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Semua Pasal Dinosaur[merged:sephia_liza, Sephiroth ]

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Post time 14-1-2006 12:05 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
hmmm...bley sesaper tau asal usul dinosaur....aper bukti kewujudannyer...mcm maner dier pupus...aku masih keliru ler pasai kewujudan dinosaur nih...mari kiter bincang weit...

[ Last edited by  fleurzsa at 24-6-2006 10:31 AM ]



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Post time 14-1-2006 08:37 AM | Show all posts
Dinasour ni memang ujud.  Bukti nyata ialah tulang tulang dinasoaur yang banyak dijumpai. Some of them represent complete skeleton of a full dinosaur



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Post time 14-1-2006 04:21 PM | Show all posts
kan yang diorang dapat tu tulang je .. camne diorang leh design rupa sebenar dinosaur ?

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Post time 15-1-2006 12:35 PM | Show all posts
Dari tulang2 tu paleontologist dan artis dapat buat andaian tepat bagaimana urat2 melekat ke tulang dan seterusnya membuat 'isi dinosaur....teknik yang sama dguna untuk mengesan mayat mangsa jenayah yang telah reput dan juga tokoh zaman silam seperti Firaun Tutankhamun'



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Post time 16-1-2006 04:09 PM | Show all posts

Recent news...

Adalah dipercayai dengan penemuan baru-baru ini bahawa Tyrannosaurus Rex atau lebih dikenali sbg T-Rex adalah BUKAN dinosaur Pemangsa ( Predator ) cth: Rimau, Singa dsb; tetapi lebih kepada dinasour Pembangkai ( Scavanger ) cth: Hyena, Vulture dsb

Kajian adalah berdasarkan:

1)  T-Rex mempunyai saiz kaki depan (tangan) yg kecil & langsung tak boleh digunakan utk menangkap mangsa

2) Nisbah saiz tulang Peha dan Betis yang membuktikan bahawa T-Rex adalah seekor dinasor yang lang langsung tak boleh berlari ( slow runner or just a "walker" ) utk mengejar mangsa

3) Dgan kaki depan yang kecil, TAK MUNGKIN, diulangi TAK MUNGKIN  T-Rex dpt bangun kembali sekiranya terjatuh dalam aksi kejar-mengejar mangsanya itu... Itupun kalau T-Rex mampu berkejar-kejaran

any comments?



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 Author| Post time 16-1-2006 11:34 PM | Show all posts
aku pelik tol ler...aku ader nengok dokumentari pasai dino nih...diorg amat senang utk embuat andaian....cumer yg aku pelik aderkah andaian diorg tuh samaada mg benar2 atau tidak....hmmmmmm...wallahualam..

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Post time 17-1-2006 07:38 AM | Show all posts
dinosaur nih wujud zaman nabi adam atau pon sebelum ?

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Post time 17-1-2006 11:27 AM | Show all posts
Sedikit mengenai dinosaur

1. Dinosaur merupakan haiwan dominan di Bumi antara 65 juta hingga 230 juta tahun dahulu.

2. Rupa dinosaur adalah seakan mamalia atau burung. Dipercayai beberapa spesis reptilia dan spesis burung adalah 'dinosaur' yang masih hidup.

3. Maklumat mengenai dinosaur didapati melalui kajian rekod fosil dan buka fosil seperti fosil tulang, najis, kesan tapak kaki, bulu, kesan kulit dibatu, organ dalaman dan tisu lembut.

4. Fosil dinosaur ditemui disemua benua termasuk Antartika.

5. Superorder 'dinosaur' direka oleh Richard Owen pada tahun 1842. Perkataan 'dinosaur' berasal dari perkataan Greek 'deinos' (terrible, great atau formidable) dan 'saoros' (reptilia atau lizard).

6. Dinosaur yang paling besar dan paling kecil mungkin tidak dapat dipastikan lagi secara sahih. Ini kerana, tidak semua dinosaur menjadi fosil dan masih banyak lagi fosil yang belum ditemui.

7. Buat masa ini, dinosaur terbesar (berdasarkan fosil lengkap) ialah Brachiousaurus. Contoh fosil yang berada di Muzium Berlin adalah setinggi 12 meter dan beratnya dianggar antara 30,000 - 60,000 kg.

