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Laporan The Guardian Tentang 'Royal Coup' Sangat Tidak Tepat Dan Terpesong - Istana Negara

9-3-2020 11:30 AM| Diterbitkan: hussaini4675| Dilihat: 2512| Komen: 132|Original author: Tukang Tulis

Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah berkenan mengurniakan Surat Cara Pelantikan Perdana Menteri kepada Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. Kredit foto: Facebook Istana Negara

Istana Negara menyifatkan artikel The Guardian yang mendakwa langkah yang dilaksanakan Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah berhubung pelantikan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin sebagai rampasan kuasa diraja sebagai tidak tepat dan terpesong.

Memetik laporan Astro Awani, Datuk Pengelola Bijaya Diraja Datuk Ahmad Fadil Shamsuddin berkata, laporan itu juga cuba mengelirukan masyarakat antarabangsa tentang pelantikan Muhyiddin.

Beliau juga terkejut dengan tahap ketidaktepatan dan pendirian editorial yang mengelirukan oleh The Guardian yang berpangkalan di United Kingdom.

"Apatah lagi mengambil kira fakta bahawa subjek artikel mereka, iaitu Demokrasi Parlimen di Malaysia sebenarnya diasaskan dari Sistem Westminster.

"Artikel itu jelas menunjukkan fakta yang terpesong mengenai langkah yang diambil Yang di-Pertuan Agong dalam melantik Perdana Menteri baharu," jelasnya.

Editorial The Guardian menyiarkan artikel bertajuk "The Guardian view on a royal coup: a king overturns a historic election" pada 3 Mac lalu.

Datuk Ahmad Fadil Shamsuddin. Kredit foto: Facebook Jabatan Penerangan Malaysia
Ahmad Fadil menjelaskan, Yang di-Pertuan Agong tertakluk kepada Perkara 43 Perlembagaan Persekutuan untuk melantik Perdana Menteri baharu ekoran peletakan jawatan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan pembubaran Kabinet.

Di bawah Artikel 40(2)(a), Seri Paduka mempunyai tanggungjawab menggunakan kebijaksanaan untuk melantik Perdana Menteri baharu berpandukan kepada Perkara 43(2)(a) yang pada pandangan Seri Paduka merupakan seorang ahli Dewan Rakyat yang mempunyai sokongan majoriti.

Yang di-Pertuan Agong juga telah melakukan lebih daripada yang sepatutnya apabila memanggil semua ahli Dewan Rakyat dan ketua parti-parti politik untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang lebih jelas.

Krisis politik Malaysia bermula apabila Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad meletak jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri. Kredit foto: Facebook Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad
Pandangan editorial The Guardian yang berat sebelah itu dibantah majoriti rakyat di negara ini yang berpegang teguh kepada prinsip raja berperlembagaan.

Ahmad Fadil turut menyatakan penghargaan kepada semua rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira kaum, agama dan fahaman politik yang membantah artikel The Guardian itu.

Mungkin kesilapan yang dilakukan oleh editorial The Guardian itu berpunca daripada kurang kefahaman tentang krisis politik yang tercetus selepas Dr Mahathir tiba-tiba meletak jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri. - CARI








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Quote Tinot7 7-3-2020 09:45 AM
Versi bahasa Inggeris pula. Dipetik dr NST online.
MP rebuts Guardian's claims of wrongdoing in PM's appointment

GEORGE TOWN: A Barisan Nasional (BN) lawmaker has slammed an editorial piece published in The Guardian’s on March 3.

Kepala Batas member of parliament Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican said the op-ed entitled “The Guardian view on a royal coup: a king overturns a historic election”, has portrayed recent political developments in Malaysia in a negative, biased and unconstructive manner.

According to him, the insinuation that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (King) “has overturned a democratic election result” is especially malicious.

Reezal said Malaysia, as an independent and sovereign nation, has and continues to be governed by its Federal Constitution of 1957, which among others clearly outlined the role of the King in appointing the Prime Minister.

He added, against the backdrop of the collapse of the Pakatan Harapan government, the King had taken extra care when discharging his constitutional role by taking the unprecedented step of personally interviewing all 222 members of parliament with a view of determining a candidate “who in his judgement is likely to command the confidence of the majority of the members of that House”.

According to Reezal, upon the conclusion of that exercise undertaken strictly and transparently in accordance with the constitutionally defined mandate, the King determined that majority support belonged to Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin who was then subsequently appointed as Malaysia’s eighth Prime Minister.

“Thus, the implicit assertion that Malaysian democracy was apparently threatened by the King constitutes an ill-informed and gross misrepresentation of the ruler’s role in events surrounding the recent political transition.

“The article also appears to cast aspersions on the Prime Minister’s character, by painting him as an opportunist who manoeuvred to secure power while others were busy fighting amongst themselves, and that he is only a puppet of others.

“This narrative conveniently ignores the fact that the Prime Minister’s appointment was based on the solid support of the majority of MPs, and the fact that during a nationwide address on March 2, he (Muhyiddin) asserted that members of his Cabinet will be clean, of high integrity and calibre,” he said.

The former Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister said the article also went further to stoke religious sentiment and resentment, especially by characterising Pas, which is now a member of the new government, as “religious demagogues”.

Reezal said it might surprise many that Pas had previously shared power at the federal level (1974-1978), and that it has continuously governed the state of Kelantan since 1990.

He added that in the time which Pas held power in Kelantan, it had demonstrated that an Islamically inclined party could govern well.

“Under Pas leadership, not a single non-Muslim house of worship was forcibly or illegally demolished, and neither has there been any instance of forced conversion to Islam in Kelantan.

“Seen in this context, allegations that Pas will bring a ‘Taliban agenda’ at the federal level is merely irresponsible scaremongering by its political enemies, such as the DAP.

“Seasoned Malaysia watchers will have noted that the Pakatan Harapan government had in fact come to power on the basis of a very thin majority, and that it imploded and collapsed due to its own internal conflicts.

“Furthermore, the so-called ‘people’s mandate’ which brought Pakatan Harapan to power in May 2018, also ended with the collapse of that government.

“These are all facts which neither Pakatan leaders nor their supporters are willing to admit,” he noted.

Reezal said results of the 14th General Election in 2018 clearly showed that when combined, the total votes for both the Barisan Nasional (the ruling coalition prior to 2018) and Pas - both parties which are now part of the ruling coalition under Muhyiddin – exceeded the number of votes for Pakatan Harapan.

He said many observers in Malaysia and beyond have come to realise that the constitution has safeguarded the monarch’s role, and that the monarchy is an institution which is not merely symbolic in nature, but that can also be relied on as an arbiter of last resort, to provide an effective check-and-balance against excess.

“In characterising the recent political transition, the author(s) chose to ignore the fact that democratic norms, institutions the rule of law and the exercise of fundamental freedoms and rights continued to be respected, as well as the fact that the transition took place in a calm and peaceful manner. These are all indicative of the fact that democracy continues to develop and mature in Malaysia.

“Ultimately, the article’s author(s) failed to grasp that recent political developments in Malaysia underscores the integrity, resilience and effective functioning of its democratic institutions, including the crucial role of the monarch in discharging his constitutionally mandated responsibility in an effective, non-partisan and judicious manner,” he noted.

Quote Tinot7 7-3-2020 10:17 AM
Dipetik dr mesiakini

The Guardian's 'royal coup' editorial is mischievous

Jamari Mohtar & Jason Loh Seong Wei

COMMENT| The UK-based newspaperThe Guardianin its March 3editorialhas brazenly and mischievously depicted the appointment of Muhyiddin Yassin as the eighth prime minister of Malaysia by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong as a royal coup.

The editorial,The Guardian view on a royal coup: A king overturns a historic election,breathtakingly and speciously claimed that the Malaysian monarchy took advantage of the recent political turmoil to engineer its own coup that went against the people’s mandate at the last general election.

Either the editors of the newspaper are ignorant of the workings of Malaysia's constitutional monarchy along with their ignorance of the Malaysian Federal Constitution, or they have some hidden agenda against the King and Muhyiddin.

Firstly, the crisis was never constitutional. It was purely political. The King Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah is above politics under the Malaysian system of governance and had to step in to resolve a political crisis that was unprecedented in Malaysia's history.

When former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamed precipitated a political crisis by submitting his resignation to the palace on Monday, Feb 24, Sultan Abdullah, accepted his resignation and appointed him as the interim prime minister. There is nothing unconstitutional in this.

Of course, when Mahathir resigned, the whole cabinet under him also ceased to exist. So, for a while, Malaysia was without a government although she had an interim prime minister.

