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Author: limau_nipis

Information about breastfeeding

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Post time 24-6-2009 04:31 PM | Show all posts
What can I do to increase my baby's weight gain?
There are several simple things that have been proven to help with weight gain:

Stop or decrease solid foods, particularly if baby is younger than 6 months. Most solids foods have fewer calories and nutrients than breastmilk, plus they tend to replace (rather than add to) the higher-calorie, more nutritious breastmilk.
Sleep with your baby (this increases prolactin and frequency of nursing).
Learn baby massage -- this has been proven to improve digestion and weight gain.
Carry baby throughout the day in a carrier/sling; get as much skin to skin contact as you can. Both of these things have been shown to improve weight gain.
Nurse often - at least every 2 hours during the day and at least once at night. Frequent nursing increases baby's milk intake.
Make sure you're allowing your baby to completely finish one side before you offer the other by waiting upon her cues that she is finished; i.e. pulling off herself and looking satisfied, going to sleep, changing from an active suck/swallow to more of a pacifier suck, etc. Always OFFER the second side, but don't worry if she doesn't seem to need it. It's much more important that she be allowed to completely finish one side than that she nurse both sides. By doing so she will be assured of reaching enough of the richer, more caloric hindmilk that helps her to go longer between feedings.
Use breast massage and breast compression during nursing.
Pump or hand express for a couple of minutes before nursing. This will remove some of the foremilk so that your baby receives more of the richer, higher calorie hindmilk.
If supplements are medically indicated, breastmilk is preferred over formula as a supplement (exceptions to this are rare), and the average fat/calorie content of mom's milk is higher than that of formula. Mom can pump for 5-10 minutes after nursing (don't interrupt or shorten the nursing session to do this), and offer this higher-fat hindmilk to baby as needed. This is also an option for moms who normally offer expressed milk when they are separated from baby.
-this is what i'm trying  to do know..even dpt ciput2 pun takper..i save it...

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Post time 6-8-2009 03:26 PM | Show all posts
Just to share..i know some of the bf mom having this prob...


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Post time 24-11-2009 02:49 PM | Show all posts
na tanye....jika dlm pantang ni breast kite ni xde mengeras langsung cmne eik?? pastu bb da isap 2-2 belah pun masih melalak lagi....

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Post time 30-11-2009 10:22 PM | Show all posts
salam all, lama tak lepak sini weih.. dah lama tak masuk cari forum benarnye.. hihihihihi

aku masih nampak nama2 lama.. so aku arap korang kenai le aku.. ekekkeke.. limau.. ajasu.. aku skang tgh peknen 36 wiks. so nanti aku join le korang balik.ekekek cuma tadak pumping session cam anak no 1-3.  housewife le katakan.. ekekekke

aku harap korang seme sihat yea.

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Post time 30-11-2009 10:31 PM | Show all posts
46# adekjeli

dekjeli, melalak bg bb is perkara biasa.. way too normal to understand. sb mmg tatau dia melalak pasai apa..
maybe dia tak cukup kenyang which is very rare lah terjadik sb awal2 bb minum less then 2oz pon. @ pon dia rasa tak selesa n tak secure.. security is very important 4 baby..

cuma, klu nk make sure dia menangis sb lapar ke apa ke.. dekjeli rasa susu tue byk tak? n klu rasa byk, cam try picit ng tgn dia bley kuar dak? klu breast tak cukup kembang or cam tak byk susu, mybe sb lom cukup simulation smpai breast nk kena sediakan keperluan y lebey. sb susu akan jadik mengikut bpe kali bb meyusu n byk mana dia minum. so kena make sure breast kena fully stimulate lah. br optimum dia nye hasil.

tu klu pasal susu ler. tp ada gak bb y dia latch elok je kat breast. tp dia tak minum btul2. dia hanya suka kat nipple n comfort duk kt pangkuan ibu. hihihihi. so dekjeli kena alert, jenis mana bb dekjeli tue. klu awal2, mmg lah 2-3 hari is paling kritikal time. bb mmg melekat je kat ibu bley kata 24j.

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Post time 30-11-2009 10:45 PM | Show all posts
wahhh best info2 kat sini..nk tanya...leh tak sussu belah kanan dicampur dgn belah kiri..let say belah kanan dpt 1 oz..and then after 20 mins pump blah kiri dpt 3 oz dicampur je dgn susu tadi..ok tak? ...
minibean Post at 2-6-2009 13:01

boleh dicampur susu belah kanan dan kiri, preferably suhunya sama..
tapi tak boleh top up sus yg cair ngan frozen..
contoh..kita dah bekukan susu dalam 2oz, lps tu kita perah lagi 2oz and kita nak tambah je atas susu yg dah beku..tak boleh wat camtu..

sebenarnya, takde istilah sebelah nasi sebelah air..hanya ada foremilk (susu yg awal dan cair) untuk hilangkan dahaga baby..
and hindmilk (susu yg keluar selepas habis foremilk, and pekat) yg penuh ngan nutrients and mengenyangkan baby..
pastikan baby empty your breast to get the nutrients..kalau baby yg minum kejap2, next feeding offer the same breast..

