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Everything You Wanted To Know During Your Pregnancy

28-3-2014 09:15 PM| Diterbitkan: admin9| Dilihat: 3359| Komen: 0

Pregnancy is an exciting time but it can be daunting, too, especially for first-time mums and dads.

Here midwife Janet Fyle, policy adviser for the Royal College of Midwives, answers some of the most common -questions...


How can I tell how many weeks into pregnancy I am?

Janet says : To work out when you conceived, add seven days to the first day of your last period.

Pregnancy lasts about 280 days – 40 weeks – so to calculate your due date add another nine months.

If the first day of your last period was March 1, you would add seven days plus nine months, which means your due date would be December 8.

Your ultrasound scan after 12 weeks will give a more accurate picture.

How do I deal with morning sickness?
Janet says : Morning sickness can happen any time during the day but for many it starts in the morning when they wake up.

Some women will feel terribly nauseous and some will be sick. People say ginger is good, so try that in tea.

If you continue to feel nauseous, the best thing is to eat small meals regularly.

If you are not keeping down any food or water, speak to your midwife because a minority of women do need to be treated in hospital.

What should I avoid during pregnancy?
Janet says : Smoking and alcohol.

Some women ask if they can have a glass of champagne at a wedding and that is OK.

Even if we are used to having a glass of wine or a beer to relax, we know a small but regular intake of alcohol does have an impact on your baby, so avoid it.

You should also avoid pate and soft cheeses like -Camembert, Brie and Gorgonzola.

What should I be eating and can I indulge my cravings?
Janet says : Some women have unusual cravings during pregnancy. That isn’t a problem.

The most important thing is to eat regular, balanced meals to make sure you get the carbohydrates and proteins you need.

If you ate healthily before you became pregnant, carry on as normal.

It is perfectly natural for women to gain weight during -pregnancy. Just remember that you are not eating for two.

Should I exercise during pregnancy?
Janet says : You are not ill so we recommended exercise during pregnancy.

We don’t suggest anything doing anything new or too strenuous. Walking and swimming are good, so try a brisk walk to work.


How do I sleep with a baby bump?
Janet says : Some women find it more difficult to sleep as their baby bump grows.

If the baby is pressing against your tummy, try staying upright, propping yourself up with soft pillows. Or you could sleep on your side with your bump resting on a pillow.

The only thing we suggest is that women don’t lie on their back after 37 weeks.

Can I still have sex during pregnancy?
Janet says : A lot of women want to ask this but are embarrassed.

Some couples are worried about damaging their baby if they have sex but for most it is perfectly safe.

You are still the same person and we suggest you carry on your life normally, as long as you feel -comfortable.

What if my pregnancy runs past full term? Is there anything to encourage labour?
Janet says : The due date is only a guide. Your baby may come earlier, it may come later.

People will suggest things that supposedly give you a little push, like eating -pineapple or a hot curry.

The truth is the baby will come when he or she is ready, so try not to worry.

We don’t let women go past 42 weeks because that isn’t good for the baby, so after 41 weeks we will discuss inducing.

How will I know whether I am in labour?
Janet says : For some it will start with the contractions, for others with a “show” when mucus inside the cervix comes away. Equally, the first sign could be when your waters break.

A “show” doesn’t always mean you are going into labour straight away.

When contractions last a minute and come every 5-7 minutes or your waters break then it is time to call the midwife.

How long will labour last and what pain relief is there?
Janet says : Some women have a short labour. For others it can last five, 10 or 24 hours.

Contractions are painful but after giving birth, most women can’t describe the feeling to us.

The NHS provides full pain relief – water birth, gas and air, injections or an epidural. Discuss with your midwife. ... 88664#ixzz2xAKveS7j








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