Well, this is kind of confusing. Remember Lady Gaga's campaign for Versace that came out last year? Well, now it looks like someone has gotten their hands on the unretouched versions, and has leaked them to fan sites like Gaga Daily. Looking at the shots, we have to admit we are a bit perplexed. Sure, the singer looks different -- she has been subject to the same heinous Photoshop crimes we've seen before -- skin perfecting, hair lightening, arm slimming. But most noticeably, it looks like Gaga had her makeup digitally added, too. Maybe we're just being optimistic, but it really looks like the singer is totally barefaced in the original photos. Of course, that raises the question of why they didn't just put a little makeup on her in the first place? Maybe some foundation or at least a little ChapStick? This is not the first time Gaga has been subject to Photoshop controversy. Back in 2012 there was heavy speculation surrounding her "Vogue" cover. Still, if we take into consideration how much makeup and enhancement we see on celebs every day, Gaga looks pretty freaking good. Huffington