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Cradle Fund sasar lulus 100 geran (usahawan tekno)
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Cradle Fund Sdn. Bhd. (Cradle Fund), syarikat di bawah naungan
Kementerian Kewangan, menyasarkan kelulusan 100 geran kepada usahawan tekno pada
tahun ini.
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutifnya, Nazrin Hassan berkata, usaha itu sejajar dengan aspirasi kerajaan
untuk melahirkan lebih ramai usahawan tekno yang inovatif bagi mengkomersialkan idea
''Setakat ini, sebanyak 343 geran telah diluluskan sejak tahun 2003 hingga Februari lalu.
Pada tahun lalu sahaja, sebanyak 96 telah diluluskan.
''Pada masa hadapan Cradle Fund mengharapkan lebih banyak usahawan muda atau lepasan
universiti bumiputera akan memohon untuk mendapatkan geran dengan kami,'' katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang akhbar selepas Majlis Menandatangani Memorandum
Persefahaman (MoU) antara Cradle Fund dan syarikat penyedia platform mentor MentorSquare
Advisors (MentorSquare) di sini hari ini.
MoU itu ditandatangani oleh Nazrin mewakili Cradle Fund dan MentorSquare di wakili oleh
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutifnya, Ravi Narayan. Hadir sama Pengerusi Cradle Fund,
Datuk Mohd. Sallehuddin Othman.
Nazrin berkata, melalui kerjasama ini, penerima geran Cradle Fund kini boleh mendapatkan
akses kepada platform mentor yang disediakan oleh MentorSquare bagi mendapatkan
bimbingan dan nasihat sejak dari hari pertama mereka menerima geran.
''Selain itu, usahawan kami juga berpeluang mendapat bimbingan daripada mentor yang
mempunyai pengalaman selama 35 tahun pengalaman, kepakaran dan rangkaian di peringkat
''Cradle Fund juga yakin, lebih banyak peluang perniagaan di peringkat antarabangsa boleh
ditembusi oleh usahawan ekoran kerjasama ini. Mereka tidak akan dikenakan sebarang
bayaran kerana Cradle Fund akan membantu mereka,'' jelasnya.
Perjanjian yang ditandatangani tersebut adalah untuk tempoh tiga tahun.
Sementara itu, MentorSquare sedang dalam usaha untuk menyediakan mentor di kalangan
rakyat Malaysia bagi membantu usahawan.
Ravi berkata, setakat ini MentorSquare mempunyai empat mentor dari Malaysia dan menjelang
akhir tahun ini syarikat itu berharap bilangan mentor bertambah kepada 10 |
Introduction/What is Cradle Investment Programme (CIP)?
The Cradle Investment Programme (CIP) is Malaysia s first development and pre-seed funding
programme for technology ideas. It enables budding innovators and aspiring innovative
entrepreneurs to make the jump from just having an innovative technology idea to becoming
a successful start-up.
We are approving conditional grants of up to RM50, 000 per tranche per idea (up to a
maximum of three conditional tranches) for innovative technology ideas with good
commercialisation potential, submitted by aspiring groups of technopreneurs.
If you re serious about getting started and your idea is good, we ll help you. Our Cradle
Investment Programme (CIP) is managed by Cradle Fund Sdn Bhd, which is wholly funded
by the Ministry of Finance.
Contact us now if you wish for pre-seed funding and support. Your road to technopreneurship
begins here.
Our Track Record
As of May 2008, about 270 technopreneurs have benefited from the Cradle Investment
Programme (CIP).
They have received RM 50,000 per idea, a total of RM15.7 million, from us and many have
gone on to successful commercialisation of their ideas. In fact, 42% of the ideas completed
have reached commercialisation stage which we believe is the highest rate of commercialization
amongst grants in the nation yet.
We are currently looking for ideas that fall under the areas of ICT and high growth, including:
Software and information services
Internet: e-services, e-commerce and e-content
Communication and networking mobile data
High tech consumer and business products
Electronic and semi-conductors
Medical devices and advance materials
Biotechnology and life sciences
Environmental resources management and renewable energy
Technology innovation for any industry
CIP s ultimate goal is to provide entrepreneurial support to:
Generate new technology ideas and innovations from individuals, research institutes and
institutions of higher learning
Create employment through technology venture development and commercialisation
Act as a catalyst for new areas of economic growth
Address the funding gap and industry expectations between pre-seed, seed funding and later
stages of capital funding
Create a critical mass of entrepreneurs and technopreneurs
Build a foundation for technopreneurs to spin off their ventures to commercialization
Submit an application:
Contact Us:
CIP Application Process & Products
You can easily submit your CIP Application via this website. Just click here.
Applications must be submitted before or on the closing date of each processing batch,
which is the third (3rd) Monday of every month. Based on past experience, we recommend
that you take at least one week to prepare a comprehensive application.
The applications are assessed and evaluated by CIP s analysts before they are subjected to
approval by the Approval Committee. The evaluation of ideas is based on the assessment of
the commercial and technological viability of the idea |
btw ... sapa2 sini tahu is there any geran offers for Agriculture... |
Cradle? susah nak dapat lorr...nasib ajer kalau terpilih... |
Originally posted by abgboroi at 30-4-2009 23:35
Cradle? susah nak dapat lorr...nasib ajer kalau terpilih...
ko pernah apply ker ?? mind to share the experience ...
[ Last edited by perrrghhhh at 1-5-2009 00:03 ] |
nak tau jugak projek apa yang pernah lulus.. dan projeck ayang yang pernah berjaya & tidak berjaya lepas dapat fund nih.. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi