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[Tempatan] Najib Kekal, Rakyat Mengemis - Dr Mahathir

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Post time 8-12-2015 09:19 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Najib Kekal, Rakyat Mengemis - Dr Mahathir     
Diterbitkan: Selasa, 8 Disember 2015 2:35 AM

                                               (Ubah saiz teks)         

KUALA LUMPUR: Rakyat dan ahli Umno digesa supaya terus mempersoalkan mengenai isu dakwaan penyelewegan syarikat 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) dan dana politik RM2.6 bilion yang dimasukkan ke akaun Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Bekas perdana menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkata, negara akan menghadapi zaman kehancuran sekiranya Najib terus kekal sebagai ketua kerajaan.

“Kepimpinan Najib tidak membawa manfaat sama sekali kepada negara. Hakikatnya najib tidak layak…kalau dia kekal sebagai perdana menteri, negara ini akan hancur.

"Bercakaplah mengenai isu 1MDB dan RM2.6 bilion tanpa kesal kerana kalau tak berani menyebut perkara ini, kita akan jadi mangsa.

“Kata pepatah Inggeris... no risk no gain. Kalau kita balik nak tidur nyenyak sahaja, bila kita celik (buka) mata, negara kita sudah hilang…kita menjadi pengemis dalam negara sendiri,” katanya di sini, Isnin malam.

Dr Mahathir yang juga bekas presiden Umno hadir menyampaikan ucapan dalam majlis yang dihadiri timbalan presiden Umno dan bekas timbalan perdana menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

Menerusi ucapan lebih 45 minit itu, Dr Mahathir mengulangi gesaannya supaya Najib berhenti daripada terus menggunakan Umno sebagai platform untuk terus berkuasa.

“Saya tahu terdapat pelbagai sekatan terhadap ahli supaya mereka tidak suarakan mengenai 1MDB dan dana RM2.6 bilion. Ini usaha untuk membisukan ahli.

“Perhimpunan Agung Umno kini menjadi alat kepada pemimpin dengan menetapkan topik yang ingin dibahaskan untuk kepentingan sendiri,” katanya.

Selain itu Dr Mahathir menegaskan bahawa beliau masih menyayangi dan menghargai sumbangan Umno.

“Kita tak bermusuh dengan Umno, tapi tak bersetuju dengan pemimpin yang ada sekarang…itu sahaja,” katanya.


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Post time 8-12-2015 09:37 AM | Show all posts
its all ur fault Tun...takpe laa at least skg dah sedar...kena la remedy blk kesilapan lalu sbb kalo negara hancur sure Tun tak maafkan diri sendiri

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Post time 8-12-2015 09:49 AM | Show all posts
Yang baik datang dari ALLAH, yang jahat itu sendiri yang buat.

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Post time 8-12-2015 10:04 AM | Show all posts
betul eh outsyed the box penasihat tun m utk kes 1mdb ni, kalau betul no wonder la,
How Syed conned Mahathir and Muhyiddin
They should have stuck to an easier issue to use against Najib — like Dr Mahathir used the sodomy issue against Anwar. High financing is too complicated for the likes of Dr Mahathir and Muhyiddin (who obtains his information by reading The Edge). The question is: is Syed their adviser ignorant as well?
Raja Petra Kamarudin
“What did Datuk Seri Najib do which can be compared to what I did?” said Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. “He has a debt of RM42 billion. He set up his own company. He is the company’s adviser.”
“I did not do all that. How can people say we are alike? I don’t understand. I’m like his father, yes. His father prioritised Malay development. When I was prime minister, I built roads, I built schools. We built clinics. I did many things in the kampung.”
“What Najib has done is to incur high debts, and to hide the money in the bank. He had RM2.6 billion. I did not. I have some money in my account, but not the same.”
Sometimes when Dr Mahathir talks it gives an impression that either he is lying or he is trying to pull a fast one — maybe thinking that we will swallow everything he says hook, line and sinker. Or maybe, as Dr Mahathir is fond of saying, “Melayu mudah lupa”, and he himself has lupa many things that he did when he was Malaysia’s Prime Minister for 22 years.
Dr Mahathir talks about him building roads, schools and clinics when he was Prime Minister. And all Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has done is to incur debts of RM42 billion, said Dr Mahathir. Other than that Najib has done nothing else.
Actually, every prime minister since Tunku Abdul Rahman built roads, schools, hospitals, clinics and so on. In every country in the world prime ministers have been building roads, schools, hospitals, clinics, etc. So not only in Malaysia is this happening and this is not the exclusive monopoly of Dr Mahathir. In fact, even long before Merdeka since the 1800s the colonial masters had built roads, schools, hospitals, clinics, and much more all over Malaysia.
So it is not quite like we lived on trees before Dr Mahathir became Prime Minister in 1981. For that matter MARA was started by the British, which at that time was called RIDA. And it was the British who made Malaya rich through the development of the tin and rubber industry.
Malaya, in fact, contributed to 30% of the wealth of the British Empire. That was how rich Malaysia was over 100 years before the country got independence and more than 100 years before Dr Mahathir became Prime Minister. Malaya was the jewel in the British crown. And Dr Mahathir had nothing to do with that.
When Dr Mahathir was Prime Minister he also incurred debts. Bank Bumiputera Malaysia Berhad (BBMB) was in debt, more than once, and was forced to be bailed out by Petronas. BBMB was viable before Dr Mahathir became Prime Minister. Then it got ruined under Dr Mahathir’s watch.
Petronas also had to bail out his son’s company. He wanted RM2 billion but Anwar Ibrahim agreed to only RM1 billion and Dr Mahathir never forgave him for that. A year later Dr Mahathir threw Anwar into jail on allegations of sexual misconduct when actually it was for some other reason.  And that other reason was Anwar was trying to oust Dr Mahathir just like Muhyiddin Yassin was trying to oust Najib.
And then Dr Mahathir was forced to sell Malaysia’s national airline company, MAS, to cover the RM30 billion Forex losses (and then buy it back at a huge loss). RM30 billion at that time is worth RM50 billion today, more than the RM42 billion that Dr Mahathir is grumbling about. And the list goes on and on but I think you get my point by now. And my point is what Dr Mahathir is saying is not quite true. So either he has forgotten or he thinks we have.
Dr Mahathir keeps talking about the RM42 billion debts, meaning, of course, 1MDB’s debts. At least this is a departure from one year ago when he talked about RM42 billion ‘disappearing into thin air’. So now Dr Mahathir admits that it is RM42 billion debts and not RM42 billion disappearing into thin air.
The truth is, Dr Mahathir is saying the things he is saying because he does not really understand accounting. What he knows about 1MDB is what Syed Akbar Ali, a.k.a. OutSyed The Box, told him. And either Syed does not know accounting or corporate finance or he has been taking Dr Mahathir for a ride — a long ride to nowhere.
And Muhyiddin does not know any better either. Did he not admit that whatever he knows is based on what he read in The Edge? Yes, he attended the Cabinet meetings. Yes, he attended the Umno meetings. But at all these meetings he was totally lost and did not understand what was being discussed. So after these meetings he reads the newspapers to catch up with what is happening and seeks advice from Syed who gives him the song and dance routine, which confuses him even further.
