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Suarakan Sokongan, Justin Timberlake Dan Isteri Simpati Nasib Britney Spears

25-6-2021 10:24 AM| Diterbitkan: CARI-MAL| Dilihat: 11403| Komen: 61

Penyanyi Justin Timberlake menyatakan sokongan terhadap bekas kekasihnya, Britney Spears susulan kes mahkamah melibatkan penyanyi wanita tersebut dengan bapa kandungnya, Jamie Spears.

Justin, 41, menulis di laman Twitter berkata, semua pihak harus menyokong apa yang diperjuangkan Britney, 40, kerana dia berdepan dengan pelbagai dugaan dan cabaran sejak mula memasuki dunia glamor lebih dua dekad lalu.

Kredit foto: IG Britney/Justin

"Saya dan isteri, Jessica Biel memberikan sokongan penuh terhadap Britney. Selepas apa yang kita tengok (berita) hari ini, semua pihak harus memihak kepadanya.

"Walaupun saya ada kisah masa lampau yang tidak berapa baik dengan Britney sebelum ini... tapi apa yang terjadi padanya memang sesuatu yang tidak patut.

"Sepatutnya tiada mana-mana wanita yang boleh dilarang untuk berbuat apa sahaja pada tubuh badan mereka," kata Justin.

Menurut Hollywoodlife, Britney pada Rabu tampil memberikan keterangan terhadap bapanya yang didakwa telah menyalahgunakan kuasa sebagai penjaga kepada semua akses kewangan dan jadual kerjanya.

Dalam prosiding tersebut, Britney turut berkata, dia seperti didera secara mental oleh bapanya sendiri sejak dari tahun 2008 apabila Jamie mengawal ketat segala urusan kewangan anaknya itu sehingga menyebabkan Britney mengalami tekanan perasaan.

Selain itu, bapanya juga memaksa Britney memasukkan alat pencegah kehamilan IUD agar penyanyi tersebut tidak boleh mempunyai anak biarpun hatinnya meronta mahu membina keluarga bersama teman lelaki, Sam Asghari.

Kredit foto: POPSUGAR/Harper's BAZAAR

Susulan itu, penyanyi lagu Toxic itu memohon agar pihak mahkamah dapat membebaskannya daripada 'cengkaman' Jamie yang telah mengawal aset dan kekayaan miliknya, dianggarkan bernilai RM250 juta sejak 13 tahun lalu. 

Sumber: mStar








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Quote nordin84 24-6-2021 03:57 PM
hari ni penuh timeline insta iols pasal free britney ni.. akhirnye acik brit brit da bersuara
Quote laradelara 24-6-2021 04:54 PM
Kesian britt..
Takleh imagine hidup tertekan bertahun-tahun camtu. Dah serupa slave dah lifenya. Slave zaman moden yg ditindas & kena control oleh ayah sndri
Quote Meiizu 24-6-2021 05:58 PM
Lama plak aku tak baca cite pasal dia
Zaman kanak2 hilang gitu je.
Bila remaja memberontak
Quote Artemesiaa 24-6-2021 06:04 PM
Akhirnya beliau berani juga bersuara setelah sekian lama
Quote nordin84 24-6-2021 07:14 PM
Meiizu replied at 24-6-2021 05:58 PM
Lama plak aku tak baca cite pasal dia
Zaman kanak2 hilang gitu je.

sheols remaja purba huhu..
iols pelik org putih ni xde gaduh2 berbls statement dkt tv.. sheols diam je walau diperah2 tenaga oleh apaknye.. atau mgkin xde sorg pun yg dia blh percayai
Quote nordin84 24-6-2021 07:19 PM

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Britney Spears speaks at conservatorship hearing: Here's what we ...
Justin Timberlake says Britney Spears' conservatorship 'is just not right,' more celebs react

Fans of Britney Spears gathered outside a Los Angeles courthouse to show support during her latest conservatorship hearing.
Justin Timberlake is showing his support for Britney Spears following her chilling statements at Wednesday's hearing in the ongoing battle over her conservatorship.

"After what we saw today, we should all be supporting Britney at this time," the 40-year-old singer wrote on Twitter, before alluding to their tumultuous courtship in the early 2000s. "Regardless of our past, good and bad, and no matter how long ago it was… what’s happening to her is just not right."

During her 20-minute speech in court, Spears made a series of shocking revelations and condemned her conservatorship and those in control of her life and finances.

Spears told Judge Brenda Penny that she's forced to use an intrauterine device (IUD), despite wanting to have more children. "I was told right now in the conservatorship, I’m not able to get married or have a baby," Spears said. "I have (an) IUD inside of (me) right now so I don’t get pregnant."

Timberlake addressed Spears' comments in his tweet, adding: "No woman should ever be restricted from making decisions about her own body."

