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Australia Youth Olympic Festival - Malaysia Sertai 9 Acara -
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12 Januari, 2009
Malaysia Sertai Sembilan Acara Di AYOF
KUALA LUMPUR, 12 Jan (Bernama)-- Malaysia akan menyertai sembilan acara sukan yang dipertandingkan semasa Festival Olimpik Remaja Australia (AYOF) 2009 yang diadakan di sekitar bandar raya Sydney, mulai 14 hingga 18 Jan.
Malaysia, yang menyertai festival atas jemputan Majlis Olimpik Australia, akan bertanding dalam acara lumba basikal trek, memanah, menembak, hoki (lelaki), terjun, gimnastik artistik, gimrama, ekuestrian, dan lawan pedang, melebihi jumlah acara yang pernah disertai Malaysia dalam kejohanan itu pada tahun-tahun sebelum ini.
Kontinjen negara, yang dianggotai 66 atlet daripada skuad pelapis dan 31 pegawai dan jurulatih, akan bertanding melawan peserta kejohanan berusia bawah 20 tahun dari 26 negara lain termasuk China, Australia, dan Britain, diketuai Chief De Mission Jefri Ngadirin, yang juga Pengarah Cawangan Pelapis Majlis Sukan Negara.
"Dua sukan iaitu gimnastik dan memanah masing-masing mensasarkan dua pingat tetapi tidak menentukan warnanya. Kami berharap untuk mencontohi pencapaian lepas dengan pungutan terbaik adalah empat emas, empat perak, dan enam gangsa yang dilakukan pada kejohanan ketiga pada 2005," kata Jefri kepada pemberita selepas penyerahan Jalur Gemilang kepada peserta kejohanan oleh Ketua Pengarah MSN Datuk Zulkples Embong di Bukit Jalil hari ini.
"Ia bukan sesuatu yang mudah kerana tahap persaingan amat sengit," katanya.
AYOF adalah landasan bagi skuad pelapis negara untuk menguji kemahiran dan memantau prestasi semasa dengan atlet dari negara lain serta menyediakan peluang untuk mendedahkan mereka dalam kejohanan utama bagi pembangunan masa depan.
Dalam kejohanan dua tahun lepas, Malaysia diwakili oleh 52 atlet dalam acara badminton, terjun, lumba basikal trek, gimnastik, dan hoki (lelaki), dan memperoleh satu pingat emas, enam perak dan lima gangsa.
Mohd Adiq Husainie Othman, 18, yang akan bertanding dalam tiga acara lumba basikal trek, berkata ini merupakan penyertaan sulungnya dalam AYOF dan mensasarkan sekurang-kurangnya satu pingat tidak mengira apa warnanya dan akan mempersembahkan aksi terbaiknya.
Mohd Adiq, yang berlatih dengan MSN sejak empat tahun lepas, mencatat pencapaian terbaik kejohanan antarabangsa semasa beraksi dalam Kejohanan Lumba Basikal Asia di Jepun tahun lepas, apabila memperoleh tempat ketiga.
all the best to malaysian athletes -- |
Malaysia sasar lapan pingat di AYOF
KUALA LUMPUR - Kontinjen negara menyasarkan lapan pingat pada Festival Olimpik Belia Australia (AYOF) di Sydney yang akan berlangsung Rabu hingga Ahad ini.
Menurut ketua kontinjen negara ke kejohanan tersebut, Jefri Ngadirin, sasaran tersebut diletakkan berdasarkan persiapan atlet yang bermula sejak Jun tahun lalu serta dinilai melalui pretasi mereka dalam kejohanan lain.
''Mereka sudah menjalani latihan pusat sejak Jun tahun lalu dan kami sudah mengenal pasti atlet mana yang perlu diketengahkan dalam kejohanan tersebut berdasarkan pencapaian mereka dalam latihan serta kejohanan yang disertai,'' kata Jefri ketika ditemui pada Majlis Penyerahan Jalur Gemilang di Majlis Sukan Negara (MSN), Bukit Jalil, semalam.
Jelas Jefri, sasaran lapan pingat dianggap lebih realistik dan sekurang-kurangnya dapat memperbaiki pencapaian lalu pada 2007 dengan memungut satu emas, lima perak.
''Dalam kejohanan kali ini, kami meletakkan harapan dalam acara menembak dan berbasikal (trek) untuk meraih pingat selepas melihat pencapaian cemerlang mereka di Sukan Belia Komanwel di Pune, India serta Kejohanan Lumba Basikal Asia di Nara, Jepun.
