Today we introduce you to traditional Korean cuisine, recipes in which a great many, but especially popular soups and dishes of boiled and roasted meat dogs.
On hot summer days, Koreans often order the soup posinthan. It is also made from dog meat. Koreans believe that eating dog meat gives strength, energy and strengthens health.
In the photo you follow the cooking dishes sobachatiny.
A. Almost 6500 vendors were dog meat in Korea in the early 2000s. Every year they sold about 8400 tons sobachatiny that the day was nearly 25 tons. (Photo: ChungSung-Jun/GettyImages)
Two. Approximately 100,000 tons of dog meat is used each year in South Korea. It comes as the official suppliers, as well as from non-registered.
Three. Sobachatina is the fourth largest in the country after consumption of pork, beef and chicken.
4. Between supporters and advocates the use of sobachatiny animal rights conflicts on a regular basis. The first did not understand why is permissible to eat beef and pork, but wildly - sobachatinu. The second - argue that dog meat is not allowed.
Five. In South Korea, periodically breaking out the debate, the theme of which - the combination of Korean and Western traditions of ethics.
6. One of the stages of cooking sobachatiny - preparing vegetables.
7. In 2005 the Korean government drafted a bill prohibiting the resort to cruel slaughter of dogs. However, this document does not abolish the use of sobachatiny. It is known that the bill was ordered not to kill dogs for people who do not score the dogs through strangulation, but it was not reported on the approved methods of slaughter.
Eight. Violated the law to protect animals threatened with imprisonment in a labor camp for up to six months and a fine of two thousand dollars. In addition, the government is going to tighten health standards in the implementation sobachatiny points, which significantly reduced the risk of selling meat of sick and homeless dogs. Companies that sell dog meat will be required to undergo testing four times a year.
9. The main component of soup or posinthan kedzhanguk is sobachatina. In Korea, believe that such a meal increases courage.
10. Soup recipe is quite simple: the dog meat cooked with green onions, perilla leaves, dandelion and spices (tvendzhanom, kochhudzhanom and perilla seed powder).
11. Dishes sobachatiny have a long history in the Korean culture. But now become a subject of controversy and debate because of concern about animal rights.
patutlah org korea ramai yg cantik2,kulit gebu dan baik hati berkat makan daging anjing rupanya.....
dalam mazhab shafie halal makan anjing dubuk tetapi bukan anjing biasa.
lihat org arab pengikut imam shafie dapat anjing dubuk.
Harus memakan dubuk bagi pendapat Imam Syafie, Hanabilah, Zohiriyyah dan jumhur fuqaha’.
Pendapat ini berdasarkan kepada hadis Abdul Rahman Bin Abi Umar. Beliau telah bertanya kepada Jabir bin Abdullah r.a berkenaan dubuk. Katanya: Adakah engkau makan? Berkata Jabir: Ya. Kata Abdul Rahman: Adakah engkau memburunya? Kata Jabir: Ya. Beliau berkata: Adakah engkau mendengarnya dari Rasulullah SAW? Kata Jabir: Ya. (Dikeluarkan oleh Abu Daud dalam sunannya)