Dr Mahathir and Muhyiddin keep repeating the RM42 billion debts incurred by 1MDB. To them this is all they need to know. They cannot even read a Balance Sheet. If not then they would know that a Balance Sheet has two columns. On one side is the assets and the other side is the liabilities. And you minus one side from the other to come to the Net Tangible Asset or NTA to see whether it is positive or negative NTA.
The issue is not how much the debts are. It is what the NTA is and whether it is negative or positive. It does not matter whether the company has RM1 billion or RM100 billion in liabilities. It is how much its assets are and whether at the bottom line the NTA is negative or positive. This is what Dr Mahathir and Muhyiddin do not understand.
Syed told Dr Mahathir and Muhyiddin that 1MDB is in trouble. And it is in trouble because it borrowed RM42 billion. What Syed did not tell Dr Mahathir and Muhyiddin, maybe because he himself does not know, is that these RM42 billion liabilities is backed by RM51 billion worth of assets. That means the NTA of 1MBD is positive and not negative, which is what counts in business.
They keep calling 1MDB a debt-laden company. 1MDB may have debts but it is not debt-laden because its assets exceed its liabilities. Dr Mahathir’s son’s company was debt-laden. That was why they needed Petronas to bail it out or else the company would have gone bankrupt. 1MDB Is not on the verge of bankruptcy when its assets exceed its liabilities.
Dr Mahathir and Muhyiddin have been ill-advised. Either Syed does not know any better or he fooled Dr Mahathir and Muhyiddin into believing that they have a ‘gold mine’ in which to use against Najib to bring about his downfall. This peluang emas was supposed to be milked until its tits run dry and by six months from a year ago Najib was supposed to be history.
But Najib knew that it was a non-starter issue. It was an issue that was designed to fail from day one. And it was going to fail because they were trying to create an issue from a non-issue. It was plucking nothing from the air and pretending that that nothing is something.
And that was why Najib did not respond but just kept quiet, much to Dr Mahathir’s chagrin and those who were going to town with the issue. They accused Najib of being scared, or being a coward, of having no balls, and so on. But Najib knew that he did not need to respond. He did not need to do anything because in time this farce would be proven as a farce.
Then they raised the issue regarding 1MDB’s money in the Cayman Islands. They try to make it seem like putting money in the Cayman Islands is a crime. What is wrong with putting money in the Cayman Islands? Since 1MDB borrowed in US$ then they should save the money also in US$ to avoid the risk of exchange fluctuations. Dr Mahathir borrowed in US$ and brought the money back to Malaysia and when the Ringgit depreciated Malaysia had for suffer huge currency exchange losses. At least 1MDB is cleverer. They insulated themselves from exchange losses. Maybe Dr Mahathir and Muhyiddin do not understand how it works, or Syed was not able to advise them because he, too, does not know.
They should have stuck to an easier issue to use against Najib — like Dr Mahathir used the sodomy issue against Anwar. High financing is too complicated for the likes of Dr Mahathir and Muhyiddin (who obtains his information by reading The Edge). The question is: is Syed their adviser ignorant as well?
Syed is fond of calling Najib a moron. In the end Najib is proving more savvy at this game than they are. So who is the moron now? I wonder what Dr Mahathir and Muhyiddin are calling Syed — an imbecile, maybe?
Dr Mahathir and Muhyiddin built their entire strategy to bring down Najib based on the 1MDB issue. And that issue has proven to be a non-issue. And because of that Muhyiddin and Shafie Apdal had to pay dearly. And Dr Mahathir now has to withdraw into a corner and lick his wounds and watch Najib celebrate Christmas as Prime Minister when the original plan was he was supposed to have been ousted in July this year. So the ‘moron’ has beaten the imbeciles at their own game.
As they say, the silence can be deafening. And Najib remained silent while they whacked him to kingdom come. They interpreted Najib’s silence as defeat. But Najib remained silent because he knew they were way off the track so he need not engage them. All he needed to do, as the Malays say, is to ulur tali. Then they would strangle themselves with this tali.
When Dr Mahathir, Muhyiddin and Shafie sit through three days of agony during the Umno general assembly next week they are probably going to fume and blame Syed for leading them up the garden path. They played what they thought was an ace card and ended up with the joker card instead. And all Najib needs to do over those three days is to play the cards they have dealt him and slam his cards on the table and walk away with the jackpot.
What a comedy of errors, as Shakespeare would say. And the one who laughs last laughs the best. And Najib is the one who is getting the last laugh. Syed must be kicking himself silly, that is if Dr Mahathir, Muhyiddin and Shafie are not already kicking him.


