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[Tempatan] LHDN: taksiran 2014, tidak perlu taksiran tahunan

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Post time 11-2-2014 04:30 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

PETALING JAYA: The option of not having to file annual tax returns may have been set to start in April next year, as announced in the last Budget.
But for many taxpayers, the form-filling begins now.
People opting for the plan known as “final tax” must start updating their employers now on their tax relief for 2014 to ensure that accurate deductions are made, according to the Inland Revenue Board (IRB).
IRB public relations officer Masrun Maslim said those who qualified for the final tax plan should start filling in the TP1 now, where they can detail for their employers rebates and reliefs that they are entitled to.
The employers will take these rebates into account when working out the salary deductions for the month.
Masrun said those who opted for the final tax plan but failed to notify their employers of their rebates risked paying more than they should.
“This is because under the scheme, the monthly tax deductions or MTD are deemed as the final tax and the taxpayer will not get any refunds when 2014 ends,” he said.
“The benefit of having MTD as the final tax is that one can take home more at the end of the month. Reliefs are taken into account immediately and they no longer need to wait for refunds from us. The final tax applies to those who are happy with the MTD amount,” he told The Star.
The TP1 form, he said, could be downloaded from the IRB website ( and includes rebates for book allowance, insurance, personal computer, sports equipment, education and medical expenses including basic support equipment for parents. It should be submitted as and when there are reliefs to be claimed.
Most single income taxpayers would qualify for the final tax option but not those who receive certain perks from their employers like housing or benefits such as a car, driver, gardener and recreational club membership. These taxpayers have to submit their returns as usual.
“People who opt for the final tax plan should declare all tax deductions and rebates and submit the TP1 form without receipts to the employers who will then update the system and ensure the correct tax amount is deducted every month and submitted to the IRB,” Masrun added.
He said that compulsory monthly tax deductions would normally take into account personal relief and contributions to Employees Provident Fund or other approved schemes. The TP1 form are only for additional rebates.
For those who make mistakes in a TP1 form or forgot to submit it to their employers, Masrun said they could still opt to file the annual tax returns before April 30 next year.
“They could conduct the online self-assessment and determine if they are overpaying with their monthly deductions. If they are not, then they can choose the final tax plan.
“Otherwise, it is in their best interest to submit their returns and get their refunds quickly as it is their money. People who underpaid should also file their returns,” he said, adding that those who opted for the final tax but decided to change their mind could still do so.
Masrun said the final tax plan was introduced following complaints about having to file returns when the amount involved was the same as the MTD.
“We came up with the idea of having the MTD as the final tax as it is hassle-free and the monthly take-home pay will be more.”
He stressed, however, that for the 2013 year of assessment, taxpayers need to submit their returns as usual by April 30 this year.


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Post time 11-2-2014 05:37 PM | Show all posts
malas nak baca panjang2... so maksudnya, kalau dah ada PCB takyah isi borang efiling ke?

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Post time 11-2-2014 05:45 PM | Show all posts
tok soh bayor.....

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Post time 11-2-2014 05:55 PM | Show all posts
buat cam biasa la
buleh claim kalo terlebih bayar

yg MTD tu mcm tak konpiden saja lah......

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 Author| Post time 12-2-2014 11:40 AM | Show all posts
Amaran Keras Tipu Pelepasan Cukai

PETALING JAYA: Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) memberi amaran keras terhadap pembayar cukai yang cuba menuntut pelepasan cukai lebih daripada yang sepatutnya apabila memilih untuk melakukan Potongan Cukai Bulanan (PCB) sebagai pelan cukai akhir.

Pegawai Perhubungan LHDN, Masrun Maslim berkata, mereka yang cuba menipu di dalam borang TP1 untuk menuntut pelepasan cukai yang lebih akan dikenakan denda dalam jumlah besar.

"Mereka yang dengan sengaja tidak memasukkan maklumat atau mengecilkan jumlah cukai boleh dikenakan denda antara RM1,000 dan RM10,000 serta 200 peratus harga cukai yang dikurangkan.

"Sebagai contoh, jika cukai yang dikira adalah RM5,000 tetapi jumlah yang perlu dibayar ialah RM6,000 iaitu kurang sebanyak RM1,000...maka jumlah yang kurang itu akan didarab dengan 200 peratus," katanya.

Pembayar cukai individu yang memilih untuk menggunakan sistem PCB sebagai cukai terakhir taksiran bagi 2014 dikehendaki mengemukakan borang potongan rebat kepada majikan mereka supaya potongan cukai bulanan mereka boleh diselaraskan dengan kadar bersesuaian.

Antara rebat yang boleh dituntut ialah seperti pembelian komputer, buku, barangan sukan dan kos rawatan perubatan untuk ibu bapa.

Pada Selasa The Star melaporkan bahawa mereka yang memilih untuk menggunakan sistem PCB tidak perlu menunggu tahun berikutnya untuk mendapatkan rebat pelepasan cukai.

Ia boleh disesuaikan dengan segera oleh majikan dalam potongan cukai bulanan mereka.

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 Author| Post time 12-2-2014 11:46 AM | Show all posts
Many employees still in the dark over tax forms


PETALING JAYA: More awareness needs to be created over the Inland Revenue Board’s TP1 forms, according to both employers and employees.

Group financial officer R. Ragesh said not many employees knew of the deduction and rebate form.

“Awareness is lacking,” he said. “We do get a few employees who submit the form but the majority of them are unaware.”

Ragesh said the form “has been around for a while” but many did not use it as they would file their returns every year and claim the refunds as normal.

“The MTD (monthly tax deductions) normally does not take into account detailed tax relief such as for insurance, books and medical,” Ragesh said.

“The TP1 form will ensure that these are taken into account every month and that employees avoid overpaying,” he added.

Ragesh said having the MTD as the final tax would create more work for employers but he said it could be done.

“It is definitely more work. We have to hire more staff for this,” he pointed out.

“We have no problems accepting the forms at any time so long as it is before our payroll cut-off date.

“But some employees might choose to submit it once a year to us or once every few months,” he added.

Taxpayer S.N. Yeo said she preferred to submit the form several times a year instead of every month.

“I have medical expenses I need to pay for throughout the year and it is easier to claim the rebate in one go,” she said.

“I do not mind having the MTD as the final tax so long as pro­per deductions are made,” she added.

M. Mary said she was glad that the final tax plan was not compulsory.

“Some will not be too keen to reveal their tax relief details to their employers.

“Moreover, not everyone has access to computers to do an online self-assessment to check whether the MTD is the same as the income tax payable,” she said.

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Post time 12-2-2014 11:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Excess dr tahun lepas pun depa x refund lagik.... Serious aku x confident dgn system baru ni.... Alasan nak telan duit org lagik ni

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Post time 12-2-2014 11:50 AM | Show all posts
sama mcm aku last year punya lebihan cukai lom dpt lg sampai skrg.. kalo bab nak potong mmg on time, siap potong lebih2 lg...

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