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Free Online Games(Banyak giler...)For Broadband user only!!!

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Post time 11-10-2007 12:15 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Albatross 18 (Also known as Pangya)
Genre: Online Golf Game (Think Mario Golf)
Price: Free, but to get certain items, you must buy "cookies".
Gameplay: Amazingly similar to Mario Golf, except a little morechallenging to pull off special shots. Challenging courses, a friendsystem, and tournament play offer hours of endless entertainment. Thegame even has a tutorial course to ease you into it's gameplay. Even ifyou suck at the game, it still proves fun to play and get better.

OGPlanet (Direct Download)
You MUST register at their site to play (on the left)

America's Army
Genre: Online Strategic FPS
Price: Free - U.S. Army
Gameplay: Squadron based mission gameplay. Has a great tutorialand you can move up ranks. Pretty much a (fairly) accurate sim of whatit's like to go into training and fight against tpineappleists.

Download  Version 2.8

Bio Menace

Genre: Side-scrolling Shooter
Price: Free
Gameplay: You are Snake Logan, a top CIA operative who likes todo things his own way. Metro City has fallen under the attack ofhideous mutants and your mission is to fly recon over the city andreport back. While circling over the city you're shot down by hostileforces and forced to crash land on the streets of Metro. Grabbing whatsupplies you can find you are out to discover the source of thesemutants and especially the guy who shot you down!

Direct Download Link

Carom 3D
Genre: Online Pool Game
Price: Free!
Gameplay: If you like a good game of pool now and again, but youdon't have a pool table, don't fret! Carom 3D to the rescue! Just lookfor a match, or get matched up with someone randomly, and play in over5 different environments, duking it out to pocket your given set ofballs. It's a good game to play to pass the time, and best of all, it'sfree!

(Download via FTP when opened)
(Install file)

Cave Story
Genre: Adventure/Shooter
Price: Free
Gameplay: Cave Story is really one of those games that can beconsidered a masterpiece of game design. There are so many wonderfuland classic gaming elements, that I cannot even begin to describe justone quality well enough to say 揑t is for this one reason alone thatCave Story is a great game.



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 Author| Post time 11-10-2007 12:17 AM | Show all posts

Sambung lagi...

Every Extend
Genre: Unique Shooter
Price: Free
Gameplay: You detonate yourself to blow up targets and createchains. The more you destroy from the chain, the more points you get.This is the prequel to the game Every Extend Extra which will soon bereleased for the Playstation Portable (by the creator of Rez). Graphicsand Music are appropriate and really suit the game well.

Download: Link

F.E.A.R. Combat
Genre: Multiplayer FPS
Price: Free!
Gameplay: This outstanding shooter combines creepy horror withkinetic and visceral action, and it elevates the genre to a whole newlevel of intensity. This is a newly released multiplayer only versionof the original F.E.A.R. - hours of fun gameplay, CTF, slayer, and more!

Register for your FREE CD-key
Download F.E.A.R. Combat

Freespace 2 SCP
Genre: 3d Space Strategy
Price: Free
Gameplay: The Pack Includes:
-Freespace 2 full install
-Freespace 2 Cutscenes
-SCP 3.6.7, CVS Build 1/25
-3.6.8 Media VPs
-DerelictSCP MOD (which Voices)
-FS_port MOD (which Cutscenes)
-Hi-poly Apollo for FS_port
-Awakenings (which voices) and Destiny of Peace campaigns inside fs_port mod.
-Low-end 3D Shockwaves
-Hi-Poly Ursa
-Hi-poly Hi-res Lucifer

Forum Link to post with .torrent link and update patches

Frets on Fire
Genre: Guitar Hero-esque (redefines the meaning of "keytar"!)
Price: Free
Gameplay: Frets on Fire is a game of musical skill and fastfingers. The aim of the game is to play guitar with the keyboard asaccurately as possible.

Windows (30.7 MB, Version 1.2.451)
Additional Songs

Genre: Twitch Shooter (It's a Geometry Wars clone)
Price: Free
Gameplay: If you haven't yet played Geometry Wars, you need tocheck this game out. Nearly impossible to play unless you have a dualanalog controller (amazingly enough, it's best played with an xbox360controller with xbcd drivers). Very good game, very well done.

GridWars download

Global Defense Network
Genre: Rhythm Shooter
Price: Free Demo ($14.95 for full version, I bought it and it's well worth it)
Gameplay: If you have never played Rez before for the Dreamcastor the PS2, this is about as close as you are going to get to a rhythmshooter on the PC. Everything in this game is based off the awesometrance/techno music in the background. You shoot objects that appear,anything from flying tiles to eggs and rolling balls.

Global Defense Network Demo

Grand Theft Auto, Wild Metal, Grand Theft Auto 2
Genre: Top-down vehicular combat
Price: Free
Gameplay: It's the classic top-down Rockstar games. If you don't know them, you need to seek medical attention.

