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Pahitnya Berkata Benar - Ridhuan Tee

14-5-2014 10:22 AM| Diterbitkan: admin9| Dilihat: 10959| Komen: 51

ARTIKEL saya minggu lalu mendapat banyak komen dan kritikan yang amat menyakitkan. Apa nak buat, saya sudah lali. Hanya mahu mengingatkan sahaja, tidak lebih dari itu. Kena pada kita tak apa, kena pada mereka tidak boleh. Jadi, di manakah keterbukaannya?  

Dalam banyak yang mengutuk, saya amat terkesima dengan komen yang berbunyi; komen prof yang saya baca dalam Yahoo News sebentar tadi amat menarik perhatian saya.

Kebetulan saya sedang menonton klip video riwayat Muhammad Ali yang mana beliau pernah 'migrate' ke Eropah atas desakan rasis orang Amerika kerana statusnya sebagai imigran Negro dan juga Islam.

Sekembalinya Ali, kemudian dijel atas sebab yang lebih kepada anti Islam dan bertentangan dengan pentadbiran Amerika Syarikat. Agaknya kerajaan Malaysia juga harus ikut contoh ini.

Saya agak 'flabbergasted' dengan segelintir Malaysian yang tidak tahu bersyukur dengan kebebasan dan kemewahan ketoleransian yang telah mereka nikmati. Pada hemat saya lebih 5 juta pendatang asing yang datang sini cari makan menunggu untuk menggantikan mereka ini.

Cuba saudara baca artikel ultra kiasu dalam laman web mereka - menonjolkan 10 sumbangan bukan Melayu kepada negara ini, berbanding orang Melayu. Teruja saya untuk menjawabnya.

Pertama, katanya, orang bukan Islam adalah penyumbang terbesar pendapatan cukai kepada negara. Salah. Saya jawab, penyumbang terbesar adalah Petronas dan GLC yang lain.

Buat kajian betul-betul. Cukai tak langsung iaitu cukai kepenggunaan. Paling banyak dibayar oleh orang Melayu sebab mereka adalah majoriti. Cukai langsung kita bincang kemudian.

Kedua, daripada 29 juta penduduk negara, hanya dua penyumbang pingat dalam sukan Olimpik 2012 adalah bukan Melayu iaitu Lee Chong Wei dan Pandela Rinong. Kenapa tonjolkan 2012? Banyak lagi tahun sebelum itu. Bagaimana dengan nama Mokhtar Dahari, Kamarudin Maidin, keluarga Misbun Sidek.

Ketiga, Jimmy Choo adalah pereka kasut terkenal dunia. Saya akui, tetapi berapa banyak kasut Jimmy Choo yang terjual di pasaran berbanding jenama kasut yang menjadi rebutan?

Keempat, orang pertama menjejaki puncak Everest adalah M Magendran pada 1997. Bagaimana dengan lambakan orang Melayu yang telah mendaki gunung tertinggi di dunia selepas itu? Apakah orang pertama sahaja yang dikira sumbangannya? Bagaimana dengan perenang merentas Selat Inggeris seperti Datuk Malik Maidin ?

Kelima, kejohanan motorsports dunia, diwakili Yoong Yin Fah, anaknya Alex Yoong F1 dan Karamjit Singh. Saya tidak nampak nama-nama mereka ini begitu besar dalam arena motorsport dunia. Biasa-biasa sahaja.

Keenam, pemain skuasy antarabangsa dunia,  Datuk Nicol Ann David. Squash tidak termasuk dalam sukan Olimpik. Walau begitu, saya mengagumi kejayaan Datuk Nicol.

Ketujuh, orang Cina adalah yang pertama mengusahakan lombong bijih sekitar 1820an sehingga 1980an. Siapakah yang benarkan ini semua? Adakah mereka boleh cari makan dengan aman, kalau Melayu menentang?

Kelapan, HN Ridley yang memulakan penanaman getah di Tanah Melayu sehingga menjadi harta kekayaan negara. Tidakkah penulis ini tahu apa tujuan penjajah membawa masuk tanaman ini? Untuk kepentingan negarakah atau diri mereka sendiri? Hari ini, kelapa sawit yang menjadi komoditi utama, bukan getah lagi.