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Post time 8-12-2015 10:10 AM | Show all posts
desperate for power...

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Post time 8-12-2015 10:13 AM | Show all posts
sudah la tu. semua org tak kena. dia sorang je yang betul. sampai bila nak mcm ni. dia pernah cermin diri dia tak? renung balik segala tindakan kuku besi dia masa berkuasa. tuding 1 jari kat najib, 4 jari tuding ke dia

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 Author| Post time 8-12-2015 10:21 AM | Show all posts
RPK memang boleh jadi penulis fiction

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Post time 8-12-2015 10:36 AM | Show all posts
GhostWalking replied at 8-12-2015 10:21 AM
RPK memang boleh jadi penulis fiction

rpk ni soooo yesterday...tgl macai2 je yg layan artikel dia sejak disaman dgn najib x lama dulu..kalo dulu kritik najib skg lps kena saman jilat najib

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 Author| Post time 8-12-2015 10:47 AM | Show all posts
kecimpret replied at 8-12-2015 02:36 AM
rpk ni soooo yesterday...tgl macai2 je yg layan artikel dia sejak disaman dgn najib x lama dulu..k ...

tulis meleret dan tak padu.jebat must die tulis panjang jugak tapi tak la longgar macam nih.


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Post time 8-12-2015 10:50 AM | Show all posts
x betul ke apa yg rpk tu tulis, kalau x betul apa kata betulkan part mn yg rpk salah, kita sembang2 kat sini,

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Post time 8-12-2015 11:07 AM | Show all posts
bercakap psl jebat must die pulak kan, dlm satu posting dia, dia ada buat calculation aset 1mdb dah berkurang 18 bilion bila jual edra, dia lupa bila 1mdb dpt proceeds dpd sales of edra, aset 1mdb akn bertambah semula tp dlm bentuk lain, bak kata rpk

Dr Mahathir and Muhyiddin keep repeating the RM42 billion debts incurred by 1MDB. To them this is all they need to know. They cannot even read a Balance Sheet. If not then they would know that a Balance Sheet has two columns. On one side is the assets and the other side is the liabilities. And you minus one side from the other to come to the Net Tangible Asset or NTA to see whether it is positive or negative NTA.
The issue is not how much the debts are. It is what the NTA is and whether it is negative or positive. It does not matter whether the company has RM1 billion or RM100 billion in liabilities. It is how much its assets are and whether at the bottom line the NTA is negative or positive. This is what Dr Mahathir and Muhyiddin do not understand.

jd, utk peminat2 jmd n ostb, cuba lg ye,

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Post time 8-12-2015 11:30 AM | Show all posts
badaksumbu replied at 8-12-2015 11:07 AM
bercakap psl jebat must die pulak kan, dlm satu posting dia, dia ada buat calculation aset 1mdb dah  ...

simple logik je pun, kena fikir panjang sikit je n blh nampak kat mn yg x betul tp ada yg pilih utk telan bulat2 apa yg ditulis sbb tengok siapa penulisnya bkn apa yg ditulis, end up dibodohkan oleh penulis,

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Post time 8-12-2015 11:56 AM | Show all posts
ketekodok replied at 8-12-2015 10:13 AM
sudah la tu. semua org tak kena. dia sorang je yang betul. sampai bila nak mcm ni. dia pernah cermin ...

Sepanjang dia jadik kuku besi takde la rakyat merana mcm zaman skg. Rela hidup zaman kuku besi lagi la mcm ni

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Post time 8-12-2015 12:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
najib kekal..2018 madey masuk jail..

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Post time 8-12-2015 12:12 PM | Show all posts
Pak Lah desak terus letak jawatan, tp Jibby, fuh keras gila dia ni

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 Author| Post time 8-12-2015 12:38 PM | Show all posts
badaksumbu replied at 8-12-2015 03:30 AM
simple logik je pun, kena fikir panjang sikit je n blh nampak kat mn yg x betul tp ada yg pilih ut ...

boleh label bodoh kalau yang baca tu yang jual aset pada China

Soal harga jualan RM9.83 bil + hutang itu saya malas nak komen buat masa ini sehingga jelas kedudukannya. Hanya di 1MDB, setiap apa yang diumumkan akan ada kejutan kemudian hari berkaitan apa yang tidak disebut dalam kenyataan awal.

Dan ayat - RM9.83 bilion dan juga akan menanggung semua hutang kasar dan tunai syarikat operasi Edra berdasarkan tarikh penilaian pada 31 atau omputihnya CGN  Group will pay, in cash, an equity value of RM9.83 billion and will  assume all the relevant gross debt and cash of the Edra Operating  Companies, based on a valuation date as at 31 March 2015.

bagi saya tergolong dalam kategori perlu penjelasan lanjut.

Sebab point utama yang rakyat nak tahu adalah - berapakah untung atau rugi transaksi ini yang terpaksa ditanggung oleh rakyat. Apakah kos penglibatan 1MDB dalam sektor IPP dari awal sehingga kini berbaloi dengan harga jualan itu.

Kos IPP kepada 1MDB ini bukan saja RM12 bil + RM6 bil Pusaka Hutang tapi juga termasuk segala kos berkaitan seperti komisen dan bunga pinjaman juga bayaran Option.  Pendek kata, apasaja kos yang berkaitan dengan cerita 1MDB @ IPP harus diambilkira jika kita mahu menilai untung atau ruginya.

Kalau diketepikan dulu soal RM, maka kita akan berbicara soal apakah Collateral Cost atau Kos Sampingan yang terbabit.

Saya tidak nampak tang mana yang kita sebagai rakyat perlu bersorak gembira dengan penjualan aset Edra kepada syarikat asing ini.

Adakah keadaan SEBELUM 1MDB menggatal beli IPP dulu lebih baik atau lebih buruk berbanding sekarang selepas semuanya dijual kepada China ?

Apa dah jadi kepada semua alasan2 PELABURAN STRATEGIK yang diberikan oleh 1MDB bagi menjustifikasikan pembelian IPP dulu jika semuanya kini menjadi milik asing ?

Disebalik ayat2 indah memuji penjualan aset strategik negara kepada negara asing itu, kenyataan pahit yang terpaksa kita terima adalah - kini sebahagian IPP kita milik negara asing ! Semuanya sebab 1MDB, Najib dan Jho Low.

