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USA Catastrophe: Latest - Kebakaran Hutan di California

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Post time 6-1-2008 03:38 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Sejuta penduduk bergelap di AS - Keadaan dijangka bertambah buruk lagi

RICHARD Garcia melalui kawasan runtuhan selepas sepohon
pokok yang besar jatuh ke atas rumah selepas berlakunya
angin kencang dan hujan lebat di Roseville, California, semalam. ?AP

SACRAMENTO, California 5 Jan ?Lebih sejuta penduduk terputus bekalan elektrik dan kediaman mereka mengalami kerosakan apabila kebanyakan kawasan di California, Amerika Syarikat (AS) dilanda angin kencang, hujan lebat dan salji tebal semalam.

Penerbangan juga terpaksa dibatalkan dan kebanyakan lebuh raya ditutup apabila angin kencang bertiup secara tiba-tiba dengan kelajuan hampir 130 kilometer di utara California.

Keadaan angin kencang itu berlaku apabila terjadi ribut di bahagian Artik yang menyebabkan salji setebal tiga meter melanda Sierra Nevada.

Lebuh raya dari Sacramento ke San Francisco terpaksa ditutup akibat kejadian tanah runtuh dan pokok tumbang yang menghalang perjalanan serta kebanyakan jalan raya turut dinaiki air. Kawasan yang terbabit termasuklah jalan utama yang menghubungkan utara California dan Nevada.

Seorang penduduk, Faye Reed berkata, banyak pokok berusia lebih 100 tahun tumbang menghalang jalan akibat angin kencang yang melanda California.

Berikutan itu, penduduk California dijangka terpaksa bergelap selama beberapa hari sebelum bekalan elektrik dapat dipulihkan sepenuhnya.

Sementara itu, di selatan California, pihak berkuasa di Orange County mengarahkan lebih 3,000 penduduk meninggalkan rumah masing-masing kerana kawasan bekas kebakaran hutan itu dikhuatiri dilanda banjir lumpur yang teruk.

Gabenor California, Arnold Schwarzenegger telah melawat kawasan yang terjejas dan beliau telah mengarahkan pelbagai persediaan dilakukan bagi menangani sebarang kemungkinan.

Langkah yang diambil termasuklah mengadakan benteng dari beg-beg pasir di sekeliling rumah terutama di kawasan-kawasan rendah bagi mengurangkan risiko banjir.

Sementara itu, tiga sekeluarga yang terperangkap dalam ribut ketika beriadah di Hutan Simpan Sierra berjaya diselamat.

Angin selaju 200 kilometer sejam turut dicatatkan berlaku di kawasan itu.

Ribut juga menjejaskan kegiatan harian penduduk di Washington dan Oregon apabila bekalan elektrik terputus akibat banyak kejadian pokok tumbang.

Jabatan kajicuaca meramalkan keadaan cuaca terutama ribut salji akan menjadi lebih teruk hari ini.



bila winter kena ribut salji  angin kencang - memang haru la..
hopefully tak ada yang kehilangan nyawa pulak..

and hopefully 'the terminator' dapat tolong penduduk cali juga

[ Last edited by  amazed at 9-5-2009 18:30 ]

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Post time 6-1-2008 03:46 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 dexa's post

balasan pd US yg suka ceroboh hak org

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Post time 6-1-2008 04:38 AM | Show all posts
takde sebab nak tuduh terrorist nye keje, ye dak iza yuss

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Post time 6-1-2008 08:55 AM | Show all posts
Hati diaorang selama ni pun memang dah gelap..

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Post time 6-1-2008 09:07 AM | Show all posts
kuasa Allah...balasan kepada US..:@

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Post time 6-1-2008 09:54 AM | Show all posts
dorang taknak tuduh ini kerja AL QAEDA ker ????

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Post time 6-1-2008 04:42 PM | Show all posts
:@ :@ :@ :@ :@

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Post time 7-1-2008 11:32 AM | Show all posts
entah apa apalah korang ni -- bila jadi bala mcm ni sikit sikit kaitkan dgn Allah. Tuhan orang Islam ni suka berdendam ke?

