Vladivostok (ru: Владивосток) ialah sebuah bandaraya yang terletak di timur Rusia di Jajahan Primorsky . Vladivostok ialah satu-satunya bandaraya pelabuhan di Rusia terletak di sebuah kawasan lingkungan Asia Timur selepas Tokyo, Seoul, Pyongyang, Beijing, Taipei, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Singapura, Jakarta, dan Manila. Ia terletak di kepala Golden Horn Bay, tidak jauh dari sempadan Rusia dengan China dan Korea Utara. Ia juga merupakan stesen penghujung dan terakhir bagi landasan kereta api Trans-Siberia. Merupakan pelabuhan utama dari Armada Pasifik Rusia. Pada sekitar tahun 2010, populasi penduduk bandar dianggarkan sebanyak 578,000 orang. Keluasan bandar ini mencapai sehingga 600km². Vladivostok telah dibuka pada tahun 2 Julai, 1860 dan mencapai status bandar pada 22 April, 1880. Mengikut bancian 2002 di Rusia, populasi bandar ini mencapai sehingga 594,701 penduduk, dan jumlah kepadatannya mencapai sehingga 991.2/km².
Pada tahun 2012, Vladivostok akan menjadi tuan rumah Sidang Kemuncak 24 [[Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation /Kerjasama Ekonomi Asia Pasifik ] (APEC) forum. Dalam persiapan untuk acara tersebut, infrastruktur bandar sedang diubahsuai dan diperbaiki. Dua kabel-jambatan raksasa sedang dalam pembinaan di Vladivostok, iaitu Zolotoy Rog jambatan di atas Zolotoy Rog Bay di pusat bandar, dan Pulau Russky Jambatan dari daratan ke Pulau Russky, di mana puncak akan berlangsung. Jambatan terakhir akan menjadi jambatan kabel yang terpanjang di dunia selepas selesai. Cable-stayed bridge to the island of Russian in Vladivostok
Cable-stayed bridge on the Russian island in the Eastern Bosphorus Strait is constructed in the framework of the preparation of Vladivostok for the APEC summit in 2012. It will connect the mainland and the island of Vladivostok.
Cable-stayed bridge will be the world record for the length of the central span – 1104 feet and length of stay cables – 580 meters. The height above the mirror of water – 70 meters. The height of the pylons – 324 meters.
Bridge Crossing to the Russky Island Across the Eastern Bosporus Strait in Vladivostok
Commencement of construction – Q3 2008; completion – March 31, 2012.
The bridge to the Russky island will be one of the world’s largest cable-stayed bridges, the 1104 m long central span of which will establish a new record in the world bridge building practice.
The bridge will also have the highest bridge towers and the longest cable stays.
Bridge specification
Bridge design: 60+72+3х84+1104+3х84+72+60 m
Total bridge length — 1885.53 m
Total length incl. viaducts — 3100 m
Main span length — 1104 m
Total bridge roadway breadth — 21 m
Number of driving lanes — 4
Under clearance — 70 m
Bridge pylons’ height — 320.9 m
Longest / shortest cable stay — 579.83/135.771 m
The design of the bridge crossing has been determined on the basis of two primary factors:
Shortest coast-to-coast distance in the bridge crossing location 1460 m. Navigable channel depth is up to 50 m.
The locality of the bridge crossing construction site is characterized by severe climate conditions: temperatures vary from minus 31 to plus 37 degrees, storm wind velocity of up to 36 m/s, storm wave height of up to 6 m, ice formation in winter of up to 70 cm thick.
Bridge Tower Construction
The piles with diameter of 2,000 mm will be driven as deep as 77 m below ground, and on the island side the 120 auger piles will be piled under each of the two 320-m high bridge towers.
The bridge towers will be concreted using custom self-climbing forms in pours of 4.5 m. A crane will be used on the first three pours, afterwards the formwork will start unaided moving through the hydraulic motion of modular elements.
The pylons will be A-shaped, therefore, the use of standard forms will not be feasible. An individual set of forms has been arranged for each pylon.
Transition between section types will be carried out at summer levels at the elevations of 66.26 m and 191.48 m.
The use of self-climbing forms will make it possible to achieve better quality and decrease the time of construction of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete structures by half as much again.
Central Span Structure
The span structure has an aerodynamic cross section to resist squally wind loads. The deck cross section shape has been determined based on aerodynamic analysis and optimized following the results of experimental wind tunnel testing of the scaled model.
Welded field connections are used for longitudinal and transversal joints of the cap sheet of the orthotropic plate and lower ribbed plate. For joints of vertical walls of the blocks, longitudinal ribs, transversal beams and diaphragms, field connections are used provided by means of high-strength bolts.
Prefabricated sections for installation of the deck are supplied by barges to the erection site and hoisted by crane to 76 m elevation within dedicated intervals. Here, the sections will be linked and cable stays will be attached to them.
Cable-Stayed System
The cable stayed system assumes all static and dynamic loads on the bridge deck. Cable stays are provided with maximum possible protection not only against natural disasters, but also against other adverse effects.
The so-called “compact” PSS system has been implemented in the cable-stayed bridge deck; this advanced system differs by denser strands allocation in the sheath. Compact design of cable stays that employs sheaths of smaller diameter makes for wind load reduction by 25-30%. Moreover, the cost of materials for pylons, the stiffening girder and foundations decreases by 35-40%.
PSS cable stays consist of parallel strands of 15.7 mm diameter; every strand consists of 7 galvanized wires. Cable stays incorporate from 13 to 79 strands. The length of the shortest cable stay is 135.771 m, that of the longest is 579.83 m. The protective sheath of the cable stay is made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and has the following properties:
UV resistance;
resistance to local climate conditions of Vladivostok (temperature range from minus 40°C to plus 40°C) and environmental aggressiveness .
Construction of the bridge to Russky Island will be completed in Quarter II, 2012.