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Palestine - who owns it?
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From what I can gather from the Internet, these are the facts.
1. Palestine in its entirety is actually made up of Jordan, Israel,Palestine(current definition of remaining lands).
2. Historically, God gave the land of Palestine to the Jews (they had to kill quite alot of people to get it).
3. Then came the Roman Empire who took over the area and drove out the most of the JEWs who migrated mainly to europe to escape persecution.
4. Then the Ottoman Empire overtook the area until 19 century during which time a lot of ARABs have migrated to the area to fill the void that the JEWs have left behind. The Ottoman Empire also converted alot of the palestines to Islam during its occupation.
5. Then the UN took over the area and asked Britain and France to oversee Palestine as a whole(read colonise).
6.Resistance groups(terrorists?) begin to emerge about the ARAB sector as well as the Jewish sector, giving major head-ache to the occupiers. Eventually, Britain and France withdrew from the area with the UNs blessing.
7.The UN divided the Palestine state into a)Jordan and Palestine(there is no Israel yet).
8. During this time, persecution of Jews in Europe forced rich jewish group to begin thinking about their own state. As they do not have a political leverage to TAKE any land as their own, they began buying up the Palestinian land to form the Israel state. During this time there were 100,000 jews and 600,000 Arabs
9. Internal conflict between Palestinian Arabs and Jews began, an seeing this the UN through a special resolution decided to separate the Arabs and the Jews to their respective sectors. The Arabs did not accept this resolution and there was a short war between Palestinian Arabs and Jewish sector, at this time there were 600,000 jews to 1.2 million Arabs.
11.On winning the war, Israel declared their independance. Immediately the next day, 3 surrounding Arab countries declared war on Israel and attacked the tiny state within a few days.
12. As history shows Israel won the war.
Please excuse if time and date not shown.
[ Last edited by nightlord on 12-9-2004 at 11:25 PM ] |
Yeah great link. Thanks.
So Palestine belong to the Jews.
nightlord |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
Cut the story short. It doesn't matter to whom had God given the land to. It doesn't matter who was the original occupier. It also doesn't matter who is the majority of the land later on. It is all history which is irrelevant to begin with!
If a land is rightly owned by someone who owns it beforehand than the latter never own the land, that makes Red Indians deserves America, the Aborigines the right of Australia and Orang Asli the rightful owner of our country. What matters most is a land lived & ruled by a mixture of the people. Palestine was meant to be ruled by a government that consists of mixture of race. Arabs refuse to share. That is where the problem lies.
The way things are developing might see Palestine wiped out from the face of the earth. Sharon IMO is playing a good chess. Watch this space.
After the expulsion of the Jews, Israel (renamed Palaistina) was never owned by the Jews and Arabs. It was owned by the Romans, Egyptian Mamluks, Ottomans then British. The region called Palestine was empty of population. Barren. Arabs had been moving in and out like nomads. There were only some 180k native Jews & Arabs(Christians & Muslims) lived there in 1882.
Until Zionist urged Jews to return to its ancestral homeland based on this backdrop of scarce population and rising anti-semitism in Europe, Arabs never shown interest with the land. Picture of the mosque in Jerusalem in 1880s showed a dilapidated place of worship. The Jews first came with a dream of making the desert bloom then employed the Arabs for the job. The unthinkable happened in 1930s. Holocaust begins. After WW2, Jews are fleeing and influx of Jews sparked Arabs to swarm in from all sides of the direction especially Jordan. The hostility begins.
When United Nations and British wash their hands off, Jews had to proclaimed its own state to safeguard its interest. UN never partitioned Palestine due to its Arab members. Arabs took the gamble and they lost it.
What is important now is to set up Palestine FIRST. If there's no official state and boundary, it leaves Israel under extremists the chance to expand. This I can never understand. Perhaps Arafat is good friend of Israel. Amazingly, Muslims chose to push all the blame on Jews never on Palestinian leadership.
Who owns the land? Jews & Arabs. |
The Arabs are losing the intifada. They came out worst than when they started it. Thats the whole problem with these people, they always think that violence and lying is the solution. They are so fixed on it they don't see the big picture. Its sad that even the Muslims in Msia are so stupid to buy into that Arab mentality just because they happen to be of the same religion. Thats the result of all this Arab cultural imperialism over Malays. |
Originally posted by Debmey at 13-9-2004 08:40 AM:
The Arabs are losing the intifada. They came out worst than when they started it. Thats the whole problem with these people, they always think that violence and lying is the solution. They are so f ...
That's SO true Bro Debmey...It's a shame they didnt even realized it..