''Bagaimanapun acara lain juga diletakkan harapan untuk memenangi pingat oleh pengurus masing-masing seperti gimnastik dan memanah yang mensasarkan dua pingat,'' kata Jefri
Menurut pengarah cawangan pelapis MSN itu, AYOF merupakan kejohanan yang bertaraf tinggi kerana beberapa negara menjadikannya sebagai medan untuk menguji atlet pelapis.
''Negara seperti China, Jepun dan Britain akan menghantar atlet pelapis mereka yang bakal beraksi dalam Sukan Olimpik 2012 dan 2016.
''Kejohanan ini akan disertai oleh atlet bawah 20 tahun yang sedang mempersiapkan diri dalam beberapa kejohanan besar dan mengatasi taraf Sukan Belia Komanwel,'' katanya.
Ini merupakan kali kelima kontinjen negara menyertai AYOF dan pencapaian terbaik dicatatkan pada 2005 dengan meraih empat emas, empat perak dan lima gangsa.
Menembak menyumbangkan tiga emas, dua perak dan empat gangsa, diikuti berbasikal satu emas dan terjun dua perak dan dua gangsa.
Pada 2007 Malaysia hanya meraih satu pingat emas, enam perak dan lima gangsa, dengan badminton menyumbang terbesar (satu emas, lima perak) diikuti terjun (satu perak, tiga gangsa) serta berbasikal (dua gangsa).
Pada penyertaan kali ini sebanyak 31 orang pegawai dan 66 atlet negara mengambil bahagian dan pasukan hoki negara sudah berada di sana bagi menghadapi perlawanan pertama menentang Britain esok.
Pasukan berbasikal dan menembak menghantar 10 orang atlet, diikuti memanah enam, terjun lima, gimnastik artistik lapan, gimrama empat, ekuestrian empat dan lawan pedang tiga manakala pasukan hoki lelaki 16 orang pemain.
Kejohanan yang dianjurkan oleh Majlis Olimpik Australia (AOC) itu mempertandingkan sebanyak 20 jenis acara bagi memberi peluang pendedahan pertandingan kepada bakal-bakal atlet Olimpian pada masa hadapan.
Malaysia antara 26 negara yang telah dijemput oleh AOC untuk menyertai sembilan jenis acara sukan iaitu berbasikal (trek), memanah, menembak, hoki (lelaki), terjun, gimnastik artistik, gimrama, ekuestrian dan lawan pedang.
Turut hadir pada majlis tersebut ialah Ketua Pengarah MSN, Datuk Zolkples Embong dan Setiausaha Majlis Olimpik Malaysia (MOM), Datuk Sieh Kok Chi. |
AYOF Schedule
OPENING CEREMONY @Sydney Entertainment Centre, Darling Harbour
Day 1 : 14/01/2009 : 18:30 - 20:00
ARCHERY @Archery Centre, SOP
Day 2 : 15/01/2009 : 09:00–15:00
Day 3 : 16/01/2009 : 09:00–15:00
Day 4 : 17/01/2009 : 09:30–15:30
ATHLETICS @Athletics Centre - SOP
Day 3 : 16/01/2009 : 15:30–19:00
Day 4 : 17/01/2009 : 15:30–19:00
BASKETBALL @Sydney University Sports and Aquatic Centre
Day 1 : 14/01/2009 : 08:00–16:00
Day 2 : 15/01/2009 : 13:00–21:00
Day 3 : 16/01/2009 : 13:00–21:00
Day 4 : 17/01/2009 : 13:00–21:00
CANOE/KAYAK - FLATWATER @Regatta Centre, Penrith
Day 2 : 15/01/2009 : 09:00–16:40
Day 3 : 16/01/2009 : 11:00–18:40
CANOE/KAYAK - SLALOM @Whitewater Stadium, Penrith
Day 3 : 16/01/2009 : 16:00–19:30
Day 4 : 17/01/2009 : 16:00–19:30
CYCLING @Dunc Gray Velodrome, Bankstown
Day 2 : 15/01/2009 : 13:00–22:00
Day 3 : 16/01/2009 : 13:30–21:30
Day 4 : 17/01/2009 : 10:00–16:10
DIVING @Aquatics Centre - SOP
Day 3 : 16/01/2009 : 11:10 –16:00
Day 4 : 17/01/2009 : 11:10 –16:00
Day 5 : 18/01/2009 : 10:00–16:10
EQUESTRIAN @Sydney International Equestrian Centre, Horseley Park
Day 3 : 16/01/2009 : 10:30 –17:00
