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Last edited by kogepang on 1-4-2013 10:44 AM
5 years??
bukan taska ke?  |
betul. kena daftar cepat. kalau tak silap, 2 tahun sebelum anak start sekolah dah boleh register. especially kalau sekolah kat area yang cepat penuh. |
Originally posted by kogepang at 8-1-2008 02:47 PM 
Dear guys,
My daughter 5 years this year, so I nak kena register dia standard 1 already bulan 3 ni.
These are few schools that I've listed around my area:
(1) SK ...
If i were you, I would get the rankings of these school based on UPSR results. And also call the office of each school to know on student ratio (malay/chinese/indian).......... |
Ada sesetengah sekolah boleh register 2 tahun before skolah tp ada yang 1 tahun nak masuk darjah 1, depends on school so better call dulu.. me plan nak hantar kat Bintang Utara cheras, bulan 3 nih nak register dah coz skolah nih pisang panas (sekolah kawalan (kata pejabat pendidikan WP)..and already call dan survey pasal skolah ni.
[ Last edited by lesung at 8-1-2008 05:14 PM ] |
Originally posted by macademia at 8-1-2008 04:53 PM 
If i were you, I would get the rankings of these school based on UPSR results. And also call the office of each school to know on student ratio (malay/chinese/indian)..........
sis mac,
how do we get access to the rankings? call up MOE ke? or, pay a visit to the respective schools? ada possibilities tak if tanya kat sekolah tu sendiri, they might not give the accurate picture?
bab student ratio tu, i prefer yg multi-racial. biar my children pandai bergaul dgn berbagai kaum, & pandai hormat pd mereka from different races & religions.
kalau masuk ke schools yang dominated by 1 race aje (cth nya malays) -- *ni my opinion je lah, lain orang lain pendapat* -- i'm worried my kids nanti jadi complacent being among his or her own kaum je, dah la kat rumah semua org melayu (parents & siblings), sedara mara pun melayu. then pegi sekolah pun jumpa melayu.
nanti jadi 'malu' nak mix dgn those from other races.
my opinion only, for my own kids. |
Originally posted by kogepang at 8-1-2008 05:29 PM 
Tapi actually cikgu2 ni tak berapa suka sangat bila ditanya soalan tu, samada diorang jawab tapi macam tak berapa suka or
diorang akan jawab balik sekolah semua sama, bergantung pada anak kita dan kita sebagai ibu bapa sendiri.
kogepang, ni yang saya dok fikir ni, if tanya sekolah, takut sekolah tu tak berapa nak tell the truth.
tapi, upsr ni tak penting in the sense of, pass or fail, the child still makes it to the high school.
however, it is important too, in the sense, WHICH high school he will end up attending (kot2 ada parents yg nak anak masuk asrama penuh).
most of the time, a good high school, with excellent students ni penting utk mempengaruhi anak2 kita so that sama2 berjaya.
pengaruh rakan sebaya adalah paling besar dari segi nak tentukan kejayaan pelajar, ada pelajar bijak, tapi silap berkawan, ended up kurang berjaya. |
yups, actually nak tanya direct kat sekolah tu about the results, etc, takut they wont tell the truth,
so that's why, I'm opening this thread in case some of you guys ada xperience or heard any infos about the schools,
kalau ada yang kerja di kementerian pendidikan lagi bagus,
actually i try gak nak cari2 sapa2 di kementerian pendidikan that can provide me about these schools.
maybe nak try tanya satu member i cikgu di pahang lar, kot2 lar she knows anything.
yeah, memang UPSR tak penting, tp kalau results dia ok, dapat juga dia pergi ke boarding school ke (if she's OK to go to the boarding school lar).
coz i setuju dengan mclaren that "most of the time, a good high school, with excellent students ni penting utk mempengaruhi anak2 kita so that sama2 berjaya. "
yups, i setuju gak mclaren cakap yg mclaren prefer multiracial school. |
Originally posted by lesung at 8-1-2008 05:10 PM 
Ada sesetengah sekolah boleh register 2 tahun before skolah tp ada yang 1 tahun nak masuk darjah 1, depends on school so better call dulu.. me plan nak hantar kat Bintang Utara cheras, bulan 3 ni ...
Lesung..anak u masuk standard 1 bila ?next year ke?coz my son yg akan masuk standard 1 2009 ni I dah register kat sri bintang utara last year.Masa i register tu i org yg ke 45 tapi as you said la nak dapatnya susah kena ada kabel baru boleh dapat... |
Reply #1 kogepang's post
My niece pernah sekolah kat marian convent and i rasa sekolah dia ok...kenapa tak nak try CBN? |
Originally posted by serimaya at 8-1-2008 08:56 PM 
My niece pernah sekolah kat marian convent and i rasa sekolah dia ok...kenapa tak nak try CBN?
CBN? Which is called Bintang Utara now ke? Emm..yang tu jauh lah dari rumah. Bercinta le pulak nak redah jem semua nanti. |
Originally posted by sepoibahasa at 9-1-2008 05:44 AM 
CBN? Which is called Bintang Utara now ke? Emm..yang tu jauh lah dari rumah. Bercinta le pulak nak redah jem semua nanti.
