Bohemian Rhapsody is an upcoming biographical drama film written by Anthony McCarten. It focuses on a 15-year period from the formation of Queen and lead singer Freddie Mercury up to their performance at Live Aid in 1985, six years before Mercury's death. The film stars Rami Malek as Mercury, with Ben Hardy, Gwilym Lee, Joseph Mazzello, Allen Leech, and Lucy Boynton in supporting roles.
Bohemian Rhapsody is a foot-stomping celebration of Queen, their music and their extraordinary lead singer Freddie Mercury. Freddie defied stereotypes and shattered convention to become one of the most beloved entertainers on the planet. The film traces the meteoric rise of the band through their iconic songs and revolutionary sound. They reach unparalleled success, but in an unexpected turn Freddie, surrounded by darker influences, shuns Queen in pursuit of his solo career. Having suffered greatly without the collaboration of Queen, Freddie manages to reunite with his bandmates just in time for Live Aid. Facing a life-threatening illness, Freddie leads the band in one of the greatest performances in the history of rock music. Queen cements a legacy that continues to inspire outsiders, dreamers and music lovers to this day.
In Theaters November 2, 2018
Cast: Rami Malek, Lucy Boynton, Gwilym Lee, Ben Hardy, Joseph Mazzello, Aiden Gillen, Tom Hollander, and Mike Myers
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Sacha Baron Cohen was the original choice to play Freddie Mercury.
Director Bryan Singer was fired by 20th Century Fox on 5 December 2017. He was reported being missing during filming.
Rami Malek complained to the studio, charging Singer with not being present on set, unreliability and unprofessionalism.
Due to the clash, it was said that Bryan throwed an object to Rami.
It was also reported that Singer is dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder because of the set’s tense atmosphere and the sex allegations made to him in a seperate case. Finally Bryan Singer was replaced with another director.
Mike Myers has joined the cast in a mysterious role.