8. Dinosaur terpanjang yang ditemui setakat ini ialah Diploducus sepanjang 27 meter.

9.  Berdasarkan fosil tidak lengkap, dinosaur terbesar ialah Argentinosaurus dengan berat antara 80,000 hingga 100,000kg; Dinosaur terpanjang ialah Supersaurus dengan panjang 40meter dan tertinggi ialah Sauroposeidon dengan ketinggian 18meter. Hanay ikan paus biru yang lebih besar dari gergasi2 ini dengan berat  sehingga 190,000 kg dan panjang 33.5 meter

10. Dinosaur terkecil adalah sebesar gagak atau ayam seperti microraptor, parvicursor dan saltopus yang panjang kurang 2 kaki.

11. terdapat 3 teori kepupusan dinosaur iaitu:
a. Hentaman asteroid - Teori alvarez oleh Walter Alvarez mengatka satu pelanggaran asteroid  sebesar 10km berlaku 65 juta tahun dahulu di kawasan Semenanjung Yucatan, mexico. asteroid tersebut meghasilkan kawah yang dipoanggil Kawah Alvarez selebar 170km. Saintis berpendapat kepupusan berlaku mendadak akibat pembebasan haba melampau dari pelanggaran dan juga secara perlahan-lahan apabila bahan yang dibebsakan ke udara menghalang cahaya matahari dan menjadikan bumi sejuk dan tidak sesuai menjadi habitat dinosaur

b. Hentaman komet-komet - sama dengan Teori Alvarez cuma diebabkan oleh komet2 yang terkeluar dari struktur Awan Oort di luar sistem suria.

c. Perubahan alam sekitar - Pada zaman 'kegemilangan' dinosaur, suhu bumi adalah lebih panas daripada sekarang. Juga terdapat 12 kali ganda CO2 dalam atmosfera berbanding hari ini. paras oksigen juga lebih tinggi iaitu antara 32-35% berbanding 21% hari ini. Bagaimanapun, menjelang akhir zaman Cretaceous (zaman terakhir dinosaur), perubahan ketara berlaku. banayk gunung berapi menjadi tidak aktif, mengakibatkan penurangan suhu bumi serta kurang paras CO2. Begitu juga berlaku penurunan paras oksigen. Ada saintis berpendapat, sekianya dino mempunyai sitem pernafasan ma dengan burung moden, mereka tidak dapat mengadaptasi kepada perubahan kerana badan yang besar memerlukan oksigen yang lebih



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Post time 20-1-2006 09:50 AM | Show all posts

Acrocanthosaurus (ack-row-CAN-tho-SORE-us) meaning 揾igh-spined lizard

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Post time 20-1-2006 09:55 AM | Show all posts

Pteranodon (Greek for "toothless wing"), from the Late Cretaceous of Western North America, was one of the largest pterosaurs, with a wingspan of up to 7.5 m (25 feet). Unlike earlier pterosaurs such as Rhamphorhynchus and Pterodactylus, Pteranodon had a toothless beak, like a bird.

Pteranodon was notable for its skull crest. These may have been used as mating displays, or it might have acted as a rudder, or perhaps both. It has been suggested that males of the species bore larger crests, but with fossil animals it is often difficult to tell whether differences in crest shape reflect different sexes or different species.

Anatosaurus (ah-NAT-o-sawr-us) meaning "duck lizard", because of its wide, duck-like bill (Latin anato = duck + Greek sauros = lizard) is a historical hadrosaurid dinosaur genus. However, "Anatosaurus" has been found to be a junior synonym of Edmontosaurus and is now an invalid name and named by Lull & Wright, 1942. Some specimens, such as the famous mount in the New York American Museum of Natural History, differ from Edmontosaurus and have been placed in the new genus Anatotitan. As a common name, anatosaurus can refer to any dinosaur in the genera Anatotitan and Edmontosaurus.

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Post time 20-1-2006 10:03 AM | Show all posts

Camarasaurus (KAM-ah-rah-SORE-us) meaning "chambered lizard", referring to the holes in its vertebrae (Greek kamara = chamber + sauros = lizard) was a genera of quadrupedal, herbivorous dinosaurs. They are the most common of the giant sauropods to be found in North America, but only average in size, about 18 metres (60 feet) in length as adults, and weighing up to 28 tonnes (31 tons). It lived in the late Jurassic period, between 155 and 145 million years ago.

