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Siddharta Gautama cuma seorang Nabi dan Rasul
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Ini cuma dari pandangan peribadi aku saja...tidak ada cut&paste tapi hasil pembacaan-pembacaan dan perbandingan yang aku lihat dengan fahaman kesufian dalam Islam.
Aku lihat dalam ajaran Buddha itu ada sebahagian yang begitu indah dan cantik sekali. Ajaran Buddha itu mengajak manusia mengenal dirinya. Untuk apa kenal dirinya maka tak lain adalah untuk menyatukan dirinya dengan Tuhan. Dalam kesufian Islam ada mengatakan bahawa untuk mengenal Tuhan maka manusia perlu mengenal dirinya terlebih dahulu.
Sejarah di India jika di kaji dari perkembangan awalnya adalah terdapat penghijrahan orang-orang Aryan dari Eropah Tengah ke benua India. Orang-orang Aryan ini bertembung dengan orang-orang berkulit hitam berbangsa Dravidia dan peperangan yang berlaku mengakibatkan orang-orang Dravidia itu kalah dan undur ke selatan India. Orang-orang Aryan ini untuk mengekalkan kehebatan bangsa mereka lalu dikuatkuasakan peraturan yang berkasta. Mereka kemudian di kenali sebagai Brahmin yang kononnya mempunyai kedudukan yang tinggi sekali antara kasta-kasta tersebut. Bermulalah penindasan-penindasan yang berlaku terhadap kasta-kasta rendah.
Tuhan itu Maha Pengasih dan Lagi Maha Penyayang. Dalam keadaan inilah maka diutuskan seorang Rasul yang mengajak manusia supaya insaf dan kembali semula menyembah Tuhan yang sebenarnya. Telah ramai rasul-rasul diutuskan sebelum ini di mana ada rasul yang diutuskan hanya untuk kaum mereka saja dan ada juga rasul yang diutuskan untuk umat yang ramai. Rasul yang dipilih pula bukan hanya dari golongan tertentu tapi ada juga yang terpilih dari Raja seperti Nabi Daud dan sulaiman.
Waktu inilah seorang anak raja yang bernama Siddharta Gautama Buddha telah terpilih dan diberi ilham untuk membimbing kaumnya yang tertindas dan terpedaya dengan puak-puak Brahmin. Kaumnya hidup menderita tak kenal diri dan penuh dengan kedukaan...........
(sambung) |
Vijaya This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Gravedigger at 23-4-2006 10:36 PM
Ini cuma dari pandangan peribadi aku saja...tidak ada cut&paste tapi hasil pembacaan-pembacaan dan perbandingan yang aku lihat dengan fahaman kesufian dalam Islam.
Aku lihat dalam ajaran Bu ...
yg ditindas adalah kaum-kaum yg lebih rendah dr kerabat diraja. kaum Buddha tu kaya dan berkuasa.
dan kenapanya, walaupun telah wujubnya agama Buddha dan kemasukkan Islam, sistem ini masih wujud dan kaum wanita masih ditindas.
Dlm agama Buddha, Buddha tidak pernah dijadikan deva atau tuhan. yg karut ialah sesetengah agama kat China dan india yg mengganggap Buddha tu penjelmaan tuhan.
Konsep Buddha ialah seorg nabi ini bukannya konsep baru. semasa dinasti ming, org timur tengah menganggap org cina pada masa tu menganuti Islam mazhab Shakyamuni (yg ini saya baca dr sebuah buku hasil karya seorg muslim cina). kat vihara-vihara di malaysia pun, ada satu booklet yg mengadungi dua article dr dua tokoh, masing2 dr mly dan pakistan. dlm booklet tu juga catat tentang org Islam mengaitkan Buddha dengan seorg (nabi?) al-Khir (wrong spelling?) yg ada kaitan dgn nabi Musa.
walaubagaimanapun, ajaran dasar agama Buddha adalah dependent arising, empat kebenaran mulia tu semua berasaskan dependent arising. konsep dependent arising ini bercanggah dgn konsep tuhan. dan agama Buddha tidak mengajar org buat baik sahaja, cara ini boleh masuk syurga ttp utk mencapai Nibbana, kenalah bermeditasi, Vipassana.
fahaman kesufian ini ada meditasi tak?
kalau boleh, kita boleh berbincang kat board religion.
jadi lebih ramailah muslim yg terlibat dlm discusssion. |
Originally posted by Vijaya at 24-4-2006 03:10 PM
yg ditindas adalah kaum-kaum yg lebih rendah dr kerabat diraja. kaum Buddha tu kaya dan berkuasa.
dan kenapanya, walaupun telah wujubnya agama Buddha dan kemasukkan Islam, sistem ini masih wuju ...
