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Author: ct_subang

Japanese Dorama ~ **Update & Review**

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Post time 10-7-2004 10:31 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by c-mei at 10-7-2004 10:18 AM:
for Whitedove...aku dah masuk website rating yg ko paste tue tapi semua dlm bahasa jepun...mcm maner ko baca rating tue...ko tau bahasa jepun ker...

sikit2...aku kira mahir jugak tulisan Jepun yg mudah (Hiragana & Katakana), tapi aku tak pandai tulisan Kanji yg macam tulisan Cina tu...biasanya diorang tulis campuran Hiragana/Katakana/ mana2 tulisan Kanji yg aku tak boleh baca tu, aku cross check dengan title yg dah di'romanized' oleh forumners kat website JDorama...aku pun dah confirmkan dengan kawan aku...tulah caranya aku translate article/ratings kat website tu...

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Post time 13-7-2004 12:26 PM | Show all posts
Taiyo no Kisetsu

Hideaki Takizawa in the starring role of Tatsuya, a tormented college student who was once an all-around nice guy but now seems to be balancing a gigantic grudge on his shoulder. What the grudge is has yet to be revealed, although it likely has something to do with his father and the poverty that plagues his life.

For some unknown reason, he has taken to hanging around with the richest kid in school, basically a trusting, nice guy who Tatsuya is out to destroy. He feels an uncontrollable urge to deface the rich kid's new car and chase after his fiance. Complicating the plot further is Tatsuya's run-in with a young composer and pianist, who has a limp sustained in a car accident many years before. She, too, is rich, although Tatsuya does not know it yet. Stuck in a stifling home environment with her pianist mother who disdains her desire to compose, the obedient young woman begins to change after a chance meeting with Tatsuya, while he seems to regain some of his humanity in his interaction with her.

baru habis tengok cerita ....dah lama nak beli since tak de cerita baru so beli cerita nie...menarik gak cerita nie...

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 Author| Post time 13-7-2004 02:24 PM | Show all posts


as spotted kt music valley(giant) bt caves:-

1.diamond girl - arisa mizuki
2.the last lawyer - hiroshi abe,imai tsubasa
3.trick 3 - hiroshi abe,nakama yuki


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Post time 13-7-2004 03:23 PM | Show all posts


The current crop of summer doramas are doing pretty well in the first episodes. It's not much of a surprise as summer has always been the time to put younger actors in the spotlight. But will this bunch be able to keep the viewers' interest at peak? And will the 'older generation' get to show the public how deep & subtle their doramas are? Time will tell.

These doramas are off to good start:

Water Boys 2 (Hayato Ichihara, Keita Saito) 20.6%
Sekai no Chushin de, Ai wo Sakebu (Takayuki Yamada, Haruka Ayase) 17.1% (after 2 episodes)
Tokyo Wankei (Yukie Nakama, Toshihiro Wada, Shunsuke Nakamura) 17.7%
Ningen no Shoumei (Yutaka Takenouchi, Ken Ogata, Yui Natsukawa) 15.9%

Small screen queen, Kyoko Fukada, however, couldn't lift the interest of viewers to watch her latest offering, Minami-kun no Koibito, co-starring Kazunari Ninomiya, when the dorama only managed a mere 11.2% in its first episode.

Meanwhile, Tobosha RUNAWAY has not yet aired but is expected to do well. The dorama boasted a high-profile cast of Yousuke Eguchi, Miki Mizuno and Hiroshi Abe.

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Post time 15-7-2004 01:54 PM | Show all posts
orange days dah subtitle malay aku tgk kat kalau dah ada yang beli kat SM tolong inform kay....

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Post time 15-7-2004 02:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by PrincessFiona at 15-7-2004 01:54 PM:
orange days dah subtitle malay aku tgk kat kalau dah ada yang beli kat SM tolong inform kay....

orange days with malay sub dah kelaur ke? betul ke ni?

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Post time 15-7-2004 02:51 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by PrincessFiona at 15-7-2004 01:54 PM:
orange days dah subtitle malay aku tgk kat kalau dah ada yang beli kat SM tolong inform kay....

kat website mana kau tengok ni? kalau betul, sungguh laju sekali diorang men'subtitle'kan Orange Days...tapi Suna no Utsuwa & Boku to Kanojo belum ada Malay subs, padahal dah 3 bulan lebih dah!

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Post time 15-7-2004 03:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by whitedove at 15-7-2004 02:51 PM:

kat website mana kau tengok ni? kalau betul, sungguh laju sekali diorang men'subtitle'kan Orange Days...tapi Suna no Utsuwa & Boku to Kanojo belum ada Malay subs, padahal dah 3 bulan ...

kau nie kan aku selalu check kat website yg jual online..pas tu baru gi SM salah satu nie dia ....

