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Lakaran Perjalanan Journalist Rusia di Singapura.PART III (30 photos)
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Sleeping areas of Singapore
Today I would like to show you how to live ordinary Singaporeans. Tourists usually see the landscapes of the city center space, and we'll look to the outskirts. Many probably be disappointed. There is no perfect licked streets and glass buildings. Conventional faceless apartment buildings, cars and clothes in the windows. But all is not as easy as it seems. The main difference between sleeping quarters of Singapore from our - the perfect order. Here, for each has its place and it is very good.
01. Traditional houses in which Singaporeans live simple.
02. From our sleeping quarters, they differ only in ideal order. See, on the street no one parked car. This is prohibited.
03. Street.
04. In the parking lot is supposed to a heavy fine - at least $ 300. Therefore, all the streets are clean.
05. A lot of greenery.
06. At the boundaries of land districts are multi-storey parking. This is very true. In the yards of all places is not enough, and the car somewhere to have to do with it.
07. Here's another example of a semi-automatic parking.
08. In the yards, too, there are places, but they are mainly for the guests.
09. Special places for motorcycles. It grows exactly to have a place. You can not put the bike in place for the car - for a big fine.
10. Sometimes courts look just like in Russia. All of causing the car. By the way, note the number of houses. They signed big at the top. It is very convenient to navigate.
11. The main difference from Russia - there is no free parking anywhere. For every hour you pay. Even in your own backyard. Possession of machine - very expensive.
12. Covered parking is also paid.
15. Some places only for the residents. They signed with red.
16. Parking for bicycles. Judging by prohibiting signs, some confuse it with the football gates.
17. The Chinese have a habit of drying clothes on sticks.
18. Reshetochki rainwater catchment.
19. But the playground for adults. These outdoor fitness is in many backyards.
20. Playground for children.
22. A special place where the burnt paper. This is due to some rites to expel evil spirits.
23. The ground floors of buildings given to residents. This set tables, space for meetings. Everywhere there are rooms where, for example, you can celebrate a birthday or a wedding.
24. If one side of the building are parking lots, on the other machines do not.
25. This is a place for recreation.
Ada kebenarannya walaupun hanya tinggal di flat/apartment kos rendah tapi kebersihan persekitarannya betul2 dijaga. Sungguh berbeza dengan kawasan perumahan sebegini kalau di Malaysia. |
hmm... masih tersimpan lagi ek keta lama camnie kat singapore.. |
Kat berita tv s'pore ni klu sebut ttg mlayu diorg sebut cmni "org melayu islam".
Sbbnye kt sana ada melayu yg terang2an convert tu christ. Ade jgk yg trun Jb ni org mlayu tp tatoo penuh satu badan ngalahkn kertas lukisan. |
bersih .... nampak very peaceful.... |
ampaian sgt jelas ketamadunan negara china |
Everywhere strict dengan denda. Bagus betul tp Kalau dtg jb faham2 je lerrr |
kat tempat diorang je diorang ke main jaga kebersihan. keluar je dari 'territory' diorang.... jangan harap le! diorang ni 'bersih' takut kena denda. denda kan berduit. so diorang lebih pentingkan or lebih sayangkan duit. |
it is truly a 'fine' country.... |
Pada aku ada pro dan kon, aku penah le sampai sana dalam dua tiga kali... apa yg aku rasa kita patut tiru ,, bekenaan ngan autopass tu maksud aku kalau boleh jadikan kad untuk parking n tol tu SERAGAM.
Yg x bestnya plak, telampau banyak sangat denda, mebi aku rasa sebab negara dorang xde sumber asli so rakyat la kene tanggun kos itu ini. and plus sikap dorang towards Malaysian sangatlah teruk (ini pengalaman aku sendiri)... kali petama aku drive masuk sana dapat layanan macam penjenayah w'pun semua dokumen lengkap. or pendek kata dorang memandang rendah org Malaysia. tapi.... bila dorang masuk sini plak..perghhh bawak kete x hengat punya laju parking ikut suka ati je (ni pun dari pengalaman aku sendiri gak)... |
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