An entire generation pumping gas and waiting tables; or they're slaves with white collars. Advertisements have them chasing cars and clothes, working jobs they hate so they can buy # they don't need. We are the middle children of history, with no purpose or place.We have no Great War, or Great Depression. Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression is our lives. We were raised by television to believe that we'd be millionaires and movie gods and rock stars -- but we won't. And we're learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed-off. |
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Reply #1 adi_iskandar's post
Absolutely correct!:cry:
No war, hunger and poverty. We lost the beacon and keep sailing aimlessly. Utopia forever. Hedonism is the 2nd religion.:bg:
The college education failed miserably and we grew up as 'less then perfect' so are the future children. Perhaps. |
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Reply #1 adi_iskandar's post
We were raised by television to believe that we'd be millionaires and movie gods and rock stars -- but we won't.
Watching the wrong channel I 'd say!
Different era requires different challenges to turn boys into men and so on. Were the wars and depression planned? If so by whom? Did they really make the men better?
What would you say are the biggest challenges to mankind this millinium? Who are planning them? |
In the era of post-modernism our society is slowly drifting towards nihilism. Life no longer has any objective, purpose and meaning.Truth, essential values, true moral and ethic is no longer possible.Religious believe is consigned to back-burner and every man is forhimself. Evil tendency slowly showing its ugly head. Even the law andcriminal are interchangeable. Ethical business practices transformed into playing field for the liars and the duvious. 'Slavery' is back in action. Beware of spin doctors who is out there dressing like messiah promising some sort of, heaven know what, Freedom.![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
Nietzschewhose association with nihilism is correct when he proclaimed that'God is dead'. This is not meant literally, as in 'God is nowphysically dead,( I am not advocating blasphemy) rather it is his way of saying the way of the God isno longer relevant as the source of any moral codes.:tea::tea: |
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Reply #1 adi_iskandar's post
Hehe..adi u pun tengok Fight Club eh? Edward Norton memang pelakon yang berbakat laa...suke tul tengok filem tuh dan mesej yang cuba disampaikan...![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif) |
Reply #5 rurouni_khairul's post
Good Lord! Am I missing anything here! Or am I in the wrong Planet?:re::re: |
Reply #6 thamrong's post
Hehehe...thamrong...sebenarnya quote yang Adi post kat post #1 tuh sedutan dari filem Fight Club lakonan Edward Norton dan Brad Pitt....ade mase carik la filem tuh dan tengok...memang menarik! ![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
Reply #1 adi_iskandar's post
The first rule about Fight Club is :" You don't talk about Fight Club". The second rule about Fight Club is :" You don't talk about Fight Club".
Tyler Durden. |
hehe..actually im wondering, how exactly can i unleash the tyler durden in me. ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
sape taknah tengok cite tu pegi donlod dlu.. pastu komen kat sini.. nanti kita sama2 buat underground cult. aku jadi leader.. hehe.. ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
[ Last edited by adi_iskandar at 7-8-2007 01:28 PM ] |
Reply #9 thamrong's post
Filem tuh sebenarnye membawa mesej yang kelakian lelaki zaman skrg nie telah ditekan oleh Consumerism hingga menjadi lelaki zaman skrg nie 'kurang kejantanannya'...mereka terpaksa mengikut ape yang consumerism nak mereka jadi....beli pakaian mahal2, beli seluar dalam yang ade nama seseorang melekat kat getahnya, beli perabot stylo milo...guna kredit kad supaya bole beli lagi useless junk that we didn't need!
Maka di situlah wujudnya Tyler Durden dan Fight Club sebagai simbol kejantanan orang lelaki yang telah ditekan.
I say stop being perfect! - Tyler Durden. |
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Reply #10 adi_iskandar's post
His name is Robert Poulson...His name is Robert Poulson....:eek: |
Adi! Ko jadik Edward Norton laa...bagi aku jadik Brad Pitt...
![](http://arapaho.nsuok.edu/~purslers/images/fight-club-dvd.jpg) |
Reply #11 rurouni_khairul's post
Hmm...very interesting.
Consumerism Rules. Munkin sudah menjadi satu kenyataan disaat ini.![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Reply #14 thamrong's post
Yup...kekadang aku fikir...kita dipaksa jadik ape yang Mega corporation nie nak kite jadik...they all merging for what? So that they have more money and with more money they have more power....silap ari bulan, these Mega corporation nie bole tentukan hala tuju sesebuah negara!!
Nie laa salah satu keburukan Globalisasi...
P.S: Aku tak anti sepenuhnya pada Globalisasi...tapi biase laa...there always two sides of the coin! |
Reply #15 rurouni_khairul's post
I am in agreement with yourself on the issue of globalisation. True, there are two different sides of a coin. Here, I am concern with the evil side of Globalisation. We are slowly turning ourselves into FACELESS creatures, without identity and self-esteem.
Post-modernism, post-9/11 and god knows what else has made TRUTH as an endangered species < pse refer to the lyric 'Honesty' by Billy Joel somewhere in my last posting>. Big corporations control the media, government and our children education.
Contoh! Advertisement rules the news and the corporate funding decides research and policy. With the power and influence vested in them, plus the government deregulation have left us all powerless and vulnerable to the whims and fancies of the mighty corporations that deliver our fast foods, proton cars, Nokia handphone and babies diapers. |
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Reply #11 rurouni_khairul's post
"mesej yang kelakian lelaki zaman skrg nie telah ditekan oleh Consumerism hingga menjadi lelaki zaman skrg nie 'kurang kejantanannya'...mereka terpaksa mengikut ape yang consumerism nak mereka jadi....beli pakaian mahal2 "
topik yang terlalu berat for me to actually join ...
cume terpikir about "Consumerism" yang diperkatakan ..
ntah kenaper, the word yang terlintas di fikiran is: "Metrosexualism" instead .. |
Reply #16 thamrong's post
Yup...menda2 nie semua dah mula berlaku terutama di negara2 dunia ke-3....mereka terpaksa tunduk, bukan kepada negara dunia pertama tapi kepada corporation2 yang diasaskan di negara2 dunia pertama nie...kekadang aku fikir, what's the point of voting if our elected government controled by these mega corporations which dictate what we must use, how we think, what type of lifestyle that we should embrace, what type of make-up I must used to make myself presentable etc etc...![](static/image/smiley/default/mad.gif) |
Reply #17 Mansairaku's post
Kalau mansairaku nak tau gi tengok filem Fight Club...lihat bagaimana kejantanan lelaki ditekan oleh ape yang ditakrifkan sebagai 'consumer needs' oleh syarikat-syarikat mega ini hingga akhirnya kita jadik cam puppet yang diorang leh dictate ape nak beli, kat mana nak habiskan duit, kat mana nak enjoy, camner nak jadik Yippie etc etc...![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
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