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Post time 15-7-2004 05:11 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by PrincessFiona at 15-7-2004 03:33 PM:

kau nie kan aku selalu check kat website yg jual online..pas tu baru gi SM salah satu nie dia ....

ooo, tahulah aku...:bgrin:

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 Author| Post time 18-7-2004 01:36 PM | Show all posts


Originally posted by PrincessFiona at 2004-7-15 13:54:
orange days dah subtitle malay aku tgk kat kalau dah ada yang beli kat SM tolong inform kay....

hait!!hontou yo!ORANGE DAYS dah ada cap VSCAPE!!ct baru ngk 1 best...:ah:

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Post time 19-7-2004 11:18 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ct_subang at 18-7-2004 01:36 PM:

hait!!hontou yo!ORANGE DAYS dah ada cap VSCAPE!!ct baru ngk 1 best...:ah:

hmm, VSCAPE memang selalu aje dapatkan dorama yg paling popular...kalau tak silap, dorama paling popular last winter, Pride pun diorang jugak yg first ambik...

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Post time 19-7-2004 11:59 AM | Show all posts
whitedove..cerita Daddy, Father..something like that lah (tak ingat nama tajuk penuh nya) tapi SMAP member yang berlakon
best tak cerita tu?

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Post time 19-7-2004 12:21 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sara at 19-7-2004 11:59 AM:
whitedove..cerita Daddy, Father..something like that lah (tak ingat nama tajuk penuh nya) tapi SMAP member yang berlakon
best tak cerita tu?

title Jepun dia Hito ni Yasashiku, English title kat boxset tu Father, Daddy & Dad...memang best! tak rugi tengok, kite memang recommend citer ni! SMAP member yg jadi lead citer ni Shingo Katori, nama watak dia Maeda Zen...dia dye rambut dia dirty blond macam anak singa! citer dia kelakar sangat, tapi ending setiap episod mesti touching & menyayat hati...kite tengok first episode dah keluar air mata...budak kecik tu pandai sangat berlakon! Shingo pulak cute sesangat! ada unsur2 cinta sikit, lagipun dalam citer ni ada 3 watak lelaki utama & 3 watak perempuan...tapi yg lebih penting, banyak unsur2 persahabatan & kekeluargaan...memang terharu tengok citer ni especially masa last ending...definitely recommended!

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Post time 19-7-2004 12:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by whitedove at 19-7-2004 12:21 PM:

title Jepun dia Hito ni Yasashiku, English title kat boxset tu Father, Daddy & Dad...memang best! tak rugi tengok, kite memang recommend citer ni! SMAP member yg jadi lead cit ...

thank you so much..

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Post time 19-7-2004 09:59 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by whitedove at 19-7-2004 12:21 PM:

title Jepun dia Hito ni Yasashiku, English title kat boxset tu Father, Daddy & Dad...memang best! tak rugi tengok, kite memang recommend citer ni! SMAP member yg jadi lead cit ...

dah tengok first you whitedove

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Post time 20-7-2004 08:39 AM | Show all posts

Orange Days

ok Guys..Orange days ni basicaly cerita pasal apa? sape yang berlakon kalau tak silap ada Kou shibasaki kan?

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Post time 20-7-2004 09:28 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sara at 20-7-2004 08:39 AM:
ok Guys..Orange days ni basicaly cerita pasal apa? sape yang berlakon kalau tak silap ada Kou shibasaki kan?

nie salah satu review pasal orange days kat J-fan drama...

"orange days" looks like it's intended to be the young, hip drama of the season. It stars a bunch of young faces, and the ads for this drama show them sitting on benches in the park, looking like they're having a great time, enjoying their young student lives. Unfortunately, I managed to miss the first episode, which was a long extravaganza of an episode that filled a 2-hour time slot. Lucky for me, my TBS carrier was kind enough to rerun the first episode late at night as a special first episode bonus, so I got to see it. I'm all up to speed now. So, what is this drama really about? It can't be all about people piling on top of each other on benches for 12 episodes (though I wouldn't mind seeing how long that would retain its appeal).

Yuuki Kai (Tsumabuki Satoshi) is a fourth-year college student majoring in welfare psychology. He is in the process, now, of finding post-graduation employment. His girlfriend is Takagi Maho (Konishi Manami) who is a graduate student in the same field as Kai. She specializes in working with the handicapped, and is the leader of a sign language club. Kai's best friends are Shouhei and Keita. Shouhei is the one who they call a "pimp", because he is always with a different girl, and Keita is the shy one who's never had a girlfriend.

