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sakit2 menjelang 40

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Post time 21-9-2023 03:29 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by Meiizu at 21-9-2023 11:15 PM

maybe ada porumer yg menjelang 40 atau dah memang masuk angka 4 boleh berkongsi cerita
i mulakan dulu:
makin kerap letih..cepat pening ..makan tak lalu tapi badan takde beza pun kalau cut food.mula sangka sebab stress kerja.Tido pun takde kualiti.taklena

letih drive - baru je terjadi dlm thn lepas i perasan ehh kenapa i penat sgt ni. mengantuk. dulu rilek je drive 5jam sekali stop kat rnr.
utk rekod thn ni i  betul2 ingat ada 4x drive jauh..
4x tu lah i letih lain macam.ohh ya sekali hampir accident kat hignway tatau camna terlelap.

takboleh silap makan zsss pening cth taktahan makan mee, trus sakit kepala
taktahan makan pedas cth sambal udang, ayam penyet cili pedas , tomyam..kat tekak ok tapi tak ok bila sampai ke perut..sejam dua lepas makan terberak.pernah terkentut sekali keluar najis
ke sebab pernah beranak?
atau takde kaitan?



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 Author| Post time 21-9-2023 03:39 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Meiizu at 23-9-2023 07:22 PM

sedikit info : i ada consume vitamin & madu dlm smingu tu maybe 3x je -slalu lupa & rasa tak perlu hemmm entahla
BMI masih normal border ahhah kalau naik dlm 3kg jadi obes kot.
Lifestyle no exercise balik keje dah mlm
Weekend busy
Sebulan sekali brisk walk pun payah nak dpt...ok fine purata sekali dlm 2bln boleeee.takde healthy lifestyle.
makan biasa2 je..tak suka fast food more to real food



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Post time 23-9-2023 06:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
i get u, sebab semua wanita yg reaching 40 and 40s akan lalui fasa ni.

i pun penat lain macam, also lagi cepat panik tgk traffic

bab makan pedas tu, mmg sejak dulu perut kalah. cuma kalau kentut terberak sebab u mmg tgh sakit perut? atau waktu biasa?

jika waktu biasa and tiba tiba. mybe u buatla full medical check up.

senaman nak x nak kita kena buat lah. if perempuan kena jugak buat senaman kegel.

mental pulak. kena avoid pikir too much, also stress kena control.

so kena start love urself more by now.



terima kasih jaga board ini dengan baik  Post time 6-10-2023 03:01 AM



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Post time 23-9-2023 06:46 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Meiizu replied at 21-9-2023 03:39 PM
sedikit info : i ada consume vitamin & madu dlm smingu tu maybe 3x je -slalu lupa & rasa tak perlu  ...

dah kena start calcium, vit d , omega tu semua.

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Post time 6-10-2023 03:01 AM | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 23-9-2023 06:43 AM
i get u, sebab semua wanita yg reaching 40 and 40s akan lalui fasa ni.

i pun penat lain macam, als ...

terima kasih jaga board ini dengan baik



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Post time 6-10-2023 03:03 AM | Show all posts
sy masa masuk umur 40 dulu tidak ada banyak rasa perubahan
malah rasa lebih energetic dan mungkin more mature

awak teruskan active jangan fikir pasal umur
tapi jgn lupa tambah amal ibadat lah yg paling utama

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Post time 12-10-2023 01:53 PM | Show all posts
sy cadangkan dah boleh buat pemeriksaan kesihatan di klinik2 berhampiran....bila dah masuk 40 ni lebih2 wanita mmg dah masuk fasa pre-menapouse....try la buat pemeriksaan....



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 Author| Post time 12-10-2023 11:37 PM | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 23-9-2023 06:43 AM
i get u, sebab semua wanita yg reaching 40 and 40s akan lalui fasa ni.

i pun penat lain macam, als ...

Tq sis..hugs

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Post time 24-10-2023 07:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nov 2021, one month before I hit 40, I tetiba kena acid reflux teruk. Nampak murtabak/hidu bau tomyam dari jauh - perut I terus kembung, sebesar final trimester. Sakit macam nak bersalin. Mana2 klinik I pergi, semua docs ingat I tgh sarat pregnant. So pergi jumpa gastroenterologist. Buat colonoscope and endoscope. Diagnose as acute gastritis and acid reflux. The entire inner lining of my stomach, eroded. Mula2 makan ubat2. Pantang makan. Every time keluar rumah, baru naik kereta sekejap, dah sakit semula. Follow up dgn doc, ended up kena tolak ke emergency. Doc bagi jab utk keluarkan angin. And it took like an hour before the jab took effect. Ubat2 buat i loya dan ada tendencies utk kentut without sign. I tak berani nak jumpa kawan2. I tukar time I jalan sebab tak nak terkentut in front of people.



