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Author: HangPC2

TIPS PC (Pasang/Format/Install/Servis)

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Post time 30-7-2007 05:19 PM | Show all posts
usb keyboard memang tak leh guna masa setup windows xp.

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Post time 1-8-2007 04:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by matlabu888 at 30-7-2007 05:19 PM
usb keyboard memang tak leh guna masa setup windows xp.

nak tanye..nape mouse usb apple tak le function when connect kat PC? Kat notebook jalan la pulak

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Post time 8-8-2007 06:02 PM | Show all posts
Secret System Restore

The System Restore ability in Windows XP is really handy, and often comes to our aid when we make the odd mistake, or download a bad driverfile.  However occasionally when we try to reboot our computer, we cannot get into Windows, perhaps not even in safe mode.  Now what do wedo?

If necessary, you can start the System Restore tool from the command prompt.  This is useful if you cannot start your computer normally orin Safe Mode.  To start the utility using this method, restart yourcomputer and press F8 during startup.  From the boot options, select Safe Mode with a command prompt.  You can then log on to your computer using an account with administrative privileges.

The last step is to launch the System Restore tool.  You can do this by typing the following command at the command prompt.


You can then follow the instructions to restore your computer to a previous state.

[ Last edited by  rdzaccess at 8-8-2007 06:07 PM ]

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Post time 10-8-2007 05:40 PM | Show all posts

Balas #22 applemac\ catat

cuba plug in guna port lain.

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Post time 9-9-2007 09:46 PM | Show all posts
ade pertanyaan sket...

saye format  C ngan D...

pastu kat dalam C ngan D ade program files..

bole tak kalo nak delete salah satu darinyer??

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Post time 12-9-2007 10:36 AM | Show all posts

Reply #25 leyna's post

Dah format ke blum?

Bila format tu semua data dalam harddisk yang diformat tu akan di delete. So Kalau ko format C: ngan D:, SEMUA data kat situ akan di delete. Camna boleh ada lagi program files tu?

Ko juga akan kena reinstall OS, so semua programs yang dalam program files (kalau tak terdelete) dah takleh guna - registry settings etc semua dah di delete masa format tu. Lepas reinstall OS baru reinstall semula program2 tersebut.

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Post time 12-9-2007 02:41 PM | Show all posts

Reply #26 0001's post

da format
mule2 format C
pas tu D..
tu yg  nak tanye...
kat C,D  ade program files..

pastu mase on pc...
die suh pilih nak gne operation yg mane,
tp dua dua tu adelah windows xp..
camne eh??

tak reti sgt la mende2 camni..

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Post time 14-9-2007 07:59 PM | Show all posts

Reply #27 leyna's post

Kalau masih ada folders/files, then tu blum format. Kalau format, habis SEMUA files/folder - kosong both drives.

Yang lepas ko restart PC and dia suruh ko pilih tu... ko dah masukkan cd XP ke? Ke blum masuk? Kalau blum masuk, maknanya masih ada boot.ini kat C: drive and also dah pernah install XP (kat 2 locations).

Ko buat camni - cuba start memaner XP tu (atau yg ko biasa guna), then masuk internet and download DriverMAX dari link bawah ni:

Lepas dah download, install and run. Dari program tu, ko boleh backup semua drivers PC ko. Backup ke thumbdrive atau CD.

Masukkan CD XP and restart. Make sure ko ada serial etc.

Step 1. Insert the Windows installation disk into your CD drive. Shut down your PC. Then, boot from CD.

This part is important: do NOT run the Windows installation from Windows itself. Shut down first, and then boot up the machine from CD. My Dell has a little message as it's booting up that says "Press F12 to boot from CD," so that's what I did. If you're not sure how to boot from CD, check your PC's user guide for more info.

The reason why booting from CD is important is because we're going to delete the C: drive partition where Windows is installed and re-format it. You can't do this if Windows booted from C:, because it can't delete the partition from which it is running.

You CAN install Windows without deleting the partition and formatting, but that means all your program files and other riff-raff that's collected on your C: drive will still be there when you're done, just taking up unnecessary space. That's not the point of all this. Be sure to boot from CD.

Step 2. Step through the Windows installation.

You'll be greeted by WordPerfect 5.1-like blue screens with white text on them, which seem scary, but aren't. All the directions are clearly spelled out on each of them. Still, we'll go over what to do.

At the Welcome to Setup page, press Enter. Press F8 to accept the Windows XP Licensing Agreement. You'll be asked if you want to repair your existing Windows XP installation. Press ESC to bypass the repair and install a fresh copy. All your existing disk partitions will be listed.

You want to delete the current partition where Windows is installed. Use the arrow key to select it, and press D to delete it. Press L to confirm. Then, to create a new partition, select the unpartitioned space and press C. To create a new partition with the maximum amount of space allotted to it, press Enter.

Now select the brand spanking new partition you've just created to install Windows on. Format the drive as NTFS (Quick if you want, but I went thorough just to be sure.) Depending on the size of the drive and how fast your computer is, this will take some time. Get a sandwich. Then, follow Windows Setup's steps, set your area code and name and password and let it reboot as many times as necessary until it asks you to log in for the first time. Congratulations! Welcome to your fresh new Windows installation.

