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CARI 2013 K-drama & K-Variety Star Awards [T. Tutup 11:59pm 1/1/2014]
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1. Calonkan 5 SAHAJA (Minimum: 1, Maximum: 5) bagi setiap kategori berdasarkan senarai drama di posting #3 sahaja.
2. Kenapa kita tak minimumkan 5? sebab ada sesetengah forumer hanya tonton bbrp drama shj...jadi hak mereka tuk menilai juga tidak diketepikan...lagi banyak drama yg korg tonton, lagi byk variasi yg dpt korg dpt lihat,..
3. Lihat #contoh saya pamerkan di posting #4.
(End airing: 1 Jan 2013 till 15 December 2013 with epi's < ~30)
School 2013
Ad Genius Lee Tae Baek
The Queen of Office
Good Doctor
Marry Him If You Dare
Jeon Woo Chi
Heaven's Will: The Fugitive of Joseon
The Blade and Petal
Secret Love
Gu Family Books
7th Grade Civil Servant
When a Man Loves
The Queen’s Classroom
Two Weeks
Medical Top Team
Jang Ok Jung, Living in Love
Empire of Gold
The Strange Housekeeper
The Great Seer
That Winter, The Wind Blows
All About My Romance
I Hear Your Voice
Master's Sun
The Heirs
Cheongdamdong Alice
Incarnation of Money
Birth Secret
Flower Boy Next Door
Nine: Nine Time Travels
Dating Agency: Cyrano
Who Are You
Answers me 1994 (~End airing 21/12/2013)
The Virus
Can We Get Married?
Heartless City
Her Legend
<<TO BE SUBMITTED for CARI 2013 K-drama Awards
PROPOSAL BY: dauswq>>
Popular Actor
Lee Seung Gi - Gu Family Books
Ji Sung - Secret Love
Lee Jong Suk - I Can Hear Your Voice
Lee Sung Jae - Gu Family Books/Suspicious Housekeeper
Kwon Sang Woo - Queen Of Ambition
2. Popular Actress
So Ae - Queen Of Ambition
Moon Chae Won - Good Doctor
Go Ahra - Reply 1994
Lee Yo Bi - Gu Family Books
Gong Hyo Jin - Master's Sun
3. The Most Memorable Scene
Secret Love
Epi 9: bila yoo jeong diasak-asak oleh min nyuk yg asyik mengekorinya di mana-mana, yoo jeong menjerit2 di khalayak ramai yg dia pelaku kes langgar lari...tetibe kereta dtg langgar yoo jeong, yoo jeong jatuh dan terus beredar diiringi ngan lagu "Incurable disease" & tangisan ji sung kerana dia tak sangka ade org sanggup pertahankan cinta tak mahu mendedahkan rahsia wlpn diasak2 beberapa kali...dr scene ni kita boleh lihat, bagaimana yoo jeong menghargai cinta spt mana min hyuk menghargai cinta...
I Can Hear Voice
HS capaikan payung kpd SH yg kebasahan hujan. Dari sini menunjukkan wujudnya 2-sided love btw them wlpn SH masih lagi ilang ingatan.
Master Sun
Epi 3 - tae yang kena kejar ngan antu kasut tumit tinggi, mmg daebak scene ni di tambah lagi ngan instrumental agak spooky...
Master Sun
Epi 4 & 16 - tae yang kena rasuk..macam2 hantu dia posses, kejap jadi hantu paris, hantu anjing, kucing etc
Suspicious Housekeeper
Epi 2 - hye gyul cari "dad stone" di sekitar rumah ngan ekspresi ayahnya yg buat tak tau jek....lepas jumpa, ayahnya teragak-agak nak masukkan "dad stone" dlm bekas family stone hye gul...
