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Post Last Edit by eddlisa_uyuk at 27-9-2010 01:52

The end of the beginning starts here. Taking flight in its tenth and final season, this modern retelling of a hero's legendary origins continues to blend realism, action, heart and humor as Clark Kent (TomWelling) soars toward claiming his birthright.
Clark has emerged from his darkest hour, only to find the path to his destiny blocked by ghosts from the past -- shadows in the present tempting Clark toward the darkness at every turn. Despite insurmountable odds, is Clark strong enough to step into the light and claim his rightful place as Earth's mightiest protector?
Final season dah start..jom kiter citer kat sini..spoiler...clark dah dapat uniform superman dah..tah bila dia nak pakai ni..hehehe |
ada gak benang s10 ni yek..ingatkan sume org dh tak lyn...
sok leh la donlot e01... |
bagi la smallville peluang tuk menamatkan dirinya..hehehe..agaknya final season ni clark dh dapat lesen terbang..hahaha |
dah nak berakhir rupanya smallville........ |
aq pun baru tgok..mmmg best first episode...terutama clois... |
xsabar nk tgk yg penghabisan.. |
1st episode paling best..tapi sekarang Clarks makin berani..bergegar bumi bila dia berasmara dgn Lana... |
caner nk donlod... ajar plisss...  |
1st episode paling best..tapi sekarang Clarks makin berani..bergegar bumi bila dia berasmara dgn Lan ...
uling5213 Post at 28-9-2010 11:07 
Lana?lana lang buat come back ke?
seAson 9 tgk half jer..
rasa cam Lana dah xde kan.. |
Suit Superman Smallville ni sama mcm dlm Superman Returns. Tapi Jor-El dah lock suit ni dlm Fortess of Solitude.
tp aku stil wonder..saper lak bagi suit tu erk..mak dia ker??? |
Reply 9# cikanggun
nak donlod kena cari links la...taip jer kat google banyak..xpun siler pm yer..hehehe |
lois ada mak ke? |
last season tnjuk cam mak clark yg bagi suit tu kan? tapi nape dh beku lak?
mak lois mmg dah mati..tapi dlm S10 ni lois jumpe video mak ye..jeng jeng yg jd maknye ialah Teri Hatcher |
Reply 16# kakbedah
dah beku pasal jorel amik simpan.pasal dia cakap clark belum layak tuk pakai suit tu... |
kara's back..siap jadi supergirl tu..clark ni tah bila la boleh terbang..asek jatuh jer...mcmana nk pakai redblue costume tu cenggini |
last season tnjuk cam mak clark yg bagi suit tu kan? tapi nape dh beku lak?
mak lois mmg dah mati.. ...
kakbedah Post at 29-9-2010 13:57 
ye ke Teri Hatcher jadi mak Lois......dulu Teri Hatcher jadi lois lane dalam LOIS & CLARK THE NEW ADVENTURE OF SUPERMAN......
* SMALLVILLE ni akhirnya habis juga...heran aku lama sangat nak habis...siri yang lain semua dah habis.... |
Reply 19# mat_arof
gitulah nampaknye en. mat arop, hasil bacaan di internet.. |
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