics in Islam is looking after the affairs of the Ummah domestically and externally and Allah (swt) has commanded the governing of the Ummah's affairs by Islam and nothing else. This command is discharged by looking after the Ummah's domestic and foreign interests and by conducting them exclusively according to Islam; this is performed by the State and by the Ummah who accounts the State. In order for this to be achieved practically, Hizb-ut-Tahrir must be a political party that undertakes within the Ummah this task and works towards seizing the reins of power through her; thus Hizb-ut-Tahrir is not a spiritual bloc, nor is it a moralistic or a scientific bloc, but rather a political bloc that works towards the management of the Ummah's affairs as a whole according to Islam.
The rise of Hizb-ut-Tahrir was in response to Allah (swt)'s saying: T.M.Q. 揂nd let there arise from amongst you a band that calls to the good and commands what is right and forbids what is evil and those are the ones who will attain felicity. |
Hizb-ut-Tahrir has also determined its method of progress in view of the fact that Islam is an idea and a method, i.e. a host of tangible rules that preserve the idea and bring it into existence. Its method of progress is in fact the method of the Messenger of Allah (saw), for it is a group of clear and defined Shari'ah rules. The party proceeds in the three periods which the Messenger of Allah (saw) proceeded in order to achieve his objective:
1- The period of study and culture in order to generate the party culture and incorporate the ideology in a groups of individuals, i.e. in order to form the bloc.
2- The period of interaction with the Ummah and the struggle for the sake of making her adopt the ideology of the party as her own, make it her raison d'阾re and work towards establishing it.
3- The period of attaining and seizing the reins of power through the Ummah in order to implement the ideology in a comprehensive manner, because it is forbidden to seize partial power. Hence, the arrival at the ruling must be total and the implementation of Islam must be comprehensive.
Hizb-ut-Tahrir has proceeded in the realm of life according to these periods; thus it completed the period of culture by achieving the objective of the period, which is the incorporation of the ideology in individuals, and whose method is culturing. Hence, the party achieved its intellectual formation and it became incumbent upon it to achieve its political formation; thus it moved towards the "Interactive Period" via the "Departure Point" and it set about challenging the prevalent relationships with the aim of destroying them. At the same time, the party worked towards implanting the thoughts and the emotions of Islam in society and it fought a host of political battles in society in its quality as specific political party; thus it moved towards motivating the masses openly, courageously and repeatedly, which enabled it to address society in order to bring the Ummah out of her old situation and steer her towards gathering on the basis of a new format and according to the thoughts that the party has spread and which have generated an effect amongst people. Hizb-ut-Tahrir has also criticised the plan of political struggle that politician and the Ummah had been pursuing at the time, and it has dealt a catalogue of severe blows to the non Islamic thoughts and opinions that were prevalent in society, be it those that emanated from the champions of nationalism, communism and the like, or those that emanated from the individuals and groups who allowed the Islamic call to be carried in parts and selectively, or from those who carried the political views of alignment to the West or the East or non-alignment or similar. Hizb-ut-Tahrir has also challenged the projects of protectorates and colonial alliances which Eisenhower imposed upon the Islamic world, by exposing them to the Ummah and incite her to account the ruler for accepting them; it also exposed the entente between the USA and the USSR in Vienna whose outcome was confining the supervision of international issues to the two superpowers. The party explained the effects of such an entente on international politics and on the movements of the agents in the Islamic lands. Hizb-ut-Tahrir has also monitored the policies and the political plans of the unbelieving states in the Islamic lands and it exposed many of the political conspiracies concocted against the region and its peoples, such the project of internationalising Al-Quds which America and her agents endeavored to implement it in the early sixties. The party has also exposed the conspiracy of surrendering Al-Quds and the West Bank one year before they fell in the hands of the enemy and it exposed the reality of the fedayyeen organisations which the British had established in order to settle the issue of Palestine . Hizb-ut-Tahrir has also watched the plans and styles of the United States which were aimed at spreading her hegemony over the lands of the Muslims, as well as the successive actions that led her to have total control over the oil, in addition to other conspiracies against the Ummah and the region.