4. Couple of The Year
Ji Sung - Hwa Jum Eum
Kim Sun Kyung-Min Do Hee
Kim Wo Bin- Lee Jong Suk
Suzy- Lee Sung Gi
Gong Hyo Gin-So Ji Sub
5. CARI's K-Drama Popular Choice
Gu Family Books
Queen of Ambition
I Can Hear Your Voice
Secret Love
That Winter, The Wind Blows
6. Popular Ahjussi
Park Woon Sang (anestheologist) - Medical Top Team
Park Geun Hyung (orang tua suka jerit2)- Suspicious Housekeeper
Lee Jong Won (suami auntie Jo Jong Won) - Master's Sun
Sung Dong-il- Reply 1994
Jung Woong In (psycho killer) - I Can Hear Your Voice
7. Popular Ahjumma
Kim Sung Ryung (do kyung/mak kpd kim tam) - Queen of Ambition/Heirs
Kim Hae Sook (mak kpd hye sung/ ketua org gaji) - I Can Hear Your Voice/Suspicious Housekeeper
Kim Mi Kyung (auntie Jo Jong Won /mak kpd eun sang) - Master's Sun/Heirs
Park Joon Geum (mak rasmi kim tam) - Heirs
Choi Mung Gil (masa depan mirae) - Marry me If You Dare
8. Popular Rookie Actor
Kang Min Hyuk (Yoon Cha Young)- Heirs
Kim Myung Soo/L Infinite (jo jong won masa muda) - Master's Sun
Yoo Yun Suk - Gu Family Books
Son Ho Joon - Reply 1994
9. Popular Rookie Actress
Kim Seul Gi (editor webtoon yg matanya kuyup semacam) - Flower Boy Next Door
Krystal Jung (Boo Na) - Heirs
Kim Ji Won (Rachel) - Heirs
Min Do Hee - Reply 1994
10. Popular Child Actor
Choi Ro Won (Shi On masa kecik) - Good Doctor
Nam Da Reum (Eun Se Gyul, abg ke-2) - Suspicious Housekeeper
Seo Kang Joon (budak muka iras2 park shi hoo sket2 haha) - Suspicious Housekeeper
Kim Myung Soo/L Infinite (jo jong won masa muda) - Master's Sun
11. Popular Child Actress
Kim Hyun Soo (In Hae) - Good Doctor
Kim So Hyun (kakak sulung) - Suspicious Housekeeper/ I Can Hear Your Voice
Kang Ji Woo (adik pompuan plg bongsu) - Suspicious Housekeeper
12. Drama Poster Choice
Secret Love
I Can Hear Your Voice
Master's Sun
13. Best Kissing Scene
Secret Love
Epi 12 - min hyuk kissing paksa yoo jeong dlm kereta
Last edited by dauswq on 1-1-2014 06:02 PM

Last edited by dauswq on 19-11-2014 09:52 PM
Rookie - New Star Award
1) Yoon Hoo - (MBC) Dad, Where are We Going?
2) Kim Mingook - (MBC) Dad, Where are We Going?
3) Yoon SiYoon - (SBS) Barefooted Friends
4) Max Changmin - (KBS) Cool Kiz on the Block
5) John Park - (KBS) Cool Kiz on the Block
Excellence Awards
i) Funniest Entertainer
1. Kim Jongmin - (KBS) 2 Days & 1 Night
2. Uhm Taewoong - (KBS) 2 Days & 1 Night
3. Park Seonggwang - (KBS) Gag Concert
4. Andy Shinhwa - (JTBC) Shinhwa Broadcast
5. Jung Hyung Don - (MBC) Infinity Challenge
ii) Hottest Entertainer
1. Heo Gyeonghwan - (KBS) Human Condition
2. Gary - (SBS) Running Man
3. Kim Giri - (KBS) Gag Concert
4. Kwon Taeho - (KBS) Let's Go Dream Team
5. Minwoo Shinhwa - (JTBC) Shinhwa Broadcast
iii) Most Friendly/Cheerful Entertainer
1. Cha Taehyun - (KBS) 2 Days & 1 Night
2. Haha - (SBS) Running Man
3. Eun Jiwon - (SBS) Barefooted Friends
4. Kim Sungjoo - (MBC) Dad, Where are We Going?
5. Junjin Shinhwa - (JTBC) Shinhwa Broadcast
iv) Most Annoying/Hateful/Spiteful Entertainer
1. Kyuhyun - (KBS) Mamma Mia
2. Lee Kwangsoo - (SBS) Running Man
3. Lee Kyungkyu - (KBS) Qualification of Men
4. Kim Gura - (MBC) Radio Star
5. Noh Hongchul - (MBC) Infinity Challenge
v) Most Admirable Entertainer
1. Kang Hodong - (KBS) Cool Kiz on the Block
2. Yoon Minsoo - (MBC) Dad, Where are We Going?
3. Jung Taeho - (KBS) Human Condition
4. Eric Shinhwa - (JTBC) Shinhwa Broadcast
5. Fei Miss A - (O'live) Masterchef Celebrity Korea
Friendship / Teamwork Award
1. (KBS) Gag Concert
2. (KBS) Cool Kiz on the Block
3. (MBC) Dad, Where are We Going?
