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Post time 17-4-2009 05:22 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Malam tadi, aku kononnya nak siapkan kerja sket... tup2 kawan aku kt Amerika online. SO, I chat him up.  And then, he gave me his bf's YM name.  In no time, all three of us were chatting together - conference.  Memang best gile la.. borak2 and stuff.  Catching up on things.  

These two friends of mine are my best friends. J and M.  J asked me, bila nak datang USA lagi, van dia dah lama tak dicuci - last time aku visit derang, aku tolong basuh and vacuum van gedabak dia at the driveway, while M dok tanam2 pokok bunga dia.  It was a wonderful springtime - May.  Budak2 main2 kat gojes lawn.  Neighbours semua elite2 je.  Kawan aku si I, dok vacuum kat dalam rumah.

THe end of last year, J had a surgery on the knee.  Langsung aku tak perasan yang J dok limping around masa kitaorang visit derang last May.  He said "I have bionic kneee now" and "I have lost 15-20lbs since you last saw me" uhuhh.. mesti makin gojess si J sekarang and can do his usual cycling, exercising and stuff.  The first time I met J, we clicked.  Automatic je aku dok ngekor dia je.  I feel very close to him. Macam abang.  He even said that we would even date if things were different.  hahahah..

Si M pulak, he never gained an ounce.  Makan nasik macam gorilla,  tapi maintainn je slim.  Main tennis shirtless.  MMg species lean and SEKSII and age defying!  I hate him for that!  He calls me unbearable names and stuff, but I don't care.  Dia punya pasal le, sampai kawan aku kena tahan kt Singapore airport... Carrying his much prized cigarettes.

Then M told me (and he'd said it before many times) that I should move to America.  Settle down there.  That I don't belong in Malaysia at all.  He was saying that I could consider going to nursing school and be a nurse.  It's a promising job.

Yes I paham le apa yg dia cakapkan tu.  Tapi I told him I am already too old to make big changes like that.  Aku tau le hidup kt sana macamana, the people, the crowd, the culture. Aku dah biasa sebenarnya.  But when you get older, things changed, and get more complicated.

Tapi dengan lawaknya aku cakap,.. "nko advertise je gambar aku, kot2 ada American kaya yang sudi buat aku jadik bini.. Hahahhaa".. But i think, more importantly,  M was feeling lonely and needed people he could relate to like myself and our other friends.  And I think J already is comfortable having me around there.

So, memang aku tak rasa aku akan live and work in America pun.  But, I will always visit my friends there kalau ada masa dan rezeki. (J and M are to name a few, ada ramai lagi).  Aku rasa travel mate aku si I pun macam dah hint2 nak ajak aku travel again this year and I don't think she cares where I wanna go, asalkan dia dapat keluar Malaysia dia ikut je.  (what???  this year too???)  

Sebenarnya, aku dah cakap ngan ayah mak aku, no travelling this year. Ekonomi tak bagus. Better MAKE MONEY than SPEND, for me la (walaupun its good to spend to stimulate economy kan? hahahahha).  And USA trip is expensive.  Walaupun aku ada tempat tinggal - kawan2 ramai kt sana - still, if I dont have 10K to spare, jangan ngada2 la.. lelagi kalau species kaki shopping cam aku neh.. semput woo...

BUt last night's chat, macam mengusik2 hati aku jek.  hehe.. macam rindu je kt sana.  However, aku kena gak consider many factors. Kalau aku nak pergi pun, kalau tengok work schedule aku ni.. gamaknya I can only go in November/December or August.  Travel mate aku tu, sewel betul.. rindu snow la bagai.. Ok, I like snow.. only for the FIRST TWO WEEKS.   Lepas tu aku pasti meroyan sebab stress dengan malam yang panjang.  There're nothing much to do but EAT, SLEEP and GET FAT.  And err.. maybe snow shovelling as exercise.  Haduihh...

MMg problem, sebab, travelmate aku ni cikgu sekolah.  DIa nak pergi travel pun, kena time cuti sekolah ler and kena adjust ngan schedule kerja aku pulak..

Aku takde apa2 preference for now, samada nak pergi or not - but I prefer kalau J and M datang Malaysia since si M ni actually Malaysian and dia dah lama tak jenguk mak ayah dia while J is American - but kalau korang la... without any financial constraints, what would you guys go?