The King in his wisdom realised that it is not good for Malaysia not to have a government for a prolonged period of time and thus, he set about to resolve this by interviewing all 222 parliamentarians on who they think should lead the government.

This is provided for under Article 43(2)(a) of the Federal Constitution which explicitly provides for the King to appoint as Prime Minister a member of the Dewan Rakyat (House of Representatives) someone who he thinks commands the confidence of the majority in the House.

This simply means a member of parliament who gained the support of at least 112 MPs.

Beginning Tuesday, Feb 25, the King undertook the painstaking and meticulous task of ascertaining and verifying the support of every single MP.

He interviewed individual MPs regarding support for the names put forward as the candidate for Malaysia’s eighth prime minister.

On Friday, Feb 28, on the basis of these interviews, the palace issued a statement that the king has not come to a decision on who in his opinion gained the confidence of the majority of the parliamentarians to form a new government.

“The palace will liaise with the leaders of the political parties who have representatives in the Dewan Rakyat to give them an opportunity to nominate a member of the Dewan Rakyat as the next prime minister,” the statement added.

Finally, on the next day, Feb 29, the palace issued another statement which said that it received a list of nominees of future prime ministers from heads of political parties and independent representatives of the Dewan Rakyat.

“After receiving representation from all the leaders of the political party representing their party and the independent MPs, in the opinion of His Majesty, the Member of Parliament who has the confidence of the majority of the Dewan Rakyat is Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Member of Parliament for Pagoh (P143),” added the statement.

Thus, it is simply perplexing and baffling that The Guardian editorial chose a very mischievous and inaccurate heading to publish its story.

And the irony is that the rest of the editorial including the angle proper confirms the laughable nature of the title.

Secondly, nowhere in the editorial does it make any effort to justify let alone explain as to why it thinks that the Agong’s action in by-passing Mahathir and appointing Muhyiddin as the eighth prime minister instead should be taken seriously, if at all.

The editorial simply assumes and injects the claim after what is a mere repetition or rehash of the facts surrounding the political intrigue and manoeuvrings.

In conclusion, not only is the title entirely misguided and is not in sync with the angle of the rest of the editorial, there is no analysis done as to how and why the political imbroglio and brouhaha could do nothing better than to invite and incur the constitutional intervention (not interference, mind you) of the king.

JAMARI MOHTAR and JASON LOH SEONG WEI are with the think-tank Emir Research, which was founded by Bersatu supreme council member Rais Hussin.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.

Quote axl_bach 7-3-2020 10:26 AM
Dlm kes PN-PH ni yg salah adalah kem2 dalam PH yg berantakan sampai mencabar Bersatu keluar pakatan...

Intervention YDPA adalah utk selesaikan kemelut pemerintahan waktu tu berdasarkan hasil temuduga perseorangan yg Baginda jalankan terhadap semua MP utk tgk siapa yg dpt sokongan yg meyakinkan.... Mmg YDPA x salah pun andai lepas keputusan yg baginda ambil tetiba ramai plak yg u turn kata sokong Tun sbb yg diambilkira adalah waktu berjumpa baginda bersendirian tu....

Tp utk nk kata vote of no confidence yg PH nk buat tu mengingkari YDPA pun x tepat, waktu tu adalah waktu nk tgk sapa yg dpt sokongan majoriti utk waktu terkini...... Aku x nmpk akan timbul isu INGKAR AGONG cuma kalau pertikai keputusan YDPA pilih Mahiaddin skang ni mmg ingkar lah
Quote Modngengade 7-3-2020 10:36 AM
Diupah oleh tycoon2 DAPig lah tu
Quote pokaibanktokyo 7-3-2020 11:01 AM
Typical slave race british
Quote Tinot7 7-3-2020 11:58 AM
Modngengade replied at 7-3-2020 10:36 AM
Diupah oleh tycoon2 DAPig lah tu

Iols tak dpt cari penulis utk artikel kat guardian... adakah dihantar oleh anonymous writer dari mesia, sbb sajerr nak burukkan nama mesia di muka dunia?
Quote Tinot7 7-3-2020 12:32 PM
axl_bach replied at 7-3-2020 10:26 AM
Dlm kes PN-PH ni yg salah adalah kem2 dalam PH yg berantakan sampai mencabar Bersatu keluar pakatan. ...