'I'm so angry it's insane': Britney Spears says she's 'enslaved' in an 'abusive' conservatorship

Justin Timberlake is showing his support for Britney Spears following her chilling statements at Wednesday's hearing in the ongoing battle over her conservatorship.
Justin Timberlake is showing his support for Britney Spears following her chilling statements at Wednesday's hearing in the ongoing battle over her conservatorship.
In another tweet, he wrote: "No one should EVER be held against their will… or ever have to ask permission to access everything they’ve worked so hard for."

Timberlake wrote that he and wife Jessica Biel send "our love" and "absolute support" to the singer. "We hope the courts, and her family make this right and let her live however she wants to live."

'I know I failed': Justin Timberlake issues an apology to Britney Spears and Janet Jackson

Timberlake recently faced backlash for his treatment of Spears following the release of  the "Framing Britney Spears" documentary in February.

"I have seen the messages, tags, comments, and concerns and I want to respond. I am deeply sorry for the times in my life where my actions contributed to the problem, where I spoke out of turn, or did not speak up for what was right," Timberlake wrote in a statement posted on Instagram. "I specifically want to apologize to Britney Spears and Janet Jackson both individually, because I care for and respect these women and I know I failed."

After what we saw today, we should all be supporting Britney at this time.

Regardless of our past, good and bad, and no matter how long ago it was… what’s happening to her is just not right.

No woman should ever be restricted from making decisions about her own body.

— Justin Timberlake (@jtimberlake) June 24, 2021
More: Britney Spears speaks at conservatorship hearing: Here's what we know

Other celebrities also showed their support of Spears on social media.

"We love you Britney!! Stay strong," Mariah Carey tweeted.

Khloé Kardashian tweeted: "No one should be treated like this. Stay strong Queen!! You deserve better … #FreeBritney."

We love you Britney!!! Stay strong

— Mariah Carey (@MariahCarey) June 23, 2021
Singer Halsey tweeted she "admire(s) her courage speaking up for herself today."

"Bless Britney and I hope with my whole heart she is awarded freedom from this abusive system. She deserves it more than anything," she wrote.

In a follow-up tweet, Halsey wrote: "Additionally, (expletive) anyone who thinks they have the authority as an institution or individual to control a person’s reproductive health. #FreeBritney."

I feel physically sick about this Britney Spears news - I think because it's about so much more.. Women not being heard, not being trusted, accused of being crazy at any slight deviation from a perfect veneer. We as a society have utterly failed her and her dad should be in jail.

— Meghan McCain (@MeghanMcCain) June 24, 2021
Meghan McCain asked: "How is what has been done to Britney Spears not a human rights crime?"

"Isolation, controlling her capacity to reproduce without her consent, forcing her to work under inhumane conditions. If she were any other person the people who did this to her would be in jail," she tweeted.

McCain added that she felt "physically sick" about the revelations made during Wednesday's court hearing.

"I think because it's about so much more… Women not being heard, not being trusted, accused of being crazy at any slight deviation from a perfect veneer," she went on. "We as a society have utterly failed her and her dad should be in jail."

Sending all my love and support to Britney Spears and her fans

— b r a n d y (@4everBrandy) June 23, 2021
Brandy also took to Twitter to show her support of the pop singer, writing: "Sending all my love and support to Britney Spears and her fans."

Rose McGowan, who has in the past been vocal about Spears' conservatorship case, appeared on Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Wednesday to rally behind the pop singer.

A win for one woman is a win for all. A win for one human is a win for all. Let Freedom Ring! #FreeBritney

— Rose McGowan (@rosemcgowan) June 23, 2021
"Well, in my opinion and in many others', (Britney's conservatorship) is bad," she began. "Her father put her under a conservatorship at age 25. Many in the media laughed and scorned her when she shaved her head.."

McGowan added that the court hearing "is a cultural landmark moment."

"She got to speak for the first time I believe, in her life, honestly and openly," she said. "And what has been done to her, it's horrific."

Wednesday's hearing marked the first time the singer has spoken in court since May 10, 2019. Then, the courtroom was sealed and none of what she said became public.

"A lot has happened since two years ago,” Spears said during the hearing. “I haven’t been back to court because I don’t think I was heard on any level when I came to court last time.”