Hizb-ut-Tahrir has been throughout all these events working as a political party, in touch with the world, aware of its conditions, perceptive of its problems, acquainted with the motives of its states and peoples, pursuing the political actions that occur in the world and monitoring the political plans of the various states with regard to the styles of execution, the nature of the relationships between them and the political manoeuvres which these states perform. In addition to all of this, Hizb-ut-Tahrir continued throughout its progress to work within the Ummah as a political party with a specific cause, which he carries, defends and endeavours to make the Ummah embrace it and to gather support for itself and its cause. Hence, the party has been a movement that struggles in order to establish the State to implement Islam in a radical and comprehensive manner. The party has had a major effect upon society and upon the political life of the Muslims, and upon the various thoughts and emotions, such as socialism, secularism, nationalism and priesthood. Consequently, Islam has gathered a public opinion in society that emanates from a general awareness. With regard to the political life of the Muslims, the idea of establishing Islam in the realm of life is gathering momentum among the Muslims and this idea has started to turn from a spiritual force within the Ummah into a material force, and the current of Islam has started to stand up to the other belligerent forces, and Islam has become to the Muslims a Deen with the State as part of it. Moreover, the Islamic Aqeedah in the hearts of the Muslims has become linked to thoughts about life and to the systems of legislation, i.e. the Islamic Aqeedah in the hearts of the Muslims has become a spiritual and a political Aqeedah. |
Forgot to say, the last two post are sourced from
And this is wiki version :
Hizb ut-Tahrir (Party of Liberation) is a internationalist Sunni, anti-nationalist, pan-Islamist vanguard political party whose goal is to unite all Muslim countries in a unitary Islamic state or caliphate, ruled by Islamic law and headed by an elected head of state (caliph).
Taqiuddin al-Nabhani, an Islamic scholar and appeals court judge (Qadi) from Haifa, founded the organization in 1953. Since then Hizb ut-Tahrir has spread to more than 40 countries, and is estimated to have about one million members.Hizb ut-Tahrir is banned, but still active in, several Arab and Central Asian countries, is very active in the west, particularly in the United Kingdom.
The party promotes "an elaborate and detailed program for instituting an Islamist state" which will "establish the laws of the Islamic Shariah and to carry the Da'wah of Islam to the world." It believes this "comprehensive solution" will provide "sincere leadership that cares for and protects its citizens from the colonial foreign policies of Bush and Blair" and bring an end to "US interventions, energy inspired wars, puppet (Muslim) governments and western values forced by the barrel of a gun." HT is strongly anti-Zionist and calls for "the dismantling of the illegal entity of Israel," whose leadership "has never concealed its hatred of Muslims and have been calling for the destruction of Muslims since the very beginning." HT believes a caliphate "will provide stability and security to all the people of the region, Muslims and Non-Muslims".
Observers differ as to whether HT is a victim of unjust and untrue allegations of connections to terrorism, or is only opposed to "the use of violence now," not to "violence as such.
Aims and methods
The stated aim of Hizb ut-Tahrir is to unite all Muslim nations in a unitary Islamic state or caliphate, headed by an elected caliph. This it holds is a religious duty, "an obligation that Allah has decreed for the Muslims and commanded them to fulfill. He warned of the punishment awaiting those who neglect this duty." According to the BBC, the group "professes non-violence and calls for the return in Muslim majority countries to the caliphate which oversaw the golden age of Islam before European imperialism colonized the Middle East." According to, Hizb ut-Tahrir is a "secretive sectarian group," that is "not against violence as such. It is just against the use of violence now."
Although hizb means party in Arabic, according to Zeyno Baran of the Washington based Nixon Center think tank, HT doesn't register as a political party or attempt to elect candidates to political office in the countries where it is active. Nor does it engage in charitable or social service projects like the Muslim Brotherhood. Hizb ut-Tahrir's focus is on "ideological struggle" to establish its vision of the caliphate in the minds of Muslims.