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Post time 17-4-2009 05:59 PM | Show all posts
hm... aku akan minta dia org yg dtg mesia since M pn dah lama x blk mesia. Plus x jejaskan apa2 pd poket M bila dtg cny sbb currency dia yg lbh tinggi dr cny. So mintaklah dia dtg cny as ba;asan u dah gi sna dlu.

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Post time 17-4-2009 06:04 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 nenekglamer's post

mana dpt kawan omputeh ramai nih??

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Post time 17-4-2009 06:07 PM | Show all posts
pergi je le, apa salahnye

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Post time 17-4-2009 06:12 PM | Show all posts
g je la.. lau nk teman, mak pn leh teman... huhuh

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Post time 17-4-2009 06:28 PM | Show all posts

Sekarang Amerika tengah krisis nek.

Elok le ditangguhkan hajat tu... Tunggu le lepas semuanya ok.


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Post time 17-4-2009 06:34 PM | Show all posts
honestly kalau aku pun pegi... sedih wooo teringat kawan2 kat sane2...

aku ade few friends ang tak habis2 ajak aku g sane.. insyaAllah ade rezeki lebey aku akan sampai sane lagi..sice air asia pun dah ade tambang murah.. nak try jugak...

aku kadang2 rase bersalah..dorang dah 2-3 kali datang malaysia ..tapi aku jugak tak sampai2 sane lagi... tunggu training kat sane .. tah bile lagi..

so kalau aku jadi ko...aku akan jejak dorang kat sane... pastu g kat tempat2 yang pernah hang out..memang sedih dan best...


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Post time 17-4-2009 09:42 PM | Show all posts
bestnya leh jalan2

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 Author| Post time 17-4-2009 10:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nafham at 17-4-2009 17:59
hm... aku akan minta dia org yg dtg mesia since M pn dah lama x blk mesia. Plus x jejaskan apa2 pd poket M bila dtg cny sbb currency dia yg lbh tinggi dr cny. So mintaklah dia dtg cny as ba;asan  ...

Aku memang dok sakat2 si M ni suruh BALIK MALAYSIA.  Mak aku pun bising2 gak.. suruh je dia balik - bila tengok aku dok beriya nak hantar itu ini kat si M.  Si M dah 10 tahun tak balik malaysia actually.

I am not sure if he would make it this year.  Tau je la.. kalau nak balik mesti le macam2 mende nak dibeli untuk anak2 sedara ye tak?  Pakai duit banyak gak kan?  He already has a life and commitment there.  Bills to pay etc.

Dia jarang call mak dia, sbb dia cakap dia sedih. I understand the feeling.  Aku pernah tepon mak dia, nak sampaikan pesan.. bila dengar suara mak dia.. aduhh.. lembut syahdu je.. aku jadik sedih pulak..

Kitaorang ajak gak si J visit sekali.  Mamat tu alasan dia senang = selagi tak reti malay, dia taknak datang.  Such perfectionist.

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 Author| Post time 17-4-2009 10:21 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by pressor at 17-4-2009 18:04
mana dpt kawan omputeh ramai nih??

dulu sekolah kt sana.  so, kenal ramai orang.

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 Author| Post time 17-4-2009 10:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by narif at 17-4-2009 18:07
pergi je le, apa salahnye

hehehe... sedang difikir2kan..

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 Author| Post time 17-4-2009 10:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tamanteman at 17-4-2009 18:12
g je la.. lau nk teman, mak pn leh teman... huhuh

jomm.. hehehehehe

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 Author| Post time 17-4-2009 10:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by GUNDUT at 17-4-2009 18:28

Sekarang Amerika tengah krisis nek.

Elok le ditangguhkan hajat tu... Tunggu le lepas semuanya ok.

some parts are not that safe for muslims.  

aku pun sebenarnya separuh2 hati je nih.  and besides.. aku ni bukan Paris Hilton.. just anak petani mesken jek... kalau ikutkan, nak travel gi usa every year.. mmg kira tak sedar diri dah tuuu...

J said to me that don't wait another 10 years to return.  well.. i hope it won't be that long.  Kalau dah rezeki.. possible je to come.