Day 4 : 17/01/2009 : 09:30–16:00
Day 5 : 18/01/2009 : 09:00–16:30
FENCING @Sports Hall, SOP
Day 3 : 16/01/2009 : 08:30–19:50
Day 4 : 17/01/2009 : 08:30–18:00
FOOTBALL @Valentine Sports Park, Glenwood
Day 2 : 15/01/2009 : 17:00–20:00
Day 3 : 16/01/2009 : 17:00–20:00
Day 5 : 18/01/2009 : 17:00–20:00
Day 2 : 15/01/2009 : 13:30–20:30
Day 3 : 16/01/2009 : 15:30–21:00
Day 4 : 17/01/2009 : 18:00–21:00
Day 5 : 18/01/2009 : 13:00–16:00
Day 2 : 15/01/2009 : 09:00–12:00
Day 3 : 16/01/2009 : 09:00–12:00
Day 5 : 18/01/2009 : 09:00–12:00
Day 4 : 17/01/2009 : 10:00–16:15
HOCKEY @Hockey Centre - SOP
Day 1 : 14/01/2009 : 09:00–12:30
Day 2 : 15/01/2009 : 14:00–21:30
Day 4 : 17/01/2009 : 09:00–16:30
Day 5 : 18/01/2009 : 08:00–15:00
ROWING @Regatta Centre, Penrith
Day 4 : 17/01/2009 : 8:00–14:50
Day 5 : 18/01/2009 : 8:00–13:30
SHOOTING @Sydney Shooting Centre, Cecil Park
Day 2 : 15/01/2009 : 09:00–10:00
Day 3 : 16/01/2009 : 09:00–16:00
Day 4 : 17/01/2009 : 09:00–16:30
Day 5 : 18/01/2009 : 09:00–14:00
SWIMMING @Aquatics Centre - SOP
Day 2 : 15/01/2009 : 09:00–10:00 (Heats) ; 18:00–19:30 (Finals)
Day 3 : 16/01/2009 : 09:00–10:00 (Heats) ; 18:00–19:30 (Finals)
Day 4 : 17/01/2009 : 09:00–10:00 (Heats) ; 18:00–19:30 (Finals)
Day 5 : 18/01/2009 : 08:00–09:00 (Heats) ; 14:00–16:00 (Finals)
TRIATHLON @Regatta Centre, Penrith
Day 3 : 16/01/2009 : 08:00–10:30
Day 4 : 17/01/2009 : 10:00–11:30
VOLLEYBALL - BEACH @Maroubra Beach, Maroubra
Day 2 : 15/01/2009 : 08:00–17:30
Day 3 : 16/01/2009 : 08:30–17:30
Day 4 : 17/01/2009 : 08:30–13:10
Day 5 : 18/01/2009 : 09:00–13:45
WATER POLO @Parramatta Pool, Parramatta
Day 2 : 15/01/2009 : 16:30–21:00
Day 3 : 16/01/2009 : 16:30–21:00
Day 4 : 17/01/2009 : 16:30–21:00
Day 5 : 18/01/2009 : 08:30–14:30
* Schedule Subject To Change |
View Rating Log
antara result setakat ni ..
+ China held the advantage over Japan in the first men's basketball match at the 2009 Australian Youth Olympic festival, winning 125-73.
+ The opening match of women's basketball at the 2009 Australian Youth Olympic Festival saw a trans-Tasman battle, with Australia beating New Zealand by a whopping 50 points, 87-37.
+ Australia's Youth Olympic Festival men's basketball team entirely outclassed its Trans-Tasman rival in Sydney this afternoon, trouncing New Zealand's best youth players by 53 points.
+ The New Zealand women came out hungry from the beginning of what was going to be a tough match, one which they lost to Japan 92-71.
+ In the men's match, the result was reversed with New Zealand winning and the score exactly the same against Japan.
+ The Australian men's basketball team look unstoppable, thrashing China 105-76 today (15th January 2009)
+ Aussies women's basketball team undefeated after tough comeback against China; final score : Australia 69, China 52.
+ Women's hockey saw Australia defeat USA 4-0 with two goals from Emily Hurtz and one each for Marnie Hudson and Jill Dwyer.
+ Great Britain's young women defeated their Indian counterparts 3-1, with two goals from Dilly Newton and one to Sophie Bray in the final minute.
+ Highlights from the men's hockey included a win for India over Australia 2-1 in a tense match that saw Manteep Antil and Diwakar score, and Tristan White from Australia put a point on the board in the 66th minute.