This is not true in all countries or throughout HT history, however as HT has been involved in aid to needy Muslims in Indonesia and other countries. When it was first founded, HT did register as a public political organisation and stood for parliamentary seats in Jordan in the 1950s, according to Suha Taji-Farouki. The group was banned by the regime at the time and its 'legal' status did not resume until the organisation was legalised in Lebanon in May 2006. Kyrgyz Hizb ut-Tahrir members campaigned unsuccessfully for an affiliated candidate in Kyrgyzstan's national presidential election in July 2005, and have participated in municipal elections where their followers have won in a number of regions.
Hizb ut-Tahrir has set out a three-stage plan of action to achieve its goals:
1. Establish a community of HuT members who work together in the same way as the companions of Muhammad. Members should accept the goals and methods of the organization as their own and be ready to work to fulfill these goals.
2. Build public opinion among the Muslim masses for the caliphate and the other Islamic concepts that will lead to a revival of Islamic thought.
3. Once public opinion is achieved in a target country through debate and persuasion, the group hopes to obtain support from army generals, leaders, and other influential figures or bodies to facilitate the change of the government. The government would be replaced by one that implements Islam "generally and comprehensively", carrying Islamic thought to people throughout the world.
A less sympathetic description of HuT plan by Dosym Satpayev, director of a Kazakh think tank Assessment Risks Group, is that HuT
"plans its development in three stages... First they convert new members. Secondly, they establish a network of secret cells, and finally, they try to infiltrate the government to work to legalize their party and its aims."
Talking to the BBC, an Indonesian party member described the "method used in Hizb ut-Tahrir" as "a change in thought patterns. We call it 'thought revolution'. When someone is given Islamic teaching - given the brilliant thinking of Islam - then they'll naturally undergo a thought revolution ... " According to the BBC, "unlike many other Islamist movements here, Hizb ut-Tahrir seems less interested in a broad mass following than a smaller more committed core of members, many of them drawn from Indonesia's educated middle classes."
Hizb ut-Tahrir's organisation is said to be strongly centralized with its central leadership based in Palestine. Underneath its center are "national organisations or wilayas, usually headed by a group of 12, control networks of local committees and cells." New members "spend at least two years studying party literature, under the guidance of mentors," before taking an oath of loyalty to the party. "A parallel, separate structure exists for women, who are encouraged to become fully active members."
The basic unit of the party is a cell of five members, the leader of which is called a mushrif. At least in areas where the party is illegal, such as Central Asia, only the mushrif knows the names of members of other cells.
Founder Taqiuddin al-Nabhani died in 1977 and was succeeded by Abd al-Qadim Zallum who was succeeded in turn by Ata Khalil Abu-Rashta when Zallum died in 2003.
This is a partial annotated timeline of HuT actions relating to their adopted method to fulfil the party's original raison d'etre by assuming authority and implementing Islamic law.
Year Snapshot of status
1953 Party founded by Taqiuddin al-Nabhani in Jerusalem.
1956 Party yet to decide how it would assume authority
1960 Interaction Stage begins in Jordan, and society is unresponsive. Party revises its method.
1961 Party adopts the method of seeking support from the influential faction(s) to assume power.
1964 Party announces that society in Jordan had responded positively to its call, forcing it to attempt to take power in Jordan.
1968/69 Party allegedly involved in two (failed) coup attempts in Jordan and Syria.
1974 Party allegedly involved in (failed) coup attempt in Egypt.
1977 Party founder and leader Taqiuddin al-Nabhani dies in Lebanon, succeeded by Abd al-Qadim Zallum, a Palestinian cleric.
1978 Party acknowledges that the Muslims had reached a state of total surrender and despair and was not responding to anything.
Party acknowledges that this had caused the level of activity to decline almost to standstill, mainly due to misconceptions.
1998 Party indicates that the Caliphate is now the wish of all the Muslims.
2003 Party leader Abd al-Qadim Zallum dies in Lebanon, succeeded (earlier that year) by Ata Khalil Abu-Rashta a Palestinian civil engineer
[ Last edited by Tie_Nan_Aima at 24-5-2008 11:02 PM ] |
Rights or freedoms
Hizb ut-Tahrir rejects the notion of absolute freedom in religion or capitalism. Article 7 of its Draft Constitution declares that Muslims who "have by themselves renounced Islam ... are guilty of apostasy (murtad) from Islam [and] are to be executed." Professor David Commins of Department of History at Dickinson College, writes that according to Hizb ut-Tahrir, "individuals do not have absolute freedom as in capitalism: Apostasy, adultery, alcohol, and certain economic practices are forbidden. But within well-recognized bounds, the Muslim enjoys much freedom.