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Post time 30-11-2009 10:48 PM | Show all posts
na tanye....jika dlm pantang ni breast kite ni xde mengeras langsung cmne eik?? pastu bb da isap 2-2 belah pun masih melalak lagi....
adekjeli Post at 24-11-2009 14:49 breast cam almost never engorged for my 3rd baby..
baby melalak kadang2 tu bukan sbb tak kenyang but nak suckling comfort saja..

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Post time 16-12-2009 01:48 PM | Show all posts
aku masih nampak nama2 lama.. so aku arap korang kenai le aku.. ekekkeke.. limau.. ajasu.. aku skang tgh peknen 36 wiks. so nanti aku join le korang balik.ekekek cuma tadak pumping session cam anak no 1-3.  shah_jehan Post at 30-11-2009 22:22

dear, masuk no 4 lah kan...wahhh berlumba kita dgn limau...
sure due ujung bulan nih la kan??

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Post time 29-12-2009 02:04 PM | Show all posts
perghhh, semangat nak bf kt baby nanti..

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Post time 29-12-2009 04:29 PM | Show all posts
51# ajasu

wahhhh ajasuuuu....dah nak melahirkan yg ke-4.....tahniah2......
ramai kwn seangkatan dulu2 bertemu kembali mengepam/memerah

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Post time 4-1-2010 01:29 PM | Show all posts
Hi kak miejaaa...
ha'ah masuk no 4 kak, lumba2 dgn limo.
Nih my Rayyan x betul2 stop bfeed lagi, ingat nk sambung jer dgn adik nyer
doakan yer kak jalan dipermudahkan... aminnn

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Post time 4-1-2010 04:54 PM | Show all posts
54# ajasu

tahniah 4 dah ek?

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 Author| Post time 5-1-2010 07:48 PM | Show all posts
54# ajasu

tahniah 4 dah ek?
danielly Post at 4-1-2010 16:54

lamanya tak nampak

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Post time 7-1-2010 12:36 AM | Show all posts
54# ajasu

tahniah 4 dah ek?
danielly Post at 4-1-2010 16:54

hi dane , ha'ah nk masuk no 4
kenal dane masa Azalea baby lagi.. so fast time flies kan..
ingatkan kut2 la ada rezeki dpt kembar mcm dane, terus jd 5 org.. tp x rezeki la..hehe
4 org nih pon kelam kabut dh nih

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Post time 19-1-2010 04:57 PM | Show all posts
Q: I have a 3-month-old son, and recently returned to work. When I pump I only produce 4 to 5 ounces for the day.

So while my son is with the sitter, he drinks one bottle of breast milk and three to four bottles of formula. While he has no problem with formula, I prefer him to have breast milk. What can I do to increase my production?

— Submitted by Maria in Los Angeles

A:Karen Sokal-Gutierrez, M.D., M.P.H.
Maria, it’s great that you’re giving your baby the best start in life by breastfeeding. This will significantly help his nutrition, development and protection from illnesses. If you can continue to provide him breast milk for at least six months, and ideally for a year or more, the health benefits for him will be even greater.

Many women find that it’s challenging to pump when they return to work. But once you develop a successful routine, it can be a wonderful way to stay physically close with your baby and help protect him from catching some of the illnesses in childcare. It’s OK to give your baby formula in addition to breast milk if necessary, but the more you can build up your supply, the better it is for your baby.

There are two basic principles of increasing your breast milk supply: increasing the stimulation of your breasts by breastfeeding and pumping, and increasing your body’s ability to make milk by eating well, drinking plenty of fluids, getting enough rest, reducing stress and thinking about your baby. Here are some specific suggestions:

1. Breastfeed as much as possible: Do so before you go to work, when you come home and during the nights and weekends.

# Breastfeed more frequently: On the weekends, try to get family members to run errands so you can breastfeed your baby every two to three hours during the day. Don’t wait for your breasts to “fill up” to know when it’s time for another feeding. You will make milk as your baby feeds. Offer the breast more often rather than waiting for your baby to show signs of hunger. If your baby has been napping for more than two hours, wake him up for a feeding. At night, keep your baby in a bassinet next to your bed so you can breastfeed more easily.

# Breastfeed for longer periods of time: Don’t limit the length of your baby’s feedings to a certain number of minutes on each side. If your baby tends to fall asleep quickly at the breast, try “switch nursing”: let him feed on the first breast until he slows down then stimulate him by burping him or changing his diaper. Then switch him to the other breast and encourage him to nurse actively again. When he slows down again, burp him and switch him back to the first breast and finally finish feeding on the other breast. Or, you can try “double nursing.” After you feed your baby and he seems finished, carry him upright and awake for 10 to 20 minutes to allow him to burp up the air bubbles and make room for more milk. Then feed him again on both breasts before you let him go to sleep.