Contributing: Elise Brisco, Bill

tetibe mamat ramen ni menyampuk.. benci.. ambik kesempatan lepas nama merundum
Quote hyie 24-6-2021 10:30 PM
love u Britney!

sekarang astro ada bagi freeview FreeBritney kat AstroGo yach...haritu meols tengok kat link Telegram je tu pun separuh sebab panjang sangat

iols harap sheols akan menang dan teruskan karier dengan lebih menyinar lepas ni. Sayanglah lagu duet dengan BSB takda video muzik. Tapi yang tu JIVE yang release lah tanpa consent Britney dengarnya. Benci dengan semua orang yang ambik kesempatan kat Britney since day 1. Kalau tak sheols mesti dah menyinar dengan lagu2 yang best

mohon kalau Britney menang besar nanti, sila buat world tour dan datang ke Malaysia! Confirm meols pergi
Quote ninnamina 24-6-2021 11:57 PM
Baru tadi baca dekat fb terus masuk forum
Cari cerita ni..
Kesian sheol
Quote nordin84 25-6-2021 12:53 AM
hyie replied at 24-6-2021 10:30 PM
love u Britney!

sekarang astro ada bagi freeview FreeBritney kat AstroGo yach...hari ...

sama la meols pun akn berjoget yach dlm stadium tu kalau britney tour kat mesia.. tp make sure lagu dr album bomt dan oida je la  sbb next album almost 80% lagu promote sex je..
britney patut team up dgn jc chasez.. sayang 2-2 bakat ade tp kena rendam dgn management..

lagu matches yg dgn bsb tu kan.. walaupun tajuk mcm haram tp ok la.. we want more britney!!!
Quote nordin84 25-6-2021 12:55 AM
ninnamina replied at 24-6-2021 11:57 PM
Baru tadi baca dekat fb terus masuk forum
Cari cerita ni..
Kesian sheol

kannn, bapak yg xpnh2 wujud tetibe amek conservatorship.. baik la mektina tu.. awal2 dan gebang bapak kaki pukul.. da tau da terserlah jahatnye. jamie ni mcm setan balik selimut gitu
Quote talia 25-6-2021 03:34 AM
Shadap la justin, tak payah menyibuk nak enter frame, tiber acah baik

Quote nordin84 25-6-2021 07:02 AM
talia replied at 25-6-2021 03:34 AM
Shadap la justin, tak payah menyibuk nak enter frame, tiber acah baik

#freebritney {:1_15 ...

dia kan opportunist.. merundum skrg kan, thanks god rmi da sedar ramen ni ular sebenarnye.. termasuk la fans kat barat sana..
Quote opie5662 25-6-2021 11:32 AM
laradelara: Kesian britt..Takleh imagine hidup tertekan bertahun-tahun camtu. Dah serupa slave dah lifenya. Slave zaman moden yg ditindas & kena control oleh ay ...

Iols minat sheols dlu... Lagu2 die mmg kene ngan hidup die... Kesian... Walaupon suara beshe2 je... Tp iols suke tgk performance sheols.. Very energetic...
Quote Heydidle 25-6-2021 12:09 PM
ini rupanya sbb brit nampak tak betul..
dulu2 ingat sbb sheols keluar FM / IL jadi mcm ni
Quote iolss 25-6-2021 12:14 PM
hit me baby 1 more time...
aa gituuu.. go britney
Quote Harley_Quinn 25-6-2021 03:29 PM
Ptut laa tba2 ade bapaknya nyibuk plk.
Tawu dlu dia n mak dia n Felicia tu jee then tba2 watak2 ni x de plk.
Bpknya dgn britney n Felicia pn dah x jd dia nya PA.
Quote nadie90 25-6-2021 05:12 PM
Baru baca kisah ni sbb kt media sosial dok up psl #freeBritney....bila anak popular dan we know mak bapak artis ni mmg hrp kt anak la untuk dpt sumber pendapatan.....kesian akak Britney....kena control smpai jd rebel, media/paparazzi pun sakan dok expose dan buruk2kan dia, dituduh gila smpai masuk rehab....apapun jd kt dia yg penting duit royalti dia dpt kat parents dia jgk....

Ceq yg membesar dgn lagu2 akak Britney.....hrpnya akak Britney dpt bangunkan balik karier nyanyiannya lepas ni......rmai fans dari zaman dia naik dgn lagu BOMT yg masih support personaliti dia yang disenangi smua org tu yg buat nama dia berthn smpai skg

#nowplaying lagu #Stronger...#FreeBritney

Quote talia 25-6-2021 06:40 PM
nordin84 replied at 25-6-2021 07:02 AM
dia kan opportunist.. merundum skrg kan, thanks god rmi da sedar ramen ni ular sebenarnye.. termas ...

Puas hati i dah terbongkar perangai sebenar dia, dulu acah broken, dikhianati britney konon…
Quote nordin84 25-6-2021 07:23 PM
Harley_Quinn replied at 25-6-2021 03:29 PM
Ptut laa tba2 ade bapaknya nyibuk plk.
Tawu dlu dia n mak dia n Felicia tu jee then tba2 watak2 ni  ...

mak dia dl yg bwk dia kehulu hilir.. paknye bankrupt.. tp tu la.. britney potray hidup dia bahagia padahal x.. mek tina dl mmg awal2 ckp bapak abuser, pkl dia ngan mak dia

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