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Suami tukar kelamin jadi perempuan@pengkid
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Suami Ganti Kelamin, Pernikahan Diperbaharui
Daily Mail Pasangan suami-istri Barry dan Anne Watson pada pernikahan mereka tahun 2002
Bagaimana rasanya menikah dua kali dengan orang yang sama, tetapi dengan jenis kelamin yang berbeda? Anne Watson menyatakan agak sulit, tetapi perasaannya terhadap suaminya yang kini menjadi perempuan tidak berubah.
Jayne dan Anne Watson merayakan ulang tahun perkawinan yang kesembilan dengan memperbarui janji pernikahan mereka. Pembaruan janji nikah ini dilakukan setelah Jayne berubah menjadi perempuan. Demikian dilaporkan oleh The Mirror, Minggu (8/1).
”Pada awalnya Anne sangat terkejut ketika saya menyatakan ingin mengubah jenis kelamin saya,” kata Jayne Watson (43), mantan sopir bis yang biasa disapa Barry. ”Pernikahan kami telah mengalami banyak masalah dan Anne mengira saya selingkuh dengan perempuan lain. Padahal, saya ingin menjadi perempuan. Akhirnya Anne dapat menerima ide itu,” kata Jayne.
Akhirnya keduanya bekerja sama untuk mewujudkan keinginan Jayne. Pasangan itu bertemu melalui kontak jodoh di surat kabar. ”Perlahan saya menyadari bahwa walaupun suami saya ingin menjadi perempuan, perasaan saya terhadapnya tidak berubah,” kata Anne.
You may now kiss the brides: Couple renew their marriage vows - after husband changes sex
By Daily Mail Reporter
[size=1.2em]Like many devoted couples, Barry and Anne Watson wanted to renew their marriage vows.
[size=1.2em]But nine years on from their wedding, there was one major difference - this time, Anne was marrying a woman called Jayne.
[size=1.2em]When Anne first found out that her husband Barry, a former bus driver wanted a sex change she was furious. The couple had been suffering problems in their marriage with Anne thinking that Barry had been cheating on her with another woman.
 Happy couple: Husband and wife Barry and Anne at their wedding in 2002
 And ten years later..: Jayne and Anne after renewing their wedding vows
[size=1.2em]'Anne came to accept me for who I wanted to be and love me as a woman', Barry, who has now changed his name to Jayne by deed poll, told the Sunday Mirror.
[size=1.2em]'Renewing our marriage vows was the perfect way to show how happy we are with our new lives.'
[size=1.2em]Anne, 53 admitted that she had 'grieved for the loss of Barry', but she added: 'There were sides to Jayne that I enjoyed getting to know - we can now have a laugh and talk about hair, clothes and make-up.'
[size=1.2em]Anne decided to go ahead with the second ceremony, proving to Jayne and to the world that she accepts her new spouse for who she is.
'To me, our second wedding was much more special than our first as I knew Jayne was finally comfortable with who she was.'
[size=1.2em]'To me, our second wedding was much more special than our first as I knew Jayne was finally comfortable with who she was,' she said.
[size=1.2em]Jayne told the newspaper that, as a young boy growing up, she quickly realised that she was very different from the other boys and enjoyed wearing his mother's clothes.
[size=1.2em]'Puttingmy own clothes back on felt like going back to a prison,' she said.
[size=1.2em]'It seemed normal to play hopscotch with the girls rather than play footballwith the boys.'
[size=1.2em]When Jayne was older she used to buy women's clothes and drive to other areas where no one knew him to walk down the streets in a dress and high heels.
[size=1.2em]Desperateto fit in, Jayne began dating women and in 1995 met Anne through a lonely hearts column. The two hit immediately hit it off.
[size=1.2em]At that time, Anne had been through a messy divorce, but instantly fell for Jayne's boyish good looks.
[size=1.2em]'Jayne was so sweet - everyone said he was my toyboy. I didn't care, we were in love,' she said.
[size=1.2em]Within six months they had moved into a house together in Halifax, West Yorkshire and in 2002, they cementedtheir love for each other by getting married.
[size=1.2em]However,amongst the happiness and joy, Jayne was still struggling with who she was.
[size=1.2em]'When Anne left the house, I'd dress up in a skirt and pearls. And on internet chat forums, I'd pose as a girl,' she said.
[size=1.2em]When Anne sensed that something wasn't right with her husband she confronted him and in 2008 Jayne confessed all to his wife.
[size=1.2em]'Telling the woman that I loved that I too wanted to be a woman is not easy,' Jayne said.
[size=1.2em]Anne said that at first she struggled to accept her husband. The first time she saw him in a dress, she started hacking at it with scissors. But her feelings towards her spouse have remained the same.
[size=1.2em]Withthe support of his wife, Jayne decided to start on a course of femalehormones to soften her skin and reduce her body hair.
[size=1.2em]Thecouple re-affirmed their wedding vows last year and before the ceremony went dress shopping together, making sure their outfits didn't clash. On their special day, both women had their own bouquet.
[size=1.2em]While the couple do fall out - particularly when Jayne steals her wife's clothes and make-up - the pair are still very much in love.
[size=1.2em]'People may think I'm weird or a freak. But all that matters to me is that Anne loves me,' Jayne said.
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x tau nak kata apa |
'People may think I'm weird or a freak. But all that matters to me is that Anne loves me,' Jayne said.
Adeyh...xtercapai akal ku... |
gilaaaakkk  |
hahahahahadoiiii.................. |
dah xleh mengesek lah yer! |
rase2 dia nak jadi pompuan sbb mase dia jadi laki, dia botak  |
biler somi dah bertukor jadi pompuan... somi dia lebih jelita daripada wife
hahahaha |
macam2.. tapi setuju tang suami dia lagi cun dari si isteri bila dah tukar jantina .. |
tak tau nak kata pe......... |
masa mula2 tuh kawen terpaksa ke.. mmg nampak muka laki dia lembut n perempuan tuh lebih berusia dari dia |
camner ni erk? boleh explain tak kat aku ...dorang ni giler ke sakit mental ... |
Post Last Edit by haniryan at 15-1-2012 01:38
aku yang keliru ke engkau yang celaru |
lame or baru..tetap x ibu ngan anak jarhh |
adoooiiiiii kecian...mereka ni....endak puas-puas tiada matlamat hidup langsung....hanyutttttt........ |
'suami' nya lambat terima hakikat bahawa dia sebenarnya 'pompuan' tapi masih belum terlambat....biasalah badan laki jiwa pompuan hormon pompuan lagi byk begitulah jadinya...salah satu kejadian tuhan utk hamba2nya di planet sementara ini...
hanya yg faham shj mengetahui,yelah nak faham dgn benar kisah ni kena jadi pakar dan expert bab genetik,kromosom,dna,stem cell,hormon etc....atau sekurang2nya rajin ambil tahu sains dan journal penemuan bab2 begini....
jadi org awam yg basic pemahamannya telah di d/load manual agama sejak tadika susah nak nampak benda2 macam ni... |
bodonya..... |
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