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Seorang Lelaki Turki Pilih Tinggal Dalam Gua 2 Tahun Kerana Trauma Gempa Bumi

27-2-2025 02:04 PM| Diterbitkan: CARI-MAL| Dilihat: 6415| Komen: 19


ANKARA – Seorang lelaki Turkiye yang kehilangan rumahnya akibat gempa bumi besar pada 2023 telah tinggal berseorangan di dalam sebuah gua kecil selama dua tahun, lapor portal berita Oddity Central semalam.

Ali Bozoglan, bapa kepada tiga anak dari wilayah selatan Hatay, kehilangan tempat tinggalnya akibat gempa bumi pada 6 Februari 2023 dan gegaran susulannya.

Walaupun tidak dapat meyakinkan keluarganya untuk menyertainya, Ali mendakwa dia berasa gembira dan aman tinggal di dalam gua tersebut.

“Saya telah tinggal di sini selama dua tahun selepas gempa bumi dan saya menemui kedamaian di dalam gua ini.

“Gua ini telah wujud selama beribu-ribu tahun dan tidak runtuh,” katanya.

Selepas mendengar tentang kehidupan lelaki itu, Jabatan Gabenor Daerah Defne menawarkan kepadanya rumah kontena yang selesa di suatu tempat yang lebih dekat dengan bandar.

Namun, Ali enggan menerima tawaran itu dan sebaliknya mula belajar menghargai kedamaian dan ketenangan ketika tinggal di dalam gua.

Pada 6 Februari 2023, Turkiye Selatan digegarkan oleh gempa bumi sekuat 7.8 magnitud yang meragut nyawa puluhan ribu orang. – AGENSI








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Quote B40tastePosh 27-2-2025 04:55 PM
Baik Gabenor Daerah dia.

Tapi kalau dah trauma kau tak boleh buat apa...sebab benda tu dah ganggu psikologi dia.
Quote edayildiz 27-2-2025 05:14 PM
kalau dh trauma mmg ssh jgk nk pulih
Quote dani_5353 27-2-2025 08:35 PM
Best jugak tinggal dalam tu
Quote pengecatbintang 27-2-2025 08:46 PM
ashabul kahfi
Quote plywood 27-2-2025 08:49 PM
Quote plywood 27-2-2025 08:49 PM
Quote plywood 27-2-2025 08:55 PM

In Hatay, which was most affected by the earthquake centered in Kahramanmaraş, thousands of buildings were destroyed, and approximately 25,000 people lost their lives. The earthquake, described as a disaster of the century, changed the lives of most people living in the city overnight. 55-year-old Ali Bozoğlan, whose life changed overnight, was caught in the earthquake in the Çekmece neighborhood of the Defne district.

Bozoğlan, who is married and a father of three, saw his house destroyed in the earthquake. After the earthquake, Bozoğlan, who went through difficult psychological days, discovered a cave located within the borders of the Yaylıca neighborhood in the Samandağ district two years ago. To overcome his fear of earthquakes and to live away from people, Bozoğlan settled in the cave two years ago and found peace and tranquility there after the earthquake. Embracing the cave as his home, Ali Bozoğlan reaches the cave he lives in by climbing after riding his motorcycle for a while. Bozoğlan, who states that he meets all his needs in the cave, expressed that he finds it strange for people to live in a cave and said he is happy.


Bozoğlan stated that the Defne District Governorship wanted to provide him with a container, but he declined the offers because he is peaceful and happy. "I have been living here for 2 years after the earthquake, and I found peace in this cave. This cave has existed for thousands of years and has not collapsed. My days in the cave go very well, and I am at peace. I am far from everyone. The Defne District Governorship said they could provide a container wherever I wanted, but I dedicated myself to the cave because I found peace here. I spend my days washing dishes and laundry. I clean. I prepare the food I will eat. I have beautiful memories in the cave. I am far from everyone and in touch with nature. Uneducated people make negative comments about my living in the cave. Because they do not sit with me, do not chat with me, and do not know me, they make different comments. May their intelligence be abundant," he said.