PH menggelupur sbb tak dpt pencen.. tu jerr..
Quote zamzam 7-3-2020 12:38 PM
Tinot7 replied at 7-3-2020 11:58 AM
Iols tak dpt cari penulis utk artikel kat guardian... adakah dihantar oleh anonymous writer dari m ...

Bab nak burukkan negara sendiri malaon non malay ni mmg juara mcm wathya moorthy dgn cina sepet & paria kat london dulu tu.
Quote Tinot7 7-3-2020 12:40 PM
zamzam replied at 7-3-2020 12:38 PM
Bab nak burukkan negara sendiri malaon non malay ni mmg juara mcm wathya moorthy dgn cina sepet &  ...

Ramai yg suka burukkan negara sendiri.. pastu meratib nape pelabur lari, ekonomi merundum...
Depa tak sempat habes skolah gamaknya..
Quote belon 7-3-2020 12:46 PM
Adakah kita ni dah tak boleh berfikir.. Bezakan yg benar dan yg palsu.. Ke buat buat tak tau.. Walau pun sebenarnya tau apa yg dah jadi
Quote Tinot7 7-3-2020 12:54 PM
belon replied at 7-3-2020 12:46 PM
Adakah kita ni dah tak boleh berfikir.. Bezakan yg benar dan yg palsu.. Ke buat buat tak tau.. Walau ...

Kini, dalam dunia yg penuh fitnah, sudah sukar utk mengetahui siapa yang benar dan siapa yg berdusta. Perang siber merancakkan lagi taburan fitnah di alam maya melalui portal atas talian hak milik sesetengah kumpulan, dan aplikasi berborak spt wasap. Hanya mereka yg mahu mencari kebenaran akan memperolehi kepastian.
Quote Tinot7 7-3-2020 12:54 PM
belon replied at 7-3-2020 12:46 PM
Adakah kita ni dah tak boleh berfikir.. Bezakan yg benar dan yg palsu.. Ke buat buat tak tau.. Walau ...

Kini, dalam dunia yg penuh fitnah, sudah sukar utk mengetahui siapa yang benar dan siapa yg berdusta. Perang siber merancakkan lagi taburan fitnah di alam maya melalui portal atas talian hak milik sesetengah kumpulan, dan aplikasi berborak spt wasap. Hanya mereka yg mahu mencari kebenaran akan memperolehi kepastian.
Quote Tinot7 7-3-2020 01:56 PM
Agong was fair, Malaysians school UK paper over ‘royal coup’ claim

FMT Reporters - free malaysia today.

.PETALING JAYA: Malaysians today took to social media to rally around Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah after a suggestion by a British daily that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong had orchestrated a “royal coup” to bring down the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government.

They said the Agong had been faithful to the constitution, pointing to the series of royal audiences granted by Sultan Abdullah to 222 MPs as well as meetings with leaders of political blocs before he named Muhyiddin Yassin as the prime minister last weekend.

Many commented on Facebook responding to FMT’s report on the editorial published by The Guardian, which slammed the Agong’s decision as against democratic principles.

Eric Kew said the Agong had only acted after talking to MPs about their preferred candidate to lead the next government.

“If MPs changed their allegiance after the meeting, it’s not the Agong’s fault. The Agong can’t delay his decision continuously while MPs keep changing their minds. The matter needs to be resolved by Parliament.

“Agong’s done his job,” he said.

Thinesh Rajasingam said while he did not agree with the new political leadership, there was no blame on Sultan Abdullah.

“The editorial is dead wrong and obviously biased,” he wrote. “Of course the new government is going to take Malaysia backwards generally. But the Agong is blameless. He exercised his constitutional role diligently, went out of his way to be unbiased and made a reasonable decision.”

He also blamed what he called “ridiculous chaos” within PH, adding that Malaysian laws provide parliamentary avenues to reverse such decisions in the event of a confidence vote in the Dewan Rakyat.

The Guardian in an editorial said the king had “overturned a democratic election result that challenged a corrupt old order”.

“This is wrong and the world ought to call it out,” it said.

The paper also argued against a snap election, saying it would create “a vacuum for nationalist or religious demagogues to fill”. It did not explain what it meant.

On Feb 29, Sultan Abdullah named Muhyiddin as the person “likely to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the (lower) House”, using the phrase in Article 40 of the constitution.

Some Facebook users questioned if the Guardian’s editorial had hidden hands behind it while others dismissed the claim of a “royal coup” as far-fetched.