Korang tak fikir ke penduduk sana ramai muslims? bukan itu sahaja hari ini mat salleh semua keluar protes negara Israel. Dia orang perjuangkan keadilan utk rakyat palestine.
Malapetaka di Bangladesh, Pakistan dll negara dapat bantuan dari negara mana? MALAYSIA ke?

Lain kali boleh tak pakai akal sebelum buat posting?

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Post time 7-1-2008 11:51 AM | Show all posts

Reply #8 **'s post

Jangan salahkan mereka Dar, mungkin tak banyak membaca dan akal fikiran yang sempit (atau sengaja disempitkan).

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Post time 8-2-2008 06:44 AM | Show all posts

twister (tornado) melanda selatan usa

Korban puting beliung selatan AS meningkat

NASHVILLE, Amerika Syarikat (AS) 7 Feb.

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Post time 8-2-2008 06:45 AM | Show all posts
Puting beliung: Pelancaran Atlantis ke ISS ditangguh

CAPE CANAVERAL, Amerika Syarikat 7 Feb.

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Post time 14-2-2008 01:14 PM | Show all posts

witness : hurricane katrina was big but God is bigger

Thursday February 14, 2008 WITNESS - 'Hurricane Katrina was big, but God is bigger'
By Jon Hurdle

OCEAN SPRINGS, Miss. (Reuters) - At 6 a.m., the lights come on at Camp Victor, a base run by the Lutheran Church for volunteers helping with recovery efforts 2-1/2 years after Hurricane Katrina slammed into Mississippi's Gulf Coast.

A section of the bridge connecting Ocean Springs with Biloxi is wiped out by Hurricane Katrina in Biloxi, Mississippi August 30, 2005. (REUTERS/Marc Serota)

I climb out of my wooden bunk and stand in the breakfast line with about 100 other volunteers from around the country.

We eat oatmeal or pancakes, fuel for a long day's labor on the thousands of homes that are still in need of repair long after one of the worst natural disasters in the United States.

My fellow campers are mostly middle-aged men from Lutheran churches in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa who have taken a week off work or away from retirement to cut lumber, paint walls or clear debris from the homes that were badly damaged or destroyed in the August 29, 2005 hurricane. The storm killed more than 1,400 people along the U.S. Gulf Coast.

Some come with construction experience; others sweep floors or cook food; all are motivated by the goodwill that has brought more than 11,000 volunteers to the camp since the storm hit the Gulf Coast and collapsed the levees protecting nearby New Orleans from the sea.

The Lutheran Disaster Relief camp can take as many as 220 volunteers at a time. It is in a former garment factory in Ocean Springs, a pretty coastal town that seems to have been spared the worst of the storm.

I went as a Quaker -- albeit an aspiring one -- rather than as a journalist, and hoped the humanitarian work would be a rewarding experience for me as well as a practical help.

But long journalistic habits also led me to observe and record. I had time, given that I often stood aside while others with the necessary construction skills did the rebuilding work.


On the first of our five days, our group of eight from a Quaker community near Philadelphia is sent to the home of "Miss Hattie," an elderly black woman whose roof, previously repaired after hurricane damage, has been hit again by a falling tree.

Lacking roofing skills, we are put to work chain-sawing the fallen tree into pieces and stacking them in the front yard.
We cut as much as we can but our small chain saw is finally defeated by the tree's girth, and the camp managers can't find a larger saw, so we break for a lunch of spaghetti and sweet potatoes in Miss Hattie's kitchen.

She is grateful, charming and glad of our company. But I wonder if clearing a tree from the yard of a perfectly habitable house is the most important thing in a state where some 13,000 hurricane victims are still living in trailers supplied by the much-maligned Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Later, I help deliver a new washing machine and two clothes dryers to two homes that have been renovated after flooding by hurricane-driven seawater.

Outside one house, a saucepan on a string dangles from a tree branch about 20 feet (6 metres) off the ground. The pan was probably blown there by the hurricane, the homeowner says.

In Waveland, west of Biloxi, it's plain that Katrina did a lot more than deposit saucepans in trees.