Dakam sejarah agama samawi (agama dari langit), rasul-rasul yang di pilih Tuhan bukan hanya dari golongan-golongan yang tertindas tetapi ada juga diantara mereka yang berkedudukan tinggi dan termasuk kerabat-kerabat di raja. Memang Buddha terdidik dalam suasana keagamaan Hindu yang di bawa oleh golongan-golongan Aryan yang mencipta agama untuk menjaga kepentingan mereka tetapi Buddha telah mendapat petunjuk dan sedar akan penyelewengan-penyelewengan yang berlaku. Buddha tidak menerima penyembahan kepada patung-patung agama Brahminism. Dari itu kita lihat bentuk awal agama Buddha lebih kepada renungan ke dalam untuk mengenali diri bertujuan untuk mengenal pula pada Tuhan. Mengikut sejarah pembuatan patung-patung yang dikatakan berimej Buddha hanya berlaku 200 tahun semasa zaman Asoka.
fahaman kesufian ini ada meditasi tak?
Di dalam amalan kesufian semacam ada persamaan seperti meditasi yaitu seseorang pengamal Tariqat (kumpulan kesufian) akan duduk menyendiri di satu-satu tempat seakan bertapa. Latihan ini dikenali sebagai bersuluk (berkhalwat) dan mereka akan membaca zikir-zikir tertentu bertujuan untuk mengenal diri dan sehingga sampai ke peringkat makam yang tinggi mengenal Penciptanya. Apabila hati telah sentiasa mengingati penciptanya maka lahirlah perbuatannya yang bersifat Tuhannya. Buddha telah mencapai makam yang tertinggi itu sehingga pada beliau dunia ini tidak ada maknanya lagi. Semuanya bersatu dengan Tuhan. |
Originally posted by Gravedigger at 23-4-2006 10:36 PM
Ini cuma dari pandangan peribadi aku saja...tidak ada cut&paste tapi hasil pembacaan-pembacaan dan perbandingan yang aku lihat dengan fahaman kesufian dalam Islam.
Aku lihat dalam ajaran Bu ...
Dear Gravedigger, Saya tidak setuju bahawa Buddha itu Rasul atau Nabi. BUddha tidak menagungkan kewujudan tuhan dan tuhan-tuhan (atau lebih dikenali sebagai dewa-dewa) akan padi satu hari nanti, mati juga. |
cclee This user has been deleted
Mungkin Jesus Christ tu Rasul juga ya!!!
Termasuk dewa-dewa Hindu.,,semuanya adalah Rasul. |
alhaadi This user has been deleted
Perbincangan yg menarik...dlm ajaran Islam terdapat 125000 org nabi, 313 berpangkat Rasul. Hanya 25 org sahaja yg disebut dlm Al-Quran.... |
cclee This user has been deleted
Maksudnya,,,,segala ajaran agama mahupun Tuhan ataupun Nabi adalah dicipta oleh satu kuasa dimana kita tidak akan tahu akan siapa penciptanya. Ini adalah rahsia disebalik Universa ini!!
Kita dapat lihat kalau bagi Muslim mereka akan kata ianya dicipata oleh Allah, dan untuk kepercayaan Buddha ianya adalah dicipta oleh Tuhan mereka.
So siapakah sebenarnya??? |
sujend This user has been deleted
ohh in islam got 125 000 nabi..interesting... !! |
Originally posted by ariyamusafir at 4-5-2006 09:44 AM
Dear Gravedigger, Saya tidak setuju bahawa Buddha itu Rasul atau Nabi. BUddha tidak menagungkan kewujudan tuhan dan tuhan-tuhan (atau lebih dikenali sebagai dewa-dewa) akan padi satu hari nan ...
OK...saya cuma buat perbandingan antara ajaran Buddhisme dan satu aliran kepercayaan dalam Islam. Dalam meneliti kedua-duanya saya melihat semacam ada persamaan.
Memang benar Buddha tidak mengagungkan kewujudan tuhan dan seperti ajaran kesufian "Tuhan itu berada dalam diri kita sendiri dan apabila kita sudah mengenali diri kita maka Tuhan itu bersatu dalam diri kita" Ini memerlukan latihan-latihan bersuluk atau pertapaan dalam Buddha dan semasa dalam latihan itu perlu hanya membaca zikir (mentera dalam Buddha). Sampai satu peringkat maqam yang tertinggi (nibbana) dan penyerahan total pada Tuhan maka segala gerak geri itulah pergerakan Tuhan. kalau dah kenal tuhan maka apa perlu lagi dunia yang sementara ini. |
Originally posted by cclee at 5-5-2006 11:35 AM
Mungkin Jesus Christ tu Rasul juga ya!!!