Demi mengejar pulangan maksimum untuk bayar hutang, syarat2 yang diwujudkan bagi menjaga kepentingan strategik negara dilanggar begitu saja.

Ya, untuk bayar hutang ! RM9.83 bilion itu 1MDB atau kerajaan atau rakyat tidak akan merasa satu sen pun sebab semuanya akan digunakan untuk bayar hutang 1MDB.

Kembali pada persoalan utama yang sering menjadi tandatanya rakyat - Untuk apa sebenarnya diwujudkan 1MDB ini ?

Untuk memindahkan hakmilik negara kepada pihak asing ? Lepas ni tanah2 di prime area pula akan digadaikan untuk bayar hutang ......


PS - Rujuk Mkini - 1MDB jual Edra RM9.83 bilion kepada syarikat China -  Edra : Successful Execution of share & Purchase Agreement

PS2 - Pro 1MDB mungkin akan komen,  jual pada TNB pun DT akan kritik, buat apa pun akan dikritik !

YES ! Memang pun sebab segalanya tentang 1MDB tidak ada satupun yang menguntungkan rakyat. Itu adalah kenyataan. 1MDB ini adalah satu malapetaka kepada rakyat dan negara. Pelan Rasionalisasi adalah lebih kepada Pelan Bayar Hutang atau pelan menyelamatkan 1MDB.

Buatlah yang terbaik ! Tapi masalah 1MDB perlu akauntabiliti. Setakat ini tidak ada satu orang pun yang mahu bertanggungjawab. Yang mengkritik pula diserang dan dihukum. Habis tunggang terbalik dibuatnya negara. Semuanya kerana Najib, 1MDB dan Jho Low .....

sumber: ... a-negara-china.html


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 Author| Post time 8-12-2015 12:43 PM | Show all posts
di penghujung hari, adakah kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia boleh mendabik dada dan masih merasa bangga bilamana IPP sekarang milik orang asing?Selagi ada yang boleh di jual untuk bayar hutang (ops!rasionalisasi)1mdb tak kisah lah kalau jual negara pun.

Orang macam sotb dan JMD mungkin bermain dengan nombor untuk penerangan.Tapi untuk layman lain itu concernnya.  

Apa yang rakyat dapat dari 1mdb.

Orang bukan nak dengar cerita pasal Mahathir sangat sekarang itu fakta



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Post time 8-12-2015 12:51 PM | Show all posts
GhostWalking replied at 8-12-2015 12:38 PM
boleh label bodoh kalau yang baca tu yang jual aset pada China

Soal harga jualan RM9.83 bil  ...

terbaik bro..1000 like..

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Post time 8-12-2015 01:32 PM | Show all posts
GhostWalking replied at 8-12-2015 12:38 PM
boleh label bodoh kalau yang baca tu yang jual aset pada China

Soal harga jualan RM9.83 bil  ...

din turtle pulak dah, u tau tanjong v ananda's tu siapa potential buyernya kalau 1mdb x beli? ada yg bising2 aset negara bakal tergadai ms tu? n x perlu la nak tukar ke versi sedih sbb ipp dah jd milik org lain, perjanjian ipp tu bwh kuasa siapa? bwh kuasa syt yg beli ipp tu ke suruhanjaya tenaga kerajaan malaysia? btw, jimah tu bkn ke tnb dah ambik syer 75% milik 1mdb? bkn ke bila sampai tempoh2 tertentu ipp tu akn tinggal scrap value? etc, etc. satu lg, org bkn nak bercerita psl mahathir sgt sekrg? artikel ni psl komen mahathir kan? u ada bc komen mahathir psl mcm mn diorang review perjanjian konsesi ms tu? dan lg, trx tu mmg targetnya fdi, bkn tahun baru dibgtau, so? n lg, apa ye status tanah trx tu, leasehold ke freehold?  

Ananda Krishnan had put his power assets for sale for some time now and the bidding process saw 12 international and local companies vying for the assets, including Saudi Arabia & Electricity Co, which was said to have put in the highest bid of US$3.6bil.

Tanjong Energy owns and operates eight power plants with investments in five power plants in Malaysia, Egypt, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and the United Arab Emirates. Together, they have a total net generating capacity of 3,951MW. 1MDB said Goldman Sachs (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd was its financial advisor for the transaction.

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Post time 8-12-2015 01:36 PM | Show all posts
Aku lebih rela Tun jd PM.. sekurang2 nya aku x rasa terbeban. thn dpn byk subsidi d tarik balik.. gaji pun.. naik bayk mana?banyak sangat ke hanya sekadar alhamdulillah..

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