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[Dunia] Rishi Sunak bakal ditendang? Britain umum pilihan raya mengejut

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Post time 25-5-2024 04:31 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by stingerkaypoh at 25-5-2024 08:47 AM

LONDON – Parti-parti politik mula melakukan persiapan selepas Perdana Menteri Rishi Sunak membuat kejutan apabila mengumumkan Britain akan mengadakan pilihan umum pada 4 Julai ini.

Akhbar Metro UK melaporkan, Sunak membuat pengumuman itu ketika cuaca hujan di pejabat Perdana Menteri, Downing Street petang kelmarin.

“Kestabilan ekonomi yang dinikmati hari ini hanyalah satu permulaan. Persoalannya, siapakah anda (rakyat) percayai yang dapat mengubah asas ini menjadi masa depan yang terjamin untuk anda, keluarga dan negara kita?

“Sekarang masa untuk rakyat Britain memilih masa depan mereka, memutuskan sama ada mahu mengembangkan kemajuan yang dicapai ini atau mengambil risiko kembali ke titik asal tanpa rancangan atau kepastian,” kata Sunak.

Terdahulu, anggota-anggota Kabinet yang tiba di kediaman rasmi Sunak dimaklumkan bahawa beliau telah menghadap monarki Britain, Raja Charles III untuk membubarkan Parlimen supaya pilihan raya umum boleh diadakan dalam masa enam minggu.

Sebelum ini, banyak pihak menjangkakan pilihan raya Britain itu akan diadakan pada November ini, manakala pemerhati-pemerhati menjangkakan Sunak akan menunggu lebih lama menjelang Januari 2025.

Namun, beliau mengumumkan tarikh pilihan raya awal dengan mempertaruhkan situasi positif ekonomi negara untuk meraih undi.

Pagi kelmarin, Pejabat Perangkaan Kebangsaan mengumumkan bahawa kadar inflasi Britain menurun kepada 2.3 peratus berbanding 3.2 peratus yang direkodkan pada Mac lalu.

Bagaimanapun, parti pemerintah yang dipimpin Sunak iaitu Parti Konservatif masih berdepan cabaran sengit untuk mengekalkan kuasanya.

Beberapa kaji selidik terbaru yang menyelidiki hasrat rakyat Britain menunjukkan parti pembangkang, Parti Buruh mendahului parti pemerintah dengan 27 mata peratusan.

Tinjauan baharu melibatkan lebih 1,000 orang dewasa juga mendapati 43 peratus responden berpendapat bahawa pemimpin Parti Buruh, Keir Starmer akan menjadi perdana menteri yang lebih baik daripada Sunak.

Pilihan raya umum kali ini juga adalah yang pertama diadakan pada bulan Julai sejak 1945. Pemilihan kali ini menjadi ujian pertama buat Sunak selepas beliau dilantik sebagai ketua Parti Konservatif merangkap Perdana Menteri pada Oktober 2022.

Beliau menggantikan Lizz Truss yang meletakkan jawatan hanya 49 selepas menduduki kerusi Downing Street.

Sunak, 44, membentangkan partinya, Parti Buruh sebagai pilihan selamat buat rakyat Britain ketika dunia berubah menjadi semakin berbahaya.

Beliau berjanji akan berjuang mendapatkan ‘walaupun satu undi’ untuk menjadikan partinya pilihan nombor satu rakyat Britain.

Sementara itu, Starmer bertindak balas pantas dengan menerbitkan video kempen mengatakan partinya akan menghentikan ‘huru-hara’ semasa pemerintahan Parti Konservatif dan membina semula Britain.

“Jika mereka (Parti Konservatif) dapat (mentadbir) lima tahun lagi, mereka akan berasa berhak untuk meneruskan agenda sekarang. Tiada apa-apa akan berubah,” kata Starmer yang merupakan bekas peguam hak asasi manusia dan ketua pendakwa raya.

Susulan pengumuman tersebut, Parlimen Britain akan menggantung sesi persidangan bermula semasanya esok sebelum dibubarkan secara rasmi Khamis depan. – AFP/AGENSI


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Post time 25-5-2024 08:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Dwdrum at 24-5-2024 04:40 PM

Kenapa orang tidak suka sunak... Tentang indian immigrants kah apa... So far yang tahu indian techie di india mahu masuk UK seperti ada brightside untuk depa... Sebab depa lebih experiences dari brit... Brit way behind tentang hi tech ini if depa sedar dari awal sudah ada 2nd silicon valley di europe... High tech manufacture pula mula establish di ireland... Same problem dengan negara lain yang ada issue dengan darkskin immigrants... Yang dari north amerika tidak mahu pergi sebab gaji kecik di UK.. Kecuali yang desperate uk seperti tidak banyak option

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Post time 25-5-2024 05:26 PM | Show all posts
Antara modal yang boleh difikirkan oleh Starmer:

1. Memelihara kesucian Kristian termasuk lambang salib
2. Pertahan hak istimewa bumiputera England termasuk kedudukan Raja Charles sbg payung
3. Jenamakan semula Oxford & Cambridge hanya untuk bumiputera England

Ia telah terbukti berkesan di sebuah tanah jajahan apa salahnya meniru yang baik kan?