The Amargasaurus ("Amarga Lizard", formally Amargasaurus cazaui) was a sauropod dinosaur of the early Cretaceous period (120

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Post time 20-1-2006 02:27 PM | Show all posts
spesis dinosaur rdigelar ''Duck bill'' dair spesis maner ???

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Post time 20-1-2006 09:36 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by HangPC2 at 20-1-2006 01:27 PM
spesis dinosaur rdigelar ''Duck bill'' dair spesis maner ???

ni  dia  ''Duck bill'

Corythosaurus (ko-RITH-oh-sawr-us) meaning "helmet lizard" because of the shape of its crest (Greek korythos = helmet + sauros = lizard) was a duck-billed dinosaur genus from the Upper Cretaceous period, about 80 million years ago. It lived in North America.
A herbivorous dinosaur, it lived in herds and fed on low-growing plants and fruits. The beak contained no teeth, but the jaw was lined with hundreds of small, sharp teeth that were constantly replaced as they wore down and fell out.

The head crest was filled with nasal passages and probably served as a sounding device. Corythosaurus weighed in at 4 tonnes and measured 10 metres from nose to tail.

It was once thought that this dinosaur lived mostly in the water, due to the appearance of webbed hands and feet. However, it was later discovered that the so-called "webs" were in fact deflated padding, much like that found on many modern mammals.

Over 20 skulls have been found from this dinosaur, which makes it the most known of all USA抯 duck-beaked dinosaurs. Tall, hollow bone-crests are some of the characteristics of the Lambeosaurids, which this large dinosaur belonged to. It is confusing, that not all Corythosaurs had the same type of crest on their heads. The size and shape depended on the gender and age. Before that was discovered, up to seven different species were found. Now only one of them has been approved.

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 Author| Post time 21-1-2006 10:31 PM | Show all posts
ish...aku masih pelik arr...mcm maner diorg bley tau bentok ghoper dinosaur2 nih...

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Post time 28-2-2006 09:46 AM | Show all posts

Dinosaurs in Literature, Art & History

What Recorded History Tells Us About Dino's and Man

"So God created the Great Dragons"
...Genesis 1:21 The Latin Vulgate; 5th Century

Everyone agrees that stories of world wide floods similar to the Biblical Flood of Noah exist in virtually every culture. The same can be said for stories, descriptions, legends etc. concerning dragons. Evolutionists have no trouble with either of these stories, because they feel that there is a good rationalization for them.(Image: More about the Palestrina Mosaic on Page 2 of this section and the Anasazi petroglyph on Page 3)

On the other hand, those of us who do believe the Bible, and thus would expect that man and dinosaur (or dragon) co-existed in the past, would expect; and find it strange if stories concerning the flood and dinosaurs did not abound in most cultures of the past. If dinosaur and man co-existed, where there was writing, art, literature and artifacts, among them should be indications of this interaction. Dinosaurs (or dragons) would not have been very discreet neighbors.

As it turns out, there is plenty of such evidence of interaction between man and dinosaur in history, art and archeology, as believers would expect.

As late as the sixteeth and seventeenth centuries, many serious scholars were studying animal life, recording what they saw, and claiming personally to have seen dragons (dinosaurs).

Johann Johnston (1693-75), a doctor of medicine, published the celebrated: De Serpentibus et Draconibus in 1653. It featured many animals which are now extinct, all - according to the author,`carefully drawn from living models.

This in and of itself does not prove anything, however, their absence would be difficult to explain.

How many artifacts are needed to prove that man and dinosaur co-existed? It would seem to present a major difficulty for evolutionists to explain the representation in art or literature--or in artifacts of recognizable species of dinosaurs--- by ancient men who supposely had never seen one alive.

One could surmise that perhaps they had merely come across fossils, but surely, they would not have had the necessary skills to assemble them, and then to draw them or describe them as in life?

Modern scientists have themselves occasionally placed the wrong heads on skeletons or combined the bones of more than one specimen. This presents a problem if you believe in uniformism and evolution.

There is way too much "evidence" to place on one page, so deciding what proofs to represent is difficult. Textual evidence, like stories, accounts, newspaper articles and the like are plentiful, but perhaps not as persuasive as are physical evidences such as physical artifacts or pictures. There is an abundance of each, some very interesting ones on this page and the pages following.

The above quote from Jerome's Latin translation of the Bible,(Genesis 1:21) uses the word dragon, where others have used the word whales, or sea monsters.