[ Last edited by Seraphim on 13-9-2004 at 12:20 PM ] |
KENNKID This user has been deleted
"I would personally recommend for some civilized country to send their Air
Force to bomb the Jewish settlements, dismantle the racist State of Israel,
and return the Palestinian refugees to their homes in Palestine with
financial compensation and full citizenship rights. While Zionist criminals
should face Guantanamo, the most Islamic way to deal with the Israeli public
would be a general amnesty. Either Jews should apply for Palestinian
citizenship, or they should leave. Palestinians and their well-wishers
should stop begging for a "state." All of historical Palestine belongs to
the Palestinians. The Israeli Wall is proof that compromising with racists
is not an option. For all those who strive with their lives and with their
possessions in the cause of Allah, bearing witness to the Truth that Allah
is One, who are not fighting for a nationalist cause but for a future free
of artificial national borders and false racial identities, I pray Allah
help them."
"As for me, there was a time when I felt sorry for the Jews, but those days are over. Israel supporters are not stupid. They are satanic. What kind of person moves onto property when he knows the previous owners were forced off by gunpoint and made homeless?
As long as Zionists continue to buy and sell stolen property in Israel like some kind of criminal mafia, I don't think it is reasonable to expect that Jews should feel free to live in Israel and think they should not be killed." |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
There was no Palestine to begin with. Palestine was never owned by the Arabs. The was no Palestinian as distinct identity until Jordan and Egypt relinquish control of Gaza & West Bank.
The Zionist did not rob the land. Arabs chose to leave Israel to allow Arab League army to invade. How can these little traitors be allowed to return back into Israel for their betrayal? Any countries in the world would not accept traitors. Stop twisting around! Time to condemn your Muslim brethrens! |
KENNKID This user has been deleted
"No American or Israeli (or whoever) has the moral authority to judge the
Palestinians, most of whom have no passports and are not allowed to live
legally anyplace on earth. It actually appears that the Jewish community
demonizes Arabs out of a neurotic need to perceive themselves as victims,
even when this defies logic. Apparently, they want Palestinians to kill them.
Jews only feel comfortable when they are surrounded by people who want
them dead. It may be that they need us to force them to give up the
concept of the Jewish State to help them save face. They will leave Israel,
but they can't do it by agreeing to it in a rational way. They can't just admit
they were wrong and give back the stolen property. They can't just admit
that non - Jews are their human equals and give them equal rights and live
in peace. They need to preserve the sense that the world wants to mass
murder them, without which they lose their sense of identity. They need us
to help them leave with their victimhood intact." |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
most of whom have no passports and are not allowed to live legally
Pathetic. Why do this to yourself? Palestine was under British Mandate. Immigration of Jews were controlled by the British whereas Arabs came in illegally without passport. So, would you be giving the same contempt for these people? Hypocrite! |
I see that Kennkid has refused to read the historical facts laid out for all to see.
He thinks that just because he shouts a lie a thousand tinmes, it automatically becomes true.
Well the truth is out that Israel does not belong to Arabs. More and more people are finding out the truth for themselves, even among Muslims. All because guys like Admiral and me bother to tell the truth out on the net and the voice is getting louder as more people catch on. |
KENNKID This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Debmey at 2004-9-13 02:35 PM:
I see that Kennkid has refused to read the historical facts laid out for all to see.
He thinks that just because he shouts a lie a thousand tinmes, it automatically becomes true.
Well the truth i ...
Shouting a lie a thousand times hoping that they automatically become true is your tactic and your trademark ~ don't hurl it at others. Even the Jews (see below) know that you're bluffing :blah:
Prominent Jews living in London have publicly renounced their right to Israeli residency and citizenship because of the Israeli government's "barbaric" policies towards Palestinians.
In an open letter to a national newspaper today, 45 Jewish-raised poets, writers, film producers, academics and businessmen say it is morally wrong that they are bestowed citizenship rights while others are terrorised or forced to flee their homeland. Led by writer and poet Michael Rosen, the signatories say they were all born and raised outside Israel but will only ever consider living there if the rights of the Palestinians are respected. |
Kenkid wake and smell the coffee....mmm. think I'll have a cup too.:cak:
45 Jews who does not like what is happening there is hardly a consensus. It is like saying,
"Nightlord positively objects to the suicide bombings done by the palestinians and I want them to stop doing it NOW!"
Doesn't work does it.
And what has that issue to do with land rights of either side.
Now lets use a simple analogy so you can understand what is happening,
Lets say the old Palestine(ie Jordan, Israel, present day Palestine) was my house. During a sudden invasion of alien beings I was forced to leave my house and stayed with my brother for a couple of years. During which time , you came and stayed in my house as it was not locked. The two years later I said to you that I just want to buy back my store room so I can live there. And you said OK. So I did.