Leaving the highway, we drive down a muddy road into an apocalyptic landscape of broken trees, bare concrete pads where houses once stood, and some piles of debris.

On the cinder-block foundation of one house, a stack of belongings sits rotting in the rain. A tattered tarp, which presumably once covered these possessions, flaps in the wind.

Outside a nearby church -- which occupies what looks like a large shed -- is a hand-painted sign saying "Katrina was big but God is bigger."

It's a more cheerful picture in Pascagoula where volunteers are making good progress rebuilding a home in which floodwaters rose near to the ceiling of the first floor. The new one is built on 9-foot (2.7-metre) stilts to ensure no repeat.

The owner, 81-year-old "Miss Ruby" -- who lives in a trailer on the site -- cooks a fried chicken lunch for the volunteers.
As we eat in the warm January sunshine, she pulls out a karaoke machine and, balancing her high heels on a sheet of plywood, serenades us with renditions of classics including Patsy Kline's "Crazy" and Elvis Presley's "Hound Dog."

Our efforts may be just a drop in the post-Katrina bucket but it's clear we've made one old lady very happy.

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Post time 14-2-2008 01:16 PM | Show all posts

     The destruction Katrina has caused to historic structures on the coast and in other areas of the state has been massive.   The historic buildings on the coast have suffered extensive damage and in some cases blocks of buildings in historic districts have been wiped clean by Katrina's storm surge.

     Since Katrina MHT has been working with its partner organizations - Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Mississippi Main Street Association, and the National Trust for Historic Preservation - to save as many damaged historic structures as possible.  This is difficult work with very little resources out there to help historic structures and increasing pressure to clean up the coast by removing all debris including damaged houses.

It happened almost 3 years ago (end of august 2005) but the damaged it did seem last forever.

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Post time 14-2-2008 01:18 PM | Show all posts
The photos below were taken  in mid August 2006. This is from the 9th ward.

... and you'd think this is big... but God is bigger.. ( I like what the witness said)

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Post time 30-4-2008 10:24 AM | Show all posts

puting beliung landa usa.. latest usa struggle dgn banjir besar di iowa!!

3 puting beliung landa AS

BENCANA ALAM: Penduduk Burnett抯 Mill, Virginia meninjau rumah mereka yang ranap dilanda puting beliung, kelmarin.

Seorang mati, 200 penduduk cedera di Virginia

VIRGINIA: Tiga puting beliung melanda Virginia, Amerika Syarikat, kelmarin dengan satu daripadanya melanda tenggara negeri itu sehingga menye-babkan kemusnahan pelbagai objek termasuk puluhan rumah dan kereta pada jarak 40 kilometer.

Laporan akhbar tempatan turut melaporkan seorang terbunuh dan lebih 200 penduduk cedera dalam bencana alam itu.

Gabenor Timothy M Kaine mengisytiharkan darurat di kawasan tenggara Virginia yang teruk dilanda puting beliung itu.

Jabatan Perkhidmatan Kaji Cuaca Kebangsaan mengesahkan puting beliung itu melanda mukim Suffolk, Colonial Heights dan Brunswick.

Ahli Kaji Cuaca Daerah, Bryan Jackson, menggambarkan Suffolk sebagai kawasan dilanda puting beliung paling dahsyat.

tingat aku 2006 masa catarina hurricane dulu..

[ Last edited by  amazed at 13-6-2008 08:30 AM ]

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Post time 30-4-2008 11:01 AM | Show all posts
bencana landa usa aku x kisah sgt..

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Post time 12-5-2008 07:18 AM | Show all posts
22 maut puting beliung di AS

MICHAEL RICHARDSON (tengah) dan ibunya mengangkat
katil bayi selepas rumah mereka musnah di Picher semalam.

WASHINGTON - Anggota-anggota penyelamat dan anjing pengesan semalam mencari mangsa yang terperangkap di celah runtuhan selepas angin puting beliung melanda bandar Picher, Oklahoma.