2. Pump your breast milk most efficiently:

# Rent or borrow a high-quality hospital-grade pump. Check with your local La Leche League, doctor’s office, WIC program or your employer’s human resources department. High-quality pumps can pump more milk faster.

# Try to make time at work to pump more frequently, every two to three hours if possible. More frequent pumping sessions, even if they’re shorter, will help you produce more milk.

# Try pumping both breasts at the same time with the special adapter kit for the pump. The double stimulation increases milk production and saves time.

# Take a few minutes before pumping to prepare your breasts. Place warm compresses on them then massage them with your fingertips beginning at the top and working down toward the nipple. Also, think about your baby by looking at a photo of him, inhaling his scent from a recently worn article of clothing, listening to a tape recording of your baby’s cooing or calling your baby’s caregiver to ask about him.

3. Take care of yourself: Balancing work and family is often stressful. Be sure to eat nutritious meals and snacks, including sources of protein and calcium. Drink plenty of fluids by having a glass of water every time you nurse or pump. Also continue to take your daily prenatal vitamins while you’re nursing. Try to get at least eight hours of sleep at night and try to nap on the weekends when your baby naps. Ask other family members to help care for your older child and do household chores and errands so you can spend more time with the baby and relaxing.

4. Get professional help. Contact your local La Leche League leader and/or a professional lactation consultant for more tips on increasing your milk supply. Consider attending a La Leche League mothers’ group to share strategies and support. For more information about increasing your breast milk supply, and to find your local organization, visit ... mtype=prepare_thumb

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Post time 26-1-2010 12:59 PM | Show all posts
aku baru ambik anak angkat. aku teringin menjadi ibu sejati, so ingin sangat nak breastfeed anak nih. Masalah aku, aku tak pernah mengandung sejak aku kawin. Jadi last 3 week aku gi pusat naluri n tanya pakar. Doc tu suruh aku makan motilium and maxilon selama 2 week. After 1day of 2 weeks tu aaku pam ader ler keluar cecair kuning, likat sangat and belendir, tapi sikit jer. Aku takut nak bagi anak aku menyusu. Tapi aku keep pam breast aku, tapi makin lama makin x keluar susu.

Korang boleh advice aku camna nak realisasikan impian untuk breastfeed anak. tolong la aku dah pening nih...

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Post time 28-1-2010 07:42 PM | Show all posts
salam... sib baik terjumpa thread nih.  

saya baru 8 hari bersalin.  baby tak cukup bulan.  beratnyer 880gm jer masa lahir.  now tengah keje mengepam susu utk antar kat sepital.  sekali pam bleh dapat 60ml jer.. camner nak bagi jadi banyak lagi susu tu eh?  teruja sgt tengok peti sejuk yg penuh2 susu tu...

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Post time 12-2-2010 08:35 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by masnina at 12-2-2010 20:37

tumpang tanya..

saya ibu bekerja. kalau hari ni saya pam susu di pejabat. lepas pam saya pecahkan dalam bekas kecil terus dalam 2 oz setiap bekas. katalah ada 10 bekas. soalan saya:-

1. EBM tu masukkan dalam cooler bag/peti ais pejabat kan?

2. balik rumah masuk dalam fridge. pagi esoknya keluarkan bagi pengasuh suruh dia panaskan semua yang 10 tu ke atau panaskan beberapa bekas je?

3. susu dari fridge yang telah dipanaskan mesti dicunsume dalam jangka masa berapa lama?

terima kasih pada yang sudi menjawab

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Post time 18-2-2010 05:40 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by masnina at 12-2-2010 20:37

tumpang tanya..

saya ibu bekerja. kalau hari ni saya pam susu di pejabat. lepas pam saya pecahkan dalam bekas kecil terus dalam 2 oz setiap bekas. k ...
masnina Post at 12-2-2010 20:35

wasalam.. akak pon tak tau nak menjawab sbb tak penah buat keje mengepam kat opis.  akak dok tunggu2 gak org menjawab kat thread ni tapi macam malap jerr..

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Post time 25-2-2010 09:48 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by masnina at 12-2-2010 20:37

tumpang tanya..

saya ibu bekerja. kalau hari ni saya pam susu di pejabat. lepas pam saya pecahkan dalam bekas kecil terus dalam 2 oz setiap bekas. k ...
masnina Post at 12-2-2010 20:35


1) simpan kat peti ais pejabat..(klau ada) & klu tak ada...simpan dalam cooler bag..max 8 hrs shj.
2) jangan panaskan semua..panaskan EBM yg nak diberikan kpd baby tu mengikut waktu aja.  Yg lain tu simpan dulu dlm freezer.
3) kalau dah panas, jgn simpan semula kat dlm peti...rendam aja ngan air panas but not more than 2 hrs..

the best is rendam EBM tu utk sekali minum aja..contohnya klu bb sekali minum 2oz, so rendam aja satu botol...& after 2 hrs dia nak minum lagi, baru rendam lagi..

hopefully jawaban ini membantu masnina..

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