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Dr M: Tunku Aziz perlu siasat Riza (anak Rosmah) dan Jho Low
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Edited by EJALTI at 6-5-2015 09:32 PM
Dr M: Tunku Aziz should probe Riza and Jho Low4:35PM May 6, 2015

Former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad has urged Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim to train his sights on businessman Jho Low and Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's stepson Riza Aziz if he is truly concerned about corruption.
"As someone who professes to be concerned about corruption, shouldn't he ask how Jho Low (left in photo) and Riza Aziz have hundreds of millions of dollars.
"Shouldn't he be interested in public officers who live well beyond their means. Or has he got selective awareness of what is going on around him.
"An American paper reported that now Malaysia is among the ten most corrupt countries in the world. Shouldn't he try to find out why?" wrote on his blog today.
He was commenting on Tunku Abdul Aziz's article in the New Straits Times on May 4, which alluded to the former premier's complicity in the Bumiputra Malaysia Finance Limited (BMF) scandal in the late 1980s.
'Won't infer without evidence'
In his article, Tunku Abdul Aziz (right) said BMF was a subsidiary of the successful Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Bhd (BBMB), which had US$15 billion (RM54 billion) in assets in 1988.

BMF then loaned US$1 billion to two Hong Kong-based companies Plessey Investment Limited and Carrian Investment Limited, which did not repay the loan
Tunku Abdul Aziz described then-chairperson of BMF Lorrain Osman as a fall guy for the scandal, and implied that someone from "high above" had instructed Lorrain to move the BMF funds.
"Tunku Abdul Aziz tries to pin the BMF scandal on me on the basis of a statement by Lorrain. He assumes that 'high above' Lorrain was me.
"There are lots of people high above Lorrain. I will not name them here because I don't like making inferences when I have no concrete evidence," Mahathir wrote.
'My sons came up on their own'
He added Tunku Abdul Aziz, who is a Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission board member, could probe his records to find out how much money he (Mahathir) had allegedly stolen.
"(Tunku Abdul Aziz) can make a full investigation of my records to find out how many billions I stole from the government as he seems to imply.
"If he fails, he should at least have the decency to apologise," Mahathir remarked.
The former premier also sai he had never used public funds for the benefit of his sons.
"My sons are not billionaires but they do borrow millions to finance their own businesses.

"Mirzan does most of his business outside Malaysia but was forced to sell his shipping business to Petronas during a financial crisis.
"Mokhzani (right) has a steel fabrication business started after I ceased to be the prime minister. It took him more than three years to make the money he is supposed to have.
“He did not steal the money. What he has he has earned. Nobody’s money has disappeared because of his business.
"I did not raise loans when I was PM to help my sons. If you have evidence, show it," he said.

ai lg suka kalo semua pihak dlm ini cerita disiasat sampai ke lubang cacing. |
Dr M: Tanya sama Jho Low, Tunku Aziz
5:00PM - 6 May 2015

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkata Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim sepatutnya menumpukan perhatiannya terhadap ahli perniagaan Jho Low dan anak tiri Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak jika benar bersungguh-sungguh bimbangkan amalan rasuah.
Kata Dr Mahathir, persoalan mengenai kehilangan berbilion wang perlu ditanyakan kepada Jho Low serta Riza Aziz (anak tiri Najib).
"Tidakkan beliau (Tunku Aziz) berminat kepada kakitangan awam yang hidup mewah melebih kemampuan atau dia mempunyai kesedaran terpilih terhadap apa yang berlaku di sekelilingnya," katanya.
Bekas perdana menteri itu memberi kenyataan tersebut bagi mengulas komen Tunku Aziz terhadapnya, termasuk berhubung skandal Bumiputra Malaysia Finace (BMF) melalui media cetak semalam.
tunku abdul aziz tu sapa?polis ka? |
Bagus Tun...step up your attack. You're not in power present gov can investigate without the same time Macai najib dan najib sendiri jgn buat lupa issue 1 mdb... |
hadoih... tiapkali popcorn abes je drama bersambung  |
Tunku Aziz ni hypocrite. masuk DAP, khianat DAP. skang ade hati nak imply Tun M korup. tapi yg amat mencurigakan macam Riza Aziz ngan si gemuk Jho Lo tu tak nak chek |
Dari Pokcit google ....Wikipedia
Tunku Aziz joined the Democratic Action Party (DAP) in August 2008, citing shared "values and ideals" with the party. He was immediately appointed national vice-chairman of the party.In July 2009, he was appointed as a senator in the Dewan Negara, representing the state of Penang. He is the first senator ever from the DAP. In May 2012, Tunku Aziz spoke out against the Bersih 3.0 rally which was largely supported by Pakatan Rakyat. He said the event encouraged Malaysians to "break the law."He also criticised rally organisers for allowing the opposition coalition to "hijack" its agenda and failing to curb violence among their own protestors. On 9 May, DAP declined to extend Tunku Aziz's senate term ending on 30 May. Less than a week later, he indicated his desire to resign from the party, citing irreconcilable differences.
owhh..patutla dia mengomen psl skandal bmf...
dani-rox replied at 6-5-2015 09:52 PM
ai lg suka kalo semua pihak dlm ini cerita disiasat sampai ke lubang cacing.
Iols nak popcorn caramel ditabur garam secukup rase. Kahkahkah.... |
tunku aziz ni la golongan melayu urban sbb join dap dulu.
tp skang dia da insaf.
maafkan lah dia. maybe dia dah nyanyuk agaknya. maklum la org tua. |
I pun nak popcorn caramel with macademia nuts pls |
seronok la nek mah shopping dr gst korg asyk beli popcorn je.. |
makin hebat tembak menembak sekarang ni. |
Riza tu keje apa?
ke keje harta pusaka emas raja raja dari piramid mulayu terbesar di hutan Pohang yg dilingkungi sinar plasma TV? 
Edited by ~anya~ at 7-5-2015 12:07 AM
Tun M cabar tuhhhhh....
Kak Ros ada bran nak cabar bagai nih? |
DAPig jadi chairman MACC? Biaq betui. Hilang kredibiliti MACC kalau chairman pun pilih bulu. Pi hendap bulu ahkak pink, tengok color apa. Lagi sekor tong kosong.  |
dap teruk sangat ka tak boleh jadi ketua |
dia ni sebenar nya ular.
Apa benda yang dia betul2 buat sampai corruption terhakis? |
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