Termasuk dewa-dewa Hindu.,,semuanya adalah Rasul.
Mengikut kepercayaan Islam Jesus Christ itu pun seorang Rasul pilihan yang di utuskan untuk kaum nya saja. Kalau dalam Hindu pula mungkin ada manusia yang di lantik menjadi Rasul tapi sebab ajaran Hindu dah beribu-ribu tahun lamanya maka banyak dah berlaku penyelewengan dan mendewa-dewakan manusia itu sehingga jadi dewa pulak. Sebab itu juga mungkin Siddharta Gautama di utuskan untuk membetulkan ajaran tersebut. |
Originally posted by cclee at 7-5-2006 10:50 AM
Maksudnya,,,,segala ajaran agama mahupun Tuhan ataupun Nabi adalah dicipta oleh satu kuasa dimana kita tidak akan tahu akan siapa penciptanya. Ini adalah rahsia disebalik Univers ...
Sebab itulah Tuhan mengutuskan Rasulnya untuk memberitahu rahsia-rahsia di sebalik ciptaannya.
Kita dapat lihat kalau bagi Muslim mereka akan kata ianya dicipata oleh Allah, dan untuk kepercayaan Buddha ianya adalah dicipta oleh Tuhan mereka.
So siapakah sebenarnya???
Yang benar ialah Tuhan dan akal manusia tidak mampu tercapai untuk mengenal tuhan melainkan ada bimbingan dari rasul-rasul pilihan Tuhan. Buddha telah menunjukkan cara dengan mengenal diri maka kita boleh membuang sifat-sifat binatang dalam diri kita dan menjadi insan manusia yang sempurna.
[ Last edited by Gravedigger at 13-5-2006 12:08 PM ] |
Originally posted by sujend at 7-5-2006 09:24 PM
ohh in islam got 125 000 nabi..interesting... !! the Quran said...
- "And certainly We sent messengers before you: there are some of them that We have mentioned to you and there are others whom We have not mentioned to you..." [40:78]
- "For We assuredly sent amongst every People a messenger..."[16:36]
[ Last edited by Gravedigger at 13-5-2006 12:12 PM ] |
I been telling this the day this forum set up that Gautama is a prophet who just want his followers to be kind to everyone and pray to One God Almighty in truth and spirit.
Going vegetarian is good.
That all i can says and not interested to debate further on this issue. When I says something, u better listen than arguing with me. |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 13-5-2006 12:21 PM
I been telling this the day this forum set up that Gautama is a prophet who just want his followers to be kind to everyone and pray to One God Almighty in truth and spirit.
Going vegetarian i ...
Nobody's stopping you from what you're going to say wheter it is right or wrong but if you're forcing others to belief in what you believed then it is definitely wrong.
Show proof from the bible if you belief that Gautama is a prophet or it is just from your personal viewpoint only. |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 13-5-2006 12:21 PM
I been telling this the day this forum set up that Gautama is a prophet who just want his followers to be kind to everyone and pray to One God Almighty in truth and spirit.
Going vegetarian i ...
But what you say about Buddhism ada yang tak tepat sama sekali. So how are we going to listen to you and not argue. Even the Buddha allowed healthy inquiries and debates. You insist that Buddha is a prophet, trying to justify your religion in Buddhism, that Buddhism is like a cabang to your religion which is not. The Buddha did not ask anyone to pray to the so called one almighty god creator of everything. T8. We respect your beliefs and the beliefs of others in other faiths and we hope that you do the same to ours, rather then trying to put in teachings of other religion to confuse forumers. |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
All the talks about the Lord Buddha is JUST another prophet or messenger of God (Abrahamic God) is to me nothing more than innuendos to bring ALL other religions into one religion umbrella. Nice trick. |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 24-5-2006 09:34 AM
All the talks about the Lord Buddha is JUST another prophet or messenger of God (Abrahamic God) is to me nothing more than innuendos to bring ALL other religions into one religion umbrella. Nice tr ...
Why not look on the positive side 'cause by looking at the similarities between the two religion can create harmony ...but if you judged it by the prejudiced mind then it can only cause animosity between their followers. (Wow..look like i've improved my english language!) |
Near his death (483 B.C.) Buddha (The Enlightened One) told his followers, "Regardless of how many laws you have kept, or even if you pray 5 times a day, you cannot be free from your sin. Even though you burn yourself, even though I become a hermit, or am reborn another 10 times, I also shall not be saved." (Manuscript, Praising Temple, Chiengmai Thailand).
