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logo BNM & Kenali Gabenor Bank M'sia
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hadalah diberitahu bahawa logo Bank Negara M'sia hadalah hasil cetusan idea Tun Ismail Mohamed Ali, Gabenor Bank Negara M'sia
yang pertama dan telah mula digunapakai sejak 1964.
Motif kijang diilhamkan dari syiling negeri Kelantan, yang merupakan syiling terawal yang dikeluarkan. Binatang yang terdapat di logo BNM hadalah kijang (barking deer).
kijang (barking deer)
[size=78%]The BNM logo depicts on the all series of Malaysian banknotes. 1st to 4th Series from left to right.
Kelantan Kijang Gold Kupang
1st - Tan Sri William Howard Wilcox (1959 to 1962)
dh cari merata dlm internet ttp x jumpa.. kalu ade sape2 yg jumpa leh share letak kt cn
Tan Sri W. H. Wilcox came to Malaysia as the banking adviser to the Government of the Federation of Malaya in 1958.
In 1959, he was appointed the first governor and chairman of the board of the central bank of Malaya (then known as Bank Negara Tanah Melayu).
Wilcox had always recognised the need for Bank Negara to be helmed by a local. In his inaugural speech, he said: I appreciate deeply the honour in making me the first governor but I believe most fervently that the head of any countrys central bank should be a national of that country.
In 1962, he handed over the baton to Tun Ismail Mohamed Ali
2nd - Tun Ismail Mohamed Ali (1962 to 1980)
Tun Ismail Mohamed Ali was the first Malaysian governor of Bank Negara. In many ways, he set the tone for the banks core values and instilled a culture of accountability, professionalism, integrity and service.
In the early years of the central banks existence, Ismail saw his primary role as setting up a body of traditions of absolute integrity, competency at all levels in the organisations and efficiency.
He also placed strong emphasis on building up a dependable expertise in economic affairs and monetary matters and, above all, the ability to place national interest as against that of the individual. During Ismails stewardship of 18 years, the central bank wielded considerable independence and influence in economic policies.
People who knew him, and who had worked with him, described him as a stickler for punctuality, and recounted incidents that revealed his strictness and high expectations of those around him.
Ismail was also the first chairman of Permodalan Nasional Bhd, a position he assumed in 1978.
3rd - Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Taha (1980 to1985)
[quote]Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Taha had a remarkable career with the bank rising rapidly through the ranks to become governor in 1980.
He joined the bank in 1969 as assistant manager of the investment and accounting department.
He is described as a cloned version of his mentor, Tun Ismail, in his scrupulous stewardship of the affairs of the central bank.
During his tenure, he fostered close ties with fellow South East Asian Central Banks governors.
Generally regarded as a low profile man, Aziz was unwavering in his belief in the basic functions of the central bank.
Every central banks main objective is to ensure stability of the economy, the financial system and help and advise the government on sound monetary and fiscal policy.
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info yg best. so aku tambah lagi kredit. ehehehe. |
gold coin yg dikuarkan bank negara pun bercorak kijang..
aku peminat dan pengumpul emas tulen 999.9 tapi ada ulama mengatakan tak boleh menyimpan emas bercorak haiwan ataupn manusia...
tapi kalau korang perasan, kebanyakan negara menghasilkan national gold bullion coin bercorakkan haiwan sebagai identiti negara memasing..
singapore : kepala singa
australia : kangaroo
US : helang
canada : kepala org
china : panda
saudi : muka king
selambe jer... |
gold coin yg dikuarkan bank negara pun bercorak kijang..
aku peminat dan pengumpul emas tulen ...
system_failure Post at 22-8-2011 02:45
macam mana nak beli kijang emas ni ? kira gram ke atau kira oz ? |
up kan balik. sapa sapa boleh jawab soalan aku ? |
Tan Sri Ali Abul Hassan Sulaiman (1998 to 2000) <<-- die pnye sain aku ingt name die aisyah |
ali abul tu yg anak dia kawin dengan paki...pastu paki tu curik rete dia kan? |
Post Last Edit by DumBell at 25-8-2011 22:51
Reply 4# system_failure
boleh la,,selagi kita xpuja gambar tu,
satu lagi,,gambar tu 2D xnampak hidup xpe...for more info...tengok ceramah ustaz kazim elias.... |
kijang ekor pendek...kt duit nape cm pjg je....aku ad terbaca dlm 1 konspirasi..aku rase pn msti ad yg dh tau kn.. |
kijang ekor pendek...kt duit nape cm pjg je....aku ad terbaca dlm 1 konspirasi..aku rase pn msti ad ...
syafiqkms Post at 8-3-2012 12:37
Saya pun ada baca. Negara mana yg x pakai central bank? Means bank pusat dipunyai negara itu sendiri. Yg sy tau Libya. Tp Libya dah history. Phhffff |
Reply 1# bluezink
7th - Tan Sri Dato' Seri Zeti Akhtar Aziz (2000 - )
Sebelum Zeti.... atuk dia pun keje sign duit |
wang emas...bila nk pakai dinar emas. |
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