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Author: Magika

Press Conference DAP : Polis Tumbuk Pemandu Cina, Berkata-kata Racist (Video Ins

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Post time 16-4-2012 04:35 PM | Show all posts
dari dulu lagi dah perasan tapi sejak ada PR ni makin menjadi2 ler mereka sebab melayu sendiri d ...

esofagus Post at 16-4-2012 04:32 PM

Kemungkinan besar kali ni aku pangkah Bee end untuk parlimen. Jangan harap aku nak kasi cina2 naik tocang tu berkuasa.

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Post time 16-4-2012 04:35 PM | Show all posts
apa ke biol la cina bukit nih? DAp pun boleh layan benda macam ni? menampakkan keracistan dan kebodo ...
esofagus Post at 16/4/2012 16:28
DAP nie partai low klass..........

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Post time 16-4-2012 04:36 PM | Show all posts
DAP nie partai low klass..........

Acong Post at 16-4-2012 04:35 PM

Ramai sangat cina yang terasa diri dia besar kat dalam tu.

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Post time 16-4-2012 04:36 PM | Show all posts
Reply 120# Babai

    ridhuan tee tu idola nye si acong

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Post time 16-4-2012 04:43 PM | Show all posts
apa ke biol la cina bukit nih? DAp pun boleh layan benda macam ni? menampakkan keracistan dan kebodo ...
esofagus Post at 16-4-2012 16:28

dap mmg rasis tp berselindung la kekonon parti utk semua....

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Post time 16-4-2012 04:51 PM | Show all posts
dap mmg rasis tp berselindung la kekonon parti utk semua....
dino Post at 16-4-2012 16:43

ni pun dah lama tau..time berdemo pun diorang banyak berselindung dan bersembunyi. yang berdemo banyak puak2 PAS & PKR saje..diorang tunggu dari belakang dok asah parang, keluar cuma bila keadaan dah rosak untuk ambil kesempatan.

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Post time 16-4-2012 04:59 PM | Show all posts
Apa la polis tu tak nak terima rasuah. Tak Malaysian Malaysia betol lah!

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Post time 16-4-2012 05:03 PM | Show all posts
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Post time 16-4-2012 05:12 PM | Show all posts
kantoi puak2 DAP nie mmg suka bagi rasuah

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Post time 16-4-2012 05:12 PM | Show all posts
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 Author| Post time 16-4-2012 05:15 PM | Show all posts
abih tu DUN ko nak bagi kat cina babi ka???
gede-bab Post at 16-4-2012 17:12

    mengundi KL kot

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Post time 16-4-2012 05:15 PM | Show all posts
kalo kat america these the black use the N(nigga) word
kalo kat malaysia, olang cina use the B(babi) word tuk fefeeling jd mangsa racism..

kenape DAP nak support sampah masyarakat camni?
x sayang undi org melayu kah? dah rsa hebat sgt?
aku cadang PDRM pakai taser jek tuk handle org2 yg mcm ni
kalo kat US kurang ajar mcm ni dah lama kena ikut g balai
baru padan muka!
menyampah okeyh.X tau malu nak rasuah pastu going to public kunun jd mangsa racism.

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 Author| Post time 16-4-2012 05:18 PM | Show all posts
kalo kat america these the black use the N(nigga) word
kalo kat malaysia, olang cina use the B(babi ...
InVendeTTa Post at 16-4-2012 17:15

    mungkin DAP yakin mereka boleh pertahankan Pulau Pinang without a single malay vote

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Post time 16-4-2012 05:30 PM | Show all posts
Polis pukul orang, salah disisi undang2. Orang tu bersikap biadap, salah dimata orang ramai.

Perkara remeh-temeh macam ni pun boleh menaikkan sifat perkauman yang terpendam sesetengah orang kat sini. Nak tunjuk sangat kebencian mereka kepada orang awam

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Post time 16-4-2012 05:42 PM | Show all posts
Reply 134# taikor

    rasuah salah dari segi undang2 jugak
    kalo tempat lain berkasar dengan polis leh angkut je ke balai
    why lah DAP must go so damn low to defend this sampah
    this may gain them a few votes from chinese with the cost of losing more malay votes
    think about who and which issue you gonna defend

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Post time 16-4-2012 05:59 PM | Show all posts
Reply 132# InVendeTTa
Bagi orang cina..bangsa lebih penting dari undi
Bagi orang melayu...undi lebih penting dari bangsa

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 Author| Post time 16-4-2012 06:49 PM | Show all posts
Traffic cop denies assaulting wireman

PETALING JAYA: The traffic policeman accused of assaulting and insulting a 30-year-old wireman has denied the allegation, said Shah Alam district police chief ACP Zahedi Ayob.

However, he told FMT that the matter would be investigated “without prejudice.”

Zahedi said that a police inquiry paper had been opened, as opposed to an investigation paper, as the complainant had yet to come forward to provide more details.

“So far we can’t even classify the case. We’ll need to talk to him first. We will investigate it without prejudice to any parties. We’ve spoken to the other side, and as expected, there was a complete denial (from the policeman),” he said.

“That is the reason why we opened an inquiry, we don’t want to jump to conclusions. To give all parties involved a fair chance (to be heard),” he added.

Zahedi said the complainant, after lodging a report on April 13, had yet to turn up for questioning despite repeated calls from the police.

“So without his statement, it’s very difficult for us to investigate. The whole thing is hanging. We need his side of the story, how it happened, why it happened, so on,” he added.

Asked if he would consider using the video “evidence” taken by the complainant’s friend during the incident, Zahedi said the police had yet to ascertain if the video was even related.

Zahedi confirmed that a summons was issued to the complainant on that day for using a private vehicle to carry commercial items and failing to produce a GDL (Goods Driver’s Lience).

On Saturday, the wireman, Aw Yuen Wei, held a press conference and claimed that he was assaulted by a traffic policeman last Thursday at a roadblock in Kota Kemuning, Shah Alam.

Aw said he was told by the policeman that it was illegal to load commercial items in his Perodua Rusa. However, he informed the policeman that the items in question, electrical wires, was for personal use only.

The policeman, he claimed, was angry at his explanation and started hurling vulgarities at him, even calling him “Cina babi” (Chinese pig). Aw lost his temper and started scolding the officer, accusing him of trying to find fault with him to get bribe.

According to Aw, he was punched by the policeman on his right shoulder when he re-entered his van.

Meanwhile, Aw’s lawyer Keppy Wong said that an interview with Aw had been scheduled for this afternoon. He said he hoped that the police would not cover up the case.

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Post time 16-4-2012 07:10 PM | Show all posts
kite tak perlu kan manusia macam cina ni kat Malaysia. Mostly cina2 kenape la perangai camni...

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Post time 16-4-2012 07:33 PM | Show all posts
Traffic cop denies assaulting wireman
Zahedi said the complainant, after lodging a report on April 13, had yet to turn up for questioning despite repeated calls from the police.

“So without his statement, it’s very difficult for us to investigate. The whole thing is hanging. We need his side of the story, how it happened, why it happened, so on,” he added.

Magika Post at 16-4-2012 18:49

Nampak sangat saja carik pasal.... Polis nak mintak information ko x pegi, buat press conference bleh pulak...

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Post time 16-4-2012 08:38 PM | Show all posts
instruct je UTK tembak mati Mr Aw tu..... closed case maaaaa.... hatipun manyiak sinang ooooo........

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