“If Agong really wants to launch a coup, he doesn’t need to tire himself to call all the MPs for a decision. He just simply orders a military coup like our northern neighbour,” said Muhammad Tarreq Ziad, referring to the recent coup in Thailand.

A recurrent theme of their criticism was that the Agong had carefully assessed MPs’ views before arriving at a decision.

“No la. Agong is not the one but someone within the party caused the government to collapse,” said Anthony Sumin.

Soon Soo Hain wrote: “All this happened due to our politicians; it has nothing to with the king!”

“Agong was fantastic and fair. Get your facts right!” said Sanjeev Raj, who was among hundreds of users who flocked to FMT’s Facebook page.

The Guardian editorial also drew criticism from PPBM Supreme Council member Rais Hussin.

He said the article was an example of “foreign opinion makers” who “stretch the facts to suit their perspectives”.

“The King did not overturn any election. Instead, he painstakingly interviewed all MPs until he was satisfied that a government could be formed, and decided swiftly to restore stability to the country. All this was within his constitutional authority to do,” Rais wrote.

Quote Tinot7 7-3-2020 02:03 PM
Edited by FanTasyCreaTioN at 8-3-2020 08:17 AM

Surat kpd malaymail

Rebuttal to Op-Ed ‘The Guardian view on a royal coup: A king overturns a historic election’ — Reezal Merican Naina Merican

Friday, 06 Mar 2020 08:48 PM MYT

MARCH 6 — I refer toThe Guardianop-ed of March 3, 2020 entitled “The Guardian view on a royal coup: a king overturns a historic election” which portrays recent political developments in Malaysia in a negative, biased and unconstructive manner.

Among others, the insinuation that His Majesty the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (King) “has overturned a democratic election result” is especially malicious.

Malaysia is an independent and sovereign nation which has and continues to be governed by its Federal Constitution of 1957 which among others, clearly outlines the role of His Majesty the King in appointing the Prime Minister.

Against the backdrop of the collapse of Pakatan Harapan government, His Majesty had taken extra care when discharging his constitutional role by taking the unprecedented step of personally interviewing all 222 Members of Parliament with a view to determining a candidate “who in his judgment is likely to command the confidence of the majority of the members of that House”.

Upon the conclusion of that exercise undertaken strictly and transparently in accordance with the constitutionally defined mandate, His Majesty determined that majority support belonged to Mr. Muhyiddin Md. Yasin who was then subsequently appointed as Malaysia’s eighth Prime Minister.

Thus, the implicit assertion that Malaysian democracy was apparently threatened by the King constitutes an ill-informed and gross misrepresentation of His Majesty’s role in events surrounding the recent political transition.

The article also appears to cast aspersions on Prime Minister Muhyiddin’s character by painting him as an opportunist who manoeuvred to secure power while others were busy fighting amongst themselves and that he is only a puppet of others.

This narrative conveniently ignores the fact that Muhyiddin’s appointment as Prime Minister was based on the solid support of the majority of MPs, and the fact that during a nationwide address on 2 March 2020, Muhyiddin asserted that members of his Cabinet will be clean, of high integrity and calibre.

The article goes further to stoke religious sentiment and resentment, especially by characterising PAS which is now a member of the new government, as “religious demagogues”. It may surprise many that PAS had previously shared power at the federal level (1974-1978), and that it has continuously governed the state of Kelantan since 1990.

In the time which PAS has held power in Kelantan, it has demonstrated that an Islamically inclined party could govern well. Under PAS leadership, not a single non-Muslim house of worship was forcibly or illegally demolished, and neither has there been any instance of forced conversion to Islam in Kelantan. Seen in this context, allegations that PAS will bring a ‘Taliban agenda’ at the federal level is merely irresponsible scaremongering by its political enemies, such as the DAP.

Seasoned Malaysia watchers will have noted that the Pakatan Harapan government had in fact came to power on the basis of a very thin majority, and that it imploded and collapsed due to its own internal conflicts.

Furthermore, the so-called “people’s mandate” which brought Pakatan Harapan to power in May 2018 also ended with the collapse of that government. These are all facts which neither Pakatan leaders nor their supporters are willing to admit.

Results of Malaysia’s 14th General Elections in 2018 clearly show that when combined, the total votes for both the Barisan Nasional (the ruling coalition prior to 2018) and PAS (Islamic Party of Malaysia) – both parties which are now part of the ruling coalition under Prime Minister Muhyiddin –exceeded the number of votes for Pakatan Harapan.

