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Dua Orang Atasan 1MDB Letak Jawatan

12-7-2015 12:38 PM| Diterbitkan: CARI-LTS| Dilihat: 6615| Komen: 15

Dua pengarah 1MDB meletak jawatan sebagai langkah protes selepas mengetahui dana berni;lai AS$700 juta (RM2.6 bilion) untuk projek kerjasama dengan PetroSaudi dipindahkan ke syarikat lain pada 2009.

Maklumat itu, lapor The Star, diperoleh daripada penyiasat yang meneliti dakwaan salah laku terhadap dana 1MDB.

Laporan itu juga menyebut Tan Sri Mohd Bakke Salleh dan Tan Sri Azlan Mohd Zainol membuat keputusan meletak jawatan kerana marah apabila tuntutan mereka supaya wang berkenaan diserah semula, tidak diendahkan.

"Ahli lembaga pengarah tidak berpuas hati apabila perjanjian ditandatangani tanpa banyak pertimbangan dan AS$700 bilion (RM2.6 bilion) yang diperuntukkan bagi projek kerjasama dipindahkan ke syarikat lain tanpa kebenaran mereka," lapor akhbar itu.

Tidak dapat dipastikan pihak mana yang mengetepikan Ahli Lembaga Pengarah 1MDB untuk melakukan pindahan berkenaan serta enggan mengikut arahan supaya wang terbabit dipulangkan.

sumber :








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Quote atira 11-7-2015 01:23 PM
fitnah semua ni...

macai CI
Quote kelana36 11-7-2015 01:54 PM
Yg investigate ni kerani N17 jer kot
Quote mattzzx 11-7-2015 02:10 PM
bila lah nak abis episod ni???
Quote ice_sky92 11-7-2015 02:14 PM
Ini semua salah cina.

Quote flying_cow 11-7-2015 02:35 PM
The investigators also said the external auditors who had been examining 1MDB’s books did not verify the value of the assets held by 1MDB PetroSaudi Ltd before issuing their report giving the accounts of the fund a clean bill of health.

So ke hulu ke hilir kata third party auditor dah audit dan dok jaja aset>hutang tapi ujung2 asset value pon tak dipastikan betul ke tidak?
Quote dodolgemok 11-7-2015 02:43 PM
Dapig bersekongkol dgan pihak luar supaya aset 1mdb xdpt dijual.ini semua salah dapig!:

Quote kecimpret 11-7-2015 03:59 PM
dulu macai bkn main bangga aset 1mdb melebihi hutang...skg ni gigit jari je laaa
Quote freebird 11-7-2015 04:04 PM
azeeez keleeeng yang cecuba nak jual tanah tabooong hajeee tu pun, sampai sekarang tak jual-jual...
Quote sgbuloh 11-7-2015 04:17 PM
tabung aji kata tanah yang depa nak jual tu 'dah ada buyer'.

menipu tak abih2.
Quote otai_g 11-7-2015 04:27 PM
1mdb company biawak hidup yg akan menyusahkan rakyat msia.

pun masih ada macai yg sokong.

adoyai mana la pg kepala otak.
Quote airfilterkotor 11-7-2015 05:50 PM
freebird replied at 11-7-2015 04:04 PM
azeeez keleeeng yang cecuba nak jual tanah tabooong hajeee tu pun, sampai sekarang tak jual-jual...: ...

Deyyy!! Berrrapa banyak 'e' daa.
Quote zorrro_03 11-7-2015 07:00 PM
freebird replied at 11-7-2015 04:04 PM
azeeez keleeeng yang cecuba nak jual tanah tabooong hajeee tu pun, sampai sekarang tak jual-jual...: ...

Antara ramai2 ni paling aku nak tgk.kena hudud ialah azeeez keling.  Sebab banyak cakap amat.  Menipu tahap dewa.   putih laa beliau.lepas ni.   
Quote harmerz01 12-7-2015 08:46 AM
Lawak bersekutu ni ........ cina melayu india dah jelak.
Quote badaksumbu 13-7-2015 10:16 AM
investigator mn la yg rs dia terlebih pandai tu,

Poor Reporting by The Star

1MDB notes with concern a number of articles relating to 1MDB published in The Star newspaper today. In particular, The Star has made a number of assertions based on the opinions of an unnamed "investigator", with reference to certain transactions undertaken by 1MDB.

1MDB is concerned that a regulated and licensed newspaper such as The Star is presenting such unsubstantiated opinions as fact in its reporting. Further, it is a well known fact that a number of lawful authorities are conducting investigations on 1MDB and no final determination has yet to be made.

For example, The Star states that “Even assets that are being held for sale cannot be easily liquidated”. This is clearly wrong as the notes to the 30.03.2014 financial statements of 1MDB, as audited without qualification by Deloitte, describes how USD1.22 billion (approx. RM 4.6 billion) of these assets had in fact been liquidated and cash proceeds utilised.

The Star further states that "there was no document related to the existence of assets and valuation of PetroSaudi Holdings (Cayman)". This is blatantly incorrect. There was a valuation report prepared when the investment was made and 1MDB has in fact submitted the same report to the lawful authorities for their review.

Such sloppy reporting by The Star, a regulated and licensed newspaper, is disappointing. In fact, in relation to the interim report on 1MDB presented on 9 July to the Public Accounts committee (PAC) by the National Audit Department, the PAC Chairman has clearly stated that "there is nothing suspicious in the interim report". It is, therefore, clear there is no truth to allegations that "RM 42 billion" or "RM 16 billion" is missing, an allegation that has been repeated by various parties.

A number of lawful authorities are currently conducting investigations into 1MDB. 1MDB is fully cooperating with these investigations. We trust that appropriate measures will be taken by the lawful authorities to ensure the integrity of such investigations.

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