Download Site

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 Author| Post time 11-10-2007 12:19 AM | Show all posts

Eh....Ader lagi???

Gunz : The Duel
Genre: Shoot and Slash
Price: Currently Free (Open Beta Test)
Gameplay: Similar to the Devil May Cry series, this game allowsyou to run up walls and on walls and jump off walls and do dashes andcraziness. You have both a gun (or guns, you can dual-wield), a sword(or dagger) and grenades. You can buy bigger, better weapons when youaccumulate enough Bounty Points from killing other players. Definatelyworth a try, one of my favorite games.

Manual  Update (all the current patches, no torrenting)

Halo: Combat Evolved Trial Version
Genre: Revolutionary FPS
Price: Free
Gameplay: In the trial version, you can experience both singleand multiplayer gameplay, including limited vehicle combat. In thesingle player campaign level The Silent Cartographer, you assume therole of super-soldier Master Chief as you take on the fierce alienfaction known as the Covenant. In the multiplayer map Blood Gulch, upto 16 human opponents can light each other up with devastating weaponryand combat vehicles, including the new Rocket Warthog and the Banshee,either online or via LAN connection.

Direct Download Link

Maple Story
Price: Free
Gameplay: A sidescrolling online RPG with crisp graphics. Reminds me of  SNES games, but like.. online.

Official .EXE Download from

Marathon Trilogy
Genre: FPS
Price: Free (Bungie released it)
Gameplay: Considered the Prequel to Halo. This game plays alotlike Doom, Quake, or Wolfenstein 3d. The big difference however is thestoryline. Included is all 3 original games. You use Aleph One to playthese scenarios.

"Unzip both, then copy or AlephOne.exe into each scenario folder"
MUST HAVE ->Aleph One
Marathon 1
Marathon 2: Durandal
Marathon Infinity
Download Page (If you need help)

Narbacular Drop
Genre: Portal Based Puzzle Game
Price: Free
Gameplay: You use portals to solve objectives, one portal leadsto the other. Pretty much has to be played or seen to explain.Bitterbanana made a speedrun of the game, and it's here

Narbular Drop (from official website)

Nexuiz 2.0
Genre: FPS
Price: Free
Gameplay: Similar to Unreal Tournament. "Nexuiz 2.0 has beenreleased! This is another massive update to the game, new features suchas a single player campaign with completely new advanced bot AI, fivenew maps, new particle effect system, weapon changes, and completeprecompiled bumpmapping with GLSL shaders. We have also optimized thegame heavily, and improved net performance."

Direct Download(.zip)
Filefront mirror

Genre: Spacecraft Sim
Price: Free
Gameplay: ORBITER is a free flight simulator that goes beyondthe confines of Earth's atmosphere. Launch the Space Shuttle fromKennedy Space Center to deploy a satellite, rendezvous with theInternational Space Station or take the futuristic Delta-glider for atour through the solar system - the choice is yours.

Download Link
Sound Mod

[ Last edited by  jimbait at 11-10-2007 12:36 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 11-10-2007 12:20 AM | Show all posts

Main sampai lebam...

Planetside (Reserves)
Price: Trial Period
Gameplay: First Person Player-to-player combat and vehicular warfare. It's generally an MMOFPS.

Download (.zip file)

Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Genre: Team-based FPS
Price: Free
Gameplay: Wolfenstein Enemy Territory is a stand-alonemultiplayer game in which players wage war as Axis or Allies inteam-based combat. In Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Axis and Allied teamsdo battle in traditional single scenarios, or wage war through a seriesof linked scenarios in a totally new campaign mode. During combatplayers gain experience and skill, and through battlefield promotionsare awarded additional abilities that remain persistent across anentire campaign.

Download: Direct Link

Price: Free
Gameplay: RuneScape is a massive 3D world in which you can fightmonsters, embark on quests, interact with other players, or simplyexplore. The game is open-ended, so it unfolds in whichever way youwant it to!

Create a New Account (It's a Browser Game)

Sauerbraten (Cube 2)
Genre: Online MP and SP FPS
Price: Free
Gameplay: Sauerbraten (a.k.a. Cube 2) is a freemultiplayer/singleplayer first person shooter, built as a majorredesign of the Cube FPS.

Much like the original Cube, the aim of this game is not necessarily toproduce the most features & eyecandy possible, but rather to allowmap/geometry editing to be done dynamically in-game, to create fungameplay and an elegant engine.

Direct Download Link

Savage: The Battle for Newerth
Genre: FPS/Strategy
Price: Free
Gameplay: Choose to be a commander and you will play an in-depthRTS managing the stronghold, or choose to be a warrior and you willplay an intense game of first person combat. With the creation of a newgame play genre, RTSS (Real Time Strategy Shooter), Savage expertlyredefines the first-person shooter and real-time strategy genres bycombining elements of both into one cohesive experience. As thecommander in RTS mode, you will tackle resource management, develop arobust tech tree, plan your assault and lead real human players intobattle. As a warrior in action mode, you will master many uniqueweapons, powerful units, and siege vehicles to fight a fast pacedbattle.