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Post time 24-10-2023 07:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Eh sorry, tertekan. Tak habis lagi.. after 6 months, I got fed up with the medicines. I tried manuka honey, air gau, minyak habatussauda. Until now I continue to do food and drink elimination. This food and drink elimination ni, macam on and off. After pantang for a few months, badan boleh terima but not long after that, my body rejects again. One thing for sure, if makan benda berminyak, I akan muntah cecair yg berminyak. Since Raya this year, I finally found an almost perfect solution. Ayurvedic medicine called amla/amalaki. Alhamdulilah. But the body is very smart. While I try to be positive all the time, the body knows I have some worries. The body can also detect traffic jam. When that happened, I will have acid reflux again. As if my body went into defensive mode. But at least, I can go out and jalan2 with family. Can makan2 with friends. Go back to group yoga. I can also start to eat makanan pedas and even deep fried food (but only once a while only). Most importantly, I can drink coffee again. Cuma selalu kena tukar brand. Otherwise body will reject the same brand after some time.



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Post time 1-11-2023 05:35 AM | Show all posts
farahfatihah replied at 12-10-2023 01:53 PM
sy cadangkan dah boleh buat pemeriksaan kesihatan di klinik2 berhampiran....bila dah masuk 40 ni leb ...

ini saya sangat setuju


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Post time 1-11-2023 05:37 AM | Show all posts
Chicredwine replied at 24-10-2023 07:42 PM
Nov 2021, one month before I hit 40, I tetiba kena acid reflux teruk. Nampak murtabak/hidu bau tomya ...

oh seteruk itu ye?
kami selalu je jumpa org dapat acute gastritis, selalunya keran gastric erosion tetapi tidak lah seteruk awak
mujurlah awak dah jumpa gastroenterologist dan dah buat scope
kena makan PPI tak?
ada  H. pylori kah jugak? (selalunya)

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Post time 1-11-2023 05:41 AM | Show all posts
Chicredwine replied at 24-10-2023 07:52 PM
Eh sorry, tertekan. Tak habis lagi.. after 6 months, I got fed up with the medicines. I tried manuka ...

alhamdulillah sudah ada sedikit jalan keluar
however biasanya sakit acid reflux ini tidak kira coffee brands.. and if anything, coffee does not affect it all that much
apa2 pun berhati2 juga dengan Ayuverdic medicine kerana ia tetap dalam aliran alternative medicine, jadi ianya kurang pemantauan
dan ianya banyak bergantung kepada kepercayaan2

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Post time 1-11-2023 06:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 1-11-2023 05:37 AM
oh seteruk itu ye?
kami selalu je jumpa org dapat acute gastritis, selalunya keran gastric erosion ...

Kena makan PPI. Dah buat endoscopy dan colonoscopy. Takde H.pylori..

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Post time 1-11-2023 06:45 AM | Show all posts
Chicredwine replied at 1-11-2023 06:41 AM
Kena makan PPI. Dah buat endoscopy dan colonoscopy. Takde H.pylori..

semoga tak ada batu hempedu ie gallstones
jaga makan tu ie makan on time, mkn 3 kali sehari, jgn overeat
sila kenal apa food yg beri kita symptoms.. sy jika mkn benda goreng byk2, akan dapat loose stools, so sy mkn gorengan sikit je

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Post time 1-11-2023 06:46 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 1-11-2023 05:41 AM
alhamdulillah sudah ada sedikit jalan keluar
however biasanya sakit acid reflux ini tidak kira co ...

Alhamdulillah.. I kena elak coffee yang roasted with butter and usually I will ask about acidity level before ordering. Cuma perut ni, sekejap sesuai, sekejap tak. As if it has a mind of its own and it’s complicated.. takpe, don’t want to stress myself more. Come what may, I’ll just adjust accordingly..

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Post time 1-11-2023 06:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 1-11-2023 06:45 AM
semoga tak ada batu hempedu ie gallstones
jaga makan tu ie makan on time, mkn ...

InsyaAllah.. you take care too. Thank you

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Post time 1-11-2023 12:25 PM | Show all posts
Edited by adila39 at 1-11-2023 12:27 PM
ipes2 replied at 1-11-2023 06:45 AM
semoga tak ada batu hempedu ie gallstones
jaga makan tu ie makan on time, mkn ...

i have some issues lately , i noticed setiap pagi like almost 7 am, i akan sakit perut nak poops.  Thing is time is always and almost same. Sakit tu mcm takleh tahan tahan, so i wonder why.I have one incident i  staycation kat hotel area masjid jamek. Like 2 months back...i sakit sgt perut pepagi tu...xboleh tahan mcm apa..i dah check out pun so i and kawan2 i ni nak gi sarapan so we all jalan la ke kedai kedai makan area situ..and  imagine i have to walk around just nak cari toilet, merah padam end up di kedai makan mamak..dah la pepagi mamak tu tgh bersihkan i have no choice hahahaha....if lambat seminit habis! dunia i akan gelap pada waktu! i lupa nak share citer back to my Q kenapa mcm tu? and waktu always sama - awal pagi.

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Post time 1-11-2023 01:00 PM | Show all posts

Doc dah setuju tu bg la kredit kat saya last time dpt kdt kat kuiz kesihatan sebelum covid

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Post time 10-11-2023 06:38 AM | Show all posts
farahfatihah replied at 1-11-2023 01:00 PM
Doc dah setuju tu bg la kredit kat saya last time dpt kdt kat kuiz kesihatan sebelum covid

nah dah beri tu

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