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Post time 25-5-2024 09:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Make Britain White Again

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Post time 25-5-2024 09:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mojarean_X replied at 25-5-2024 09:52 PM
Make Britain White Again

Kenapalah liz truss letak jawatan dulu.


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Post time 25-5-2024 09:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Paria nak ajar bos penjajah. Silap lerrr

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Post time 25-5-2024 11:01 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 25-5-2024 11:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Apala yg sunak ni boleh buat yg bumiputera brits tak boleh buat...suck up kot...

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Post time 25-5-2024 11:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
arnauld replied at 25-5-2024 11:33 PM
Apala yg sunak ni boleh buat yg bumiputera brits tak boleh buat...suck up kot...

Nak kembalikan ketuanan british.


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Post time 25-5-2024 11:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sharlenetexas replied at 25-5-2024 11:38 PM
Nak kembalikan ketuanan british.

Mat salleh pun tak larat nak liberal dah. Zionist mmg suka pm minority senang control. Kalau mat salleh cocky sikit.

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Post time 26-5-2024 12:18 AM | Show all posts
Edited by plywood at 26-5-2024 12:19 AM

Everything seems to be going wrong for Rishi Sunak   

The problem for Sunak is that everything he does seems to backfire in some way.

Take an example from this week: his world-leading smoking ban, which, if approved by parliament’s upper house, will be a key part of his political legacy.

It was only voted through by MPs because it has the support of the opposition Labour Party. Members of his own cabinet – mostly those considered to be eyeing up his job – voted against the legislation. His two predecessors publicly ridiculed him. Former PM Boris Johnson told a Canadian audience: “The party of Winston Churchill wants to ban [cigars]? Donnez-moi un break, as they say in Quebec. It’s just mad.”   

Liz Truss, who had spent the week lobbing grenades at Sunak in the guise of promoting her new book, called the ban a “virtue-signalling piece of legislation.”

In total, nearly half of Sunak’s MPs failed to vote in favor of the plan, an astonishing open display of division for the Conservatives, who used to call themselves the natural party of government. Allies of Sunak deny it, but the idea that he has any authority over his party, his government or his country is increasingly laughable.

He seems to have bad luck. This week, for example, inflation fell and his flagship immigration policy took a step closer to becoming legislation. Instead of headlines championing these successes, the political agenda was dominated for days by the launch of Truss’s book.   


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Post time 26-5-2024 12:21 AM | Show all posts
                                    Why Rishi Sunak is struggling as Prime Minister                        
The problem isn’t just a bad inheritance – it’s his lack of experience.

In criticising Sunak’s performance as Prime Minister, there two mitigating factors that should be taken into account.  

The first is that Sunak has served during a period that any prime minister would find difficult. For a variety of reasons – not all of which can be blamed on the government – living standards have suffered in recent years and the public finances are under strain.

A party in power for 14 years is bound to be unpopular. Sunak should have distanced himself far more from his predecessors but, such is the dysfunctional and divided nature of his party, that doing so would have come with great risks. He has never really looked like a leader, but the Conservative Party appears incapable of being led.

The second factor – too often neglected – is Sunak’s inexperience. He is not an instinctive politician which means that political experience is all the more necessary. A career path that involves spending years as a party apparatchik or special adviser attracts plenty of criticism, but it is a good way to learn how Westminster and the media work.

A long apprenticeship as a parliamentary candidate, perhaps fighting an unwinnable seat, provides campaigning experience and an insight into the thinking of party activists and voters on the doorstep. And years spent as a minister should bring an understanding of Whitehall and a broad range of issues. It also usually involves a thickening of the skin.



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Post time 26-5-2024 12:29 AM | Show all posts
Edited by plywood at 26-5-2024 12:30 AM

Weakness is Rishi Sunak’s biggest problem       
The prime minister urgently needs to take some risks to convince voters he’s strong enough to tackle the big issues   

I was wrong. When I looked at recent YouGov figures I found that, yes, that is a problem for the prime minister: witness the saga of flights to Rwanda. But incompetence is not his biggest problem.

What is dragging Sunak down most is that even more voters say he is weak. In particular, this is the damning verdict of the voters that he badly needs to win back: those who backed Boris Johnson in 2019 but are now unhappy with the government.  

Here is how last-time Tory voters currently judge Sunak on all of them:

Likeable 45 per cent; dislikeable 34 per cent; net rating plus 11

Competent 46 per cent; incompetent 36 per cent; net rating plus 10

Trustworthy 38 per cent; untrustworthy 37 per cent; net rating plus 1

Decisive 36 per cent; indecisive 51 per cent; net rating minus 15

Strong 25 per cent; weak 55 per cent; net rating minus 30

None of these ratings are great. In every case fewer than half of those who voted Conservative in 2019 give a positive verdict.