The Hebrew word; Tanniyn is the same word that is variously translated as whales, sea monsters and jackals at various points in the new and old testaments.

It seems likely that in Jerome's time, great dragons did exist, so he could believe that that was a correct translation in Genesis and other places where the word is used. More modern translators, believing dragons to be a myth, but Genesis to be factual, have substituted other close meanings of the word--except where it obviously would not make sense contextually.

"A rather simple strategy to find Dinosaurs in history: Look for pictures, statues, carvings, or written descriptions. Attempt to associate names with them. Try to find the names in other places.

Try to obtain more descriptive material. Realize that, even as today, local names will vary. But, if you are genuinely interested, you will find dinosaurs everywhere! Europeans called them "Dragons," Chinese and Japanese called them "Lung," Scandinavians even had species names for them, including, apparently, for Tyrannosaurus Rex.

You will find the Apatosaurous/Diplodicus (they are likely the same) unmistakably described in the Bible book of Job 40 (Behemoth), as well as a large marine or carnivorous dinosaur in Job 41 (Leviathan).

Leviathan is mentioned several other times, but, ... not described again.

When you look at the problem of dinosaur extinction this way, you quickly learn, if you really want to, that large creatures with reptilian characteristics, some flying, some two-legged, some four-legged, some marine, appear in the art, sculpture, literature, chronicles, and legends of virtually every culture in world history. But none of them were called "Dinosaurs" because the word wasn't invented until the early 1800's!"..Tom Willis, CSA

The Stones of Ica"

"In widely separated areas of North and South America, construction of earth mounds and artificial shaping of hills and cliffs show familiarity on the part of the ancient artisans with animals SUPPOSEDLY EXTINCT in the Americas for thousands, and in some cases, MILLIONS OF YEARS. A great mound in Wisconsin is shaped like the outline of an elephant or mastodon . . .

Some pre-Incaic people carved the rock cliffs of the Marcahuasi Plateau of Peru into huge representations of lions, camels, and something resembling a STEGOSAURUS.

"In a small town near the Nazca lines, the narrow Ica River was eroded away along the banks, revealing several hundred carved stones that had been buried in subterranean chambers. As the water receded, the carved stones were left on the Ica's banks.

As the locals began to collect these stones, a particular image of a fish caught the eye of Dr. Javier Cabrera, the town's physician. Dr. Cabrera recognized the outlined image as that if an extinct species of fish. His curiosity peaked, he sought more of these stones. Gradually, the villagers knew that he was interested in these strange objects and so they gave him what is now his collection-- something Cabrera calls his "library"-- of stone enigmas.

The stones come in all sizes. There are small ones that can easily fit your palm and there are rocks as large as a dog. All of the stones have images that have been carved with continuous lines etched into the rock surface. The etching reveals a lighter color than the original dark varnish of age, yet the etched grooves also bear traces of this varnish, indicating that the carving was done in ancient times"....DAN EDEN

"In the vicinity of the village of Ocucaje and Ica, in Peru, a collection of rounded stones totaling perhaps 16,000 and weighing from five pounds up to huge boulders of 800 pounds has been amassed by Dr. Javier Cabrera, who has about 11,000 of them in his museum. What is unusual about these 'stones of Ica' is that they are covered with incised drawings ostensibly made by carvers of past civilizations.

[ Last edited by sephia_liza at 28-2-2006 09:49 AM ]



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Post time 28-2-2006 09:49 AM | Show all posts

Triceratops, Stegosaurs, and Pterodactyls, . . .

Even more surprisingly, human beings are portrayed as having domesticated animals that appear to be DINOSAURS and are using them for transportation and warfare. People are shown using telescopes, looking at the stars, and performing surgery" (ibid., p.193-194).Berlitz

..... these stones cannot be so easily dismissed because early Spanish reports tell that some of the stones were sent back to Spain by Spanish explorers in 1562 -- proving they are not of recent origin.

There is no rhyme or reason for them to have been "fabricated" so many centuries ago. Furthermore, the fact that they are at least several centuries old is attested to by the oxidation produced by the aging of the minerals covering the incisions of the drawings.

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Post time 28-2-2006 09:57 AM | Show all posts
The Rhamphorhynchoid Pterosaur Scaphognathus crassirostris: A "Living Fossil" Until the 17th Century

Here are a few excerpts from an excellent article by John Goertzen, M.S,.on a type of Pterasaur which flourished until the 17th century. The author presents conclusive evidence; through accurate historical descriptions, literature, ancient coins, seals and ancient drawings which indicate that this particular dinosaur, and others were actual living entities.

