Post Last Edit by aidzoul at 17-5-2012 16:04
Ganguro (Kanji:顔黒 Hiragana: がんぐろ Katakana: ガングロ lit. "Black Face", pronounced "ganguro") is an alternative fashion trend of blonde or orange hair and tanned skin among young Japanese women that peaked in popularity around the year 2000. The Shibuya and Ikebukuro districts ofTokyo were the centers of ganguro fashion. In contradiction to the traditional Japanese concept of beauty by having pale skin, dark hair, and neutral makeup tones, rebellious youth tanned their skin, bleached their hair, and used colourful makeup.[1] There is a connection to Japanese folklore of ghosts and demons, who are depicted with a similar appearance and often displayed in kabuki and noh costumes. This connection to folklore is further noted in the ganguro offshoot style called yamanba, named after a famous story about a mountain witch.[2] The term ganguro is a portmanteau of the Japanese word gangankuro "ガンガン黒", meaning extremely dark, and guro "グロ", meaning grotesque, and the word ganguro translates to "blackface" or "charbroiled face", meaning heavily sunburned face.[3]

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tentang mekah tu ku terpaksa pindah kat tread lagi satu.. so ni tread cerita lain... maaf ye... |
jepun kalau bab fashion mmg laa pelik tp yg bgsnye diorung jenis layan kan je...xkisahlah ko pakai apa pon... |
pelik2 jek aku tgknye............................ |

apa ke jadah la diorg ni punya trend |
rase td bukak thread psl MEKAh... cmne leh smpi kat ganguro girl plak ni |
Reply 9# figurae
tadi dah buat tentang mekah kat sini... tapi pic tak keluar...
so aku copy paste ke tread baru.. so aku tukar lah tread yang dah terbuka ni.....
terganggu pulak mental aku tgk pesen jepun camnih |
sakit mata mnengok..mcm2 jepun ni..suka mreka pelik2.. |
cantik tang mana pun aku tak tau  |
sundal bolong tengok pon boleh lari... |
dah rupa cam hantu lak..... |
cantik tang mana tuh  |
Errrkkkk freak la deme nihhh |
jepun nih kalau tak pelik mmg tak sah....
dari pakaian..make up.............................kasut.....
tapi tuh la yang membuat kan orang kenal orang jepun kot nyer...lain dari yang lain..... |
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