Dalam kejadian yang berlaku kelmarin itu sebanyak tujuh orang disahkan terbunuh.
Angin puting beliung turut menyebabkan 15 orang lagi terbunuh di Missouri dan Georgia.
Beberapa pegawai berharap mereka tidak akan menemui lagi mayat di Picher.

Menurut penduduk, angin puting beliung itu menyebabkan 150 orang cedera dan sejumlah kereta turut terbalik.
"Saya bersumpah, saya melihat kereta-kereta terapung," kata seorang penduduk Herman Hernandez.
"Terdapat juga bunyi yang cukup kuat," jelasnya.

Dalam kejadian itu, angin puting beliung itu pada mulanya bergerak ke barat daya Missouri menyebabkan 14 orang terbunuh.

Ia kemudian bergerak ke Georgia menyebabkan seorang terbunuh.

Di Picher, beberapa rumah rosak manakala dinding sebahagian rumah lain runtuh.
Dalam satu kejadian, angin itu memusnahkan sebuah dinding bilik tidur sebuah rumah. - Agensi

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Post time 12-5-2008 07:19 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by pholidia at 30-4-2008 11:01 AM
bencana landa usa aku x kisah sgt..

aku tak kira.. mana2 bencana pun.. aku simpati... gak.. kalu aku tak suka gomen tu... tapi rakyat depa terutama yg budak2 tu inesen..  sian abis  mati..    

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 Author| Post time 24-5-2008 09:34 AM | Show all posts
Puting beliung landa Amerika

COLORADO: Sekurang-kurangnya seorang maut manakala 13 lain cedera selepas puting beliung besar melanda beberapa negeri Amerika Syarikat lewat kelmarin, termasuk di selatan California dan Colorado yang memusnahkan rumah dan bangunan.

Kejadian ribut itu turut menurunkan ketulan hujan batu sebesar bola golf, menterbalikkan kenderaan di atas jalan raya serta sekurang-kurangnya 15 gerabak yang turut terbalik di Windsor, sebuah kawasan perladangan kira-kira 100 kilometer ke utara Denver.

Statistik menunjukkan seramai 100 orang maut akibat puting beliung di Amerika setakat tahun ini, bilangan terburuk sejak sedekad lalu, kata Jabatan Perkhidmatan Cuaca Kebangsaan.

Pejabat Koroner Weld County, Colorado, mengesahkan kematian seorang mangsa dalam ribut ganas di kawasan yang terletak kira-kira 80 kilometer ke utara Denver.

Imej rakaman yang disiarkan di kaca televisyen semalam menunjukkan rumah tanpa bumbung yang diterbangkan angin dan sistem perairan ladang yang musnah.

Windsor, bandar yang didiami kira-kira 16,000 orang menjadi kawasan paling teruk terjejas apabila puting beliung itu turut membawa hujan batu dan angin kencang.

Beberapa kawasan, termasuk persimpangan di Interstate 25, lebuh raya utama utara selatannya, terpaksa ditutup kepada lalu lintas.

Media tempatan turut melaporkan, seramai 60,000 penduduk di kawasan itu bergelap apabila bekalan elektrik terputus.

Hujan renyai turut melanda selatan California, tetapi keadaan cuaca lebih buruk dilaporkan di kawasan sekitar selatan dan timur Amerika.

Hujan lebat itu turut menyebabkan beberapa jalan raya di Lebuh Raya Santa Monica di El Monte, terpaksa ditutup.

Bencana alam itu berlaku ketika ramai penduduk bersesak di jalan raya sempena cuti Memorial Day yang bermula semalam.

Jabatan Kaji Cuaca Kebangsaan Amerika sempat mengeluarkan amaran puting beliung berkenaan di beberapa kawasan selatan California selepas radarnya mengesan pergerakannya ke selatan berhampiran Moreno Valley.

Amaran itu menyebabkan penduduk hanya sempat menyelamatkan barangan penting sebelum rumah mereka musnah dilanda angin kencang berkenaan.

揃unyinya sebegitu kuat dan tidak ubah seperti pintu yang tercabut,

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Post time 24-5-2008 07:02 PM | Show all posts
aku pun sian kat budak2

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