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pre-mature baby

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Post time 7-7-2008 12:04 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
baby i lahir x cukup bulan, lahir masa minggu ke-27 berat cume 850g..skrg dh 1 berat cume 6kg je tapi aktif cume perkembangan dia lambat ckit..dah 1 thn tp baru nk belajar merangkak..ada x sapa2 yg ada pengalaman baby mcm ni.i nk minta idea mcmana u all bg dari jenis susu, n pemakanan dia..doc suruh i campur minyak jagung dalam bubur nasi dia

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Post time 7-7-2008 12:35 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 momimasrie's post

hye momismasrie... i just nak kongsi pengalaman sket jg my late doter. also borned at 28 week.. also 850gm.. dia kat inkubator 2 month+.. pas tu kat wad biasa untuk weight gain until 3 month.. my late doter idup smp umur 5 bulan..pas tu dia  kena serang RSV penumonia... quite heavy la penurmonia dia.. tak dpt diselamatkan.. masa dia 5 bulan tu berat dia baru nak baik 3 kg.. kecik sgt.. tp comel.. heheh... susu masa tu i beri similac neosure...

sori la lari sket dr tajuk.. as long bb u panjang umur.. jg la baik2.. i igt i sorg jek yg lahirkan bb kat usia 28 week..

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Post time 7-7-2008 12:37 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 momimasrie's post

hye momismasrie... i just nak kongsi pengalaman sket jg my late doter. also borned at 28 week.. also 850gm.. dia kat inkubator 2 month+.. pas tu kat wad biasa untuk weight gain until 3 month.. my late doter idup smp umur 5 bulan..pas tu dia  kena serang RSV penumonia... quite heavy la penurmonia dia.. tak dpt diselamatkan.. masa dia 5 bulan tu berat dia baru nak baik 3 kg.. kecik sgt.. tp comel.. heheh... susu masa tu i beri similac neosure...

sori la lari sket dr tajuk.. as long bb u panjang umur.. jg la baik2.. i igt i sorg jek yg lahirkan bb kat usia 28 week..

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Post time 7-7-2008 12:44 PM | Show all posts
hai... my 1st son also pre-mature bcoz i got high bp but dia lahir 8 bln... so berat gak la.. dalam 2.23 kg but in this case susu ibu yg paling baik... itu kalau ko susukan anak if not dulu aku bagi susu nan ok gak... onething bebudak ni senang dpt penyakit.. mmg advanture skt jaga dia.. kalu demam selsema ni mmg tiap2 bulan... sistem dalaman dia pun tak berapa kuat so.. jgn kita harap dia makan mende2 yg berat ngat... takut nanti dia tak boleh proses...penah jumpa budak pre-mature 500 gram... tapi sihat ... until now...

[ Last edited by  tenko1234 at 7-7-2008 12:47 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 7-7-2008 12:59 PM | Show all posts

Reply #3 delia_ni's post

my baby pn pernah kena rsv..sekali injection kena bayar 3k..masa mula2 kena i hantar p ppum sampai2 kat ppum jantung dia dh berenti n dia dh biru..sebulan kat icu then continue kat paed ward dekat 2weeks..sampai skrg still wat follow mcm ni telalu sensitiv..skrg i minta mak tlg jaga kat kg..alhamdulillah dr jan 08 sampai skrg dia dh sihat..dia tlalu sensitif pd org batuk n flu..dulu dia pernah jangkit flu dgn abg dia..masuk semula ppum 2 weeks..kalau x beasr kat spital je..kira2 dalam umur dia setahun ..dekat 5 bulan dia check in kat ppum tu..sampai nurse dh kenal dia

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 Author| Post time 7-7-2008 01:05 PM | Show all posts
doc pun suggest beri similac neo mcm x jalan je..mmg adventure jaga budak mcm ni..kalau ikutkan kos hospital je kat sib baik ppum leh wat installement

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Post time 7-7-2008 02:33 PM | Show all posts

Reply #5 momimasrie's post

aganye dia kena rsv tu tak heavy my my late doter la.. so sad... even now i tgh peknen lg, always miss her... mybe silap i... i thought bila da discharge dia da ok dr segala2nya, i bwh g shopping.. g beraya.. aduhai.. mana la tau kan semua ni nak jd...

mcm i neosure memang payah cari, 1 gnti ngan s26 gold untuk low birth weight.. tp masa dlm inkubator, memang 100% susu badan... tak de masalah sgt ngan s26 tp doktor kurang suggest sebb susu ni panas sket.. dia nyer najis pun ada keras sket... tu jek la yg i tau.. i jg smp setakat tu jek..

