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Author: budingyun

~Bunker Borak CMAC III~

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Post time 5-4-2010 09:02 PM | Show all posts
294# MetalFire

tak sabo...

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Post time 5-4-2010 09:04 PM | Show all posts
299# cmf_cluesan

rehat la..
dont push urself too hard...

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Post time 5-4-2010 09:32 PM | Show all posts
aku da tepek..tapi font agak sengal..nanti aku try ubah balik font tu..sori la kengkawan kot2 susah korang nak baca ke

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 Author| Post time 5-4-2010 09:43 PM | Show all posts

kamehame HA...

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 Author| Post time 5-4-2010 09:44 PM | Show all posts
ok dah aku baca MF..tapi kalo ko touch up lagi lagi mantop..

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Post time 5-4-2010 09:48 PM | Show all posts
ok dah aku baca MF..tapi kalo ko touch up lagi lagi mantop..
budingyun Post at 5-4-2010 21:44

touch up? meaning?

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 Author| Post time 5-4-2010 09:58 PM | Show all posts
touch up? meaning?
MetalFire Post at 5-4-2010 21:48

tambah2 le skit..sebab jalan cerita ko terasa sangat cepat..takut orang tak faham..

aku die hard fan pokemon aku faham le..

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Post time 5-4-2010 10:03 PM | Show all posts
tambah2 le skit..sebab jalan cerita ko terasa sangat cepat..takut orang tak faham..

aku die hard fan pokemon aku faham le..
budingyun Post at 5-4-2010 21:58

hahaa rilek baru part 1.. ade dua part lagi.. part 2 nanti bertemakan romantic... part 3 nanti pasal battle sahaja.huhu..

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 Author| Post time 5-4-2010 10:06 PM | Show all posts
lah...tak tulis pon part 1..aku ingat abes dah..

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Post time 5-4-2010 10:44 PM | Show all posts
dah baca dah metal...
tak sabo nak baca part seterusnye...

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Post time 5-4-2010 10:54 PM | Show all posts
thanks... tapi agak hiatus sikit ar..aku ingat nak try tulis weekend ni...hehehe

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Post time 5-4-2010 11:12 PM | Show all posts
kami sedia menunggu...

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Post time 6-4-2010 07:36 AM | Show all posts
thanks... tapi agak hiatus sikit ar..aku ingat nak try tulis weekend ni...hehehe
MetalFire Post at 5-4-2010 22:54

patutla lama tak timbul...takpe...teruskan karangan anda...

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Post time 6-4-2010 07:38 AM | Show all posts
271# ibuKA

I did my best. Tp bila baca balik, mcm ada loophole sana sini ngan plot. Dan sape yg ingat pasal cite Yu Yu Hakusho ni, mesti akan persoalkan beberapa perkara.
cmf_cluesan Post at 5-4-2010 19:55

kata fanfic...tak semestinya sama dgn citer yg asal...tak perlu nk persoalkan pun...

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Post time 6-4-2010 07:40 AM | Show all posts
ohayou maru-chan...
smlm kuar gi mana?...pegi cafe kaname-kun tak?

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Post time 6-4-2010 09:52 AM | Show all posts
patutla lama tak timbul...takpe...teruskan karangan anda...
ibuKA Post at 6-4-2010 07:36

yg tu sebab lain plak..hehe.. aritu balik umah ari khamis..sekali dok cucuk berukband,tetibe tak pat connect.rupenye tak bayar bil lagi..pehtu ari jumaat pi bayar gune cimbclicks..tah ape sengal agaknye.celcom mengong tak update payment..langsund die tak release kan berukband aku..sampai ke sudah tak pat nak berinternet weekend aritu

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Post time 6-4-2010 09:57 AM | Show all posts
yg tu sebab lain plak..hehe.. aritu balik umah ari khamis..sekali dok cucuk berukband,tetibe tak pat connect.rupenye tak bayar bil lagi..pehtu ari jumaat pi bayar gune cimbclicks..tah ape sengal a ...
MetalFire Post at 6-4-2010 09:52

ko pakai celcom ek?...ok tak?... akupakai u-mobile punya tp line Digi...setakat ni ok...
setau aku kalo byr thru online cepat je smpai...mmg betulla celcom tak update lagi tu...

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Post time 6-4-2010 10:46 AM | Show all posts
celcom kene tengok tempat la jugak.. tapi diorang kata so far digi paling bagus dan paling stabil..kalo dengar iklan die tu pon kire btol la jugak consistency gitu

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Post time 6-4-2010 10:59 AM | Show all posts
fanfic ..aku malas..tak reti tulis cite

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Post time 6-4-2010 12:21 PM | Show all posts
celcom kene tengok tempat la jugak.. tapi diorang kata so far digi paling bagus dan paling stabil..kalo dengar iklan die tu pon kire btol la jugak consistency gitu
MetalFire Post at 6-4-2010 10:46

mungkin jgk kalo pakai hp line digi ada dgr teruk jugak... camano tuh?
tang broadband tuh...ok kot...dah terbukti keberkesanan nya...

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