+ There was an upset for Malaysia in their match against Great Britain with an equalising goal in the final minute to take the score to 4-4. Mohd Nor Hafiq Abdul Hamid scored twice for Malaysia and it was Martin Scanlon from Great Britain who scored the first goal of the match.
+ Men's hockey : Great Britain 2, India 0
+ Women's hockey : Australia 3, India 2
+ The Australian and Malaysian men's hockey teams hit the ground running in this evening's clash; final score : Australia 2, Malaysia 1.
beach volleyball
+ The Aussies got off to a good start with an easy win for the women in their opening match against Norway. The Australian women's duo of Zina Stone and Mariafe Artacho defeated Norwegian pair Mari Bergum Berget and Julie Heile Mikaelsen in straight sets : 21-17, 21-15.
+ Their male counterparts were also successful, fighting through three sets to claim victory over Norway. Patrick Mead and Robert Reeves beat the Norwegian team of Goeran Roenneberg and Martin Stoeyten two sets to one : 21-19, 17-21, 15-13.
+ Australians Taliqua Clancy and Eliza Karley Hynes fought hard but Summer Ross and Tara Roenicke easily took the first set 21-14. The Americans finished the game off quickly with the second set ending at 21-16.
+ Norway's number one team, Linn Lehre and Mari Aase Hole, defeated Hannah Keddell and Harriett McAdam of New Zealand : 21-15, 21-10.
+ Great Britain defeated China in straight sets to a surprising victory in the AYOF competition. Paige Nelmes and Megan Viggars completed the fourth consecutive straight sets win defeating the Chinese team, Chunxia Chen and Yuanyuan Lv 21-10 21-14.
+ China has bounced back after an earlier defeat at the hands of Great Britain to defeat the highly-fancied Americans in straight sets : 22-20, 21-13.
+ Australians Zina Stone and Mariafe Artacho took three sets to defeat Norwegian duo Linh Lehre and Mari Aase Hole : 21-13, 15-12.
+ Norwegian pair Linn Lehre and Mari Aase Hole recorded their second win of the day (21-14, 21-17) beating New Zealand in a game played under torrential rain and thunder.
+ In the final match of the day Australian women Taliqua Clancy and Eliza Karley Hynes won the match in straight sets 21-16, 21-11 over Great Britain.
rhythmic gymnastics - rope & hoop
+ For the rope rotation, Amy Dict Weng Kwa from Malaysia was in first place with Australian Jaelle Cohen in second.
+ The second rotation saw title favourite Baobao Dou from China cruise easily into first place. Also strong with the hoop was Lydia Juan Ye Wong from Malaysia coming in a close second.
archery - individual ranking
+ Hsui-Yu Hu and Shih-Chia Lin (Chinese Taipei) had shot themselves to the top of the scoreboard in the men's and women's competitions respectively, leads which were further strengthened after the final rounds.
+ Ryan Tyack, Australia's flag bearer from the Opening Ceremony, achieved a promising result of third. Teammate Taylor Worth came in second and Mitchell James finished 11th.
+ Australia's women all shot well with Alice Ingley, Ashley Sim and Elisa Barnard finishing third, fifth and sixth.
artistic gymnastics - vault, uneven bars, beam and floor
+ China, renowned for their strength in artistic gymnastics, surprised few with their gold medal performance. They ended with a total points score of 169.825, just over two points ahead of second placed Japan. Great Britain finished with the bronze.
+ Great Britain has sprung a major upset beating world superpower China to win the gold medal in the Men's Artistic Gymnastic Teams event at the Youth Olympic Festival at Homebush in Sydney. Team GB toppled the favorites with a total of 247.201 compared to China's 236.400.
The Australia A Team won the bronze medal with a total of 234.765.
+ Australia have kicked off their Australian Youth Olympic Festival campaign in style with a dominant 7-1 victory over China at Glenwood's Valentine Park.
+ Aussie kayaker Luke Haniford showed the heat had not got to him with a gold medal win in the men's K1 1000m; with teammate Glen Rypp following closely behind with the silver. Great Britain Edward Rutherford held on for the bronze medal.
+ In the men's K2 1000m, Australia's Laurence Fletcher and Jeremy Petho paddled an excellent race to cross the line in a time of 3:26.70 to lead home a very tight race for the minor medals. Hungary claimed the silver medal while New Zealand won the bronze medal, edging out the second Australian crew of Tom Boerema and Adrian Laub by less than half a length.
+ Hungary claimed gold in the final of the women's K4 1000m with a controlled start to finish win, crossing the line in a time of 3:36.25. Australia completed a strong opening day of the program with Kate Ferguson, Stacey Higgins, Amy Peters and Danielle Polson winning the silver medal and China taking the final place on the podium.