The Hizb ut-Tahrir party's draft constitution argues that "there is no such thing as a clergy in Islam", that "every Muslim has the right to perform ijtihad" (personal exertion to derive hold opinions in Islamic law), and that "every thing or object is permitted, unless there is an evidence of prohibition" in the Qur'an. It is incumbent on Muslims to implement the hudud law, divinely ordained capital punishment for certain crimes. HuT's constitution states that "every individual is innocent until proven guilty", "no person shall be punished without a court sentence" and that "torture is absolutely forbidden and whoever inflicts torture on anyone shall be punished." Article 7 of the constitution institutes capital punishment for ridda (see ridda article for various definitions). It maintains that under the caliphate, "Arabic is the language of Islam and the sole language of the state."
The only sources of legislation to be considered divine & statutory, and therefore to be accepted without debate, according to Article 12, are those based upon fair interpretations of the Qur'an, the Sunnah, consensus (ijma), and legitimate analogies (Qiyas) from the previous three.
Hizb ut-tahrir rejects democracy as western and unislamic. Hizb ut-tahrir argues democracy is
the rule of people, for the people, by the people. The basis of the democratic system is that people possess the right of sovereignty, choice and implementation. ... it is a Kufr system because it is laid down by man and it is not from the Shari'ah Laws.
However as a Sunni Muslim organization, HT believes the Caliph, i.e the head of the Caliphate state, should not be inherited through blood lines or imposed on Muslims, but elected by them. Muslims should then pledge their loyalty to the Caliph. The Caliph
"is the head of state in the Khilafah. He is not a king or dictator but an elected leader whose authority to rule must be given willingly by the Muslims through a special ruling contact called baya. Without this baya he cannot be the head of state. This is completely opposite to a king or dictator who imposes his authority through coercion and force. The tyrant kings and dictators in the Muslim world are ample examples of this, imprisoning and torturing the Muslims and stealing their wealth and resources."
HT favor a system of elections for Muslims to chose the Caliph and other ruling officials.
Also part of the HT proposed draft constitution is a Majlis al-Umma for the Caliph to consult.
The founder of Hizb ut-Tahrir, Taqiuddin an-Nabhani, is careful to note that Shura differs from Western representative democracy in that while part of the "the ruling structure" of the Islamic caliphate, it's "not one of its pillars."
This is because the shura (consultation) in Islam is for seeking the opinion and not for ruling. This is contrary to the parliamentary system in democracy.
In another book Nabhani takes a somewhat different line, stating that when the Majlis makes a decision on internal issues it is binding on the Caliph to accept the decision; the Caliph's powers outlined in the draft proposed constitution refer only to foreign affairs when in a state of war which he considered existent during his life.
The HT draft constitution states, "The primary role of a woman is that of a mother and wife. She is an honour ('ird) that must be protected.". Unlike some Muslim traditionalists, Hizb ut-Tahrir, advocates women's suffrage or right to vote (i.e. Muslim women, as only Muslims have the right to vote for the Caliph), the right of Muslim women to choose a Muslim partner freely (Muslim women are not allowed to marry non-Muslim men), right to seek employment, have custody of children after divorce even if she is not Muslim), and run in elections.
