search topik ni tadik memang tak do lagi...kita cite psal pokok yang selalunya glamer sebab daun dia cantik..ada jugak yang bunga cantik macam crocata dan looseneri  |

calathea loesnerri

calathea cora |

calathea white star |
The genus Calathea includes some of the most beautiful and striking tropical foliage plants in the world. Closely related to the similarly gorgeous Maranta, Calathea species generally have boldly marked, upright, oblong leaves in a dazzling array of colors held on long, upright stalks. As true tropical plants, they are somewhat fussy about their conditions, but a well-grown Calathea is worth the effort.
Growing Conditions:Light: Light shade or dappled light indoors. Do not expose to direct, noon sun as it will fade the leaf colors.
Water: High humidity. Keep soil continuously moist throughout spring and summer, and reduce watering in the winter.
Temperature: Prefers warm and humid conditions. Keep above 60oF if possible.
Soil: A well-drained potting mix.
Fertilizer: Feed regularly with liquid fertilizer throughout growing season.
Propagation:Propagation is possible by division at repotting time. Keep new divisions warm and moist by covering the pot with plastic and providing reduced light until active growth starts again.
Repotting:Repot every year or every other year into fresh potting mix. Divide at repotting time.
Varieties:There are many varieties of Calathea:- C. makoyana. Features purplish coloring on the undersides of leaves, with white and green on top. Known as the peacock plant.
- C. zebrina. The zebra plant has green markings on the leaf top and purple leaf undersides.
- C. crocata. Plain leaves, but displays of upright oragen-red flowers.
- C. ornata. Reddish marking on leaf tops with purple undersides.
wah...best la awk ni aishah...ty trus buat thread..hhehehe...
memang cantik le pokok ni...ttambh pada sesiapa yg minat tumbuhan hijau dan bdaun besar...
saya baru2 ni minat pada pokok yg hijau2 n bdaun besar ni...sejuk je mata memandang.... |
yg saya minat tu jenis calathea lutea 
ada bunga juga kan pokok ni...cantik le...tapi mahal...nursery awk ade jual ke aishah??..... |
Post Last Edit by fadzlin_hayati at 8-2-2011 15:03
ini pun menarik juga..saya ada tanam jenis spathiphyllum cannifolium...sama x jenis ni ngan calathea?...ke spesis lain??..tgolong dalam spesis ape ye??....

rujukan dari :http://agrobiosolution.blogspot.com/ |
Adik beradik Calathea nih lawa-lawaler..
Yang daun gabak tu Calathea Luthea tu di area perumahan saya nih ramaai yang tanam..memang menarik!
Cuma nak tanya pada sesapa yang tahu ada satu pokok macam adik-beradik Calathea nih warna daun coklat-coklat jenis tinggi.
Takde sape nak sedekah ker calathea lutea ..?
Ada bunga warna merah ek selain yang brown tu? |
umah i ada byk calathea lutea..memula beli dulu hidup segan je..lepas letak baja terus gumuks..baru lepas cantas last week sbb merimbun sangat |
umie posted on 4-2-2013 12:32 PM 
umah i ada byk calathea lutea..memula beli dulu hidup segan je..lepas letak baja terus gumuks..baru ...
Calathea Luthea yang bunga kaler apa ek?
Saya dengar ada kaler merah bunganya tu..
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