At the beginning of the first episode, we see Kai, Shouhei, and Keita steal an orange from somebody's tree. Later that day, Kai is walking alone in his college campus and is suddenly enchanted by a girl playing a violin. He stops and listens to her. After she finishes and Kai applauds, she gestures with her hand that she wants money. Kai doesn't have any money, so he gives her the orange that he stole earlier. The girl is Hagio Sae (Shibasaki Kou). After Kai has left. Sae's best friend Akane (Shiroishi Miho) comes and begins speaking to her through sign language. Yes, Sae is deaf, but somehow manages to play the violin anyway.

Shouhei is looking for a date for Keita. He sees Sae sitting around campus and starts taking pictures of her. When she doesn't complain (because she can't hear the shutter), he assumes that she doesn't mind and continues snapping away. When she sees him taking one right in front of her face, she becomes angry. Akane comes and informs him that she's deaf. Through Akane's translation, he manages to invite her on a date to an amusement park with Keita.

Keita starts getting really excited, fantasizing about the events of his first date, and trying to decide what to wear. On the day of the date Shouhei bothers to mention to Keita that she's deaf. Keita panics and asks either Kai or Shouhei to go in his place. Of course, both of them would prefer he took responsibility himself, but eventually Kai agrees.

When Kai shows up for the date, he is surprised to find that the girl that he will be taking to the amusement park is the same girl who he saw playing the violin before. We find out now that Kai is quite capable at sign language too, because he spent a year working at a school for the handicapped.

Sae doesn't immediately agree to go on the date with Kai as a replacement. She has quite a rough temperament, and doesn't seem especially friendly or gentle. She says very dirty things through her sign language, and even teaches Kai some "Osaka dialect sign language". Eventually, she warms up to him a bit.

They really hit it off at the amusement park. They end up getting separated in the rain and Sae goes home alone, only to go back at night to retrieve her bike, and to find that Kai was waiting for her the whole time. Sae kisses Kai, and they start to have a sort of romantic relationship from that point on. Now Sae becomes jealous whenever she sees Kai with Maho. Kai, however, isn't ready to give up his relationship with Maho (which is understandable because she is played by Konishi Manami, and any guy in his right mind would be hesitant to break up with Konishi Manami).

In the second episode, we learn that Sae used to be a prodigious musician who went to the finest music schools in Japan and abroad. She was unbelievably talented and her attractive face earned her many male fans. She began to lose her hearing and her life as a musician only four years prior to the events of this drama. Now Maho is assigned to help her find something to do with her life, but her attempts only make Sae feel worse, because she is not ready to take on the role of being handicapped and less able than she was before.

"orange days" is worth watching, but I think that the "gimmick" of having a deaf character has been used in far too many dramas before. I can name at least three or four of them off the top of my head. Like most of them, this one uses subtitles so we can understand what is being said through sign language. The orange in this drama seems almost a parallel to the apple in "ai shiteiru to itte kure" (another drama with a deaf character which also happens to be from the same writer as this one). Yes, history does tend to repeat itself in the drama world. Of course, there is still plenty of new material in "orange days". I haven't seen a "college drama" in a little while. So if you want to see some young blood on your TV screen, check out orange days.

from : Jfan drama

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 20-7-2004 10:51 AM | Show all posts
Aaahhh... bertambah la list Takki utk beli dorama pasnih. Isk, isk.

Mekasih bebanyak utk news & reviews dorama tu, my tomodachi sekalian! Hontou ni arigato gozaimasu. :bgrin:

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 20-7-2004 11:03 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by PrincessFiona at 2004-7-13 12:26 PM:
Taiyo no Kisetsu

baru habis tengok cerita ....dah lama nak beli since tak de cerita baru so beli cerita nie...menarik gak cerita nie...

^ Arigato for the synopsis & review. Best ek? Takki pun dah lama nampak, tapi sbb satu cover CD tu takde yg tulis English/Malay, Takki pun takde la beli. Nak cari review kat internet, title dorama ni pun Takki tatau. Kalo anata nak kasik rating utk dorama ni, agak

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Post time 20-7-2004 02:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 20-7-2004 11:03 AM:

^ Arigato for the synopsis & review. Best ek? Takki pun dah lama nampak, tapi sbb satu cover CD tu takde yg tulis English/Malay, Takki pun takde la beli. Nak cari review kat internet, title d ...

rating nie kena tanya whitedove dia pun ada drama takky nie...dia terror bab rating nie:bodek:jgn mare wd...

cite nie best ...ada maksud disebalik tiap satu babak tu...takky berlakon pun best...berbaloi lah buat collection...

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