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Bukti tuhan tidak wujud
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cuba korang buktikan yg sebaliknya
LOL , yg ko bagi bukan bukti tapi pendapat aje.
Kalo macam tu , ni lagi bagus
Ha ha .... ko kena lagi mat slow
If an unfinished shoe left in the middle of the desert sparks a shoemaker, what of the thinking humans in a speck of the universe sparks of?
Baik ko simplify sikit .... mat slow tu bukan paham
Kalo meroyan bagaikan janda gila talak .... mat slow tu champion lah
Saya nak jemput TT ikut saya ikut ke rumah yang ada jin...nanti kita biarkan dia duduk dalam rumah tu sorang2 tengah malam pukul 12:00am gelap gelita tak ada letrik...nanti kita tengok terkencing ke tidak...alangkan kewujudan jin syaitan iblis ni pun susah nak diceritakan kecuali mereka yang pernah mengalaminya inikan pula tentang kewujudan Allah swt...sebab tu dalam rukun iman 5 ghaib dan uma satu yakni percaya kpd kitab-al quran yang nyata...maknanya percaya kpd yg ghaib adalah rukun iman di dalam islam...namun semua itu ada dalam al-quran yang nyata..
Seperti juga akan kewujudan arus elektrik di dalam kabel elektrik tak nampak tapi cuba pegang kabel tu baru ada akal iya tak? Atheis ini semua nak kena dibuktikan baru nak percaya...nanti dah masuk dalam lubang kubur kena tibai dengn malaikat baru nak percaya dah terlambat... |
Edited by Hujatul_Jihad at 24-7-2016 01:07 PM
kalau ko terjun bangunan tak mati, baru tuhan tu wujud
apa kata ko tangkap jin tu dan jual..... kaya wey
sam1528 replied at 24-7-2016 12:35 PM
LOL , yg ko bagi bukan bukti tapi pendapat aje.
Kalo macam tu , ni lagi bagus
Seribu like dari aku.. |
Hujatul_Jihad replied at 24-7-2016 05:59 AM
cuba korang buktikan yg sebaliknya
Kebijaksanaan otak geliga ko pun dah buktikan Tuhan itu wujud. Tak ada saintiscdi dunia yg dapat menciptakan Acong yg berkarisma.. |
sendu ja...boring... |
Erti kata lain ko takut lah dgn cadangan bro mohdshahril2000
kewujudan @sam1528 adalah antara bukti tuhan tidak wujud
For the 2nd time :
Ko takut ke dgn cadangan bro mohdshahril2000
Yes or No ?
- yes : lets do it
- no : ko pengecut
kewujudan aku membuktikan tuhan tidak wujud
Ha ha ko meroyan bagai janda gila talak. Ko langsung takut nak jawab .... ada daaa mat slow
For the 3rd time :
Ko takut ke dgn cadangan bro mohdshahril2000?
Yes or No ?
- yes : lets do it
- no : ko pengecut
Hujatul_Jihad replied at 25-7-2016 04:05 PM
kewujudan aku membuktikan tuhan tidak wujud
Salah tu. Kewujudan ko lah buktinya Tuhan ada.. |
En Mohd Sharil
acong tu penakuit ; kalau dia kata dia tak percayakan eniti ghaib dalam yg bukan wujud dalam spectrum bolehnampak pengilhatan manusia dia dsepatutnya sahut cabaran awak ni
tak begitu Acong, acong takut
wa percaya tohan tu wujud.
Thanks to fother mucker kerana buka minda wa.
Sirius, The God * Dog Star
The effect of Sirian energy and influences generated during 1993 / 1994 (the last cycle when Sirius A and B were closest), created renewed interest in this most influential heavenly body. The history books and religions of the world have had much to say about the God * Dog star. This article reflects on our ancestors' beliefs and inspired insights into a great mystery ~ the mystery of the Dog Star and its influences on our little corner of the universe.
Sirius was an object of wonder and veneration to all ancient peoples throughout human history. In the ancient Vedas this star was known as the Chieftain's star; in other Hindu writings, it is referred to as Sukra, the Rain God, or Rain Star. The Dog Star is also described as, "he who awakens the gods of the air, and summons them to their office of bringing the rain."
