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Janin 15 Minggu Masih Hidup
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Hanover, jerman – Gambar yang anda lihat dibawah ini adalah gambar janin yang dilahirkan ketika umurnya baru sahaja 15 minggu. Hanya dengan sekecil dan semerah itu, dan mempunyai berat 10.5 ounce, janin yang diberi nama Kimberly Mueller. Apakah harapan ayah dan ibunya ketika itu?
Janin ini dibenarkan bersama ayah ibunya seketika selama beberapa saat sahaja sebelum dibawa pergi oleh pakar penyelamat yang bertungkus-lumus menyelamatkannya. Apa yang boleh dibisikkan oleh ayahnya hanyalah ‘Kimberly, you can do it baby”…
Harapan cuma 1:1000. Doktor pakar jantung yang merawatnya berkata, peluang untuk hidupnya sangat tipis. Namun begitu, bayi ini terus meredah liku-liku hidupnya dengan penuh tabah.
Selepas 6 bulan dijaga dengan rapi, janin ini sudah boleh dipanggil bayi. Bayi ini dibenarkan pulang ke rumahnya. |
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Semoga menjadi anak yg baik... |
ade tak gambar selepas 6 bln.. |
sekecil tapak tangan.....dan umurnya panjang dgn kehendak Allah. |
Subhanaallah....janin sekecil tu boleh hidup.. |
gigih nak tau ape jadi skg...aku gugel...nah gbr 2007
Pikir Post at 5-4-2012 15:10 
Tq2 sbb tulong gugel..nah munger.. |
Subhanaallah....janin sekecil tu boleh hidup..
awek_ganu Post at 5-4-2012 15:16 
tiada yg mustahil bg Allah.. |
ade tak gambar selepas 6 bln..
rasengan Post at 5-4-2012 14:59 
dah ada org tolong tepekkan..credits to Pikir.. |
subhanAllah.. dah keje Allah kn? 15minggu patut perlukan bantuan ibu, tpi atas kehendakNya pakai mesin pon ok.. tq sbb tlg gugle.. kekekkekekekekek.. bru puas ati. klu tak tu tertanya2.. ape la jdi anak tuh,,  |
wowww hidup...panjang umurnye |
Subhanallah semoga dia terus membesar dengan sihat. |
subhanallah...macamni rupanya janin 15 minggu, ada selaput lagi keliling badan |
Subhanallah, xsangka umur dia panjang
"Kimberly, you can do it baby" sebak plak bila baca kata2 perangsang ayah Kimberly
simple tp penuh ngan harapan |
kuasa Allah...
apa sebab ek janin leh terkeluar dari rahim ibunya ketika tu?
ader kOmplikasi ke?hu3.. |
AFTER yesterday's 7.75kg big baby from Siberia comes a child at the other end of the scales - Kimberly Mueller, who weighed just 10.5 ounces.
The size of a mobile phone, and weighing just a third of a kilogram, Kimberly was born 15 weeks premature in Hanover, Germany, making her the world's smallest surviving baby.
When she was born, her father's confidence was about the only thing on Kimberly's side.
In the few snatched moments he was allowed before his daughter was whisked away by doctors, Andreas Mueller spoke from his heart.
"I whispered to her: 'Kimberly, you'll make it,'" he recalled.
With a survival chance of less than 1,000 to one, every day she has got through since then is a triumph.
Six months later, Kimberly has finally been allowed to go home to her parents in Hanover.
"Babies as small as this usually have no chance," said Dr Oliver Moeller, a heart specialist who treated her.
"We are incredibly lucky that she lived. Such a case I have never experienced. We had a lot of luck ... a lot."
Kimberly was just 10.2 inches long and weighed little more than a packet of butter when she arrived in the 25th week of her mother's pregnancy.
Petra Mueller, 38, who remained at her daughter's bedside in intensive care at the University Clinic in Goettingen, was allowed only to stroke her with her finger.
"It was the nicest thing when she would grip my finger in her tiny hands," she recalled.
"She was like a little bear gripping a tree trunk, just hanging on for life as if she was saying 'Don't leave me, mummy'."
Kimberly was placed in an incubator for warmth, given a respirator to help her breathe and fed through a drip. She was also given a cocktail of drugs to boost an immune system that was barely formed.
At three months, she faced a major setback, when doctors feared she could be blind. But laser treatment corrected the problem.
Kimberley's chances of living were rated at worse than 1,000-1 when she was born 15 weeks prematurely
Kimberly's progress was underlined when she arrived home this week weighing five and a half pounds and measuring 17 inches.
During the coming weeks she will continue to be fed artificially and will need to have oxygen as her lungs keep developing.
Yesterday the world was amazed by photos of Nadia who was born in Siberia, weighing in at a massive 7.75 kg (17.1 lb).
Nadia was delivered by caesarean section in the local maternity hospital in the Altai region on September 17, joining eight sisters and three brothers.
"We were all simply in shock," said Nadia's mother, Tatyana Barabanova, 43. "What did the father say? He couldn't say a thing - he just stood there blinking."
"I ate everything, we don't have the money for special foods so I just ate potatoes, noodles and tomatoes," she said, adding that all her previous babies had weighed more than 5 kg.
The Guinness World Records lists a 10.2 kg baby boy born in Italy in 1955, and a 10.8 kg baby boy who was born in the United States in 1879 but died 11 hours later.
The average weight for most healthy newborn babies is around 3.2 kg (7.06 lb), according to World Health Organisation figures.
credit; The Daily Telegraph September 28, 2007
ni baby yg sama kan
pada pemahaman aku Kimberly lahir pada minggu ke 25, 15 minggu lebih awal dari yg dijangka
so Kimberly berada didalam kandungan ibunya selama 25 minggu (lebih kurang 6 bulan)
sbb kalo 15 minggu tu macam terlalu sukar utk survive |
such a miracle...
15 minggu tu.... organ dalaman tak fully develop lagi tue |
subhanallah...................... |
Allahuakbar...kuasa Allah  |
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