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 Author| Post time 7-7-2008 03:03 PM | Show all posts

Reply #7 delia_ni's post

i dulu lps dia kuar dr inkubator..bawak kuar p shopping complex n kenduri..balik dr kenduri dia dh start slow..x mau susu..diam je..i mandikn dia, dia diam je..mlm 2 dia start pucat..igt sempat nk bawa dia p hospital esok dlm kol 2am dia stat tcungap2..susah sgt nk tarik i ada cronic lung disease..rase nye x mau dah tgk dia sakit lg..kesian tgk dia dlm icu bile doc masukkan air..badan dia kembang 2 kali ganda..bile kepala megiring belah kanan air pn turut pn belah kanan..kepala dia jd mcm kemek..i ada gambar dia masa tgh sakit ari tu tp x reti nak letak kat sini

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Post time 7-7-2008 03:15 PM | Show all posts

Reply #8 momimasrie's post

it the same story... my late doter masa kena rsv tu masuk mcm2 ubt... ubt jantung nak bg dia trus idup.. 3 ubt jantung dia max.. air dia masuk jek tak kencing saiz dia naik 2x ganda gak.. until now i tgok gmbr dia i yg separuh gila... ya kepala dia also kemek.. berbekas ngan alas kat leher.. smp la nk kafan kan tu, i tgok dia bukan mcm bb i.. mcm da diganti ngan bb lain.. muka dia lain sgt.. tp tenang.... masa tu dia kena ventilate.. pas dia tak de baru i tau mcm maner seksa org kena ventilate, then i bygkan bb i masa tu.. but the last susu yg dia minum, susu badan i.. tu la yg terakhir...

but now she rest in peace, tak yah nak rasa sakit2 kena cucuk2, ngan cek up mata every month.. since ur bb ada cronic lung disease jgn dedahkan dia ngan org ramai... ps tu kebersihan dia u kena xxxxxxxxxxxxxxtrraaa care... bg la dia yg terbaik dlm perubatan... semoga anak u sihat dan membesar mcm bb lain.. mcm i ni, yg tgal hanya kenangan abadi ngan my late doter...

p/s: i sms my husband td, dia pesan suh jg ur bb baik2, semoga Tuhan panjangkan usianye... jgn ulangi kesilapan kitorg...

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Post time 7-7-2008 03:15 PM | Show all posts

Reply #8 momimasrie's post

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 Author| Post time 7-7-2008 03:44 PM | Show all posts
insyaallah..i akan wat yg terbaik untuk dia..sebab tu i tpaksa kuarantin kan dia kat kg..sana udara bersih..pokok byk..kat bandar ni habuk yg banyak..lps kes tu i rase mcm fobia nak pregnant lg..sian sgt tgk dia dgn wayar yg berselirat kat badan..airmata i..usah tanya lah..depan org i coll..bile sorang2 nk meraung rase..semua blaku dari silap i sdiri..nasib baik Allah panjangkan umur dia..masa kat icu dulu 2 x kali jantung dia bhenti

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Post time 15-7-2008 04:56 PM | Show all posts
Anak saya lahir pre-mature iaitu 34 weeks dgn berat 2.3 kg.. Saya bagi breast feed di selang-seli dgn susu formula Enfalac A+ pre-mature seperti yg disarankan doctor selama sebulan.. Sekarang 100% susu formula Enfalac A+ untuk tahap 1 bila masuk bulan kedua.

Alhamdulillah sekarang masuk 2 bulan (i.e 14.7.2008) berat badan naik 3.5kg dan baby pun sihat..

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Post time 21-7-2008 12:46 AM | Show all posts
My sons both were pre-term babies.  

The first thing you should realise is that pre-term babies are special - you have to treat them as fragile in the first years of their life.  Protect them from other people, animals and even microscopic elements.  Their lungs are not fully developed as normal babies - despite mummy getting steroid jabs to strengthen babies lungs.  Also pre-term babies might develop eye problems are they get older.  

I realised that people were so interested to see my boys when they were babies. Some said : "I tak pernah tengok baby kecik."  For me my boys are precious not some freak show.  So whenever visitors came to the house I lock myself up in the bedroom with my baby.  Hubby cakap dengan dia orang I'm breast feeding baby and not comfortable doing it in front of people.  

