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{15} Model berbogel sambil bawa kereta & langgar 7 org!

17-10-2012 09:14 AM| Diterbitkan: admin6| Dilihat: 6377| Komen: 22

Monday, Oct 15, 2012

She first hit a pedestrian while driving her car through a Jakarta street on Thursday.

Initially, she stopped for a while but continued to drive on. By the time she was stopped by policemen and angry bystanders, she had already hit and injured seven people.

The woman in question is 25-year-old Novi Amalia, reportedly a model for an adult magazine, Jakarta Globe reported.

Witnesses said that Miss Novi was on her way to Ancol beach in North Jakarta when she began hallucinating.

While driving, she took off her clothes and threw them on to the street, Jakarta Police spokesman Senior Commander Rikwanto said.

Miss Novi was wearing only her underwear when she was arrested by the police, Senior Commander Rikwanto told Jakarta Post. He added that she refused to put on her clothes.

He added: "She also threw her wallet and her mobile phone out of her car window."

The model was taken to hospital, where she tested positive for Ecstasy and methamphetamine, commonly known as Ice, police said.

West Jakarta Police's traffic unit head Adjutant Commander Rahmat Dalizar said that she also hit a police officer who was rushing to help the first two victims. The first victim was a pedestrian. After Miss Novi drove off from the scene, she hit a fish cake vendor and a coffee vendor.

She continued driving and then hit a public minivan and other road users.

Commander Rahmat said seven people were lightly injured in the series of hit-and-runs, which ended only after police and angered residents managed to stop Miss Novi at an intersection.

She then began screaming at people as she was being taken to a police station for questioning.

"It looks like she was distressed... When we told her to put on some clothes, she also declined," Indonesian news portal quoted the commander as saying.








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Quote highcastle 16-10-2012 10:28 PM
Belum Tersangka, Novi Amalia Diancam Pasal Berlapis - Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012 17:36 WIB

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Kabid Humas Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Pol Rikwanto menegaskan sampai saat ini Novi Amilia (25) pengendara Honda Jazz bernopol B 1864 POP yang menabrak tujuh orang di Taman Sari, Jakarta Barat, Kamis (11/10/2012) belum ditetapkan sebagai tersangka.

"Novi masih belum tersangka. Karena belum di BAP juga. Sore ini kan menjalani pemeriksaan psikologi di RS Polri," ucap Rikwanto, Jumat (12/10/2012) di Mapolda Metro Jaya.

Rikwanto mengatakan, syarat seseorang di BAP yakni harus sehat jasmani dan rohani. Novi sendiri sejauh ini kondisinya baik fisik maupun psikis belum normal. Sehingga belum di BAP.

Meski belum secara resmi ditetapkan sebagai tersangka, Novi yang juga seorang model majalah dewasa ini terancam pasal berlapis dan hukuman enam belas tahun penjara demi mempertanggung jawabkan perbuatan.

Rikwanto menuturkan, Novi yang diketahui tinggal di sebuah Apartemen di Sudirman, Jaksel ini terancam akan dikenakan pasal berlapis dalam kecelakaan lalu lintas dan juga penggunaan narkoba.

“Tentunya nanti akan jerat dengan UU Narkotika. Dan uu lalin pasal 310 namun kita lihat kedalamannya sambil berjalan,“ tegas Rikwanto.

Nantinya, lanjut Rikwanto, pemeriksaan akan dilakukan secara terpisah. Pasalnya, kasus tersebut masing masing akan berbeda ancaman hukuman yang harus dijalani wanita model majalah dewasa tersebut.

Lebih lanjut, untuk mengusut masalah laka lantas akan ditangani oleh unit laka lantas sementara narkobanya ditangani oleh bagian reskrim.

Untuk diketahui, pasal 310 UU Lalu Lintas dikenakan ancaman pidana empat tahun penjara, sedangkan Pasal 112 UU 35 tahun 2009 tentang penggunaan narkoba terancam minimal 4 tahun penjara dan maksimal 12 tahun.

Ulasan aku: marang kerapu kepundeng parang sekeperrrrrr..................... Last edited by highcastle on 16-10-2012 10:29 PM

Quote syedhafiz1234 16-10-2012 10:30 PM
Cuba la Kat Malaysia nie . Bogel bawa keta pastu g langgar orang.
Mesti nangis kena gang bang Kat situ, hahah
Quote AHMADVW 16-10-2012 10:31 PM
ketuanan cibil liberty abe kasibiman
Quote tongkatwaran75 17-10-2012 04:34 AM
syedhafiz1234 posted on 16-10-2012 10:30 PM
Cuba la Kat Malaysia nie . Bogel bawa keta pastu g langgar orang.
Mesti nangis kena gang bang Kat  ...

takkan seteruk itu pangai org Msia...

