Tully is an upcoming American comedy-drama film directed by Jason Reitman and written by Diablo Cody. The film stars Charlize Theron, Mackenzie Davis, Mark Duplass and Ron Livingston, and follows the friendship of a mother of three and her babysitter. The film premiered at the 2018 Sundance Film Festival. Rotten Tomatoes 89% IMDB 6.8/10 IndieWire 3.5/5
Marlo is a New York suburbanite who's about to give birth to her third child. Her husband, Ron, is loving and works hard, but remains clueless about the demands that motherhood puts on his wife. When the baby is born, Marlo's wealthy brother hires a nighttime nanny named Tully to help his sister handle the workload. Hesitant at first, Marlo soon learns to appreciate all that Tully does -- forming a special bond with her new, lifesaving friend.
@mat_arof ni pun calon best actress oscar gak . kisah psl acik tak rancang keluarga smpi termengandung tanpa sengaja. sbb tak tahan dgn suami plak amik ringan, dia hire org gaji tolong tengokkan anak2 kecil.
padahal bukan org gaji dia tapi diri dia sendiri masa muda2..
dia halusinasi..
yg buat keje2 umah semua diri dia sendiri tp dia ingat nanny muda yg bantu..