Kesembilan, BS Rajhan adalah rakyat Malaysia pertama yang memulakan filem Melayu berjudul Laila Majnun. Apakah sumbangan bukan Melayu pula hari ini? Sikap dan persepsi mereka terhadap bahasa Melayu.

Kesepuluh, reka bentuk masjid negara dibuat oleh Howard Ashley, bersama Hisham Albakri Kasim. Kini, kita ada reka bentuk Masjid Besi, Masjid Putra dan Putrajaya itu sendiri.

Kenapa tidak ditonjolkan namanya. Bagaimana nama arkitek Melayu yang turut membina bangunan pencakar langit di luar negara seperti di Makkah? Kenapa disenyapkan?

Kenapa tidak berterima kasih kepada pasukan keselamatan (rata-rata Melayu) yang telah menjaga keselamatan negara ini sehingga kita boleh menjadi juara dan kaya-raya di sini?

Kalau boleh, saya tidak mahu membalas atau menulis artikel menyentuh soal orang lain. Saya mahukan semua orang saling menghormati. Kita mahu lahirkan Malaysia yang aman, sejahtera dan bersatu padu. 

Tetapi, serangan dan tohmahan mereka keterlaluan. Orang yang tulis sebegini tidak pula dituduh rasis. Bila tiba giliran saya menulis fakta, maka dihentam habis-habisan. Pahit sungguh berkata benar.








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Quote kakikuDibibirmu 12-5-2014 05:49 PM
Ridhuan Kopi Abdullah memang pahit
Quote penari 12-5-2014 05:52 PM
so apa kesimpulannya? melayu hebat?
Quote ang_bess 12-5-2014 05:52 PM
again.hanya ultra kiasu yang sentap dengan dr ridhuan tee. ape yang dia cakap benar.dia serang kiasu bukan cina.

Quote nirman 12-5-2014 05:53 PM
ya melayu lah  yang paling hebat, cina dan india semua tak berguna.
Quote nirman 12-5-2014 05:54 PM


A confusion has erupted due to ignorance. It has been stated that the Indians came here as beggars and the Chinese as prostitutes. Actually, if you were to really study Malayan and Malaysian history over the last 500 years or so, you will find that this country’s history is not just about beggars and prostitutes. It is about much more than that.

Malayan history has to be dissected into many periods. And each of these periods saw immigration involving almost all the races in Malaysia, save the Orang Asli (the Original People). In New Zealand, these Orang Asli would be the Maoris and in Australia the Aborigines. Therefore, anyone who is neither a Maori nor an Aborigine is a ‘pendatang’ or immigrant.


The Arabs and the Indians (Muslims from Gujarat) came to Malaya more than 500 years ago as traders and merchants. These were the people who brought Islam to this country. At that time, the locals were mostly Hindus while those from Negeri Sembilan were Buddhists, plus many who worshipped trees, the sea, rivers, mountains and whatnot. The coming of the Arab and Indian merchants exposed the locals to Islam.

In those days, the people followed their Rulers. Therefore, when the Rulers converted to Islam the people followed – although they may not have believed in Islam or understood the religion. In fact, many till today still do not understand Islam after more than 500 years.


Then along came the Chinese and many were actually Muslims as well. Islam first reached China around 100 years after Prophet Muhammad. This means Islam had ‘migrated’ to China about 1,300 to 1,400 years ago, 800 to 900 years earlier than Islam in Malaysia. Of course, in the northern states bordering Thailand it was earlier than that. (Refer to the Batu Bersurat discovered in Kuala Berang in Terengganu).

Is it not ironical that Malays call Chinese Muslims ‘mualaf’ when the Chinese were Muslims almost 1,000 years before the Malays even heard of Islam?

Okay, now take my family as an example. The Selangor Sultanate was founded in 1745. The first Sultan, Raja Lumu, migrated here from the Riau islands in Indonesia. By then, of course, the Arabs, Indians and Chinese had already been here 200 to 300 years, some even longer.

But these Arabs, Indians and Chinese were traders and merchants, not warriors or fighters, whereas the Bugis from Riau only knew one occupation – fighting and plundering. In short, they were pirates, which was a noble profession back in those days where even Queen Elizabeth the First knighted those English pirates who plundered Spanish ships.