By the ancient Egyptians, Sirius was revered as the Nile Star, or Star of Isis. Its annual appearance just before dawn at the June 21 solstice, heralded the coming rise of the Nile, upon which Egyptian agriculture depended. This particular helical rising is referred to in many temple inscriptions, wherein the star is known as the Divine Sepat, identified as the soul of Isis.
For example, in the temple of Isis-Hathor at Dedendrah, Egypt, appears the inscription, "Her majesty Isis shines into the temple on New Year's Day, and she mingles her light with that of her father on the horizon." The Arabic word Al Shi'ra resembles the Greek, Roman, and Egyptian names suggesting a common origin in Sanskrit, in which the name Surya, the Sun God, simply means the "shining one."
For up to 35 days before and 35 days after our sun conjuncts the star Sirius ~ close to July 4 ~ it is hidden by the sun’s glare. The ancient Egyptians refused to bury their dead during the 70 days Sirius was hidden from view because it was believed Sirius was the doorway to the afterlife, and the doorway was thought to be closed during this yearly period.
In mythology the dog Sirius is one of the watchmen of the Heavens, fixed in one place at the bridge of the Milky Way, keeping guard over the abyss into incarnation. Its namesake the Dog Star is a symbol of power, will and steadfastness of purpose, exemplifying the initiate who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness.
Located just below the Dog Star is the constellation called Argo, the Ship. Astrologically this region in the sky has been known as the River of Stars, gateway to the ocean of higher consciousness.
The Chinese recognized this area as the bridge between heaven and hell ~ the bridge of the gatherer, the judge. In the higher mind are gathered the results of the experiences of the personality.
Between each life the Soul judges its past progress, and also the conditions needed to aid its future growth. As long as it is attached to desire, sensation, and needs experiences, the Soul continues to come into incarnation. Until it is perfected, the Soul cannot pass over, or through, the Bridge.
The association of Sirius as a celestial dog has been consistent throughout the classical world; even in remote China, the star was identified as a heavenly wolf. In ancient Chaldea (present day Iraq) the star was known as the "Dog Star that Leads," or it was called the "Star of the Dog." In Assyria, it was said to be the "Dog of the Sun." In still older Akkadia, it was named the "Dog Star of the Sun."
In Greek times Aratus referred to Canis Major as the guard dog of Orion, following on the heels of its master and standing on its hind legs with alpha star Sirius carried in its jaws. The concept of the mind slaying the real can be seen in the tales which relate the dog as the hunter and killer ~ the hound from hell.
Manilius called Canis Major the "dog with the blazing face." Also called the Large Dog, Sirius appears to cross the sky in pursuit of the Hare, represented by the constellation Lepus under Orion's feet.
Mythologists such as Eratosthenes said that the constellation represents Laelaps, a dog so swift that no prey could escape it. Laelaps had a long list of owners. One story says it is the dog given by Zeus to Europa, whose son Minos, King of Crete, passed it on to Procris, daughter of Cephalus. The dog was presented to Procris along with a javelin that could never miss. Ironically, Cephalus accidentally killed her while out hunting with Laelaps.
Cephalus inherited the dog and took it with him to Thebes, north of Athens, where a vicious fox was ravaging the countryside. The fox was so swift that it was destined never to be caught ~ yet Laelaps the hound was destined to catch whatever it pursued.
Off they went, almost faster than the eye could follow, the inescapable dog in pursuit of the uncatchable fox. At one moment the dog would seem to have its prey within grasp, but could only close its jaws on thin air as the fox raced ahead of it again. There could be no resolution of such a paradox, so Zeus turned them both to stone and placed the dog in the sky without the fox.
In the Chinese tradition, there is a remarkable analogy in the double meaning of the word Spirit and the word Sing (star). Shin and Sing, the Chinese words for soul and essence, are often interchangeable, as they are in the English language.
It is said that the fixed stars, and their domain, contain the essences or souls of matter ... a living soul is a higher essence of matter, and when evolved may also be called a star. These stars and essences become gods.