However, under HT rule, women would be barred from the ruling positions such as caliph, Chief Justice,provincial governor, or mayor. Article 109 of the party's draft constitution prescribes segregation of the sexes in public activities such as school, sporting activities, etc. Muslim women would be required to hide 搕heir charms, |
The draft constitution also details an economic system which allows private enterprise, but reserves public ownership of utilities, public transport, health care, energy resources such as oil, and unused farm land (similar to moderate forms of Socialism). It calls for use of the Gold Standard, gold and silver coinage and gives quite specific instructions for the gold and silver weight of the coins, arguing
... it is the duty of the Khilafah State to make its currency in gold and silver and to work on the basis of gold and silver as it was during the time of the Messenger of Allah and his Khulafa'a after fix the weight of dinars equal to the Shari'ah dinar or 4.25 grams (of Gold) for one dinar...the dirham has the weight of 2.975 grams (of Silver). The basis of gold and silver as currency is the only way to solve currency related economic problems and the high inflation rates that are common in the world, and to produce currency stability for rates of exchange and progress in international trade. ... Only by taking gold and silver as the standard, can the American control and the control of the dollar as an international currency, be demolished in international trade and world economies.
Article 56 of the draft constitution of the proposed state describes conscription as a compulsory individual duty, for all citizens. Muslim males past the age of 15 would be obliged to undergo military conscription on the basis of this being a collective duty. Responsibility for defense in the state would go to the Amir al-Jihad.
The anti-semitism controversy
In a 2000 article entitled "The Muslim Ummah will never submit to the Jews", Hizb ut-Tahrir lamented what it saw as the innate behavior of the Jews: Jews
... insist on expelling more and more of the people of Palestine so that they can bring in more of the world's Jews. They are demolishing homes, confiscating land and property, imprisoning people, torturing them, breaking their bones and killing them...They violate agreements and are disloyal to the treaties they have signed. They violate the airspace and waters of Lebanon every day and with their arms they bomb its cities and villages. They have occupied the lands of Lebanon, Syria and Palestine, and they increase daily in their provocation and defiance to all the Arabs and Muslims.... In origin, no one likes the Jews except the Jews. Even they themselves rarely like each other. He (in the Quran) said: "You would think they were united, but their hearts are divided" [TMQ 59:14] The American people do not like the Jews nor do the Europeans, because the Jews by their very nature do not like anyone else. Rather they look at other people as wild animals which have to be tamed to serve them. So, how can we imagine it being possible for any Arab or Muslim to like the Jews whose character is such? ... Know that the Jews and their usurping state in Palestine will, by the Help and Mercy of Allah, be destroyed "until the stones and trees will say: O Muslim, O Slave of Allah. Here is a Jew behind me so come and kill him."
In October 2002, a court in Denmark handed down a 60-day suspended sentence to Fadi Abdelatif, Hizb ut-Tahrir's spokesman in Denmark, after he was found guilty of distributing racist propaganda. The title of a leaflet he distributed was a quote from Muhammad: "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out." The hadith refers to the situation at the time the Antichrist (dajjal) has descended and the Muslims stand united fighting the Jews, who will take the Antichrist to be their God and Saviour. With the help of Isa, even the stones and rocks will call out and say, "There is a Jew standing behind me, come and kill this Jew" The leaflet continues: "The Jews are a people of slander ... a treacherous people ... they fabricate lies and twist words from their right context."
In January 2003, Hizb ut-Tahrir was barred in Germany from public activity on charges of spreading antisemitic propaganda and of being "hate preachers." Membership in the party is still permitted. German Interior Minister Otto Schily ruled that the group was "spreading hate and violence," and had called for the killing of Jews. The charges originate from a conference at the Technical University of Berlin, organized by a student society allegedly affiliated with Hizb ut-Tahrir. The furore was caused because the conference was attended by members of the neo-nazi National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) sparking fears about an alliance between neo-Nazi groups and Islamists. Schily banned Hizb ut-Tahrir three months later for going "against the concept of international understanding" contained in the German constitution, a charge that has been used in the past against neo-Nazi groups.
In July 2005 Dilpazier Aslam, a 27-year-old British Muslim and trainee journalist with The Guardian, lost his position with the newspaper when it was exposed he was a member of Hizb ut-Tahrir. Citing the antisemitic statement discovered on the party's website, Guardian executives decided that membership of Hizb ut-Tahrir was not compatible with membership of the newspaper's trainee scheme. Aslam refused to leave the group, saying he was not an antisemite and did not consider Hizb ut-Tahrir's website to be antisemitic. Dilpazier later sued for unfair dismissal and there was an out-of-court settlement.