Set in a unique fantasy world eons from now where Humans and Beastsbattle violently for their very existence. Savage transports PC gamersto the next level in multi-player gaming. Choose to fight on the sideof HUMANITY, armed with science and technology, or take the side of theBEAST HORDE, masters of nature and magic. Each race has its own styleof battle, its own leader, and its own way to victory. Which side areyou on?

Download Page

Scorched 3D
Genre: Tank Sim
Price: Free
Gameplay: If you haven't played Scorched Earth before, you needto. This "Mother of all games" has you determining the correctcoordinates of your enemies' tank and plotting the correct trajectoryto hit them. It's alot more difficult than it sounds, but it's greatfun.

Full Installer

Second Life
Genre: Second World Sim
Price: Free for basic membership
Gameplay: If you can make it, you can sell it. If you can thinkit, you can do it. I'll let it's description on the site better clarifyfor me:

Second Life is a 3-D virtual world entirely built and owned by itsresidents. Since opening to the public in 2003, it has grownexplosively and today is inhabited by 308,482 people from around theglobe.

* From the moment you enter the World you'll discover a vastdigital continent, teeming with people, entertainment, experiences andopportunity. Once you've explored a bit, perhaps you'll find a perfectparcel of land to build your house or business.

* You'll also be surrounded by the Creations of your fellowresidents. Because residents retain the rights to their digitalcreations, they can buy, sell and trade with other residents.

* The Marketplace currently supports millions of US dollars inmonthly transactions. This commerce is handled with the in-worldcurrency, the Linden dollar, which can be converted to US dollars atseveral thriving online currency exchanges.

Free Basic Membership

[ Last edited by  jimbait at 11-10-2007 12:39 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 11-10-2007 12:21 AM | Show all posts

Jangan marah...

Silkroad Online
Price: Free
Gameplay: I honestly have no clue, I guess I will let the badlytranslated English explain: "The online game 'SilkRoad' targets theunceasingly active world other than the existing online games which thehas built the entrenched world. On the specious Silk Road, themerchants constantly moves for trading and burglars who intend to stripthem of goods. In addition, there are hunters who specialize inremoving such burglars. On the Silk Road which seems to be static, thehostility and secret strife in which various groups continuously engagefor the benefit of their own groups inform the Silk Road world with newlife.

Besides, there is no fixed job in the SilkRoad world. All players canfreely promote the growth of their own characters by their wills, andchange his/her own group to other groups like merchant, burglar andhunter which he/she affiliated with as well as alter his/her character."

Client Version 1.01

Genre: 2D Shooter
Price: Free
Gameplay: "Soldat is a unique side-view multiplayer action game.It takes the best from games like Liero, Worms, Quake andCounter-Strike and gives you fast action gameplay with tons of bloodand flesh. Soldiers fight against each other on 2D battle arenas usinga deadly military arsenal. This is what multiplayer was invented for."

Download (.zip)

Soldier Front
Genre: Online FPS, Similar to Counterstrike
Price: Free
Gameplay: The military FPS game "Soldier Front" implements distinctive task force strategy found in today's modern combat.

With comprehensive research from military personnel in the film"Taeguki", Soldier Front was developed to follow a soldier'sperspective in every aspect possible to create the most realistic andunique experience anyone can have.

Download Link

Genre: Dance Simulation
Price: Free (You can pay for a CD to be shipped to you)
Gameplay: Just like DDR, but for Windows. You can use a USB Dancemat/pad to play as well, but you can also just use the keyboard.

StepMania 3.9

Survival Crisis Z
Genre: Isometric View Zombie Shooter
Price: Free
Gameplay: Survival Crisis Z is an open ended post-apocalypticzombie survival adventure. Several strategies are at the playersdisposal in a chaotic, randomly generated city. SWAT and Rebel factionsbattle it out amidst pockets of survivors and the Undead majority.

Direct Download Link

Genre: Isometric 3d Trance-Shooter
Price: Free (Made by Digipen Students)
Gameplay: Synaesthesia - noun. a sensation produced in onemodality when a stimulus is applied to another modality, as when thehearing of a certain sound induces the visualization of a certain color.

Synaesthete is a music-driven arcade-style shooter which seeks toengage the senses with a synergy of light, color, and sound.Synaesthete creates a harmony between player actions and in-game music,in a way that each influences the other. The rhythm and flow of themusic is expressed in every detail of the game, so that the visual andaudio are not two experiences, but one.

