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Kengerian Salib:crudelissimum taeterrimumque supplicium

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Post time 16-10-2011 04:48 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by bluezink at 16-10-2011 22:16

cross (the device or emblem):
cross (the device or emblem): 1 Latin, 2 Calvary, 3 patriarchal or cross of Lorraine, 4 papal, 5 Lorraine, 6 Greek, 7 Celtic, 8 Maltese, 9 Saint Andrew's, 10 tau, 11 pommée, 12 botonée, 13 fleury, 14 avellan, 15 moline, 16 formée, 17 fourchée, 18 crosslet, 19 quadrate, 20 potent

Salib adalah lambang yang sangat tua yang terdapat di dunia jauh sebelum lahirnya Jesus . Pada awalnya worang-worang Kristen tidak menggunakan salib sebagai lambang Kekristenan mereka. Menda ini tidak termasuk dalam daftar pertama lambang-lambang Kristen yang disediakan oleh St. Clement. Mulanya yang mereka gunakan lambang bintang ikan (Pisces) dan anak domba sebagai lambang Penyelamatnya.

bintang ikan (Pisces)

anak domba

Kengerian Salib
Fakta :
Purposes for crucifixion in the Ancient World.

1. Main purpose was to punish and frighten disobedient slaves.
2. Its original purpose was not to result in death.
3. Later on in the first century A.D., it evolved into a method of executionfor conviction of
certain crimes.
4. Captured enemies and rebels were often crucified in masses during timesof war.
5. In times of peace, crucifixion was carried out for conviction of certaincrimes prescribing
the death penalty.

Procedure of a crucifixion

1- Once the defendant was found guilty, he was condemned to de crucified.
2- The victim was taken outside, stripped and scourged with a flagellum.
3- Care was taken not to kill the victim when whipped with the flagellum.

The Horror of the Cross

Ancients spoke of crucifixion with horror. Cicero's history reveals a common loathing of death on the cross. It was the "extreme and ultimate punishment of slaves"    (servitutis extremum summumque supplicium, Against Verres 2.5.169), the "cruelest and most disgusting penalty."    (crudelissimum taeterrimumque supplicium, ibid. 2.5. 165.)        
Josephus calls it "the most pitiable of deaths." (Jewish War 7:203.)        
The Lord had lived in Roman territory where crucifixion was all too familiar. This extreme punishment was Rome's method of subjugation, as Josephus' account of troubled Palestine repeatedly demonstrates. When rebellion arose in Jerusalem after the death of Herod the Great, the governor of Syria marched his legions through Galilee to Jerusalem and ordered 2,000 rebels to the cross.    (Antiquities 17:295.)
At the later threat of the Jewish War in A.D. 66, the procurator Gessius Florus retaliated violently with indiscriminate slaughter in Jerusalem's streets, the arrest of many citizens, and the order that they be "first scourged and then crucified." (Jewish War 2:306.) The climax of that war was the savage siege of A.D. 70, when Jerusalem was isolated by the Roman general Titus, later the next emperor. Starvation forced hordes of the poorer classes to steal out of their fortifications for food. In typical Roman terror lactic, hundreds of these were made daily examples by being tortured and then crucified in plain view of the city walls. (Jewish War 5:449.)
When Palestine became Roman territory the cross was introduced as a form of punishment, more particularly for those who could not prove their Roman citizenship; later on it was reserved for thieves and malefactors.    The punishment of the cross was also regularly inflicted for crimes such as highway robbery and piracy, for public accusation of his master by a slave, for a vow made against his masters prosperity, and for sedition and tumult. According to Roman custom, the penalty of crucifixion was always preceded by scourging; after this preliminary punishment, the condemned person had to carry the cross, or at least the transverse beam of it, to the place of execution, exposed to the    taunts and insults of the people. On arrival at the place of execution the    criminal on his cross was lifted up. Soon the sufferer, entirely naked, was bound to it with cords. He was then fastened with    nails to the wood of the cross. Finally, a placard called the titulus bearing the name of the condemned man and his sentence, was placed at the top of the cross.