In fact, the Bugis came here because of a sort of civil war in their home country. There was a fight over a girl and the son of the local Ruler was killed in that fight. So the offending party was exiled and had to leave Riau. And that was when they came here in the 1700s and founded the Selangor Sultanate.

Do not members of the Selangor Royal Family fighting with their Ruler and going into exile sound very familiar to you? Yes, 300 years ago this was the ‘tradition’ and still is in my case.

Invariably, the Bugis, being fighters, took Selangor as their territory by the sheer force of its ‘army’. None of the traders, who although were here earlier, would dare resist the Bugis who enjoyed killing (some Bugis still do today, as you may well be aware). But Selangor was under Perak patronage.

So Raja Lumu had to make a trip to Lumut in Perak to get crowned as the First Sultan by the then 17th or so Sultan of Perak. (Can’t remember if it was the 15th or 17th but it was around that). And he took the name of Sultan Salehuddin Shah.

Selangor eventually grew in prosperity. Actually, tin had already been discovered even before Raja Lumu became Sultan in 1745. And it was the Chinese who were working the tin mines. But now, since Selangor had a ‘government’, all the land in Selangor became ‘state property’. And therefore the Chinese had to get permission from the Sultan before they could mine for tin.

Around 100 years later, only when Sultan Abdul Samad took over as the Fourth Sultan of Selangor in 1859 (he was born in 1804) did they properly organize the tin industry. New areas were opened up in Ampang, Rawang, Kajang, and whatnot. And of course, all these tin mines were owned by the Sultan and members of his family — brothers, sons, nephews, etc.

The Malays, however, did not want to work those mines. Conditions were hard and diseases wiped out entire communities. Those who survived these brutal conditions were the exception rather than the rule. So they needed people who were desperate enough to work those tin mines and were prepared to take the risk and probably lose the ‘gamble’.

And who else to talk to if not the Chinese who had already been working those mines for hundreds of years?

So members of the Selangor Royal Family went into ‘joint venture’ with the Chinese, just like they did in Perak, another rich tin state. The Malay Royals would ‘arrange’ for the tin concessions and the Chinese would provide the labour force to work those concessions. In a way, you could say that the Selangor Royal Family were the first to ‘invent’ the Ali Baba system back in the 1800s, long before the New Economic Policy in 1970.

Anyway, to reach Ampang and those other surrounding rich tin areas, they had to travel up the Klang River. Raja Abdullah and Yap Ah Loy led the first expedition and they landed on the site where the Gombak River and Kelang River meet. The place where they landed is the site of the famous Masjid Jamek in Kuala Lumpur.

From there they marched overland through the jungle into Ampang. And thereafter Kuala Lumpur was never the same again. It prospered and continued to prosper over more than 200 years from the 1800s.

Yap Ah Loy bought up a lot of land in Kuala Lumpur and built his business empire. He opened bars, brothels and all sorts of businesses, legal as well as illegal (illegal by today’s standards though). Even the British Colonial ‘masters’ would patronise Yap Ah Loy’s brothels to sample the latest ‘China Dolls’ brought in from the mainland.

Of course, the normal customers would have to pay for these vices. The British masters, however, could enjoy all these services for free. Yes, even back in the 1800s the Chinese businessmen were already bribing the government officials.

Now, while Yap Ah Loy has been entered into the history books as the ‘Founder of Kuala Lumpur’, Raja Abdullah is never mentioned. The only thing associated with Raja Abdullah is that road in Kampong Baru that carries his name. Yap Ah Loy may have been the capitalist who opened up Kuala Lumpur.

But he was only able to do so because he had a ‘sleeping’ partner, Raja Abdullah, who gave him all this land to develop.

Okay, that is the Chinese story. So, yes, some did come here as prostitutes working for Yap Ah Loy. But that was incidental. Whenever frontier land is opened up the girls servicing these frontier-men follow – like in the Wild West of America. Would you say that the White immigrants to America were all prostitutes?


Now, over to the Indians. As I said, the Indian (and Arab) traders and merchants first came here more than 500 years ago and even brought Islam to this country. But the ‘other’ Indians, the workers, came at about the time that Yap Ah Loy and Raja Abdullah were turning Kuala Lumpur into a thriving metropolis.