+ In the women's K2 1000m final the Chinese showed some very nice form with a strong win to gain their first gold medal of the event in a time of 4:07.32. The Hungarian duo just edged out the Australian抯 with Amy Peters and Lauren Smith taking the bronze.
+ In the men's K4 1000m, an event which was contested as a straight final, the New Zealand crew won with a strong finish in a time of 3:22.20, to hold off the equally fast finishing crews from Hungary and South Africa.
+ Women's 200 metre freestyle: 1st Katie Goldman (Australia Gold), 2nd Kelly Marquenie (Australia Gold), 3rd Hilary Bell (Canada).
+ Men's 200m freestyle: 1st Justin James (Australia Green), 2nd Chad Bobrosky (Canada), 3rd Luke Kerswell (Australia Gold).
+ Women's 100m backstroke: 1st Tess Simpson (Canada), 2nd Chanta Van Landeghem (Canada), 3rd Whitney Ireland (Australia Green).
+ Men's 100m backstroke: 1st Graham Hawes (Canada), 2nd Ben Edmonds (Australia Gold), 3rd Phillip Butcher (Australia Gold).
+ Women's 200m butterfly: 1st Miyu Otsuka (Japan), 2nd Nicole Mee (Australia Green), 3rd Eri Oishi (Japan)
+ Men's 200m butterfly: 1st Ryogo Nakajima (Japan), 2nd Yusuke Yasue (Japan), 3rd Luke Stirton (Australia Gold).
+ Men's 3000m individual pursuit : Australia took all three medals in the event with a new Australian youth record of three minutes, 17.261 seconds by Dale Parker.
+ Australia also dominated the women's pursuit, with Melissa Hoskins taking out the gold, Michaela Anderson the silver and Amy Cure the bronze.
+ Records were also crushed in both the men's and women's flying 200 metre sprint. Australia's Annette Edmondson smashed the women's AYOF record by 0.6 seconds while Sam Webster from New Zealand took half a second off the men's. |
Reply #6 naen's post
thanks naen sebab update....
semalam tak sempat.. baca kat paper aje result tu -
nanti ada lagi update kan ye - |
result 16 january
Individual - Men (Quarter Final)
Hsiu-Yu Hu vs. Muhamad Amirulfaiz Khairul : 103-95
Mark Nesbitt vs. Mohamad Faiz Farhan Abd Wahab : 101-84
Ryan Tyack vs. Yuan-Hsiang Gu : 102-92
Alexander Wheeler vs. Taylor Worth : 102-92
Individual - Men (Semi Final)
Mark Nesbitt vs. Hsiu-Yu Hu : 102-98
Ryan Tyack vs. Alexander Wheeler : 101-96
Individual - Women (Quarter Final)
Shih-Chia Lin vs. Catherine Harwood : 104-91
Nur Amirah Mohamed vs. Ashley Sim : 89-82
Alice Ingley vs. Elisa Barnard : 96-84
Ya-Ting Tan vs. Nurul Amanina Rosmay : 98-93
Individual - Women (Semi Final)
Shih-Chia Lin vs. Nur Amirah Mohamed : 107-89
Ya-Ting Tan vs. Alice Ingley : 104-101
Hammer Throw - Men (Final)
Huw Peacock (Australia) - 63.03
Damien Birkenhead (Australia ) - 57.90
Eutesio Toto (Oceania) - 57.56
Pole Vault - Women (Final)
Huiqin Xu (China) - 3.70
Rebecca Marchant (Australia) - 3.50
Chenchen Wan (China) - 3.50
Triple Jump - Men (Final
Callan Rauchfuss (Australia) - 14.42
Christopher Wittkopp (Australia) - 14.22
Damian Hart (Australia) - 14.03
Shot Put - Women (Final)
Margaret Satupai (Oceania) - 14.52
Siosetina Hakeai (New Zealand) - 14.02
Xi Chen (China) - 13.69
100m - Women (Final)
Ashleigh Whittaker (Australia) - 2.20
Karlie Morton (Australia) - 12.25
Huijun Lin (China) - 12.38
1500m - Women (Final)
Nikki Hiscock (Australia) - 4:42.16
Catherine Van Der Walt (Australia) - 4:43.40