After allegations that party members had spread antisemitic propaganda, in 2004 the British National Union of Students imposed a No Platform order. The party then resumed recruiting at British universities under the name "Stop Islamophobia." However, at a recent NUS Policy conference, motion 804, the conference believed that:
* 24. A motion passed at 2004's NUS annual conference falsely accused the Islamic political party Hizb ut-Tahrir (HT) of being racist and extremist. During the debate at conference, HT was wrongly accused of organising an event to celebrate the attacks in New York.
* 26. Contrary to allegations of sexism and racism, HT has members from both sexes and different races and who came from Christian, Hindu, Sikh, Jewish and Atheist backgrounds.
...Conference resolved:
* 25. To remove Hizb ut-Tahrir from NUS's no platform policy.
Prominent members
* Shaykh Taqiuddin al-Nabhani (founder)
* Shaykh Ahmed Dauor (Jordanian parliamentarian 1955-1957, deceased)
* Shaykh Abdul Qadeem Zallum (second leader, deceased)
* Shaykh Ata Abu Rashta(current global leader of Hizb ut-Tahrir)
* Jamal Harwood (ex-Chairman of UK Executive Committee)
* Taji Mustafa (Media Representative and UK Executive Committee member)
* Dr Imran Waheed (Media Representative and UK Executive Committee member)
* Dr Nazreen Nawaz (Women's Representative)
* Dr Abdul Wahid (GP & UK Leader)
* Shaykh Ali Syed Abul-Hassan (Imam of Masjid as-Sahaba, Khartoum, Sudan spokesman, deceased)
* Mohammad Nafi Abdul-Karim Salih (Jordanian member, deceased)
* Shaykh Mahmoud Abdul-Latif Uweidah - Abu Iyas (Prominent Jordanian Member)
* Shaykh Taleb Awadallah (Palestinian Member from al-Khalil, Hebron)
* Shaykh Yusuf Ba'darani (Lebanese member)
* Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Badri (Iraqi member, deceased)
* Jalaluddin Patel (a former UK leader)
* Ashraf Doureihi (a prominent Australia member)
* Wassim Doureihi (Australia spokesperson)
* Soadad Doureihi (a prominent Australia member)
* Mohammed AbdulWahhab (a prominent Australia member)
* Naveed Butt (Pakistan spokesperson)
* Imran Yousufzai (Pakistan spokesperson)
* Yilmaz Celik (Turkey spokesperson)
* Abu Shakir(Lebanon spokesperson)
* Muhammad Ismail Yusanto (Indonesia spokesperson)
* Shaykh Ibrahim Othman - Abu Khalil (Sudan spokesperson)
* Mohiuddin Ahmed (Bangladesh Chief Coordinator and Spokesperson)
* Farhad Usmanov (Uzbekistan, died in prison)
* Dr Mohammad Abu Talha (Well respected USA member)
* Dr Mustapha Yousuf (USA member)
* Okay Pala (Holland spokesperson)
* Abdul Salam (USA member)
* Sheikh KH. Muhammad al-Khatath (Prominent scholar in Indonesia who is part of the Majlis al-Ulema there)
* Hafidz Abdurrahman, (Prominent leading member of Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia) |
Wah! patutlah hilang, dah ke sini rupanya. |
Ada beberapa persoalan yg ingin saya kemukakan di sini berhubung Hizb Tahrir terutamanya yg berkaitan dengan masalah da'wah dan fiqh. Persoalan ini sebenarnya masih merupakan tanda tanya bagi saya apakah sebenarnya mereka memang mengiayakan semua itu ataupun ia hanyalah tohmahan orang.
Tetapi sebelum itu, saya memohon sekiranya ada sesiapa yg 'arif tentang HT supaya tampil ke hadapan utk menyuraikan persoalan saya ini. Lebih elok sekiranya dia merupakan ahli HT sendiri. Ini kerana ramai orang melakukan kesilapan/salah faham terhadap sesebuah parti/organisasi/fahaman kerana "bertanya pada tempat yg tidak sepatutnya".
Ada sesiapa sudi membantu? |
Hmmm ...
Nampaknya tak ada ya? |
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