But we're not done yet.

Step 3. Install any missing drivers from backup tadi.

Aku suggest ko print ni supaya senang ikut masa tengah reinstall XP.

Good luck.

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Post time 14-9-2007 11:20 PM | Show all posts
tak bole je aku delete je memane satu prog files, windows dari C atau D??

skang main ku adelah D..

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Post time 16-9-2007 09:26 PM | Show all posts

Reply #29 leyna's post

Depends ngan mana ko install programs tu masa ko guna XP kat D tu. U ingat ke ke mana u install programs atau u ikut default? kalau default, then programs masuk C:\Program Files\.

Nak buat fresh OS install ke? If so, delete ALL (programs files in both C: and D: - dah takleh guna dah programs tu in the new OS installation).

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Post time 2-11-2007 07:31 AM | Show all posts


kalo dh format x jd bende cam tuh... humm?? ko nyerr local disk aperr... ko delete jekk programe files ko tuh.. kalo local disk ko C: ko delete kat D:// dan sebalikknyerr... x pun ko guna kemudahan window verification...  ada something wrong lah tuhh time format tuh!! by default local disk C:.. cam nerkk leh tukar D:// ko tukar ah tuh kot....  pastuhh skang dh ada software utk kita simpan all drivers kita.. nanti aku cr kan... makne nyerr pas nihh pas ko format mudah ah sket!!! yg waktu loading 2 windows tuhh  ko try msconfig>tab boot.ini....> pastuhh check loading boot dier> humm pastuhh nanti aku post blk> aku dh luper> dia ader something kita buang melalui registry(regedit).. aku g try dulu(cari)... sblum tuh g keje.... jam 8.30 masuk keje...

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Post time 13-11-2007 05:37 PM | Show all posts
mungkin die ingat reinstall windows tu format tak ??

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Post time 23-11-2007 12:19 PM | Show all posts
1)walaupun dah buat semua langkah di atas, masih belum dapat format/reinstall xp.saya ada tengok kat my computer, xder pun ikon cdrom .camna nih.adesss...

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Post time 23-11-2007 12:38 PM | Show all posts

Reply #33 JohnDeSouza's post

Cuba ko tengok link bawah ni:

Harap2 info tu dapat settlekan problem missing cdrom icon kat My Computer ko tu.

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Post time 5-12-2007 04:09 PM | Show all posts

sesiapa leh tolong aku ...

aku baru beli laptop model aspire 2920...aku ingat bila balik nak install sendiri..tapi tak boleh sebab masa nak setup kita akan ditanya partition mana nak guna ...yang ada hanya tulis 'hard disk unknown'...aku cuba nak create partition guna setup cd xp tu...tapi tak response...mungkin ker kena format harddisk dulu...ada tak software yang special...laptop ni takde drive A..dan hrddisk guna SATA...boleh sesiapa ajarkan..


[ Last edited by  Rajakumbang at 5-12-2007 04:10 PM ]

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Post time 11-12-2007 08:45 PM | Show all posts

Reply #35 Rajakumbang's post

Since ko takde floppy drive, ko kena streamline SATA driver tu ke dalam WinXP installation cd. Nak buat ni panjang steps, so aku suggest baik ko gi tengok steps dia kat link bawah ni: ... oppy-F6-47807.shtml


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Post time 13-1-2008 04:41 PM | Show all posts
caner nak format hd sata???

dulu aku try pakai os xp sp1 xdetect hd...

sp2 xtry lak...naper ek xdetect??

sbb sp1 ker??

kalau bli mobo kan ader disket sata driver..kener pakai ker disket tu??

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Post time 30-1-2008 01:08 AM | Show all posts

nak driver mobo and grafik kad..

aku baru jer format pc kat rumah aku yang hampir usang..
dah abis install xp, baru sedar cd installer dah hilang..
camner nak wat ek?

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Post time 30-1-2008 07:42 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by akira_nagasaki at 20-1-2007 08:12 PM
masa bila dia kata press anykey to boot from cd tu boleh. tp bila nak press yang lelain bila dah masuk boot cd screen biru tu keyboard dah tak function. dah banyak kali jugak aku try tak boleh2 a ...

aku dah banyak kali kena nie..tapi sekarang dah okay..
nie cara aku, tak tau la korang boleh ke tak ...

time tengah boot tu, tekan <Delete>
pastu korang akan masuk ke SETUP UTILITY
korang akan jumpa USB keyboard support, USB mouse support

lepas tu dah boleh detect..

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Post time 12-2-2008 09:25 PM | Show all posts

Wireless Network Connection

ayfa nak tanye ni

apsal x dapat nak connect wireless

ayfa pakai ADSL Aztech tp notebook ni baru format.

bile ayfa view availabe wireless networks dia kuar 'no wireless networks were found in range'

lampu kat ADSL tang wireless tu pun x nyala,

apesal erk?

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