Buddha taught that he was not a "god", but only a man, a truth seeker. But on his death bed Buddha taught that there would be a future Messiah, "Lord of Mercies", who would be able to free men of their sins. Buddha said, "...He is the Lord of Mercies, His name shall be called the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. He is all knowing, all wise. He knows all that is in the human heart. He is Lord of all the angels and of all humans. No one is greater than He." (Sutrapridot 3:107).
Buddha continued to teach of the Lord of Mercies, that "...His side has a wound where he was pierced, and his forehead has many scars. He will carry you to heaven where you will find the God. Thus give up following the old way. A spirit from heaven will come and dwell in your heart." (Manuscript, Praising Temple, Chiengmai, Thailand).
Jesus, later, fulfilled all of these prophesies. The awesomeness of the revealed Christ should call all peoples to submit to his rule. He is the only one under heaven through whom we can be saved.
Siddharta descended from Shem. Some of the other descendants of shem were used by God to write the Bible.
to be cont'd/.....
[ Last edited by Truth.8 at 30-5-2006 10:47 PM ] |
In view of Buddha's familiarity with the coming King of Kings, one must wonder if the Magi of Matthew 2 were Buddhist priests. There is a different, late, seemingly foundless, tradition that the Magi were of mixed races and nationalities. The mixture is hardly supported by the scripture's description of "Magi from the east," who avoid Herod and secretly return to "their country."
In ancient writings, Magi actually refers to a tribe of the Medes that were known for being warriors and priests at the same time. Bardiya, a Magi, raised a rebellion against Cambyses, the son of Cyrus, during the life time of Buddha (521 B.C.). Zoroaster also belonged to this tribe.
In 2513 B.C. Noah exited the Ark. He told his sons that the descendants of Japheth (Europeans and Mongolians) would extend their territory and live in the house of Shem. He said that the descendants of Shem (Southern Asians, Jews, and Arabs) would have a special relationship with God. In contrast, Ham was warned that the descendants of one of his sons (Canaan) would be the lowest of slaves.
Siddharta descended from Shem. Some of the other descendants of shem were used by God to write the Bible.
Moses wrote the first five books of the Old Testament(1500-1461 B.C.). He told of the coming of a great Jewish prophet. Anyone who did not listen to him would be called to account before God.
King David wrote the book of Psalms(1064-1024 B.C.) and prophesied that the great king, prophet, messiah that was to come from his lineage would, in his death, have his hands and feet pierced. The guards would divide his garments and cast lots for his raiment. This messiah's soul was not to be left in the grave, and his body was not to see decay. The Messiah was to be seated at the right hand of God and given rule and authority.
Isaiah, another descendant of Shem, prophesied (740-712 B.C.) that the coming great one would be called wonderful counselor, mighty God, prince of peace. His power was to be in his mouth and the words he spoke. He would be despised, forsaken and a man of sorrow. He was to be born of a virgin, do miracles, healing the sick. Lead like a lamb to the slaughter, he would be slain for our iniquities. A book was to be given to lead people out of darkness and gloom. People from all nations were to flow into His kingdom.
It was with this great prophetic background that Daniel (Belteshazzar) was carried into captivity by the Babylonians (606 B.C.). When Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar's dream, revealing that the Medes and Persians were to conquer Babylon, he was elevated to chief administrator of the empire. He had also revealed that the Medes and Persians were to be conquered by the Greeks, and the Greeks by the Romans. During the Roman rule God was to set up his own kingdom (the church) that was to grow and fill the earth.
God used Daniel as a great prophet. Measuring from Ezra's return to Jerusalem, Daniel revealed the great Messiah was to come in 26 A.D. and leave 3 1/2 years later. After that a prince (Titus) was to destroy Jerusalem.
The Medes and Persians then conquered Babylon in 538 B.C. and shortly thereafter elevated Belteshazzar to be the chief administrator of their empire.
Siddhartha Gautama was born on the edge of the Persian Empire, in northeast India in 563 B.C. In 534 B.C., at the age of 29, Siddhartha left the protection of his father's castle to explore the world and seek truth. This was shortly after Daniel began to administer the regions near his home. Soon Darius, the Persian emperor, issued a decree that in every part of his kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel.
In 531 B.C. Siddhartha Gautama, Buddha, began his own special ministry. Buddha always claimed to be a mere man and recognized that sin offered a significant problem for himself and other mortal men.
FORMERLY PRA-AKRATO, Buddhist Priest, now SAM SIAM, who preaches about Jesus :
"Right now Jesus calls us to come to Him. Buddha told us when we find Jesus to give up the old way and follow the Lord. If you are truly Buddhist, you will listen to Buddha's last words on his death bed."
"If you understand the truth about Buddha, you will know you must
become a Christian." |
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