Like souls, stars are regarded as having divine attributes. Stars look down from regions of chaotic, violent, purity onto the world of humanity and influence the energies of humankind invisibly, yet most powerfully.
In June of 1993, as our sun covered Sirius from the Earth's view, the largest flood of the past century occurred. The waters of the Mississippi, the Nile River of the U.S., overflowed its banks. The flood that year continued until the middle of August. When Sirius re-appeared from behind the sun, the flood waters receded and the immediate life-threatening crisis subsided. Could this have been a reflection of the great rivers of energies streaming out from Sirius?
Edited by monyet_2015 at 25-7-2016 05:49 PM
sebenarnya mwngikut pengetahuan aku semua silap agama silap athies pun silap..
agama silap sebab menyembah tuhan..
athies silap sebab tak percaya kewujudan.
tuhan wujud sebenarnya..
contph kereta..
siapa tuhan kereta? tuhan kereta adalah manusia..inilah bukti tuhan wujud pencipta kereta adalah manusia...manuaia adalah tuhan..apakah kereta perlu sembah manusia? jawapannya tidak.
sebenarnya penciptaan manusia pun sama konsep dengan penciptaan kereta..
pencipta manusia adalah alien anunnaki..tapi manusia tak perlu sembah alien tu. |
Edited by sam1528 at 25-7-2016 08:59 PM
changepassword replied at 25-7-2016 08:02 PM
wa percaya tohan tu wujud.
Thanks to fother mucker kerana buka minda wa.
Sirius, The God * Dog Star
The effect of Sirian energy and influences generated during 1993 / 1994 (the last cycle when Sirius A and B were closest), created renewed interest in this most influential heavenly body. The history books and religions of the world have had much to say about the God * Dog star. This article reflects on our ancestors' beliefs and inspired insights into a great mystery ~ the mystery of the Dog Star and its influences on our little corner of the universe.
Sirius was an object of wonder and veneration to all ancient peoples throughout human history. In the ancient Vedas this star was known as the Chieftain's star; in other Hindu writings, it is referred to as Sukra, the Rain God, or Rain Star. The Dog Star is also described as, "he who awakens the gods of the air, and summons them to their office of bringing the rain."
By the ancient Egyptians, Sirius was revered as the Nile Star, or Star of Isis. Its annual appearance just before dawn at the June 21 solstice, heralded the coming rise of the Nile, upon which Egyptian agriculture depended. This particular helical rising is referred to in many temple inscriptions, wherein the star is known as the Divine Sepat, identified as the soul of Isis.
For example, in the temple of Isis-Hathor at Dedendrah, Egypt, appears the inscription, "Her majesty Isis shines into the temple on New Year's Day, and she mingles her light with that of her father on the horizon." The Arabic word Al Shi'ra resembles the Greek, Roman, and Egyptian names suggesting a common origin in Sanskrit, in which the name Surya, the Sun God, simply means the "shining one."
For up to 35 days before and 35 days after our sun conjuncts the star Sirius ~ close to July 4 ~ it is hidden by the sun’s glare. The ancient Egyptians refused to bury their dead during the 70 days Sirius was hidden from view because it was believed Sirius was the doorway to the afterlife, and the doorway was thought to be closed during this yearly period.
In mythology the dog Sirius is one of the watchmen of the Heavens, fixed in one place at the bridge of the Milky Way, keeping guard over the abyss into incarnation. Its namesake the Dog Star is a symbol of power, will and steadfastness of purpose, exemplifying the initiate who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness.
Located just below the Dog Star is the constellation called Argo, the Ship. Astrologically this region in the sky has been known as the River of Stars, gateway to the ocean of higher consciousness.
The Chinese recognized this area as the bridge between heaven and hell ~ the bridge of the gatherer, the judge. In the higher mind are gathered the results of the experiences of the personality.
Between each life the Soul judges its past progress, and also the conditions needed to aid its future growth. As long as it is attached to desire, sensation, and needs experiences, the Soul continues to come into incarnation. Until it is perfected, the Soul cannot pass over, or through, the Bridge.
