There are plenty of stereotypes when it comes to mental illness, here are 10 signs that mood problems may be due to more than a quirky or difficult personality.
Great mood
Hypomania is a high-energy state in which a person feels exuberant but hasn’t lost his or her grip on reality.
Inability to complete tasks
Having a house full of half-completed projects is a hallmark of bipolar disorder. Those who can’t finish tasks often go from task to task, planning grand, unrealistic projects that are never finished before moving on to something else. Depression
A person who is in a bipolar depressive state is going to present as very similar to someone who has depression, presenting the same problems with energy, appetite, sleep, and focus as others who havemoderate depression. Irritability
Some people with this condition suffer from “mixed mania,” where they experience symptoms of mania and depression at the same time. Rapid speech
“Pressured speech” is one of the most common symptoms of bipolar disorder, it occurs when someone is really not in a two-way conversation. Trouble at work
Many of the symptoms can interfere with their ability to show up for work, do their job, and interact productively with others.
In addition to having problems completing tasks, they may have difficulty sleeping, irritability, and an inflated ego during a manic phase, and depression at other times, which causes excessive sleeping and additional mood problems. Alcohol or drug abuse
Many people will drink when they are in a manic phase to slow themselves down, and use alcohol to improve their mood when they are depressed. Erratic behavior
When they are in a manic phase, people with bipolar disorder can have an inflated self-esteem.
Two of the most common types of behavior that can result from this are spending sprees and unusual sexual behavior. Sleep problems
During a depression phase, they may sleep too much, and feel tired all the time, meanwhile during a manic phase, they may not sleep enough, but still never feel tired. Flight of ideas
People feel like their mind is racing and that they can’t control or slow down their thoughts, it is often seen in the pressured speech. Visited (93875) times!