Direct Download Link

Team Revoluxion
Genre: Online Racing Game
Price: Free
Gameplay: For Team Revoluxion, the developers built their ownamazing racing game engine that thrills and wows gamers at every turnwith its realistic driving feel and collision reaction. The engine iscomplemented with high-end 3D graphics that stun with intricate visualdetail and also a dynamic physics engine that allows the player toalmost feel as if he or she is driving a real car!

Direct Download Link

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 Author| Post time 11-10-2007 12:24 AM | Show all posts

Adeer sket jer lagi

Genre: Online chat/Travel game
Price: Free for basic membership
Gameplay: Hard to describe, but I'll try. You can ridehoverboards and compete on stunt tracks, fly around with your jetpack,get into a hovercar and take off to faraway places, play a shoot-em-upgame with people, own a pet, own a house, make your own products andsell them in-game. There is amazing and worth a try.

Sign-up First! (Step 2)
Download There

Genre: Online RTS/FPS
Price: Free (Open-source)
Gameplay: Tremulous is a free, open source game that blends ateam based FPS with elements of an RTS. Players can choose from 2unique races, aliens and humans. Players on both teams are able tobuild working structures in-game like an RTS. These structures providemany functions, the most important being spawning. The designatedbuilders must ensure there are spawn structures or other players willnot be able to rejoin the game after death. Other structures provideautomated base defense (to some degree), healing functions and muchmore...

Player advancement is different depending on which team you are on. Asa human, players are rewarded with credits for each alien kill. Thesecredits may be used to purchase new weapons and upgrades from the"Armoury". The alien team advances quite differently. Upon killing ahuman foe, the alien is able to evolve into a new class. The more killsgained the more powerful the classes available.

The overall objective behind Tremulous is to eliminate the opposingteam. This is achieved by not only killing the opposing players butalso removing their ability to respawn by destroying their spawnstructures.

Sourceforge Direct Link
Or  pick a mirror

Tribes 1
Genre: Online Strategy-based FPS
Price: Released Totally Free to promote Tribes: Vengeance
Gameplay: You have a jetpack and you have an exploding disclauncher. There really is nothing like Tribes. CTF is the maingametype, but there are also others. Shazbot!

[url=http://%3cbr%20/%3E ... l%20Game%20Download]Tribes 1 download at editingarchive[/url]

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 Author| Post time 11-10-2007 12:25 AM | Show all posts

Setakat ni jer...ader lagi aku post

TUMIKI Fighters

Genre: Side-scrolling Shooter
Price: Free
Gameplay: "Control your ship and destroy enemies. The ship isdestroyed when it is hit by a bullet. The body of the enemy has nocollision damage.

You can catch the enemy's broken piece. Pieces are stuck to your shipand counterattack to enemies. You can also earn the bonus score bykeeping many pieces stuck. Stuck pieces are destroyed when they touch aenemy's bullet.

While holding a slow key, the ship becomes slow and the ship directionis fixed. Stuck pieces are pulled in and you can prevent a crash ofthem, but the bonus score reduces to one fifth. Enemy's pieces are notstuck while holding this key."

Download from Official Site

Vacant Ark
Genre: Side-scrolling Shooter
Price: Free
Gameplay: It's a fast-paced side-scrolling shooter with a twist.You have to defeat enemies to get more power for your main weapon(which automatically charges after a bit). Very challenging, but a goodgame for those SS-fans out there.

Vacant Ark Download (zip file)

War Rock
Genre: Online FPS
Price: Free2Play (Open beta in July states their site)
Gameplay: New updates include vehicles but it's still the same Counterstrike-esque gameplay.

Register First for access
Gamedaily download link

Genre: Strategy Game
Price: Free
Gameplay:The Battle for Wesnoth is a free, turn-based strategygame with a fantasy theme. Fight a desperate battle to reclaim thethrone of Wesnoth, or take hand in any number of other adventures..


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Post time 11-10-2007 01:40 AM | Show all posts
mesti berat sume ni..

tapi aku bukan leh download pon..

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Post time 12-10-2007 05:27 PM | Show all posts
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Post time 29-11-2020 11:04 AM | Show all posts
sandpk replied at 25-11-2020 09:36 PM
Thanks for sharing online games that we can play in our leisure time. These are quick to play as we  ...

flight simulator series la eh? kalau flight simulator 2020 for the last 10 years.. ko dah dok tahun 2030 ke?

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Post time 29-11-2022 02:18 AM | Show all posts
play snake game on

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Post time 30-11-2022 07:19 PM | Show all posts
The education of women is a very important issue. The women are the key to the future of our country. They can play an important role in development and prosperity of our country. The education of women is very important for the economic prosperity of the country, if we educate a woman, she will be able to work and do hard work.

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Post time 17-12-2022 12:28 AM | Show all posts
Play snake game

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Post time 19-4-2023 05:50 PM | Show all posts
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