The association of Sirius as a celestial dog has been consistent throughout the classical world; even in remote China, the star was identified as a heavenly wolf. In ancient Chaldea (present day Iraq) the star was known as the "Dog Star that Leads," or it was called the "Star of the Dog." In Assyria, it was said to be the "Dog of the Sun." In still older Akkadia, it was named the "Dog Star of the Sun."
In Greek times Aratus referred to Canis Major as the guard dog of Orion, following on the heels of its master and standing on its hind legs with alpha star Sirius carried in its jaws. The concept of the mind slaying the real can be seen in the tales which relate the dog as the hunter and killer ~ the hound from hell.
Manilius called Canis Major the "dog with the blazing face." Also called the Large Dog, Sirius appears to cross the sky in pursuit of the Hare, represented by the constellation Lepus under Orion's feet.
Mythologists such as Eratosthenes said that the constellation represents Laelaps, a dog so swift that no prey could escape it. Laelaps had a long list of owners. One story says it is the dog given by Zeus to Europa, whose son Minos, King of Crete, passed it on to Procris, daughter of Cephalus. The dog was presented to Procris along with a javelin that could never miss. Ironically, Cephalus accidentally killed her while out hunting with Laelaps.
Cephalus inherited the dog and took it with him to Thebes, north of Athens, where a vicious fox was ravaging the countryside. The fox was so swift that it was destined never to be caught ~ yet Laelaps the hound was destined to catch whatever it pursued.
Off they went, almost faster than the eye could follow, the inescapable dog in pursuit of the uncatchable fox. At one moment the dog would seem to have its prey within grasp, but could only close its jaws on thin air as the fox raced ahead of it again. There could be no resolution of such a paradox, so Zeus turned them both to stone and placed the dog in the sky without the fox.
In the Chinese tradition, there is a remarkable analogy in the double meaning of the word Spirit and the word Sing (star). Shin and Sing, the Chinese words for soul and essence, are often interchangeable, as they are in the English language.
It is said that the fixed stars, and their domain, contain the essences or souls of matter ... a living soul is a higher essence of matter, and when evolved may also be called a star. These stars and essences become gods.
Like souls, stars are regarded as having divine attributes. Stars look down from regions of chaotic, violent, purity onto the world of humanity and influence the energies of humankind invisibly, yet most powerfully.
In June of 1993, as our sun covered Sirius from the Earth's view, the largest flood of the past century occurred. The waters of the Mississippi, the Nile River of the U.S., overflowed its banks. The flood that year continued until the middle of August. When Sirius re-appeared from behind the sun, the flood waters receded and the immediate life-threatening crisis subsided. Could this have been a reflection of the great rivers of energies streaming out from Sirius?
Naaah. The article is nothing. Just labelling of stars and the effect on earth's atmosphere. Well known
Nothing impressive.
Oops , ko paham ke artikel tersebut?
Ini impressive , dari sudut sains :
The fact is our universe permits physical, interactive life only because these, and many other numbers, have been independently and exquisitely balanced on a razor's edge.
What is the best explanation for this astounding phenomenon? There are three live options. The fine-tuning of the universe is due to either physical necessity, chance, or design. Which of these options is the most plausible?
According to this alternative (physical necessity), the universe must be life-permitting. The precise values of these constants and quantities could not be otherwise. But is this plausible? Is a life-prohibiting universe impossible? Far from it! It's not only possible; it's far more likely than a life-permitting universe. The constants and quantities are not determined by the laws of nature. There's no reason or evidence to suggest that fine-tuning is necessary.
How about chance? Did we just get really, really, really, really lucky? No. The probabilities involved are so ridiculously remote as to put the fine-tuning well beyond the reach of chance. So, in an effort to keep this option alive, some have gone beyond empirical science and opted for a more speculative approach known as the multiverse. They imagine a universe generator that cranks out such a vast number of universes that, odds are, life-permitting universes will eventually pop out. However, there's no scientific evidence for the existence of this multiverse. It cannot be detected, observed, measured, or proved. And the universe generator, itself, would require an enormous amount of fine-tuning!
Oops ... ko boleh paham ke? Ni dlm english ... ko buta sains & tak paham english
Cuba ko cerita sikit , apa probabillity kalo fine tuning jadi secara rawak?
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