At that time, the British planters were in Ceylon (Sri Lanka today) growing cocoa. Then a plant disease spread throughout the island and all the trees died. But this disease not only killed all the trees but contaminated the land as well. This means the land was now useless and it was not a matter of just replanting.

Then the British looked at Malaya and decided that the conditions (land, climate, etc.) in Malaya were the same as in Ceylon. So they relocated their cocoa estates to Malaya. But there was no way they could get the Malays to work these cocoa estates. Furthermore, the Ceylonese workers were well trained and had been doing this work for years.

So, in the mid-1800s, the British brought the now unemployed Ceylonese cocoa workers to this country to work the Malayan cocoa plantations.

Then disaster struck. Brazil over-planted cocoa and this triggered a worldwide glut. It was no longer economical to plant cocoa. The price you would fetch for your cocoa was lower than your production cost. The British had no choice but to close down the cocoa plantations.

Around that time, the British, who had mischievously smuggled rubber seeds out of Brazil (which was a crime then), successfully grew rubber trees in the Kew Gardens in London. They also did some research and discovered a better way of planting rubber trees where the trees would give a better yield compared to the trees in Brazil. Rubber planting in Brazil was haphazard and not properly organized.

Since Malaya had to close down all its cocoa plantations and it now had idle plantation land and surplus Ceylonese workers, the British planters decided to switch over to rubber. And because the British took advantage of research and technology, the Malayan rubber trees were more productive and profitable. Eventually, Malaya dislodged Brazil as the top rubber producer in the world.

So, from the mid-1800s to around 1920, Indians and Chinese came to Malaya in great numbers. This was more or less the second wave of mass migration. And it was for economic reasons and to provide the labour for jobs that the Malays would never do. But there were earlier and other migrations as well.

For example, around the late 1800s and early 1900s, the British set up English medium schools for Malays. One such school, the Malay College Kuala Kangsar, was a school exclusive for sons of Royalty and the Malay elite. Invariably, they needed schoolteachers who were proficient in the English language. And India offered a good source of English medium schoolteachers (Malays could not speak English yet at that time).

On the commercial side, there were many Indian businesses, workers and whatnot. But there was no way they could qualify for loans from British owned banks. So the Indians from the Chettiar community came here to set up money-lending businesses to service their community.

When the Malayan rail network was being developed, where else to get the workers if not from the country with the largest railway in the world, India?

Quote BotakChinPeng 12-5-2014 06:33 PM
Bugis in Riau were not really pirates. In the anambas islands they were actually victims of sulu pirates.
Quote Acong 12-5-2014 06:33 PM
cina balik tongsan
Quote kucingTomey 12-5-2014 06:36 PM
riduan ti ni ok la ...aku tgok dia ok...ade yangkuar dari mulut dia tu ok boleh terima...betul jugak ade sesetengah tu....contoh melayu ni kuat bersorak kg tergadai..aku setuju..aku start dengar dia ni masa dia jadi mc untuk rancangan forum perdana hal ehwal islam yang zaiton taja tu...masa tu forum tu buat dekat ruang rumah zaiton kat Port dickson nun....masa tu ramai org2 pandai agama duduk masa tu......tapi problem si riduan ti ni dia cenger kampung aku panggil kememey.....muahahahahahah ..dia tak leh diprovok atau di bangkang .....mula nak emosi....tu dia kena betuk kan sket..yang lain2 tu ok la bagi aku..beza pendapat tu biasala
Quote princess_happy 12-5-2014 06:37 PM
BotakChinPeng posted on 12-5-2014 06:33 PM
Bugis in Riau were not really pirates. In the anambas islands they were actually victims of sulu pir ...

bugis dah sebati dengan nama lanun...eventhough they r not pirates...
Quote BotakChinPeng 12-5-2014 06:41 PM
Kali ini gua setuju sangat dgn Ridhuan Tee. Cuma nak tambah sikit.

Pingat olimpik melayu disumbang rashid sidek. Tak ada kaum di malaysia pernah menang emas olimpik. Sekadar chong wei menang perak jer takyah bising lah.

Seperkara lagi, lombong timah melayu sejak alaf pertama di kedah jauh lebih canggih.