I think my reluctance to parade my babies probably saved them to some extent.  

Its not just visitors yang datang rumah; even if ada kenduri or other occasions (like shopping etc) I would leave my babies at home with my maid.  

Now they are both older; 12 years (UPSR soon) and my youngest is now 6 years old.  If you look at them now you wouldn't think they were pre-term babies.  

Invest in the best possible milk and other types of food.  Constantly watch over them.  My sons sleep with me & hubby - even now because of their lung problems.  We need to be aware if anything happens in the middle of the night.  I can't tell you how many times we've rushed to the trauma centre in the middle of the night!  

They have their rooms for short naps but nights they sleep with us - on their own beds of course.  Hubby invested in a nice house away from KL.  So the air is cleaner for them.  It made a world of difference to their health.  

No cats or other pets, no carpets, clean the house like crazy (get a cleaner if you can), change the bedsheets every week, make sure the bedroom is dust free (I vacuum the walls, steam the mattresses (use anti-dust mite covers & mattresses),   I use ionizers in the house & car..... lots of other things but dah tak ingat dah.  This is a way of life for me and hubby since my first son was born.   Its part of our life now.  

I'm so blessed to have my sons.   Knowing there are people not so lucky makes me appreciate them so much more.

[ Last edited by  AnitaSabrina at 29-9-2008 09:34 PM ]

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Post time 21-7-2008 03:07 AM | Show all posts
baby nilam pre-mature 34 mggu~8 bln setengah. lahir dgn berat 2.25kg.
jaundice yg teruk sampai duduk dgn atas & bawah lampu. jaundice hilang sendiri pada umur genap 2 bulan. doc kata itu bf jaundice....xperlu risau sebab sumer pemeriksaan normal. skrg dah 6 bulan....berat 7.65kg. sihat & sgt aktif....tiada mslh teruk setakat ini. cuma selsema sesekali tapi lung clear. risau sebab dia lahir xcukup bulan dan kdg2 tido nafas berbunyi kuat.
dah sepakat dgn hubby xkan ada pets or carpet.

my cousin daughter lahir pre-mature dgn berat lbh kurang 800g. panjang umur hingga skrg....dalam umur 7 thn.tapi dia xmacam anak2 lain....anggota badan keras. pandai berjalan masa umur 5 thn. cuma pandai sebut 2-3 patah perkataan. skrg my cousin hantar dia pegi sekolah khas. sekurang-kurangnyer anak dia blaja sesuatu dan bercampur dgn kawan2.

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Post time 21-7-2008 11:36 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 momimasrie's post


my baby premmie gak... born at 29weeks, berat 1.01kg... in NICU for 2 months. RSV jab tuh amik as a precaution jer...

dia pun ada weight problem since birth. paed suruh ambik appeton daily... but now, lepas dah 18bulan, i cut down to once every 2 days sebab kalau take daily, he'll eat and eat and eat samapai muntah... paed kata okay to cut down.

masa dia umur setahun, paed very concerned sebab pertumbuhan dia tak ikut chart... bawah the bottom line (miniumum weight) of the chart... so paed suruh amik pediasure once a day... Alhamdulillah, bertambah naik weight dia... now, taking twice a day (with paed's consent)... i kasik masa nite feeds jer pediasure tuh... sekarang weight dia dah reach the minimum weight on the chart

so, i sarankan u tanya yr paed whether it's okay to take appeton infant drops or/ and pediasure untuk baby you or not...

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Post time 21-7-2008 11:49 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 momimasrie's post

oh ye... my paed pun ada cakap dulu (masa weight baby i tak ikut piawai tuh ler...), kalau berat tak mencukupi... developement baby pun akan bertambah slow. tuh sebab dia concern & suruh amik supplements bagai tuh...

anyways, my anak nyer pemakanan lebey kurang macam nih:

8 pagi - high protein grain cereal dgn air kosong

9 pagi - enfagrow a+ 7 oz campur 1mils appeton infant drop (utk tidurkan dia)

10.30 pagi - roti jagung/ kek pisang/ toasted whlemeal bread  gardenia dgn air kosong or apple juice

12.30 tghari - bubur nasi + ayam/ ikan + kentang/ carrot/ labu dgn air kosong

2 petang - enfagrow a+ 7 oz (utk tidurkan dia)

3.30 petang - biskut/ labu/ pisang/ roti dgn air kosong

5 petang - enfagrow a+ 7 oz (utk tidurkan dia)

6.30 petang - bubur nasi + ayam/ ikan + kentang/ carrot/ labu dgn air kosong

8 malam - enfagrow a+ 7 oz (utk tidurkan dia)

11 malam - pediasure 7 oz (nitely feed)

4 pagi - pediasure 7 oz (nitely feed)

anak i memang banyak minum susu... melebihi piawai   ... tapi sebab dia baru 9.5kgs at 18 months, i biarkan jer ler... paed pun kata okay...