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 Author| Post time 17-4-2009 10:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sayang_mulut at 17-4-2009 18:34
honestly kalau aku pun pegi... sedih wooo teringat kawan2 kat sane2...

aku ade few friends ang tak habis2 ajak aku g sane.. insyaAllah ade rezeki lebey aku akan sampai sane lagi..sice air asia ...

aku sokong nko pergi visit lagi.. BUT.. kena expect that things are not always as you remember.  things change.  you may feel like a stranger even.  

and sekarang ni kos dah tinggi la, tak macam dulu.  itupun aku chose flight yg murah (tak murah pun)..

err.. Air Asia dah fly usa ke?  seyes?  nko biar betul?

revisiting the old favourite places?  mmg nostalgic!

[ Last edited by  nenekglamer at 17-4-2009 22:50 ]

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Post time 17-4-2009 10:51 PM | Show all posts
dak pandai nih mcm SM gak...meletup u ol..

crkan ai omputeh sorg

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 Author| Post time 17-4-2009 11:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by pressor at 17-4-2009 22:51
dak pandai nih mcm SM gak...meletup u ol..

crkan ai omputeh sorg

Kat Malaya ni mana nak cari omputeh yek?  I don't know anyone here (not real life one la)..

Ko tak pernah ada kawan kokesen ke?

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Post time 18-4-2009 12:31 AM | Show all posts

Balas #15 pressor\ catat


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Post time 18-4-2009 12:34 AM | Show all posts

Balas #14 nenekglamer\ catat

itu london...kaedahnye kalau cepat dapat la 1500 .. tu pun kalau ade luck... kire dapat la jugak atas bantuan akak ipar aku... heh heh

kalau us... jgn harap la.. air asia ni .. katerbang dah la ala2 uzur.. takut aku.. belu sampai US dah terhempas setengah jalan... naya.

tapi betul tau cakap ko... memag bende berubah... tapi kan kalau pk2 balik... aku kadang2 macam sedih gak... mase last day graduation,, pastu kerje... tinggal2 kan kawan. rase macam.. bile mase la aku leh jumpe ngn dorang .. pastu nak rase balik time2 dedolo... mesti tak leh...

rase macam akan jadi pelik bile jumpe balik....

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 Author| Post time 18-4-2009 01:07 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sayang_mulut at 18-4-2009 00:34
itu london...kaedahnye kalau cepat dapat la 1500 .. tu pun kalau ade luck... kire dapat la jugak atas bantuan akak ipar aku... heh heh

kalau us... jgn harap la.. air asia ni .. katerbang dah l ...

about coming back tu ..  my experience la kan..

before flying to, rasa macam2 kerisauan.  flying was long and boring.  but the moment i set foot on the american soil, automatic je.. macam lock and key.. like i belong there. macam situational factors la..  like i never left. like i belonged there.  

tapi there were also so many changes. the places dah ada ubah sana sini.  aku terdisorientetated jap.  lupa jalan.  kengkawan aku pun dah lain.. ada yg dah boncet, botak, gemuk.. beranak pinak.. hehe.  

still all good though.  takde yg mengecewakan sebab I did expect changes.

tapi ye la.. kita tetap bersikap realistik.  walaupun sukaaa sangat aku takde la terus buang segala2 yg ada kt malaysia kan?  walaupun masa fly balik tu I cried all the way to narita - almost a day duration hehe - at one point aku rasa nak migrate terus ke america tuh.. because I felt i really belonged there.  balik malaysia, aku lepak rumah adik aku dulu.. aku depressed gile... mak ayah aku dah risau2 calling2.. tanya if I was OK.  they knew I was in pain.

nasib la ada pengubat hati... bersabar dia tolong aku rationalise the whole thing.  walaupun just online friend, but he was able to help me get back on my feet again.  fuhh... crazy time.

kalaula dia tau aku ada ura2 nak pergi semula, aku PASTI he'd disagree.  Hehehehee..

and boss aku macam cemburu je aku gi USA.  He was surprised masa aku email him telling him I just landed in Chicago.  And he was unhappy sbb dia bajet aku gi sana dating wakakkaka... dasar lelaki tak sedar diri dah kawin ekk?  hahahhaha...

[ Last edited by  nenekglamer at 18-4-2009 01:13 ]

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 Author| Post time 18-4-2009 01:10 AM | Show all posts

Balas #18 sayang_mulut\ catat

JOm gi LOndon.

aku tak pernah gi sana.

what about the cost?

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