Quote BotakChinPeng 12-5-2014 06:45 PM
kucingTomey posted on 12-5-2014 06:36 PM
riduan ti ni ok la ...aku tgok dia ok...ade yangkuar dari mulut dia tu ok boleh terima...betul jugak ...

Kampung mana tergadai ? Boleh jelaskan sikit ?
Quote miss_bear 12-5-2014 06:47 PM
apa lah bergaduh pasal bangsa
siat lah kulit korang tu tengok darah kita sama ke tak sama!!!
Quote BotakChinPeng 12-5-2014 07:02 PM
Ada bahalol kata melayu menang sorak kpg tergadai tapi bila aku tanya kpg mana tergadai ....terus tak boleh jawab
Quote BotakChinPeng 12-5-2014 07:05 PM
nirman posted on 12-5-2014 05:54 PM

bugis were chased out of selangor by the dutch. They only regained selangor through military backing from pahang malays

Quote kucingTomey 12-5-2014 09:23 PM
BotakChinPeng posted on 12-5-2014 07:02 PM
Ada bahalol kata melayu menang sorak kpg tergadai tapi bila aku tanya kpg mana tergadai ....terus ta ...

ni lagi satu bodoh ni..aku de kerja nak buat la...bukan nak mengadap forum doplohpatjam...bangang.....kau ni bodoh ke ape botak...dari dulu bodoh..bana tak habes....menang sorak kg tergadai tu bukan maksud kg mane yang tergadai...tu bodoh benar .....itu peribahasa bodoh....dh la melayu bodoh pulak tu..rasis...dah la tak gangster...berlagak gengster dalam ni...aku tunjal punggung kau kang....hahahahahha.....bodoh betul la kau ni..menang sorak kg tergadai tu contoh dia botakchinpeng minat bola...dan dia juga ahli jdt....botak sgt2 minat bola...sampai sanggup gaduh dengan melayu tulen pahang semata2 nak pertahan jdt....biar la gaduh asalkan hati aku puas...dalam masa yang sama...botak hanya duduk di umah pprt di kg jawa majidee....sedangkan rumah yang besar2 botak tak mampu nak beli..apetah lagi sewa...kesian botak..itu la maksud menang sorak kg tergadai....bende2 remeh lagi disorakkan berbanding bende lain...kau jangan bodoh sgt jap lagi pergi tanya...."kg mana" kau tanya lagi sah kau keling menyamar melayu..suruh belajar peribahasa malas...dah besar2 masuk forum menyusahkan aku......

Quote kucingTomey 12-5-2014 09:26 PM
BotakChinPeng posted on 12-5-2014 06:41 PM
Kali ini gua setuju sangat dgn Ridhuan Tee. Cuma nak tambah sikit.

Pingat olimpik melayu disumban ...

kau ape bodoh ni botak..merepek cerita sampai ke pingat olimpik...kau ni bana tu simpan sket..jangan bana sgt......bodoh la kau ni

Quote kucingTomey 12-5-2014 09:27 PM
BotakChinPeng posted on 12-5-2014 07:05 PM
bugis were chased out of selangor by the dutch. They only regained selangor through military backi ...

ni lagi satu bodoh...kedai runcit simbol mundur....kau ade kedai runcit botak??kau jgn nak macam2 kalau kau kerja gomen gaji 2 ribu setengah pakai myvi loan 9 tahun rumah tak lepas....aku lempang kau kang botak....

Quote cmf_almondpecan 12-5-2014 09:30 PM
Pelik sangat logik akal Ridhuan Tee ni. Udah sah la artikel pasal 10 sumbangan bukan Islam kpd Malaysia tu ditulis sebagai jawapan kpd soalan Isma yg berbunyi lebih kurang, apa sumbangan bukan islam kpd Malaysia? Jd artikel tu ckp la, mmg ada sumbangan dan di sini disenaraikan 10 contoh. Kalau udah tajuknya 10 sumbangan bukan Islam kpd Malaysia, mmg la tak disentuh pasal sumbangan org Islam kpd Malaysia. Lari tajuk la kalau masukkan juga. Kalau tulis karangan kat sekolah, udah terpesong dan fail. Apa ntah yg Ridhuan Tee merepek ni...  Letih betul la org yg tak berapa nak faham ni.
Quote AHMADVW 12-5-2014 09:31 PM
abam kesayangan @Acong  

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