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Which one? persian or maine coon
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kari_Ayam This user has been deleted
i sedang mencari dan nak membeli kucing
utk hadiahkan my sis sempena hari jadi dia
sekarang i ada 2 pilihan nak beli..
sama ada nak beli persian
atau maine coon
minta pendapat kowang!
[ Last edited by ati1402 at 19-12-2007 03:04 PM ] Last edited by boocik04 on 2-1-2013 10:50 AM
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agelgold This user has been deleted
kalau aku, personally nak maine coon gak |
yawn....baru bangun ...ngantuksnye
maine coon or persian
actually cats are cats not much different between the two :
maine coon are bigger in size....sometimes doubles the size of ordinary cat
maine coon are quite intelligent creature .... easily train
maine coon are naughty2 cat ....kene byk sabar laa
i read in internet other day ...maine coon ...have one or two dog's behavior .... if throw the ball they will chased it ...
and etc2
but anyhow it depend on sister ...what kind person she is .... if she really committed and bear the responsibility taking care of long hair cat ...then maine coon or Persian might be a wise choice ....but if ur isiter not so committed in taking care of her pets ....better buy cat with short hair ......or local breed .... or sphinx if she too lazy hahah .....
by the way ...why considering persian and maine coon ....why not Norwegian forest cat or himalayan cat all this has long hair .... one thing about long hair cat....they aren't suitable living in our climate ....
a friend told me once that if want to have long hair cat ...better get an air cond ....because they fur will shed more ....and also the cat's fur not as beautiful compared to its original climate.......
better give ur sister a short hair ....such berman, local or siamese .... or just go to spca and pick ur cat there .... just rm50
[ Last edited by fish_o7 at 23-4-2007 11:54 AM ] |
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bg aku la, maine coon mo better n harga pasaran leh lawan perisan wo.. persian dah tak sehebat dulu.. maine coon dah mula melonjak nama di pertandianga2 dunia n di malaysia |
cariweb This user has been deleted
just check website breeder maine coon .... one kitten ..leh cecah 1400++ dahsyat.....boleh botak kepala beb....
but i still stand strong ...ko patut beli short hair .... sbb long hair tk seswai ngan climate malaysia unless ko ade air cond .....i think better u check .....american short hair or british short hair ...if not try look up for birman ....
by the way, maine coon is much more easier to handle compared to persian persians have long and dense fur u need to comb it everyday and bath it regularly ...... maine coon have double layer fur...long but no as dense and as persian ....don need to much attention ......but short hair cats don't need combing every day ...heck... u don't need comb the rest of ur life ....heheh sphinx even better ...
buy short hair ... |
what about american curl.....intelligence cats.....Bela Maine Coon best me house kici la..and the price woohooo.... |
umah kici ekk ..... tkpe2 aku penah dgr umah flat kecik ...ade org bela 14 ekor kucing ....
one thing laa about maine coon the price ....woohooo ..... mahal beb ..... |
american curl its a semi long hair.. cantik.. marble american curl cantik wo.. tp ada dua jenis american curl kat malaysia nie.. satu ekor kembang n satu ekor tak kembang, |
Originally posted by putra_bengal at 24-4-2007 08:00 AM
american curl its a semi long hair.. cantik.. marble american curl cantik wo.. tp ada dua jenis american curl kat malaysia nie.. satu ekor kembang n satu ekor tak kembang,
aah cantik....tapi tk mampu kawan.. nk bela misti mahal..adik kita la yg cerita... american curl ni pandai...tak byk songgeh nk membelanya... |
cute exotic persian ..... hmmm nk bela kucing ...but my family most of them ade asthma and allergy to fur ....ape leh wat bela kura2 helmet jelah |
weisss ....mane mamat yg buka thread ni ....hampeh tull... dh bukak tread pepandailaa continue ...setakat bukak ...pastu tinggal wat per seh |
Reply #17 fish_o7's post
betul2.. kita lak yg lebih nak bantu dia.. dia ilang cam tu jer |
Originally posted by fish_o7 at 30-4-2007 08:40 PM
weisss ....mane mamat yg buka thread ni ....hampeh tull... dh bukak tread pepandailaa continue ...setakat bukak ...pastu tinggal wat per seh
member dah jadik beggar la... |
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