Sophie Greig (Australia) - 4:46.28
Javelin Throw - Women (Final)
An-Li Wang (Chinese Taipei) - 46.92
Juanhong Peng (China) - 45.55
Megan Horne (Australia) - 42.90
1500m - Men (Final)
Jordan Williamsz (Australia) - 3:55.19
James Connor (Australia) - 3:56.82
Kane Grimster (Australia) - 3:57.78
100m Hurdles - Women (Final)
Rosanna Lawson (Australia) - 14.49 (-3.2 wind asst)
Carly Maree Rodger (Australia) - 14.61 (-3.2 wind asst)
Gabi Simpson (Australia ) - 14.63 (-3.2 wind asst)
110m Hurdles - Men (Final)
Cameron Hyde (Australia) - 13.92
Mitchell Tysoe (Australia) - 13.97
James Vine (Australia) - 14.61
High Jump - Men (Final)
Andrew Neville (Australia) - 2.04
Ben Harrison (New Zealand) - 1.90
Thomas Madsen (Australia) - 1.85
400m - Women (Final)
Caitlin Sargent (Australia) - 55.21
Zoe Riikonen (Australia) - 56.03
Bili Liu (China) - 56.49
Triple Jump - Women (Final)
Brooke Stratton (Australia) - 12.47
Tara Whitehead (Australia) - 12.22
Kertisha Thompson (Australia) - 11.96
400m - Men (Final)
Alex Jordan (New Zealand) - 47.86
Alex Beck (Australia) - 48.09
Alexander Kelaart (Australia) - 48.61
Javelin Throw - Men (Final)
Luanga Andria (Australia) - 70.22
Seamus Hegarty (Australia) - 61.45
Rian Suter (Australia) - 57.95
2000m Steeplechase
Natalie Dudkowski (Australia) - 6:46.83
Robyn Bennett (Australia) - 6:47.64
Jessica Gilfillan (Australia) - 7:03.94
2000m Steeplechase - Men (Final)
Jordan Nelson (Australia) - 6:11.18
Grant Gwynne (Australia) - 6:14.83
Ethan Heywood (Australia) - 6:18.18
4 x 100m Relay - Women (Final)
AUS Lawson/McKinnon/Guy/Brennan - 47.29
AUS Stratton/Simpson/Cuttler/Whittaker - 47.43
AUS Rodger/Morton/Marchant/Sargent - 47.77
4 x 100m Relay - Men (Final)
AUS Hyde/Beck/Neville/Felsman - 42.33
AUS Rauchfuss/Kelaart/Vine/Jenner - 42.87
AUS Schalch/Tysoe/Bailey/Jennings - 42.95 |
result 16 january
Men (Round 3 Match 1) : China vs. New Zealand : 90 - 54
Women (Round 3 Match 1) : China vs. New Zealand : 85 - 51
Women (Round 3 Match 2) : Australia vs. Japan : 100-72
Men (Round 3 Match 2) : Australia vs. Japan : 94 - 46
beach volleyball
Men (Round 1 Match 9) : AUS A. Mead/Reeves vs. GBR A. Sheaf/Smith : 20-22, 21-16, 15-11
Women (Round 1 Match 9) : AUS Artacho, Stone vs. NZL A. McAdam/Keddell : 21-19 17-21 15-7
Men (Round 1 Match 10) : AUS Moore/Leathart vs. CHN A. Chen/Dou : 23-21, 17-21, 15-12
Women (Round 1 Match 10) : USA A. Roenicke/Ross vs. GBR Nelmes/Viggars : 21-11. 21-11
Men (Round 1 Match 11) : NZL Wallace-Boyd/S O-Dea vs. NOR B. Roennenberg/Stoeyten : 21-19, 21-18
Women (Round 1 Match 11) : NOR Lehre/Hole vs. NOR Mikaelsen/Berget : 21-17, 21-9
Men (Round 1 Match 12) : NZL B. B O'Dea/Thomas vs. NOR Antonsen/Solhaug : 22-20, 28-26
Women (Round 1 Match 12) : Aus B. Clancy/Hynes vs. CHN Chen/Lv : 21-18, 21-19
Men (Play - Off 5 - 6) : GBR A. Sheaf/Smith vs. AUS Moore/Leathart : 21-14, 21-17
Women (Play - Off 7 - 8) : Aus B. Clancy/Hynes vs. CHN Chen/Lv : 21-18 21-19
Men (Play - Off 7 - 8) : NOR B. Roennenberg/Stoeyten vs. CHN A. Chen/Dou : 23-21, 21-16
Women (Play - Off 5 - 6) : CHN Chen/Lv vs. NOR Mikaelsen/Berget : 21-18, 16-21, 15-10
canoe/kayak - flatwater
K-4 - 500m - Men (Final)
Dombv醨i/Holicza/Slezs醟/Szab |
lagik result 16 january
3m Springboard - Men (Final)
Chao He (China) - 594.15
