Visual artist Liza Lou creates artwork using all kinds of tiny glass beads. She is most well-known for this installation, Kitchen, in which she produced a full room-sized sculpture covered entirely with the small, colorful objects. One by one, the artist hand-glued each piece with tweezers to the surface of cabinet doors, window frames, floor tiles, a table and chairs, a toaster, and even dirty dishes in the kitchen sink. The pixelated world, 168 square feet of fragile patterns of glass, took five years to make and contains more than 30 million beads.
In the space, Lou created the illusion of functionality within what ultimately served only as a creative display. Toast popping out of the toaster, a bag of open Lays potato chips sitting on the counter top, and a freshly baked pie emerging from the oven all suggest that the homeowner will return to the space at any moment. Through this project and many other works, Lou continues to transform traditional beading into magnificent and monumental displays of patience, dedication, and tedious attention to detail.

Sememangnya seorang yg sangat sabar membuat benda2 ni semua...  