Quote syedhafiz1234 17-10-2012 06:16 AM
tongkatwaran75 posted on 17-10-2012 04:34 AM
takkan seteruk itu pangai org Msia...

sory ayat tu kurang sopan sikit tuan. tapi maksud saya. dah la bogel. khayal.
kalau kena org kampung abes la kena pukul atau ikat. takkan la nak rogol dpn khalayak..
org malaysia amat kuat pada adat dan tinggi tahap kesopanan.
Quote batmana 17-10-2012 07:07 AM
takde tanda2 pukul..
rasenya org tak smpai ati nk pkul pmpn bogel..

cube kalu driver ni lelaki, harus masuk ICU terus...
Quote MRX 17-10-2012 07:09 AM
syedhafiz1234 posted on 17-10-2012 06:16 AM
sory ayat tu kurang sopan sikit tuan. tapi maksud saya. dah la bogel. khayal.
kalau kena org kam ...

yer ke? klu 30 tahun yg lalu mungkin la
Quote tongkatwaran75 17-10-2012 10:02 PM

Wednesday, Oct 17, 2012
The Jakarta Post

Adult magazine model faces drug, traffic charges

A 25-year-old adult-magazine model is facing multiple charges after injuring seven people, including two police officers, while driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol, the police say.

Jakarta Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Rikwanto said that Novi Amalia, who was only wearing underwear and refused to follow the police orders to get dressed after the rampage, was driving a red Honda Jazz car recklessly on Jl. Sukarjo Wiryopranoto in Central Jakarta when she hit a cyclist and a street food vendor at 5.30 pm, last Thursday.

"She went on and hit two police officers identified as Adj. First Insp. Sugianto and Chief Brig. Yanto in Taman Sari, Central Jakarta," Rikwanto said. Media reports said that Sugianto tried to stop Novi's car after she hit a number of street vendors, but the car went on and hit him.

Rikwanto said that Novi continued to flee along Jl. Gajah Mada in Central Jakarta and hit a public minivan injuring the driver.
The reckless driving continued when she went on and hit a motorcyclist and another public minivan, Rikwanto added.
He said that all victims suffered minor injuries and were being treated at Husada Hospital in Central Jakarta.

"Novi has undertaken a urine test, and the results are positive for methamphetamine," Rikwanto said.
"She admitted to taking ecstasy and drank Chivas [a whisky brand] at her apartment in Penjaringan, North Jakarta, before driving the car," he added.

According to Rikwanto, the police have not yet charged the driver, who the spokesman said was in an unstable physical and mental condition and would have to undergo a psychological examination at the National Police Hospital in Kramat Jati, East Jakarta, beforehand.

"We cannot prepare a questioning dossier [BAP] yet, because she did not communicate properly when being questioned," he added.

The police said Novi would likely be charged with reckless driving and drug possession. If found guilty, the model could face up to 16 years imprisonment. Rikwanto said that based on testimony from witnesses, Novi was on her way to Ancol in North Jakarta when she started to take off her clothes and threw them out of the car.

Novi was only wearing underwear when arrested, Rikwanto said. "She allegedly threw her wallet and cell phone out of the car as well while driving," he added.

"We could revoke her driver's license because a reckless driver shouldn't have a legal driver's license," he said.

Urban activists have voiced concerns over the increasing dangers of walking on Jakarta's sidewalks following a series of car accidents involving drunk drivers.

Last month, the Central Jakarta District Court sentenced a drunk driver, Afriyani - who ran over 13 pedestrians killing nine of them - to 15 years in prison. Afriyani was under the influence of drugs and alcohol as she drove at high speed in Gambir, Central Jakarta, in January this year.

Quote kucingTomey 17-10-2012 10:05 PM
bogel,,dadah,,langgar orang..TRIPLE KILL

Quote kecimpret 17-10-2012 10:05 PM
org islam ke ni?

Quote menjad 17-10-2012 10:20 PM
kenyang ler pak polisi tue... agak nyer kena langgar pun sanggup...
Quote mute 18-10-2012 08:50 AM
siyoknye pak polisi mlm tu dapat tgk puas2

mental agak nyer pompuan nie
Quote Pikir 18-10-2012 08:56 AM
Karena belum di BAP juga

byk betul singkatan dlm artikel tu.... BAP tu mende? babap ke?

Quote ladyrock 18-10-2012 09:01 AM
tongkatwaran75 posted on 17-10-2012 04:34 AM
takkan seteruk itu pangai org Msia...

BETUL TU..lagipun pompuan tu dah lama dah kena gang gedebang dah....tak kesah pun kena gang bang beberapa kali..
Quote kasibiman 18-10-2012 09:19 AM
Bawak mabuk, langgar org mati = 15 tahun.

This should be the way.


1. Awak menaku bersalah, kita bagi diskaun hukuman otomatik 50 persen.

2. Nnt dlm jel, kita bagi awak parole.

Thanks to natam2 dubur ketuanan civil liberty.
Quote gaara_X 18-10-2012 09:24 AM
ada masa;lah kesihatan nie.....
Quote underground 18-10-2012 09:35 AM
itulah syurga donia yg didambakan semua orang...
Quote nonok22 15-7-2016 01:32 PM
Quote rinarif 15-7-2016 01:34 PM
Dia dlm keafaan khayal n halusinasi. Tak sedar kot apa yg dia buat.

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