Dongliang Wu (China) - 553.75
Ahmad Amsyar Azman (Malaysia) - 479.55 :pompom:
Synchronised Diving 3m Springboard - Men (Final)
Chengcheng Cai/Chao He (China) - 405.39
Carver/Warren (Australia) - 358.17
Amsyar/Fakhrul (Malaysia) - 348.48 :pompom:
10m Platform - Women (Final)
Yu Zhou (China) - 525.20
Linghui Feng (China) - 508.40
Pandelela Rinong Pamg (Malaysia) - 455.00 :pompom:
Men (Round 2 Match 1) : Australia vs. Chile : 2-2
Men (Round 2 Match 2) : USA vs. China : 14-0
gymnastic artistic
Individual All-Around - Men (Final)
Ashley Watson (Great Britain)
Reiss Beckford (Great Britain)
Max Whitlock (Great Britain)
Individual All-Around - Women (Final)
Jie Cui (China)
Natsumi Sasada (Japan)
Yoshino Taniguchi (Japan)
gymnastic rythmic
Group All-Around - Women (Final)
China - 155.875
Australia (A) - 155.300
Great Britain - 153.350
10m Air Rifle - Women (Final)
Nur Ayuni Farhana Abdul Halim (Malaysia) - 492.4 :pompom:
Alice Styles (Australia) - 488.3
Jian Huan Cheng (Singapore) - 487.6
10m Air Rifle - Men (Final)
James Huckle (Great Britain) - 691.0
James Ow Cheston (Singapore) - 672.9
Edwin Gouw (Australia) - 670.1 |
result 16 january
100m Breaststroke - Men (Final)
Kenneth To (Australia) - 1.04.38
Masaya Kano (Japan) - 1.04.54
Nicholas Schafer (Australia) - 1.05.18
100m Freestyle - Men (Final)
Luke Kerswell (Australia) - 51.35
James Roberts (Australia) - 51.52
James Sweeney (Australia) - 51.95
4 x 200m Freestyle - Men (Final)
Australia - 7.31.34
Canada - 7.31.95
Japan - 7.42.72
100m Breaststroke - Women (Final)
Leiston Pickett (Australia) - 1.10.14 (AYOF Record)
Marie-Soleil Jean-Lachapelle (Canada) - 1.10.17
Chelsey Salli (Canada) - 1.10.27
100m Freestyle - Women (Final)
Mao Kawakami (Japan) - 56.92
Kelly Marquenie (Australia) - 57.60
Phoebe Cater (Australia) - 57.60
4 x 200m Freestyle - Women (Final)
Australia - 8.19.04
Canada - 8.24.85
Australia - 8.25.22
400m Individual Medley - Men (Final)
Daiya Seto (Japan) - 4.26.09
Mitchell Larkin (Australia) - 4.26.80
David Dimitrov (Canada) - 4.27.28
400m Individual Medley - Women (Final)
Miyu Otsuka (Japan) - 4.43.72 (AYOF Record)
Katie Goldman (Australia) - 4.47.57
Jessica Legge (Australia) - 4.52.64
Individual - Women (Final)
Holly Aitken (Australia) - 00:57:31 (Swim 00:09:39/Cycle 00:31:34/Run 00:16:18)
Sophie Coleman (Great Britain) - 00:57:52 (Swim 00:10:24/Cycle 00:31:46/Run 00:15:42)
Yuka Sato (Japan) - 00:58:10 (Swim 00:09:37/Cycle 00:31:33/Run 00:17:00)
Individual - Men (Final)
Jonathan Brownlee (Great Britain) - 00:52:02 (Swim 00:08:59/Cycle 00:28:48/Run 00:14:15)
Sam Appleton (Australia) - 00:52:18 (Swim 00:09:11/Cycle 00:28:37/Run 00:14:30)
Jos Hoetjes (New Zealand) - 00:52:24 (Swim 00:09:10/Cycle 00:28:34/Run 00:14:40)
water polo
Women (Round 2 Match 1) - Hungary vs. China : 20-15
Women (Round 2 Match 2) - Australia vs. Greece : 13-8
Men (Round 2 Match 1) - Hungary vs. China : 34-6
Men (Round 2 Match 2) - Greece vs. Australia : 10-8 |
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Malaysia lepasi sasaran di Sydney
+ utusan malaysia
KUALA LUMPUR - Kontinjen negara berjaya melepasi sasaran lapan pingat pada Festival Olimpik Belia Australia (AYOF) dekat Sydney apabila berjaya menggondol sebelas pingat; empat emas, tiga perak dan empat gangsa.