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Post time 29-7-2008 04:57 PM | Show all posts

Reply #16 kikilalat's post

kak kikilalat...aqiel baru 17bulan tp berat samela ngan anak akak ni....susu +mkn sume byk....saye pun heran mane pegi ye food2 n susu2 die tu..huhuhu  asyik kene underweight ajek

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Post time 31-7-2008 04:57 PM | Show all posts
anak saya prem @ 36weeks berat 2.16kg panjang 46cm. lahir tgh malam .. sampai pagi saya tak tido tengok dia kecik je takut dia tak bernafas ke ape...jaundice masa hari ke 2 reading 22. pagi2 buta gi emergency sbb dia nangis tak berenti,.. seharian saya menangis je. fully breasfed sampai berdarah breast.. tp nasib baik cepat baik ( nurse bagi petua if left breast sakit letak susu yg right breast, vice versa)..keluar ward kakak ipo (nurse NICU) rekemen beri similac neosure.. so saya try bagi disamping BM.. sebln berat dia naik 3.5kg, nurse impressed. cuma awal2 tu dia kena mcm sebenanye bukan.. ball sebelah kanan bengkak..saya cuma tuam dgn kain panas..dr kate varicose ( urat bersimpul ) , biji dlm ball dia tak turun lagi. skrg dh ok. berat dh ok saya tukar enfalac a+. skrg dh 7bln berat 8.3kg. dr kata bagus asalkan dia takde sakit apa2. kene cucuk pon mesti demam tp nyusu tak tinggal..tak selalu sakit.. paed kata dia mcm budak normal yg cukup bulan.. alhamdulillah. rasa menyesal sbb 3rd trimester saya lasak sgt.. panjat itu panjat ini.. window soping tiak2 hari...

7bln saya tukar enfapro+, bagi nestum, buah & rusk. homemade bubur belum lagi..

dev dia lmbt sket merangkak umur 6bln...nih baru tgh ensot2 nak duk dlm walker laju.. babysitter dia pon kata tak mcm budak tak cukup bulan sebab badan tak lembik.. tegap..kaki kuat...

mula2 mcm sedih sbb balik kg org2 yg datang tengok anak kate 8bln ni umur tak panjang..boleh ke kate camtu dia tuhan ke yg tetap ajal maut org.. sy menangis dlm hati je.. syukur alhamdulillah dia sehat skrg.. review dgn paed 3bln sekali sampai 2thn...

mummy & daddy love muqri so much

[ Last edited by  haroko at 31-7-2008 05:02 PM ]

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Post time 1-8-2008 12:06 AM | Show all posts

Reply #18 haroko's post

My son pun lahir at 36 weeks.  He was 2.2 kg.  Now dah umur 12 tahun.   Alhamdullillah sihat.

My son pun dulu lambat sikit nak jalan.  People would point out that my son's development is slow.  Someone even told me to get him to walk on the grass so that he'll learn to walk!  Eventually I got tired of all the talk and got my son a Fisher Price push thingy to help him practise walking.  He eventually started walking way after his first birthday.  

But I don't think it has anything to do with delayed development.  Its just that he's like that.  Some babies walk faster than others.  The most important thing is that he's normal, healthy and his brain is working wonderfully.  

Btw, my youngest son born at 33 weeks also walked after his first birthday.  So no biggie.  That's just the way they are.  

As for me & hubby, we very much appreciated the extra time that we got to carry them around (before they started running around).  Now they are both too big to be carried.  Miss that......

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Post time 1-8-2008 02:49 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19 AnitaSabrina's post

betul...x boleh samakan anak kita dgn anak org... baby itu individu yg berbeza...kalau ikut mulut org kita yg binasa..ignore jer & pastikan anak kita sehat

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