Author: John Goertzen Subject: Dinosaurs

"There is evidence that pterosaurs may have flown the skies a couple thousand years ago. There are numerous depictions precise enough to identify the pterosaur species, Scaphognathus crassirostris, from several cultures of antiquity. Since that species is the only long-tailed species with a head crest, it is readily identified. Written accounts provide additional information about the ecological niche of these animals and (for Luther and the scientists Alpin) details that are consistent with the pictorial iconography.

......... The S. is easily identified since it is the only long tailed pterosaur with a head crest. Both fossils, currently known, were found in the Solnhofen limestone in southern Germany and display a skeletal head crest. Because the S. is the only rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur with a head crest, ancient artifacts enable us to tell what the soft tissue of the head crest looked like and identify ancient S. representations with a high degree of confidence.

...The remarkable thing about this animal is that it was depicted in several cultures of antiquity. Artifacts identified with this interesting pterosaur species include Roman-Alexandrian coins, an Arabia-Philistia coin, a French wood carving, a German statue and coin, several Middle Ages picture maps, and an enlightening sketch of a mounted animal in Rome by the scientists Meier-shown here on the right.

A dragon was said to live in the wetlands near Rome in December, 1691. The animal lived in a cave and terrorized the local population. A sketch of the skeleton has survived in the possession of Ingegniero Cornelio Meyer. The most remarkable thing about the animal is the clear head crest and the dual piece of skin from the crest.

Five digits were clearly visible for each foot, of the proper length and with the first shorter and offset from the rest as is proper for the S.. The upper arm bone can be seen at the front of the wing as well as the hint of the prototagium (in front of the lighter colored upper arm of the near wing).

There is a hint of a wing claw on the far wing where it curves forward. The tail vane is not visible, however that is not a skeletal feature and the dermal layer does not appear to have been preserved there......"

The fuller fasinating article and additional artifacts can be found at: Scaphognathus crassirostris--Living Fossil Into the 19th Century, By John Goertzen: The Revolution Against Evolution

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Post time 28-2-2006 09:59 AM | Show all posts

Apatosaurus on Mesopotamiam Cylinder Seal

The art on the left is a Mesopotamiam Cylinder Seal from approximately 3300 B.C. (Moortgart, Anton, The Art of Ancient Mesopotamia, 1969, plate 292.) The animal on the right is an artists conception from a skeleton of an Apatasaurus. The animal on the right is an artists conception from a skeleton of an Apatosaurus. There are many striking similarities between these two animals. Those legs could not be mistaken for that of any other type of animal other than one of the saurapods.

The biggest difference is at the head. One should be reminded that this particular dino went by the name brontosauras previously and wore the wrong head for 100 years. As it is, only one purported head of the Apatosaurus has been found.

Its entirely possible that the head looked more like the one on the Mesopotamiam relief than the one on the right in the artists conception.

Cartilage forming the shape of the head and ears (which probably did not survive the years)no doubt is only suggested by the skeleton itself.

Also see the Thai version from the first century on an upcoming page. As for the musculature, in my view the trunk of the animal on the left is much more "realistic" --its drawn with more realism than is the artist rendition on the right--and again, one has to ask where the artist got the model to draw so convincingly the trunk of a saurapod?

Whatever you may think of the head, and perhaps it could be stylized or from another animal but the trunk of the body is obviously, conspicuously and unexplainably that of a sauropod.

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Post time 28-2-2006 10:03 AM | Show all posts

The Acambaro, Mexico, Figurines

Another intriguing discovery was made near Acambaro in the Mexican state of Guanajuato. In 1925 Waldemar Jusrud, a Danish storekeeper, was on an inspection tour of his ranch, when he noticed a small ceramic figurine projecting from the side of a rut in the rain-washed road.

The artifact was unlike any he had ever seen, and probing further, "he began to uncover additional models of people and animals resembling those portrayed on the Ica stones, the GIANT SUARIANS of the Jurassic period of millions of years ago" . .

Julsrud eventually was able to amass 33,000 of them. "The human figures and the animals were frequently portrayed together. Some of the DINOSAUR-LIKE REPTILES appear with women in nonviolent or nonhunting situations, as though they were domestic animals or pets.

