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SCANDINAVIA 2011..anyone?...2012 lah pulak..
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Post Last Edit by nurabella at 13-1-2011 07:41
ANyone wants to travel to Scandinavia?
budget...hmmmm...probably...around 10K .....
Finland..denmark..sweden etc.....
Anyone up to? Last edited by nurabella on 27-9-2012 10:29 AM
Reply 1# nurabella
sye plan pegi this year..norway-sweden-finland-denmark.. but definitely not in winter. nk tengok fjord kat norway. |
Reply 2# arwien
You pergi ikuyt package or sendiri?How long would that be?
Sudah ada geng? |
Reply 3# nurabella
travel sendiri jer kot, tak biasa ikut pakej..selalu arrange sendiri jer, ade freedom. maybe 2 weeks kot, tk pasti lg sbb blm book ape2 lg.. maybe one of my girlfriend join.
u plan pegi bile..? Tp bajet kena besar la rasanye, scandinavian is one of the most expensive countries esp. norway tu. |
Reply 4# arwien
Saya belom plan apa..but I do have time ( 2 weeks) and money.
Tinggal cari gang..
U nak pergi bila yer? |
went backpacking solo around scandy in end of summer 2007 for a week
gi denmark (copenhagen), sweeden (stockholm & malmo) & norway (oslo)
amik scandinavia trail pass, x tau le save banyak ke x
findland x smpt sampai sbb kene naik ferry overnight, & was quite expensive
regret gak sbb x explore countryside including fjord, x cukup mase.. |
scandanavian memang expensive, I pergi last year ke Copenhagen and Malmo, itupun sebab my friend gi sana kursus 3 bulan, ada lodging. Overall, expensive tapi best tgk tempat org.
:-) |
Reply 7# nescafekopi
kopinescafe...I am going this year definetely....
tuh yang start carik geng tuh..tapi..tuhlah kan..member susah nak cuti..
sooooooo....anyone up tooooo....hehehhe...
yes, i would love to see those scenic viewww.....
oh..sana mahal ek...i will UP lah my budget sikit then..thanks for for sharing ...
kalau pergi sendiri...macam nak ikut tour(coz, time is something i don't have much..i wish i could have more annual leave lorrrr)..tapi kalo ada gang, memang nak adventures sikit lah ..plan sendrik ker... |
Reply 6# chuckiey
kita teringin benorrrr tengok scenic2x view tuhhhhh..selalu tegok dalam travel living/AFC chanel..orang siap masak kat atas gegunung dan tepi laut yg sesejuk...hahaha |
Reply 4# arwien
ada satu negara tuh we have to go by merentas laut using ferry kan?
I heard its awesomeeee........
jom lerrrrrrrrr |
went backpacking solo around scandy in end of summer 2007 for a week
gi denmark (copenhagen), sweed ...
chuckiey Post at 5-1-2011 17:10 
expenses brape ? diaorg guna euro gak ke atau ade currency sendiri. kalu pakai euro ok gak sbb skrg euro tengah jatuh.. |
Reply 12# arwien
kalo tak silap norway tu pakai matawang krone.
pernah baca kat mana tah dulu
kalo check kat converter tu
rm1 = 1.9 krone |
Reply 13# nenektua
betul la norwegian krone, danish krone, swedish krona. kalu ade currency sendiri mmg expenses tinggi la. cam swiss tu.. |
Reply arwien
ada satu negara tuh we have to go by merentas laut using ferry kan ...
nurabella Post at 6-1-2011 07:45 
& that country is findland.. kene amik overnight ferry (x ingat dr mana, maybe oslo kot)
rasenye leh gak gi findland by train, tp jauh kot.. maybe 1 day travel |
expenses brape ? diaorg guna euro gak ke atau ade currency sendiri. kalu pakai euro ok gak sbb s ...
arwien Post at 6-1-2011 12:31 
hmm.. somewhere around 1k USD kot..
aku gi right after grad, on the way balik msia.. transit kt stockholm for a week
so aku save kt flight (ssb tket flight balik masuk dlm scholarship)
5 days rail pass cost around 200-300 USD , tu student rate
tdo kt hostel, average 30 USD per night.. yg len2 tu makan, admission fees, transport & souvenirs
each country lain currency, tp nama lbh kurg
so bile beli brg mesti slh kasik duit  |
& that country is findland.. kene amik overnight ferry (x ingat dr mana, maybe oslo kot)
rase ...
chuckiey Post at 6-1-2011 17:51 
tengok map pun mmg jauh findland ni by dekat jer nampak by sea atau fly. |
nurabella.. i minat nak join.. tapi kena tengok time bila bole cuti kerja n ongkosnye kena cukup gak... bila plan nak pegi tu ek? |
pernah ke bergen, oslo...NORWAY
mahalnya ya rabbi .....tapi memang cantekk, cantekk sangat...
Oslo pernah dlm senarai city plg mahal kos sara hidup kat dunia... |
Reply 19# my-alja
negara kaya dgn minyak, tu pasal serba serbi mahal. pernah terbaca norway ini negara yg paling kurang pengangguran di dunia, susah nak jumpe org yg takde keje.
ade pegi tengok fjord tak sis ? |
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