Many observers in Malaysia and beyond have come to realise that the constitution has safeguarded the monarch’s role and that the monarchy is an institution which is not merely symbolic in nature, but that it can also be relied on as an arbiter of last resort, to provide an effective check-and-balance against excess.

In characterising the recent political transition, the author(s) chose to ignore the fact that democratic norms, institutions the rule of law and the exercise of fundamental freedoms and rights continued to be respected, as well as the fact that the transition took place in a calm and peaceful manner. These are all indicative of the fact that democracy continues to develop and mature in Malaysia.

Ultimately, the article’s author(s) failed to grasp that recent political developments in Malaysia underscores the integrity, resilience and effective functioning of its democratic institutions, including the crucial role of the monarch in discharging his constitutionally mandated responsibility in an effective, non-partisan and judicious manner.

*Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican is Member of Parliament for Kepala Batas.

Quote sarah82 7-3-2020 02:09 PM
Aku dok fikir the Royal Coup kejadahnya.. PH bukan sahaja GAGAL DENGAN CEMERLANG bila menjadi kerajaan,  malah GAGAL DENGAN CEMERLANG menjadi parti gabungan. Jadi utk menyelesaikan kemelut pentadbiran, maka YDP Agong masuk campur menggunakan kuasa yg baginda ada utk melantik seorg perdana menteri. Ikutkan YDPA tak payah pun panggil seorg2 MP tu,  tapi baginda panggil dan jumpa dgn setiap org MP yg sebanyak 222 org tu.

Kamjad la sapa yg tak bgi maklumat tak betul tu.
Quote Tinot7 7-3-2020 02:17 PM
sarah82 replied at 7-3-2020 02:09 PM
Aku dok fikir the Royal Coup kejadahnya.. PH bukan sahaja GAGAL DENGAN CEMERLANG bila menjadi keraja ...

Setelah membace dgn teliti semua sumber2 tu.. nama penulis tidak diletakkan. Dan memandangkan ini isu mesia yg omputih tak peduli pun sbb skang tgh hot psl covid-19, iols membuat kesimpulan bahawa, org yg hantar artikel kat guardian itu ialah tali barut negara mesia. Besar kemungkinan dari kalangan org2 yg butthurt bebaru ni.
Depa tak sedar, bila buat camni, umpama meludah ke langit, jatuh ke muka sendiri.. ke sbb depa mmg tak dok dlm mesia dan anggap takkan kena apa2?

Walo apapun, iols nak tgk apa yg bakal bersidang mase trump dan pemimpin2 negara lain mai mase apec bln november nnt. Kalau apec jadi, masa ni la yg penting. Tu psl atuk pun soh tunggu lepas apec, tapi ph tak mahu dengar sbb terlampau bebal tak boleh diajar.
Quote dizekni 7-3-2020 02:20 PM
Rba dapig punya kerja la tu

babi betul
Quote sarah82 7-3-2020 02:23 PM
Tinot7 replied at 7-3-2020 02:17 PM
Setelah membace dgn teliti semua sumber2 tu.. nama penulis tidak diletakkan. Dan memandangkan in ...

Aku mohon SB ATM witch hunt PENGKHIANAT negara ni dan hadap kat mahkamah TENTERA biar jadi pengajaran kepada bakal2 PENGKHIANAT.. Nasib baik bukan aku YPDA.. Kalau.. Siap seluruh keluarga pengkhianat aku antar buat kerja berat.
Quote Tinot7 7-3-2020 02:30 PM
sarah82 replied at 7-3-2020 02:23 PM
Aku mohon SB ATM witch hunt PENGKHIANAT negara ni dan hadap kat mahkamah TENTERA biar jadi pengaja ...

Kalau ikut stail maharaja china dolu, setiap artisan kena cop nama depa kat setiap batu binaan yg mereka buat supaya kalau batu tu didapati retak atopon rosak, mereka dan keluarga mereka satu kampung akan dihukum bunuh. Tu psl org hong kong merusuh, sbb tanak kes dibicarakan kat mainland china. Bayangkan bawak pesalah ke sana, dan tak kembali...
Pengkhianat negara mcm penulis artikel guardian tu mmg patut dibawa ke mahkamah kerana mereka citer dongeng ikut sedap mak bapak dia.

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