View: 13330|Reply: 12
Cara terbaik buat french kiss??
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Bende bodoh nak tanyer, camney nak buat french kiss yg terbaik. Kene complain dari gf dah sometimes pasal mulut busuk, tergigit lidah die, buatkat die sakit kerongkong. So nak mintak advised plz.  |
makan belacan sebelum cium |
dah kawin lom.. kalau belom haram |
sah2 belum kawin tu dia cakap gf... |
Mulut bau..rajin2 la bkumur ngan listerine, gusuk gg...mkn gula2 mint |
non-muslim le... tak kisah haram ke tak french kiss sajer mah..... bukan pasal mulut aje le...pasal lidah tertelan lah.... tergigit le.... ade petua ???  |
Cara terbaik buat french kiss??
Cmne blh tertelan lidah?LOL
Apa susah,cr dlm youtube kalau ada..takpun surf je la.
(posted by mobile) |
kahkahkahkahkah...lawak btl la... |
fuhhh camner sampai sakit kerongkong........? panjang sgt ka lidah tuh........ cam alien jer..... |
hehe dont suck her tongue out. play with it. slowly..
mcm u tngah hisap lolipop yg gler mahal n sedap gler tp u tak nak cepat habis.. |
Hehehe, ni ada satu tips utk TT... Ko nak french kiss yg sensation tak? Just before u guys kiss, ko minum air panas, n then suruh dia minum air sejuk... then u guys bercium... hahaha...
Kes tergigit lidah? french kiss is all about using ur tongue, not ur teeth lah bro... Hahaha, lagi satu... During the kiss, make sure use 1 hand to hold her back of the neck... it'll help u to control the situation... hehehe, goodluck!!! |
da tau soalan bodo, buat ape nk tanye haha |
Nk tambah credit tu 
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