The human figures show details of dress somewhat resembling those of the ancient Middle East: laced sandals, chain mail, shields, and a variety of weapons" (Berlitz, p.195-196). Acambaro Figurines

"The Acambaro collection comprises hundreds of clay figurines that are apparently thousands of years old; however, they depict such bizarre animals and scenes that most archaeologists dismiss them as an elaborate hoax.

The collection shows humans interacting with dinosaurs and various other monsters?such as horned men. Both Hapgood and Earl Stanley Gardner were convinced that the figurines from Acambaro were authentic ancient artifacts that indicated that men and dinosaurs had cohabited together in the recent past, and that dinosaurs had not become extinct many millions of years ago as commonly thought.

David Hatcher Childress writes a lengthy introduction concerning Acambaro, the latest testing, and other evidence of living?dinosaurs."..From Mystery In Acambaro by Charles Hapgood.

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Post time 28-2-2006 10:08 AM | Show all posts

Bel and the Dragon (From the Apocrypha)

23 Now in that place there was a great dragon, which the Babylonians revered. 24The king said to Daniel, "You cannot deny that this is a living god; so worship him." 25 Daniel said,

"I worship the Lord my God, for he is the living God. 26 But give me permission, O king, and I will kill the dragon without sword or club." The king said, "I give you permission."

27 Then Daniel took pitch, fat, and hair, and boiled them together and made cakes, which he fed to the dragon. The dragon ate them, and burst open. Then Daniel said, "See what you have been worshiping!"

28 When the Babylonians heard about it, they were very indignant and conspired against the king, saying, "The king has become a Jew; he has destroyed Bel, and killed the dragon, and slaughtered the priests."

The Doheny Expedition

Below, petroglyphs discovered by the Doheny Expedition in Hava Supai,Canyon, Arizona. The one on the left is a warning sign; a man is shown caught in the jaws of a dinosaur. On the right, is a Diplodocus.

"In October and November 1924, a scientific expedition led by Samuel Hubbard, curator of archaeology at the Oakland Museum, Charles W Gilmore, curator of vertebrate paleontology at the United States National Museum, and funded by the oil magnate about to be discredited, E. L. Doheny, went to Havasuapi

Canyon in northern Arizona to search for evidence of prehistoric man. Hubbard and Doheny had visited this area before, Doheny as a young prospector and Hubbard as a scientist.

Most of these pictographs are exposed to the weather without the suggestion of a cave or an overhanging ledge. As they are all made in much the same way one description will do for all of them.

How The Pictographs Are Made

The red sandstone contains a trace of iron. This iron, through the alchemy of unknown ages of time, forms a thin black scale on the surface of the stone, locally called the "Desert Varnish".

By taking any sharp point, such as a piece of flint, and cutting through this black surface, the red stone is revealed underneath, thus making a picture, without the use of pigment, which is practically imperishable.

The only way one of these pictographs can disappear is to weather off. They show every sign of a great antiquity, and in the thirty years they have been known to the writer there is not the slightest change noticeable.

The accompanying halftone, taken from a photograph made by Robert L. Carson of San Gabriel, California, gives a better idea of the figure than any description can possibly attempt to do. The fact that the animal is upright and balanced on its tail would seem to indicate that the prehistoric artist must have seen it alive.

Dinosaur tracks and fossils are found abundantly in the canyon.If the reader agrees that this is a "dinosaur" then we are face to face with one of two conclusions.

Fremont Culture Pterodactyl Petroglyph--Why It's Called Black Dragon Canyon

Indians of the Fremont culture are thought to have inhabited the "Swell" between 700 and 1250 A.D. The voluminous evidence of their tenure there includes, stone granaries, cooking utensils and cookfires; artwork (pictographs) or carved petroglyphs).

Black Dragon Canyon is named for one such pictograph which resembles a large winged reptile or pterodactyl. Particularly in the "clear version" link below, one can see the headcrest which was only recently confirmed by paleoentologists--thus it should be a surprise to see one here; the Fremonter's must have actually seen the Thunderbird.

The image can be best made out at the actual site. (click photo for larger version). This bird-like/ Pteradactyl like figure, about 7 feet long from wing-tip to wing-tip, is actually painted with a dark-red pigment.

The white outline around this and other figures is a chalk mark added to make it easier to make out the outline of the ancient figures.

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