Since then, the cheer has gone. The tax burden remains on a sharp upward trend. The economy has stuttered. The costs of Brexit have risen, while the early signs of improving UK-EU relations have evaporated. Persistent strikes have hit trains and hospitals. The boats continue to cross the Channel. We should not be surprised that Sunak’s reputation has suffered.

The second clue flows from all this. People who voted Tory in 2019 give the government a mixed verdict. Most think it is doing well on inflation, unemployment and terrorism. They are evenly divided on defence, education and the economy generally.

Now we come to the bad news. The verdict is poor on Brexit, taxation and transport—and awful on housing, crime, the NHS and immigration. It’s unsurprising that 86 per cent of the general public think the government is handling immigration badly. What is striking is that the figure for Tory voters is also 86 per cent.


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Post time 26-5-2024 12:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Please la korang jgn tertipu walaupun die ni anak imigran kononnya, dia datang dari family T20 tau dak? Bapak mertua dia billionaire bukan jutawan lg dah. Sebab tu polisi dia very out of touch dgn rakyat Britain yg ekonomi yg tgh jatuh menggila ni.

Antara aku bleh list down
1. Dia sokong Brexit
2. Dia ngampu Elon Musk
3. Dia punya kaya tu dia tahap tak reti pakai card yg contactless tu.
4. Dia kaki u-turn. Sblm tu ada polisi kerajaan utk climate control. Cth dlm polisi tu mewajibkan utk tuan rumah kena guna tenaga elektrik paling efisien, bila dh takde bil tenaga penyewa jadi lagi tinggi pulak.
5. Dia terang-terang sokong Israel sedangkan rakyat Britain majoriti tak setuju pun.

Yes dia way better dari Liz Truss dari segi karisma tapi dia jadi PM yang tak bersama rakyat, dia punya keputusan dan polisi pun lebih byk menangkan geng2 orang kaya mcm dia je. Yelah maybe sebab dia jadi PM tanpa mengundi kot

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Post time 26-5-2024 12:47 AM | Show all posts
Nampaknya sunak ada masalah besar.

Bukan sahaja isu leadership tapi isu pentadbiran pun ada banyak disebut. Jalan paling bagus memang pilihanraya. Jika menang ini akan meredakan kritikan dan dapat buktikan sokongan kpd sunak dan dasar-dasar yang dia buat

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Post time 26-5-2024 08:54 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Elok laa tu akak tak suka yindia tiba jd pm negara omputeh
Sama mcm akak tak suka watak yindia menyelit dlm cite Bridgerton tu ehh tiba jd heroin plak tu

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Post time 26-5-2024 09:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
annehuda replied at 25-5-2024 08:29 AM
Please la korang jgn tertipu walaupun die ni anak imigran kononnya, dia datang dari family T20 tau d ...

Sebab itu heshe ada bagi idea lain dengan jeremy hunt... Living cost naik sebab inflation ini common ter utama nya ummah brits yang dari dahulu ko tanya.. Apa yang shiok tentang UK... Healthcare mentality subsidize yang kena crank dari tax sendiri (UK version) ... Motive ko bitter dengan brit bagi point itu semua.. Malaysia anti zionist and amerika dapat PM terbaik di finance di asia pun sama juga?.. Tolong jawab.. LOL...

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Post time 26-5-2024 01:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 26-5-2024 09:27 AM
Sebab itu heshe ada bagi idea lain dengan jeremy hunt... Living cost naik sebab inflation ini comm ...

Sapa bitter ang la yg bitter. Ni pun through poll sendiri menunjukkan rakyat Britain dah hilang kepercayaan pada dia kot. Kempen pilihanraya dia pun tau padia, nak kembalikan national service pd rakyat umur 18thn .

Eh heols ni kapitalist, opkos la kapitalist akan bentuk negara jadi capitalist state mcm usa tu. Penyudahnya camna? Yang kaya makin kaya, yang miskin makin miskin. Die dh mmg kaya, family dia suma kaya, pa dia heran ngan kebajikan rakyat? Opkos idak. Kalau dia berani cubalah tax lagi tinggi pada geng2 dia yg kaya? Confirm dia tak berani

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Post time 26-5-2024 01:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Dwdrum at 25-5-2024 09:29 PM
annehuda replied at 25-5-2024 09:01 PM
Sapa bitter ang la yg bitter. Ni pun through poll sendiri menunjukkan rakyat Britain dah hilang ke ...

Kan aku cakap ko bitter tidak mahu ngaku LOL.aku mahu bitter kenapa dengan UK  apa yang aku nampak heshe ini ada cara tersendiri untuk bantu economy....penang itu ada thread belum apa apa sudah membongak akan bagi income negara trillion dengan project silicon island.... Aku rest my case sebab ko kaki subsidy rupa nya... kaya = capitalist... Bodoh juga kan ummah ber doyong mahu kerja dengan capitalist amerika(MNC) untuk underpaid? ... Aku agak ko ini engineer gomen bukan PA tetapi salah orang ...hehe

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Post time 26-5-2024 02:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pm yindia yg pro Israel. Hntr blk je lah

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