Then you said no I have changed my mind you cannot stay here any longer. And you start a fight with me.
Now question is,
1. Is the house mine or yours.
2. I now only occupy and own the store-room as I am not laying claim to the rest of the house.
3. You start a fight because you fear that I may want back the rest of the house.
Currently, the jews only own less than 20% of their ancestral land, the major part being Jordan.
And you still say they should leave?
nightlord |
i don't believe in who's owns the lands or who's not,It's about time that the Palestinian recognise the Israeli's border and the Israeli's to accept the existance of Palestinians.Both leaders are still debating on the border issues and some other major factors.Some reports from both sides shows some of both Israel and Palestinians people are really fed up with the never ending cycle of violence.I'm sure they can co-exist in peace again when the time comes.:tq: |
Originally posted by nightlord at 2004-9-15 01:09 AM:
Kenkid wake and smell the coffee....mmm. think I'll have a cup too.:cak:
45 Jews who does not like what is happening there is hardly a consensus. It is like saying,
"Nightlord positively ...
the HARDfact remains britain made forked tongue promises to the arabs then to outcast imported jews. if britain had not done so, the israeli PALESTINIAN conflict would never have happened 
peacer |
Originally posted by nightlord at 2004-9-12 01:24 PM:
From what I can gather from the Internet, these are the facts.
1. Palestine in its entirety is actually made up of Jordan, Israel,Palestine(current definition of remaining lands).
2. Historic ...
the HARDquestion is wot did un divide so that israel can exist? anyone? 
peace |
Originally posted by wira_melayu at 2004-9-15 02:28 AM:
i don't believe in who's owns the lands or who's not,It's about time that the Palestinian recognise the Israeli's border and the Israeli's to accept th ...
if outcast imported jews had not built 800 km apartheid wall zig zag 6 km deep inside occupied PALESTINIAN territories, if they had not built some 200 illegal jewish settlements in occupied PALESTINIAN territories, if they had not genocide thousands PALESTINIAN innocents along with hamas, if they had not destroyed PALESTINE along with hamas' homes, israel PALESTINIAN conflict wouldnt have aggravated 
peace |
KENNKID This user has been deleted
If an Insect Falls in Your Cup of Coffee, what would you do?
Here is one analysis:
1. The Englishman: Throws the cup away and walks out of the cafe.
2. The American: Takes the insect out and drinks the coffee.
3. The Chinese: Eats the insect and throws the coffee away.
4. The Besieged Palestinian: Drinks the coffee and the insect.
5. The Israeli:
*Sells the coffee to the American and the insect to the Chinese.
*Screams that his security is in peril.
*Accuses the Palestinians of throwing the insect in his coffee.
*Alleges that Hizbullah, the Syrians and the Iranians advocate attacks with weapons of mass insects.
* Relates this vicious attack to Islamic Terrorism, Attacks on Human Rights, Anti- Semites, the Holocaust, the Diaspora, the Discrimination against Noah's Ark.
*Commands Arafat to immediately stop insects from flying in the air or landing in coffee cups.
* Re-occupies the West Bank and Gaza, razes houses, cuts off water and electricity, humiliates and terrorizes civilians, kills or maims anyone in his way.
*Imposes more military aid on the American.
* Demands a 100-year, billion-dollar, loan from America to buy another cup of coffee.
*Claims life-time free coffee from the cafe as compensation.:lol
Source : Unknown
[ Last edited by KENNKID on 20-9-2004 at 06:08 PM ] |
huh u miss out somethin..
the muslim terrorists
* bomb the cup of coffee and the fly
* claim that the insects are allying with the americans and jews to plot their downfall
* strap themselves with explosives and kill every insect and kafir in sight
* claim that god ordered them to do so
how bout that for a joke.
[ Last edited by lovebuzz on 20-9-2004 at 07:01 PM ] |
Well sonny, the zig zag walls are not an apartheid tool(which means you discriminate by race) but a simple wall that separate the illogical suicide bombers from the non violent everyday people in Israel.
Imagine Sonny, you in a bus and this heavy looking palestinian woman boards your bus, you definitely will think twice before letting her on.
The reason the Palestinians are protesting is simply this, there is now way a Palestinian now can cross the physical boundary to get work and money without having a pass and crossing a check point.
In other words, with the wall up no one can work in Israel without a working permit. AND THERE IS HARDLY ANY WORK IN PALESTINE.
So the protest is about cutting them off financially, not because they think it discriminates them by race.
nightlord |
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