4. (JTBC) Shinhwa Broadcast
5. (KBS) 2 Days & 1 Night
Best Chemistry Award
1. Spartace - (SBS) Running Man
2. Yoon Hoo & Jiah - (MBC) Dad, Where are We Going?
3. Taecyeon & Emma - (MBC) We Got Married Global
4. Kim Giri & Kim Jimin - (KBS) Gag Concert
5. Lee Munjae & Jang Hyo In - (KBS) Gag Concert
Best Guest (guest ft. show)
1. Park Ji Sung - (SBS) Running Man
2. Shinhwa - (SBS) Running Man
3. Kim Minyool - (MBC) Dad, Where are We Going?
4. HotsechgodRG - (KBS) Happy Together
5. G Dragon - (MBC) Infinity Challenge
Special Awards
i) Talk show
1. Yoo Jaesuk - (KBS) Happy Together
2. Lee Youngja - (KBS) Mamma Mia
3. Yoon Do Hyun - (SBS) K-Pop Star
4. Yoon Jongshin - (MBC) Radio Star
5. Boom - (SBS) Star King
ii) Music show
1. HotsechgodRG - (KBS) Immortal Song 2
2. Big Bang - MAMA 2013
3. Troublemaker - MAMA2013
4. Akdong Musician - (SBS) K-Pop Star 2
5. Erul - (Channel M) Kpop Star Hunt 2
Show with best idea/concept
1. (KBS) Human Condition
2. (KBS) Hello Councellor
3. (MBC) Dad, Where are We Going?
4. (SBS) Star King
5. (MBC) Infinity Challenge
Hallyu Variety Star Award - Popularity
1. Kim Jongkook - (SBS) Running Man
2. Lee Hongki - (MBC) We Got Married Global
3. Gary - (SBS) Running Man
4. Max Changmin - (KBS) Cool Kiz on the Block
5. Yoon Hoo - (MBC) Dad, Where are We Going?
Hallyu Variety Show Award - Popularity
1. (SBS) Running Man
2. (MBC) Dad, Where are We Going?
3. (KBS) 2 Days & 1 Night
4. (MBC) We Got Married
5. (JTBC) Shinhwa Broadcast
Grand Prize - Program of the year
1. (SBS) Running Man
2. (KBS) 2 Days & 1 Night
3. (MBC) Dad, Where are We Going?
4. (KBS) Gag Concert
5. (KBS) Hello Councellor
Grand Prize - Entertainer of the year
1. Kang Hodong - (KBS) Cool Kiz on the Block
2. Cha Tae Hyun - (KBS) 2 Days & 1 Night
3. Kim Junho - (KBS) Gag Concert
4. Kim Jongkook - (SBS) Running Man
5. Park Myungsoo - (MBC) Infinity Challenge
Last edited by parasitology on 1-1-2014 11:54 PM
Anda hanya dibenarkan utk cast nomination for popular category & k-variety star awards sahaja... |
Check inn   |
check in... cuba ingin faham kan konsep awards ni  |
cara nak pilih kena buat camni ek
1. :....
mcm ni ek ? |
azrain98 posted on 21-11-2013 11:10 PM 
cara nak pilih kena buat camni ek
1. :....
boleh ikut contoh saya sediakan di post #4utk nomination for k-drama awards
& juga contoh post#6 utk nomination bg variety star awards
Kalau nak nominate utk kedua-duanya, buat 2 separate posting...
cikgojesss posted on 21-11-2013 08:53 AM 
Check inn
cikgojess nak buat nomination sekali ke?
dauswq posted on 21-11-2013 11:18 PM 
boleh ikut contoh saya sediakan di post #4utk nomination for k-drama awards
& juga contoh post#6 ...
untuk korean movie tanak buat sekali ke?
azrain98 posted on 21-11-2013 11:44 PM 
untuk korean movie tanak buat sekali ke?
tak de lah since tak rmi forumer yg follow versi filem..

dauswq posted on 21-11-2013 11:49 PM 
tak de lah since tak rmi forumer yg follow versi filem..
yeke...huhu kalu aku satu filem ni je aku vote...werewolf boy..berjurai2 mata tngok...kejantanan tercabar 
bila due date hantar proposal ni? banyak lagi derama tak tengok ni..
mcm nak tengok jang ok jung, master's sun, monstar sebelum hantar proposal.. ape lagi, any suggestion?
ops cheomdamdong alice pun masuk lagi sekali tahun ni..
bolehla nominate oppa park shi hoo ni.. 
tapi demam park shi hoo dah kebah lama dah..
skang ni cuma nampak muka lee minho jah..  |
last review drama 15/12??kalau smpat fly review maybe dpt review sikit je la kot..dr list yg momod daus letak tu mcm terrrbanyak pulak tengok drama taun ni |
thafly posted on 22-11-2013 05:28 AM 
last review drama 15/12??kalau smpat fly review maybe dpt review sikit je la kot..dr list yg ...
yg review tu reserved utk kategori TERBAIK...
yg thread ni utk thafly nominate bg kategori popular k-drama dan juga klu nak nominate utk variety awards..
cth tgk post #4 & post #6
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