CBN? Which is called Bintang Utara now ke? Emm..yang tu jauh lah dari rumah. Bercinta le pulak nak redah jem semua nanti. Tadi tu terpakai login adik i pulak, terkezut lak tengok tiba-tiba credit banyak sangat...hehehe......... |
Originally posted by kogepang at 8-1-2008 05:29 PM 
Yups, budak yang lahir tahun 2003 which is going to be 5 years this year need to register already this march.
Sekarang undang2 gitu.
Dulu2 umur 2 thn pun leh register dah.
Yeah, myself p ...
mmm.... hairan kalau guru taknak share results UPSR. Kat tempat mac ni, tanya ajela mana2 sekolah.... the teachers will just tell you, takde masalah..... UNLESS results UPSR tu teruk sangatla.......
Sekolah my girls, every year siap tempah board lagi to display depan dewan how many students dpt 5A and brapa puratanya....
I'm from convent, so its important to me to have racial integration. Sekolah2 my kids semua jauh2 to have this racial mix. Sekolah yg dekat rumah semua 99.9% malays...... memang jenuhla with the kids punya transportation and duit minyak and kids pun tired jugak. Mak budak lagi nak pengsan. Nak hantar One way aje dah take up 30 mins..... Tapi after 7 years of doing this, memang berbaloi and mac puas hati.
Sekolah my girls malay 40% indian 40% chinese 20%. Sekolah my son malay 25% indian 55% chinese 20%.
Its good tat u tau environment around the school. Kadang2 ada sekolah tu dekat dgn tempat flat and pasar malam, eg ada one school ni..... mintak maafla, rungutan dari cikgu yg mac dengar, budak2 di sekolah ni mmg terbiar, walaupun tempatnya hampir kat town area. Sebab parents sibuk berniaga pasar malam sana sini. Kes ponteng and merokok banyak as early as 10 yrs old. Budak std 3 and std 5 kena tangkap buat projek kat padang..... macam2....
another thing to look at is whether the school provide JQAF. KAP timings pulak macamana..... 2nd language ada tak (mandarin/tamil) .... just in case u r particular dgn benda2 ni.....
[ Last edited by macademia at 9-1-2008 08:40 AM ] |
Originally posted by mclaren at 8-1-2008 05:30 PM 
sis mac,
how do we get access to the rankings? call up MOE ke? or, pay a visit to the respective schools? ada possibilities tak if tanya kat sekolah tu sendiri, they might not give the ...
bab2 rankings ni.... mmm susah nak jawab. Dulu2 pun mac tak tau. I just wanted my kids masuk convents school, and kebetulan its the best school in the state. But now, since dah 7 tahun bergelumang dgn persekolahan anak2, networking dgn cikgu2 and parents pun banyak la.... So, basically everytime UPSR, I would know the top 3 schools in the state and would make sure that i know all the good schools punya UPSR results. Dulu2, masa ada list top10 schools in malaysia, i pun ambik tau, tapi sekarang mereka tak kluarkan the list tu lagi.....
Now mac tgh mendekati guru2 and parents sek men..... tahun lepas bila my eldest masuk form 1, mac dah start analyse PMR results pulak.....
So kena kenal2 la parents yg berada di sekolah2 yg u minat tu.... dari situ boleh tau..... sekolah tu elok ke, cikgu2 macamana, gurubesar dok direct selling ke.... yearly persediaan UPSR macamana....
nak call MOE, tak layan they all kut..... unless ada yg kenal.
Ni baru dapat info dari kawan, budak2 from one boarding school yg terkenal very strict, selalu ada masalah disiplin bila masuk IPTA. Every year cam tu.... so walaupun IPTA tu jauh lagi for mac.... tapi dengar2 jugakla.... for info kan.... |
Originally posted by sepoibahasa at 9-1-2008 05:44 AM 
CBN? Which is called Bintang Utara now ke? Emm..yang tu jauh lah makciksarawaktuakerepoti rumah. Bercinta le pulak nak redah jem semua nanti.
BIntang Utara was previously BBGS.... If i duduk KL, I would send my girls to either CBN or SBU.... maybe la kut, but still depands on info on rankings, racial mix and social problems..... |
Reply #12 serimaya's post
My girl tahun 2010 masuk std 1.. tu pasal by march i kena gi register cecepat..
i heard ada parent yang sanggup 'bayar xtra' as long anak dapat masuk sekolah tu.. |
Originally posted by lesung at 9-1-2008 11:05 AM 
My girl tahun 2010 masuk std 1.. tu pasal by march i kena gi register cecepat..
i heard ada parent yang sanggup 'bayar xtra' as long anak dapat masuk sekolah tu..
sebaya lah anak kita. |
Reply #21 kogepang's post
Kat umah i ada few school la..kalau pk dekat dan senang memang la kantp i prefer CBN... lagipun dekat gak la ngan rumah..
[ Last edited by lesung at 9-1-2008 11:17 AM ] |
I plan nak register kat Chinese School (SJK ladang Harcoft).
1st intake tahun ni dr Std 1 to Std 3. Bagus ke tak sek ni tak tau lagi.
But very2 near to my house. Belum cek requirement dorang . Pas habis pantang ni akan gi tanyalah.
My chinese neighbour remind me about chinese school kiasuness.
If too much maybe cari sekolah lain. |
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