Stating that living in a cave is difficult, he said, "Many guests come here. A couple from Gaziantep stayed in the cave and slept. Since there are no windows in the cave, it stays warm inside. I do not need a warm environment. Because no matter how much snow, rain, cold, or frost there is, I never feel cold. Snakes and rats come to the cave from time to time. I have a few prayers for snakes. When I pray, they go away. Three months ago, there was a snake in my bed. When I went to bed, I saw the snake standing in front of me. I took the curtain and caught the snake. I told the snake, 'Go away, blessed one,' and let it outside.


I am married and have 3 children; not everyone can live the cave life, and I live it because I am a different person. I meet all my needs here. I tried to dig a septic pit down for the toilet, but I broke the village's pipes. That's why I will do something different. I have an electricity problem. If I have the means, I want to use a solar panel. I want the solar panel to run the washing machine and refrigerator. There is a road from the back. I come from there on my motorcycle with the help of philanthropists," he said.

Quote plywood 27-2-2025 08:56 PM

Quote KBW2 27-2-2025 08:56 PM
tikus, ular menjadi tetangga
Quote plywood 27-2-2025 08:58 PM

Quote kakikuDibibirmu 28-2-2025 02:47 PM
Ingat Türkiye ingat burger benjol, apa punya turrrrrr..., inilah akibatnya kalu buku bertemu dengan ruam lampin, itupun ada hati nak interview jadi cikgu katanya! Pepatah Jawa ada mengatakan crab wants to teach its children how to walk in straight line, edayildiz tersenyum sinis

Quote A-Are 28-2-2025 02:54 PM
mcm bes je..mesti sejuk..cuma tulah, harap xda kelawar..busuk taiknya
Quote yoppoy 28-2-2025 02:56 PM
Huntong la tak diperhambat dengan gomen/majlis daerah. Ada pernah tengok homeless kat US ke Canada aman damai je pacak khemah kat wooded area bersumber air mengalir. Kat mesia agak2 lulus/aman tak buat perangai ikut dan begini
Quote lipans 28-2-2025 03:03 PM
ingat penyokong MU tadi.
Quote nonymous 28-2-2025 03:08 PM
gua xde impak yea, mesti tak boleh lena tidur malam trauma dgn gempa.
Quote SalenaGomez 1-3-2025 12:31 PM
Kot ya pon dok gua, susun la barang skit. Kalau pintu masuk tu kasi lapang, mesti cantik view depan tu. Tgk gambar, pintu nak masuk tu la letak tempat masak … maybe sbb keselamatan, tapi try susun elok2 mesti nampak proper
Quote mrcreator 1-3-2025 04:16 PM
yoppoy replied at 28-2-2025 02:56 PM
Huntong la tak diperhambat dengan gomen/majlis daerah. Ada pernah tengok homeless kat US ke Canada a ...

Ada, kuil-kuil yang pacak tepi pokok, pastu claim beratus tahun kat situ, mintak tanah pulak
Quote yoppoy 2-3-2025 05:38 AM
mrcreator replied at 1-3-2025 04:16 PM
Ada, kuil-kuil yang pacak tepi pokok, pastu claim beratus tahun kat situ, mintak tanah pulak

Quote Dwdrum 2-3-2025 10:04 AM
Edited by Dwdrum at 1-3-2025 06:06 PM

Turkiya memang ter kenal dengan subterranean cities (underground cities) ...since 14 century guna caves and underground sebagai safe haven untuk christian selamat kan diri dari mongolian...
Popular manmade cave/ancient city di capadocia... Ada ratus underground cities.... Yang popular derinkuyo...ada hotel di capadocia untuk new experience tinggal dalam cave...

And nearby town ada nice ski resort during winter... Affordable price untuk beginners belajar ski...

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