Menurut adat Parsi, penyaliban selalu didahului oleh penderaan [pencambukan]; setelah hukuman pendahuluan tersebut, si terhukum harus membawa kayu salib, atau setidaknya bagian balok yang melintang, ke tempat hukuman, dihadapkan pada ejekan
dan hinaan rakyat. Setibanya di tempat pelaksanaan hukuman mati, si mangsa dipakukan di salib lalu diangkat. Tak lama kumudian,

si terhukum, sepenuhnya telanjang, terikat di atas dengan tali. Ia kemudian direkatkan dengan paku ke kayu salib. Akhirnya, sebuah plakat disebut "titulus" bertuliskan nama si terhukum dan kalimatnya, ditempatkan di bagian atas salib.

dan dibiarkan sehingga worang itu mati.Namun cara neh dikatakan mengambil masa yang lama untuk seweorang itu mati.
Dan teknik memaku worang ke kayu salib bukanlah cara untuk membuatkan worang itu mati oleh kerana hukuman hanya membuat seweorang itu merasakan kesakitan ini kerana seweorang itu mati mengambil masa yang lama hingga mengambil masa berhari-hari mengikut badan manusea.
Tambahan lagi mengikut kajian seweorang itu mati bukannya disebabkan mati disalib tetapi kehilangan darah dan dehidrasi ataupun lebih senang dipanggil kehilangan air oleh kerana tak diberi minum air menyebabkan seweorang mati.

Kaedah hukuman menyalib ini dihapuskan oleh Maharaja Rom, Maharaja Constastine I pada abad ke-4 bagi menghormati Nabi Isa atau Jesus Christ yang mengikut kepercayaan mereka mati disalib...WA



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Post time 16-10-2011 06:50 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1# bluezink

aku dah cakap dlu lambang kristian yg awal adelah ikan.. tapi ramai melayu PPRT dlm ni tak pecaye

and.. aku penah tanye kt bod theology dulu.. = ieasus kene salib ---- di holykan salib itewww dan disembah2..

tapi kalau.....= ieasus di SULA... di holy kan kayu sula.. atau bontot nya????


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Post time 16-10-2011 07:18 PM | Show all posts
ofkos la montotnya

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Post time 16-10-2011 07:41 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2# unekspekted_XII

ohh holy cross berubah menjadi ohh holy ass....

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Post time 17-10-2011 12:12 AM | Show all posts
sedapnya mengutuk agama orang ya

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Post time 17-10-2011 01:19 AM | Show all posts
Reply  bluezink

aku dah cakap dlu lambang kristian yg awal adelah ikan.. tapi ramai melayu PPRT  ...
unekspekted_XII Post at 16-10-2011 18:50

   kalau yesus mati sebab kerusi letrik??

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Post time 17-10-2011 01:45 AM | Show all posts
Wah ini dakyah Kristian untuk menyesatkan umat Isle .... mana boleh salib tayang sana sini nanti terpesong akidah orang Isle :@

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Post time 8-12-2011 02:08 AM | Show all posts
Reply 7# cmf_WonBin

   akidah terpesong sbb sndiri xde iman...xde kaitan ngan salib tu pn.....

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Post time 8-12-2011 02:26 PM | Show all posts
sekadar pengetahuan.... Sangat membantu.

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Post time 8-12-2011 11:00 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 9-12-2011 04:21 PM | Show all posts
arituh terbaca kat sini juga yg org kene salib nie,dipatahkan kaki dieorg dahulu..ngeri tul memikirkannya

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Post time 9-12-2011 05:41 PM | Show all posts
arituh terbaca kat sini juga yg org kene salib nie,dipatahkan kaki dieorg dahulu..ngeri tul memikirk ...
tuah_r Post at 9-12-2011 16:21

kena patah dgn cara sihir ke?

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Post time 9-12-2011 07:40 PM | Show all posts
kena patah dgn cara sihir ke?
i_m_fake Post at 9-12-2011 17:41

   patahkan dgn cara menghentam kaki dgn benda berat supaya mangsa susah nak menyokong badan di tiang salib,
dgn ini mangsa sukar nak bernafas dan mempercepatkan kematian

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Post time 9-12-2011 09:07 PM | Show all posts
patahkan dgn cara menghentam kaki dgn benda berat supaya mangsa susah nak menyokong badan d ...
masa_lalu Post at 9-12-2011 19:40


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Post time 10-12-2011 01:48 AM | Show all posts
JalakLenteng Post at 8-12-2011 23:00

youtube dah x support embedding ke?

kambing la utube nih...

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Post time 10-12-2011 07:50 AM | Show all posts
masa tu pemerintah  mengawal rakyat dgn contoh hukuman yg mengerikan,
pelbagai hukuman kejam direka supaya rakyat akur dan terkawal...
sekrang lebih kepada pendidikan dahulu baru hukuman, itupun jauh dari mata manusia yg lain

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