Pada hari terakhir, semalam kontinjen negara menambah dua lagi perak menerusi sukan menembak dan terjun.
Bagaimanapun skuad hoki lelaki gagal dalam penentuan pingat gangsa selepas tewas kepada Britain 5-2.
Selepas cemerlang menyumbang empat pingat emas, pasukan menembak semalam menambah satu lagi perak menerusi Wahidah Ismail dalam acara akhir 25 meter prone rifle.
Penembak wanita negara itu mengumpul 744.2 mata, manakala Hannah Polak dari Britain yang merangkul pingat emas mencatat 753.0 mata. Di tempat ketiga ialah penembak Australia, Yvonne Foster (735.3).
Pingat perak kedua negara disumbangkan dalam acara terjun berirama 10 meter platform menerusi gandingan Pandelela Rinong dan Traisy Vivien Tukiet 294.87 mata.
Gandingan penerjun negara itu gagal mengatasi penerjun China, Feng Linghui dan Xu Zhihuan yang mengumpul 337.74 mata, namun mereka berjaya mengatasi penerjun Britain, Jennifer Cowen-Aimee Walker (278.49).
Kontinjen negara gagal meraih sebarang pingat dalam acara 50 meter prone rifle lelaki, gimnastik artistik lelaki, gimrama individu keseluruhan wanita, ekuestrian (jumping) individu pada hari terakhir kejohanan lima hari itu.
Sementara itu, ketua kontinjen negara, Jefri Ngadirin berkata, dia amat berpuas hati dengan prestasi atlet secara keseluruhan kerana bukan saja berjaya melepasi sasaran lapan pingat, malah mampu memberi saingan kepada atlet dari China, Britain dan Australia.
''Saya bangga melihat mereka memberi saingan kepada negara besar yang menghantar atlet terbaik mereka contohnya dalam sukan terjun hari ini (semalam) apabila Pandelela dan Traisy berjaya mengetepikan penerjun Britain untuk meraih perak,'' katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini, semalam.
Jelasnya, walaupun ada beberapa sukan seperti memanah yang gagal menyinar tetapi atlet dalam acara tersebut dijangka akan memberikan cabaran lebih baik pada kejohanan antarabangsa lain.
''Sukan basikal yang kurang menyerlah pula akan dikaji semula bentuk program latihan mereka sebaik selepas pulang ke tanah air nanti.
''Negara seperti Australia, New Zealand dan Britain menghantar pelumba remaja terbaik mereka, mungkin perbincangan akan diadakan dengan ketua jurulatih negara, John Beasley,'' kata Jefri.
Menurut Jefri, mereka perlu bekerja keras untuk mencari keputusan lebih cemerlang menjelang Sukan Olimpik Belia yang akan berlangsung di Singapura tahun depan.
''Sukan Olimpik Belia dijangka lebih sukar di mana atlet yang akan bersaing di sana nanti perlu melalui proses kelayakan,'' kata Jefri.
Kelmarin, tiga pingat emas disumbangkan dalam sukan menembak menerusi Wahida (10 meter air pistol wanita), Nur Ayuni Farhana Abdul Halim (50 meter rifle wanita), Muhamad Zubair Mohammad (50 meter rifle lelaki).
Memanah turut menyumbangkan pingat kelmarin apabila memenangi perak dalam acara berpasukan wanita.
Kejohanan yang dianjurkan oleh Majlis Olimpik Australia (AOC) itu mempertandingkan 20 jenis acara bagi memberi peluang pendedahan pertandingan kepada bakal-bakal atlet 'Olimpian' di masa hadapan.
Malaysia antara 26 negara yang dijemput oleh AOC untuk menyertai sembilan jenis acara sukan iaitu berbasikal (trek), memanah, menembak, hoki (lelaki), terjun, gimnastik artistik, gimrama, ekuestrian dan lawan pedang. |
Penembak penyelamat
+ harian metro
HARAPAN kontinjen Malaysia untuk menggandakan kutipan emas pada hari terakhir Festival Olimpik Remaja Australia (AYOF) semalam tidak kesampaian apabila meraih dua perak menerusi acara menembak dan terjun untuk kesudahan empat emas, tiga perak dan empat gangsa.
Pencapaian itu membolehkan Malaysia mengatasi kutipan AYOF 2007 dari segi bilangan emas iaitu 1 emas, 6 perak, 3 gangsa tetapi membuktikan kemampuan sukan menembak untuk menjadi 憄enyelamat |
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